Charmed: A Prescott Novel (The Prescott Series Book 3)

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Charmed: A Prescott Novel (The Prescott Series Book 3) Page 23

by Joanne Schwehm

  Gretchen got up and sat herself on my lap. “I’m relaxed because I’m with you. You’re the person I want to be with. Yes, I feel as if we’ve been together for weeks, but even though that was conjured up in my head, it’s like I actually lived it. I wish this were a movie where I could wave a wand and you’d remember too. But if there’s anything you want to know, just ask.”

  “There’s really just one thing. I want to see your list of what you want to do. I know we’ve done a couple of them, but I want to see the entire list, if you want to share it with me.” The scent of her perfume, shampoo, or whatever I was inhaling washed over me like a wave in the ocean. “But I also don’t want to live in a dream world. This is real, Gretch. What I feel for you and have felt for you is as real as it gets.”

  “I didn’t bring it with me for two reasons. One, I was in a hurry, but the most important reason was I didn’t want to. In a way, I love that list. As a kid, I’d jot things down, but now they almost seem trivial. I’d rather us create a list together. Naturally, we can incorporate things from mine, but I’d like to share it with you.”

  I threaded our hands together. “I’d love that too.”

  Her legs swung freely on the side of the chair. “I need to go back to Virginia.”

  And there it was, the inevitable jolt of reality. Of course she did. Everything and everyone she loved was nearly three thousand miles away. My contract with UCLA was ironclad; unless I was fired, which I didn’t want to be, I was in California for another two years.

  “Of course. I understand. I was just hoping you could stay out here for a while longer. I haven’t had you long, and the thought of you leaving so soon—”

  She must have sensed my disappointment, because she spun on my lap to face me. “No, you’re misunderstanding. I need to tell my family that I want to go to California for an extended visit to see if I’d like living here. That was my plan all along, until we had a fight, and then it wasn’t.”

  Gretchen had told me how the dream ended, which I assured her would never happen.

  “Will you come with me?” she said. “I’d like to tell them when the family is together, and I know there’s a dinner planned at my parents’ place to welcome Drake and Lucy home from their honeymoon.”

  Relief ran through my veins and straight to my heart. Thank God. “If you want me there, then of course I’ll come with you.”

  “Fantastic, because the dinner is next Sunday.” She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

  “Ah, the infamous Prescott family dinners. Lucy’s told me about them. Are you sure you want me there?”

  “Of course I do. And they aren’t infamous, they’re just dinner. Although, I suppose for a non-Prescott, they could appear that way. But the entire family will be there, including Dane. Plus, you already know them and they love you, so you’re way ahead of the game.”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  “Now, enough about that. What do you say to a little skinny-dipping? Let’s have sex in Jack’s pool; it will be a great story to tell him in a couple of years.” She giggled.

  “It’ll be a great story to get my ass kicked.”

  Then it hit me. She’d said a couple of years. Even though this was just the beginning, she saw a future with us. Some men would freak out at that prospect, and in the past, that thought would have freaked me out if anyone other than Gretchen had said it to me.

  Without further thought, I stood and carried her to the edge of the pool, before we stripped naked and christened it.

  * * *

  Being back in Virginia so soon after the last time I was here wasn’t something I had planned. None of this was, but now we were on our way to her family dinner. What would they all think of this? She’d told them she was bringing someone, but didn’t say who.

  Yesterday, I had a chance to talk to her girlfriend, Sophie, and wow, was she a ball of energy. Much different than she had been on New Year’s Eve. She immediately started asking me about my friends so that when she came for a visit, she’d have someone to hang out with.

  We pulled up to Gretchen’s family’s home. Even though I knew everyone, this was different. I wasn’t coming as Lucy’s friend; I was here as Gretchen’s.

  “You ready to do this, surfer boy?”

  “Man. Surfer man.” When her face lit up with a bright smile, I took her hand in mine and kissed it before I let it dangle between us. “Lead the way, princess.” Gretchen was shocked when I’d first called her that. Apparently, that was what I’d called her in her dream.

  She didn’t bother ringing the doorbell; we just walked in.

  Chatter filled the open-concept home. It was stunning. Gretchen grew up like this, but I didn’t. She didn’t act like a rich brat; she worked hard for what she had. All the Prescotts did, and maybe that was why they were so down to earth.

  “Hi, everyone.” Gretchen beamed as she waved her free hand in the air.

  Everyone stared at us except for little Katie, who ran up and hugged Gretchen around the waist before running back to Beverly’s side.

  “Oh my God, you’re here.”

  Lucy, who was sporting a golden tan, squealed as she ran up and slung an arm around each of us in a joint hug. She whispered something in Gretchen’s ear, causing her to nod. Then she kissed me on the cheek and said, “I knew it.” She had always wanted Gretchen and me together, but Scott was in the picture then.

  Naturally, everyone was curious how we got together, so Gretchen told the story. At certain points, she’d break out into a fit of laughter, and the rest of them would just stare at her. Something about a hashtag war was the subject of the last hysterical outburst.

  Then she said, “Dane got so mad when Mason told him he saw me naked.”

