Charmed: A Prescott Novel (The Prescott Series Book 3)

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Charmed: A Prescott Novel (The Prescott Series Book 3) Page 2

by Joanne Schwehm

  “It looks like Dane is on the same track with Beverly. Those two are a family already.” Lucy sat at the dressing table and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “I must say, I’m proud of both of them for taking in Katie.”

  “Out of all my brothers, I would have thought Dane would have been a confirmed bachelor who screwed his way through each and every state—including Alaska.”

  We both laughed.

  Actually, Beverly was perfect for Dane. She’d met Katie and her grandmother when she was working at a shelter, and when Katie’s grandmother died and the child needed a home, Beverly happily took her in. Dane was already in love with Beverly at that point, and became an instant daddy by choice. His willingness to take on that responsibility made me love my brother even more, if that was humanly possible.

  Mom walked in and gushed over Lucy in her wedding gown, which was wonderful, but it didn’t help Lucy stay composed.

  “I’m going to go finish getting ready.” Thankfully, I’d done my hair before we arrived, so all that was left was to touch up my makeup and put on my gown.

  Beverly and Katie’s voices filled the room. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on that little girl and help her get ready. I remember being six and wanting to play dress-up. When I opened the door, more happy tears were flowing.

  I reached for her hand. “Come on, Katie. Let’s go do your hair,” I said, and her little face lit up as she practically bounced into the bathroom.


  ~ Mason ~

  Traveling during the holidays sucked, but this year it was unavoidable. My best friend was getting married, and when she called to ask if I’d escort her down the aisle, my heart practically burst with love for her.

  Lucy was estranged from her parents, which pissed me off more than saddened me. They treated her horribly as a teenager, and although she faced what they did to her head-on, that didn’t mean she forgave them. Hell, I wouldn’t want to be around them—ever.

  My goal had been to arrive before today, but flights from Los Angeles to Virginia were overbooked. So, there I sat in coach class, row 35, seat A, behind a woman and two unruly children.

  Fantastic. Shouldn’t they be home playing with toys from Santa? Or sleeping?

  When we were at cruising altitude, I put on my noise-canceling headphones, clicked on my music app, and did my best to fall asleep. I hoped that when I woke up, we’d be touching down at Dulles International Airport.

  As my mind drifted away to the tunes of Coldplay, a gorgeous woman infiltrated my thoughts. She was stunning with dark blond hair that looked soft to the touch, falling in waves over her bare shoulders. The woman was always impeccably dressed and could stop traffic with her beauty. Even when she wore jeans and a Nationals baseball jersey, like she did the first day I met her, she looked fashionable. Maybe it was the way she carried herself, but I was a goner the first time I laid eyes on her.

  It was as if I’d known her forever, but I hadn’t. When her brother Drake introduced us, I was drawn to her. The way her eyes lit up when she smiled made me want to be the one to make her happy; to see her light up when I walked into a room would be a dream come true. Her laugh was infectious. Everyone could see she was genuine, and although her brothers wanted to protect her, I had a feeling she could do that all on her own.

  It was a shame she had a boyfriend.

  More thoughts of Gretchen Prescott filled my mind as I dozed off. With “Fix You” playing in the background, I had the best dream.

  Her body pressed against mine. I could actually feel her warm breath against my neck, making my entire body come alive. My arms tightened, and our bodies pressed against each other. Nothing was coming between us, not even the salty ocean air.

  In an instant, I was hard. When her hips pressed against mine, I knew full well she could feel my erection. She let out a sultry moan, making me stiffer. That’s when our eyes met. Desire pulsed between us as neither of us blinked.

  Taking the opportunity in front of me, I gently grazed my knuckles down the side of her face. First at her temple, and then slowly down until I reached the skin on her smooth neck, which begged to be kissed, licked, sucked, and worshiped. There was something about the way she’d tilt her head to give me more access that was sexier than anything I’d ever seen.

  When her lips parted, she lifted her head to say something, but I stopped her, needing to tell her how I felt. I knew it was wrong. She’d been claimed by another man, but this was my shot, my time to put it all out there.

