A Heart of a Duke Regency Collection : Volume 2--A Regency Bundle

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A Heart of a Duke Regency Collection : Volume 2--A Regency Bundle Page 95

by Christi Caldwell

  “I wanted to dance.” She spoke so quietly. Was the admission spoken for herself, for him? “Instead, he asked me to meet him in our host’s library. Of course, I did not think of all the rooms and doors I’d have to open or the danger to my reputation,” she spoke so quickly, her words tumbled over one another. “I just felt this…” She turned one hand up. “Excitement. How thrilling it was. He wanted to meet me.” A high-pitched laugh bubbled past her lips. “It was wicked and clandestine, and unlike anything I’d ever done. Unlike anything, any gentleman wished for me to do.”

  And Daniel proved the soulless bastard he truly was and always had been. Because with that break in her telling, he wanted to silence her story. Wanted her to end it so he didn’t know what had transpired between her and some nameless blackguard. Didn’t want to think of his Daphne, a girl of seventeen, sneaking around a stranger’s townhouse, to meet a man who ultimately became her lover. God, how he despised himself. For having failed her. For having failed to be there for her.

  “He took me in his arms,” she went on softly. A burning, biting hatred stuck in his throat and he struggled to swallow past it. “He promised to show me far grander pleasures than dancing.” If Daniel was a proper rake, he’d be bored by a telling he already knew the end to. The rotters he kept company with bragged of their conquests and wagered on their next bed sport. Daphne lifted ravaged eyes to his and she may as well have splayed him open with the old broadsword that hung above his office at Winterbourne Manor. “He took me against a wall, with my skirts up like a whore.”

  His stomach roiled and he struggled to draw in an even breath. The image of her painted so real, it crept forward, insidious like poison; seeping into every corner of his being, threatening to consume him. “Daphne.” He didn’t even recognize that hoarsened voice as belonging to him. It was the gruff, gravelly sound of a stranger, with rage pumping through his veins.

  “When it was over,” she went on as though he’d not spoken, her words curiously hollow. “He grinned, this cold, empty smile.” That is not a smile, Daniel. That is an empty, dark expression that could never be disguised as anything good… Oh, God, how he despised himself. “He said…” She shook her head.

  Don’t ask. It does not matter. “What did he say?” he demanded.

  She wetted her lips and stole a glance about. “‘You should be honored, Miss Smith. I’ve never rutted with a cripple before.’”

  A black rage fell over his vision, momentarily blinding him, so all he saw, tasted, and smelled was the death of the man who’d broken her heart, used her body, and shattered her innocence.

  “That was the last ball I attended.” Daphne folded her arms at her chest, in a lonely embrace. He wanted to take her in his arms and drive back that dark solitariness that he knew only too well. She snuck a peek at him. “I’m surely scandalous to even speak of it. Especially with you,” she said, swinging her legs back and forth slightly over the edge of the dais.

  “Daphne Smith, you could not be scandalous if you ran through the king’s palace naked as the day you were born.”

  His admission startled a laugh from her and a lightness suffused his chest at being the person to bring back her smile. “You believe I jest?” A loose curl popped free of her chignon and he leaned over and brushed it back, deliberately grazing his fingertips over her cheek. Her breath hitched and he lost himself briefly in the green of her eyes. He caressed his knuckles over the satiny soft flesh. “One scandal does not make a person scandalous, Daphne. It makes you a person who made a mistake.” Whereas he, with a lifetime of sins attached to his dark soul, wore his deviltry as a second skin. Mayhap it was the late hour, but he was besieged with moroseness. Daniel absently picked up the bottle beside him, studying it.

  Daphne took it from him and their fingers brushed; a sharp charge like the one that lingered in the air during a lightning strike passed between them. Then, Daphne drew back and trailed her finger around the rim of the bottle. “You recently told me about the wonders that come from losing yourself in another body.” He winced. “I didn’t know that wonder. It was painful and awkward and I stood there looking at the door, waiting for it to end. There was no ecstasy, Daniel. No bliss.”

  He closed his eyes. There could never be any mistaking Daniel Winterbourne as a gentleman. With his vices and darkness, he was not a man to duel another. Instead, if he found the bastard’s name, he would tear him apart with his bloody hands and dance a jig upon his dead body with glee. Drawing in a steadying breath, Daniel faced her. “That is not how it has to be, Daphne.” That is not how it should be.

  She nodded jerkily. “You have said as much.” She briefly dipped her gaze to the gap in his shirt and then slowly lifted her eyes to his. “And now I want you to show me.”

  A dull humming buzzed in his ears like the swarm of bees they’d knocked from a hive, all those years ago. His heart paused its beat. Surely he’d misheard her. Surely with his lust-filled dreams, waking and sleeping ones, he’d conjured that breathy appeal in his mind.

  Daphne set aside the decanter and reached for his hand, twining their fingers together. She drew his hand close to her chest. “I want you to make love to me, Daniel.”

  Proper young ladies did not ask a notorious rake to make love to them.

  But Daphne was no longer a young lady. She was a woman. A woman who ached to know more than the glimpse Daniel had shown her last evening. Ached to know him in every way. To know the bliss he painted with his words and to block out the memories of that other time. To cleanse them from her and only know the beauty of Daniel’s embrace.