  I popped out of my chair. “And that’s my cue. Anyone need a beer?”

  Josh chuckled. “I’ll come with you, man.”

  Dane, Drake, and Jack followed, but none of them thought her comment was funny except for Josh. Their parents had been in the room too, and seeing their faces contort into different expressions with each detail Gretchen cared to share was enough to make me sweat.

  We walked into the kitchen to grab our drinks, and planted our asses on the stools around the island.

  All except for Drake. He stood with his arms crossed.

  “So, you and my little sister.”

  I should be intimidated, but he was my best friend’s husband, so I knew he wouldn’t say or do anything he couldn’t take back.

  “Yes, me and your little sister. Who, I’d like to point out, is a grown woman.”

  Drake’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

  Josh coughed, “Shut it,” into his hand.

  I cleared my throat. “What I meant was, I care a lot about her,” I said, and glanced around to each of the Prescott brothers. “You guys know this.” As I brought the bottle of beer to my mouth, I shrugged a shoulder. “I suppose we could call Scott and see if he’ll take her back.”

  Josh laughed and clapped me on the back. “I like you, McDermott. Just don’t hurt my sister or I’ll kick your ass.”

  Dane just looked at me. “Treat her right, man.” He shook my hand.

  Jack rested his arm playfully on my shoulders, with just enough bend that he could pull me into a chokehold in a split second. “Don’t plan on christening every room in my Malibu house.”

  I nodded. “Look, guys, I’m not going to do anything to upset or hurt Gretchen. Drake, you know ever since you brought me to the Nationals game the day you were sucking up to Lucy, I’ve liked her. This was a shock to me too. Don’t think I hadn’t dreamed of this happening, but not in the way she had. Your sister has a vivid imagination. We’re also just starting out. Things might happen where she gets upset with me. I’m a guy; I’m bound to fuck up.”

  They all stared at me in silence until Josh spoke up. “Wow, you’re pussy whipped.”

  Everyone laughed, but Drake and Dane looked at me with knowing eyes because they were as well.
  Singing broke up the male bonding. Gretchen, Lucy, and Beverly were all singing, “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John and Kiki Dee. We all just looked at them.

  Lucy came up and put her arm around my waist. “So, you want to go to a karaoke bar?” She burst out laughing.

  Did she just snort?

  “You know I don’t sing.”

  Gretchen batted her long eyelashes and cooed, “But it was in my dream. That’s our song.”

  “Sorry, not working this time. This man doesn’t sing.” I scowled at Lucy. She knew this from a party we went to back in college.

  Everything about the Prescotts was fun; the entire family stuck together and backed each other up. It was pretty amazing. I could see why Lucy loved them so much.

  Dr. Prescott came in and cleared his throat. All laughing ceased, as if we’d all been caught red-handed doing something against the rules.

  “Mason . . .” As soon as he started talking, the others took a step back in unison. “Gretchen has informed us that she’ll be moving to California.”

  Did my eyeballs just pop out of my head? Sure felt that way. Holy shit, and fuck yes.

  I just nodded, and he cleared his throat.

  “She’s gone ahead and spoken to Jack already. So, she’ll be staying at his home until she finds a place of her own. While she’s there . . .”

  Oh, man, here comes the dad lecture.

  “You are to take care of her, treat her with respect, and show her around. I don’t want my little girl in a new place all alone, do you understand? I’m trusting you to be there for her. If not, I’m sending these clowns . . .” He waved his hands, indicating his sons, “to come there and take care of things. Are we clear?”

  Did I just walk into a scene from The Godfather? The serious look on his face made a lump form in my throat, and I didn’t know if I’d be able to swallow.

  “Y-yes sir. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to her.” I was sure I didn’t have any color remaining in my face.

  Before he or anyone said a word, he smirked, and the entire group, including little Katie, burst into a fit of laughter.

  Gretchen rolled up on her toes and kissed my cheek. “Welcome to the family.”

  Jack came up to us. “Sis, you stay at my place as long as you’d like. I’m hardly ever there, so there’s no reason for you to pay for an apartment.”

  She hugged him. “Thank you. I’ll remember everything you said to me. I’m not sure if I would have had the courage to go to California if we didn’t have our talk. I know you were talking about April. I’m sorry that didn’t work out, but there’s someone out there for you. I promise.”

  We said our good-byes and assured them we’d be back for Easter. As we stood on the porch, I looked down at the most beautiful woman. My woman.

  “Thanks for dreaming about me.”

  She smiled. “Just promise it won’t end the same.”

  “End? Princess, this is just the beginning.”


  Three Months Later

  ~ Gretchen ~

  “You did great, princess.” Mason kissed me as we stuck our surfboards in the sand.

  “I have a great teacher,” I said, and he beamed at me.

  Every day that passed since I moved to Cali had been better than the one before. California was everything that I dreamed it would be, and then some.

  To say I was comfortable being with Mason would be an understatement. Our friendship had grown deeper than it ever was. I was so thankful that he put up with me when I’d get irritated because he didn’t remember something I thought I had told him. In his defense, I hadn’t really told him; my amazing dream wasn’t a true reality.