  Without anything to lose and everything to gain, I said, “Gretchen . . .”

  Just as I was about to spill my soul to her, a pain in my knees jarred me from my Gretchen-induced fantasy. The lovely woman’s child in front of me decided to recline his seat as far back as it would go.

  My entire body ached from practically sitting in the fetal position for the past two hours. I shifted in my seat to try to get more comfortable, but it was hopeless.

  Next time, I’m splurging for an upgrade.

  * * *

  As soon as the plane landed, I sent Lucy a text to let her know I arrived. When I’d first told her I was arriving on Christmas morning, she started searching the Internet like a travel agent on speed. She was consumed with what ifs—what if the plane was delayed, what if the weather was bad, what if my flight was canceled . . .

  MASON: Hi. The eagle has landed.

  LUCY: Yay, I’m so glad. Do you have everything you need?

  MASON: Yes. Relax.

  LUCY: Me? Not relaxed?

  A chuckle escaped me.

  MASON: My bad. Love you. See you soon.

  LUCY: Love you too. I can’t wait to see you.

  The terminal was bustling with travelers. It was amazing how many people were scurrying through the airport. Families with kids in tow, and couples dressed in summer clothing, apparently going to a warmer climate.

  But when I glanced at the ticket kiosks on my way out, I could have sworn I saw Gretchen’s boyfriend. That asshole. Granted, I’d only met him briefly, but I had his face committed to memory. A redhead was standing next to him, running her fingers up and down his arm.

  Who the hell was that? Was he with this woman?

  Suddenly my heart was full of dread at the sight before me. My legs wouldn’t allow me to move toward him, so I continued toward the exit. I glanced back and his eyes were on mine.

  You’re busted, you fucker. I shook my head and walked out the automatic door, pulling my luggage closely behind me.

  Once I was in my hotel room, I took a shower and prayed Scott had a twin brother. How in the hell could he cheat on Gretchen? Maybe they broke up? No, Lucy would have told me.

  Rationale for Scott’s being with that woman flew through my head as the water beat on my body. After I turned the hot water off, I realized there was no excuse for cheating on her or anyone. I thought about checking social media to see if anything was posted about their relationship status, but Gretchen didn’t seem the type to post about her personal life.

  I wiped the steam-covered mirror with my towel and stared at the man looking back at me. Visions of Scott and the mystery woman plagued me, but today my best friend was getting married. I’d be damned if I was going to let anything cast a shadow on that—especially a douche bag like Scott.

  * * *

  Jack Prescott’s house was larger than I’d expected. Yes, his success wasn’t a secret, but from the looks of this grand home, an entire soccer team could live here and not bump into one another unless they wanted to.

  Josh spotted me from across the room. “Hey there, McDermott.”

  We shook hands. Josh was the youngest of the Prescott brothers, although today, he resembled the others more than usual since his tattoos were covered by his tuxedo.

  “Hey, Josh. How’s the bride and groom today?”

  He smiled and let out a chuckle. “I haven’t seen Lucy but from what I was told, she’s much calmer than her groom. He’s currently wearing a path in Jack’s lawn.”

  I laughed, picturing the calm, cool, and collected former senator stressed out. Josh clapped me on the shoulder and we made our way to the back patio where, in fact, he was absolutely correct. The air had a cold bite to it, but Drake looked as if he’d run a marathon.

  “A bit nervous?” I said, and Jack, Drake, and their father turned to look at me. “Geez, Prescott. You’d think you were getting married today or something.”

  We all chuckled, but Drake just gave me a lopsided grin.

  “Mason.” He walked up to shake my hand. “Lucy will be thrilled you made it. She was worried.”

  I nodded. “I know, but I think I should be worried about you. How are you doing?”

  “I’m ready to make Lucy mine. Permanently.”

  “Glad to hear it. I’m not going to lecture you like the father of the bride normally would, because I know you’d never hurt her, but if you ever do, you’ll have me to deal with.” I winked and he nodded.