  One night over dinner, we came to the conclusion that the easiest way to try to resolve the confusion would be for me to write everything down. It turned out to be the best idea. Not only did Mason understand everything better, but it was a therapy of sort for me.

  Granted, some of the things even made Mason squirm, like the hashtag war we had with my family, the phone call with Dane about my bikini mishap, and when he was in the shower having a great time—alone. However, he loved hearing about the times we had sex. I loved rehashing those memories too, since it generally landed us in the bedroom.

  The morning sun was out in full force as we sat on the beach, staring at the waves we’d just ridden. Now we were making new memories, which I loved.

  “Have you made up your mind?” Mason laced our fingers together. “I know it’s a big decision.”

  “It is a big decision, but not a difficult one. Everything about it makes me happy.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

  “I’d love for us to do this.” He exhaled and stared into my eyes. “You know I’ve been falling for you since the first day I met you; that part of your dream was true. But since I’ve had you here, I want to be with you. I want to call you mine, but more importantly, I want to be yours. Just us, Gretchen. You’re my closest friend, and spending almost every day together over the past couple of months has been the happiest of my life. One day I’ll share my name with you, but for now I’ll share my heart.”

  To render me speechless was a feat all on its own, but to bring tears to my eyes simply with words was something only Mason could do. Everything he said to me was what I had been feeling.

  “So, if I tell my family that we’re moving in together when we go there for Easter, would be okay with you?”

  His answer was a hug. Being in each other’s arms with our hearts beating together felt as natural as breathing.

  “Be mine, Gretchen. Let’s do this. I want to make all your dreams come true, and make new ones with you.”

  “Sounds like a great plan, surfer boy.”

  Mason pulled me up and grabbed our boards. Once we were back in Jack’s house, we showered and got cleaned up. We’d been splitting our time between his apartment and Jack’s. Granted, we had more sex at his apartment, because Mason was convinced that my brother would be able to tell what rooms we had christened. In reality, it had only been three of them, not including the pool and hot tub. But living together would change all of that.

  We were sitting in the kitchen having lunch when Mason said, “We should go celebrate.”

  “Yes, we should.” I grinned. “Let’s go to a karaoke bar.”

  Mason shook his head. “Not a chance, princess, but nice try. I was thinking something more along the lines of a ride on my bike.”

  He knew I loved that bike. Mason had bought me a helmet just like the one in my dream, and I loved it. However, he had an ulterior motive. He knew his bike turned me on and I was pretty much a sure thing once we’d get home, but when it came to him, I was almost always a sure thing.

  We finished lunch and headed out to his bike. Once my arms were around his waist, I knew that this was exactly what I wanted. Mason and me, two friends who became lovers and couldn’t wait to make our dreams come true.

  The End


  Stiffed: The Prescott Series (Book 4) (Jack’s story)

  Matched: The Prescott Series (Book 5) (Josh’s story)


  There are so many people who stand behind me and support me while I hole up in my office and write. I hope I don’t forget anyone, and if I do, please know it wasn’t intentional.

  First, I’d like to thank the readers. We all love to read and talk about the books and characters we love, and I am so thankful for all of you. Thank you for taking the time to send supportive messages. Your enthusiasm keeps me going, and there isn’t a thank-you big enough for that. xoxo

  My family, the true loves in my life. Thank you for putting up with me and my craziness while I’m writing. You three are my world, and I wouldn’t be able to do what I love without your love and support. I love you more than anything.

  To my beta readers Ann Marie, Robin, Lauren, Stephanie, and Lisa, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read for me. Your
feedback, comments, suggestions, and more importantly, your honesty, were incredibly helpful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Ann Marie, thank you for always being there, and for your honest opinion and advice. Thank you for reading Charmed chapter by chapter. A big thank-you for making me stay true to the story I wanted to tell. I know at times that wasn’t easy.

  Thank you to Kiki Chatfield and the ladies at The Next Step PR. I appreciate your support and guidance. I’m so happy to be part of the NSPR family.

  To all the bloggers, thank you for all the time you spend supporting authors and reading our stories. You take time out of your personal lives, and I am thankful.

  Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers, your talents astound me. Thank you for creating the perfect cover for Charmed. It completely captured Gretchen just as I’d hoped.

  Pam Berehulke at Bulletproof Editing, you’re an amazing editor and an even better person. I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to working with you again. Your attention to detail is unsurpassed, and I’m so happy to have you on my side.

  Tami at Integrity Formatting, you’re always a pleasure to work with. You’re such a sweet person, and I’m glad to be working with you.

  To the team at EverAfter Romance, I am so excited to be part of the EverAfter family. Thank you for all of your support.

  My awesome reader group, Joanne’s Book Junkies, thank you for the fun, laughter, chats, and for supporting me. I think you all rock.


  Joanne Schwehm is a wife and mother who loves to write and read romance. She loves watching baseball, especially the New York Yankees, and enjoys playing and watching golf.

  Joanne believes everyone should have romance in their lives and hopes her books bring joy and happiness to readers who enjoy modern-day fairy tales and breathless moments.


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