  “Trust me, the only thing I plan on doing to Lucy is loving her for the rest of her life.”

  Good answer. “Speaking of the blushing bride, I should go see her. You’re both lucky, and I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  I hustled upstairs to the bedroom where the ladies were gathered, and my breath caught in my throat. Lucy, of course, was drop-dead gorgeous, but Gretchen was breathtaking.

  The air in my lungs practically seized at the sight of her, and my eyes forgot how to blink. The only thing that made me realize I wasn’t dreaming was the hard hammering of my heart against my ribs.


  ~ Gretchen ~

  Once I was done with Katie’s curls, topping them off with a frilly white bow on her head, I opened the door to show off my pint-sized creation.

  “Are you ready to see the prettiest girl in the world?”

  What I wasn’t prepared to see was Mason, Lucy’s best friend from California. Every time I laid eyes on the man, he took my breath away. His fair hair appeared lighter against his tanned skin, and was a bit longer since the last time I saw him. He was so gorgeous, he looked like he walked off the cover of GQ.

  Was I even blinking? Breathing?

  Inhale . . . exhale . . . inhale . . . exhale.

  “Hello, Gretchen.”

  With each stride he took toward me, my heart hammered a little harder in my chest. Mason was sexy in everyday clothes, but in a black tuxedo? Holy hell, he looked good enough to eat. I almost looked down at my dress to see if my heart was still in my chest or if the fabric covering it was fluttering along with each beat, because that would be embarrassing.

  He stood in front of me, making me hyperaware that I needed to relax or I’d look like a fool.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “So do you.” My voice was so soft, I hardly heard my own words.

  Did I just tell him he looked beautiful?

  Before I could decipher what I had said, he pulled me into an embrace. It wasn’t tight or sexual, but the feel of his arms as they held my body did something to me, something that someone with a boyfriend should not be feeling. His body, although firm, molded to mine as if it were made for me, and before I realized it, I’d put my arms around his waist.

  Shaking all inappropriate thoughts aside, I quickly pulled away. It was time to go downstairs for the ceremony. I wasn’t sure Mason was going to make it, let alone be walking Lucy down the aisle. We’d become friends through her, and I didn’t realize how much I’d missed him until right now.

  * * *

  Exactly as I knew it would be, the ceremony was beautiful. Hearing Drake and Lucy exchange their vows, telling each other they’d stay true and love each other forever, brought me to tears, and as I scanned the room, I wasn’t the only one. Even my tough brothers’ eyes were glistening, not to mention my parents.’

  Then when I caught the expression on Mason’s face, my breath hitched. It was a combination of pride and loss. I knew he was proud of how far Lucy had come, but also knew she was his best friend, who he just “gave away” to another man. Although we all knew Drake was the best match for Lucy, and vice versa, I couldn’t help but feel bad for Mason. He’d been her lifeline for years, and I was sure it was hard for him to let her go. But he wasn’t losing her; he was gaining all of us.

  Music played in the room set up for the reception. Jack had transformed a large living area to look more like a ballroom. Small round tables covered with white linen were brightened by centerpieces of red and white roses. There was also a dance floor, a makeshift stage for the band, and a bar.

  A knot formed in my stomach as I watched happy couples dancing. After I snatched another glass filled with champagne off a passing waiter’s tray, I glanced at the bar. Mason casually leaned against the dark wood, laughing at something Lucy had said. His blond hair flopped over his forehead. My fingers itched to push it aside, but I tamped down that feeling and drummed them on the cloth-covered table instead.

  Dane and Beverly walked up to me, another blissfully happy couple. Kudos to her for snagging my brother. He was an amazing man—all my brothers were. The sight of them made me miss Scott even more. Truth be told, the more I thought about him not being here, the more annoyed I got.

  “Gretch? Are you all right?” Concerned flashed in Dane’s eyes. “Where’s Scott?”

  I shrugged one shoulder, causing my head to swim a little. Maybe I should have had more to eat than a few cocktail shrimp, but I didn’t care. I drained my glass and set it aside.

  With bravado and a fake smile, I replied, “Scott isn’t here.”

  Dane crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Why? Where is he?”

  “He flew out this morning. Something about a work emergency in Michigan.” I motioned for a waiter, who brought me another glass of champagne. What I really needed was a tissue, because I was sure I’d burst into tears at any second.

  “I’m sorry.” Dane’s expression softened, but irritation practically seeped from his pores.

  The bubbly liquid slid down my throat as I took a long sip. “He told me to pass along his congratulations and to have fun.”

  Dane took my hand and pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry, Gretch.”

  When he released me, I snagged another glass from the tray of a passing waiter, which caused Dane to scowl.

  “I think you’ve had enough to drink.”

  Nope. Not even close. “You know what? I think I want to dance.” My head spun a tad, but I needed to keep it together or Dane would carry me out of here.

  He held his hand out to me in invitation, but I shook my head. “No, big brother, not with you. With him.” I nodded toward Mason.

  Before Beverly or Dane could say anything, I gracefully—well, as gracefully as I could—made my way toward my intended target. I could feel the alcohol with each step I took. It was then I realized belatedly that four-inch heels and champagne didn’t mix.

  I gave myself the “don’t fall, look elegant” pep talk as I smiled at the guests I passed, most of whom knew I had a boyfriend and most likely wondered where he was. Even on a holiday, I was alone. I’d be cool with it if I were single. Being alone wasn’t all that bad, but when you had a boyfriend, you shouldn’t be flying solo.

  As I neared Lucy and Mason, his cologne invaded my senses and his laugh infiltrated my soul, but when he looked at me, my heart beat a little faster.

  He shouldn’t affect me this way. It must be the alcohol, or maybe all the wedding emotions floating around.

  Lucy smiled at me. “Hi, sister-in-law.” She was glowing, the perfect bride.

  I replied with the same greeting. Lucy’s face lit up when Drake came to steal her away for a dance.

  “Are you having fun?” Mason asked as I leaned my back against the bar for support. He glanced around. “Where’s Scott?” There was something snarky in his tone that wasn’t like him at all, but I let it slide.

  I gave him a weak smile. “He had to leave for a business meeting.”

  Mason’s face twis
ted into a scowl, and he took a sip of his beer. “That’s too bad.”

  That sobered me up a bit.

  The music shifted to something slower, and Mason bent over to whisper in my ear, “Would you care to dance?”

  Guilt over whether I should or shouldn’t washed over me, even though that was why I had come to stand next to him. But dancing wasn’t cheating, and Scott did tell me to have fun.

  “Sure. I’d love to.”

  Mason placed his hand on the small of my back as he guided me to the dance floor. Warmth from his palm soared up my spine, and I could feel my nipples peak beneath the fabric of my bra. He held me ballroom-style as we swayed to the music. I wasn’t sure which song was playing, but it didn’t matter.

  “Can you believe they’re married?” He tilted his chin toward Drake and Lucy, who were lip-locked.

  “They’re perfect for each other. I’m so happy for them.” When I glanced back at Mason, he was staring at me. “What?”

  “Nothing. I just wish you were happy. When you were talking to Dane, you looked upset.”

  Mason was watching me? “I’m happy. It’s not every day you see your brother get married.”

  I wasn’t going to tell him what I’d been thinking about my absentee boyfriend. After all, it wouldn’t be fair to speak about Scott behind his back. I’d keep my disparaging thoughts to myself.

  “If you say so.” He twirled me under his arm, making me lose my balance, and I stumbled against his chest. He wrapped me in his arms. “I got you. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sorry. Maybe I should go sit down.” Embarrassment flooded me.

  My brother Josh was at my side in an instant. “Gretch, are you all right?”

  I bashfully nodded. The longer I stood there, the more I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks. Rather than go back to my table, I decided I needed air.

  “Please excuse me.”

  As smoothly as I could, I slipped away and walked out the French doors that led to the covered patio behind the house. My lungs took in the winter night one long inhale at a time. I wrapped my arms around my midsection, rubbing them with the opposite hand in an effort to warm up.


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