  “Daphne,” he said hoarsely, slipping his hand from hers. She went cold, mourning the loss of his touch. “I cannot.”

  All the greatest humiliations of that night in Lord Leopold’s arms ripped through her and her heart lurched. Of course. Gentlemen didn’t desire her. The man she’d given her heart and virtue to had only wanted it as a twisted game of conquest that came in bedding an oddity. Daniel would have too many scruples to shame her in that way, but neither could he bring himself to find the bliss he so spoke of in her arms. Her entire body was afire with mortified shame. Daphne reached for her cane. “I see,” she said, her voice hollow as she struggled to always unsteady feet. “Forgive me. I will allow you your spirits.” Never more had she wished for the full functional use of legs to carry her far and fast away from this humiliation. She took a step and Daniel shot a hand around her wrist, staying her movements.

  “What do you think you see?” he demanded.

  Glancing down at his fingers, she looked to him, and proudly met his gaze. “I am no beauty, Daniel,” she spoke with a pragmatism that came in knowing who she was and having accepted it. “I’m not a woman you’d take to your bed.” Unlike that gloriously lush figure from Madam Thoureaux’s who’d sidled up to him this evening; the pair of them, the picture of beauty personified.

  “Is that what you believe?” he asked gruffly. Never loosening his grip, he drew her slowly closer until only a handbreadth of space divided them.

  Heat poured from his broadly muscled frame, stealing her thoughts. Her mouth went dry. “I-Is it not true?” she managed, when she trusted herself to speak.

  Daniel filled his hands with her buttocks and dragging her close he pressed her against the vee between his legs so that his shaft prodded her lower belly. Her breathing grew shallow. “Make no mistake, Daphne Delilah Smith, I want you.” That husky avowal set off a wicked fluttering low inside. His brandy-tinged breath wafted over her; purely masculine and wicked, and wholly him.

  “Then make love to me.” Surely that sultry whisper did not belong to her?

  He sucked in an audible breath and his flesh sprung harder than ever. Mayhap she was more than just a little bit wicked, because a thrill of feminine triumph raged through her at his obvious desire—a desire for her. Her in all her flaws and imperfections. But then, he released her so quickly she stumbled, quickly righting herself with her cane.

  Daniel retreat
ed a step, holding his hands up, as if to ward her off. “Damn it, Daphne, I’m trying to be honorable.”

  Warmth unfurled in her heart. At the furious and frustrated glimmer hardening his eyes, she fell even more in love with him. Yes, she would one day leave London and him…and they would carry on with their own separate lives as they once had. He’d marry and give another woman children. Grief scissored her heart. But she would have this from him. This moment, without apology or regret, just the pleasure he’d spoken of. Daphne limped forward. “I do not want you to be honorable. I want you to make love to me.”

  An agonized groan spilled from him. He closed his eyes tightly and his lips moved silently, as though in prayer. “You don’t know what you are saying. You have romantic dreams—”

  “Stop telling me what I feel or how I feel.” Capturing his hand, she drew it to her breast and he instantly cupped the small mound. A harsh groan rumbled in his chest. “This is what I want, Daniel,” she said resolutely, meeting his gaze. “One night of the pleasure you spoke of. I’m not asking for you to love me. I’m asking you to show me passion.”

  He stilled. Desire glazed over his eyes and then he caught her to him. The cane slipped from her fingers as he devoured her mouth. There was no hint of yesterday’s gentleness. His was the kiss of a man who sought to brand her as his. Parting her lips, he thrust his tongue inside.

  Daphne whimpered and met his movements with wild abandon, the heady taste of brandy and cinnamon swamping her senses. Retrieving her cane, he swept Daphne into his arms and she cried out as he broke the kiss. He is stopping? Her body screamed in protest. “What—?”

  “I’m not going to take you on a ballroom floor or against a wall,” he said on a silken whisper. “I am going to have you in your bed, spread before me, as I’ve ached to since you stormed my foyer.” He searched his gaze quickly over her face. “Do you want to stop? Tell me now.”

  She wrapped her arms about his neck and kissed him, letting her desire serve as her answer. They mated with their mouths in a primal dance until wetness pooled at her core. Daphne moaned in the pleasure-pain of his embrace. Yanking away, Daniel started swiftly through the ballroom. “Someone may see us,” she whispered against his chest.

  “They are all sleeping,” he said instantly, his voice gravelly from unfulfilled desire. He caressed the swell of her buttocks, toying with the flesh through her gown, until he’d worked another breathless whimper from her lips. “Take pride in your pleasures,” he commanded. “Let the world judge, for they do not know the wonder.”

  She marveled at his long-legged strides, those graceful, yet hurried steps that found them abovestairs so effortlessly. Not pausing, he pressed the handle of her door and closed it quietly behind them. He set her cane against the wall and continued over to the bed. Then, as though he handled the queen’s crown, he gently set Daphne down in the center of the bed.

  Daphne shoved up onto her elbows. He yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, baring his naked chest to her gaze. Another bolt of desire raced through her. Broadly muscled, he was a chiseled masterpiece, sprinkled with tightly coiled chestnut curls. He lowered his hands to his waist. She should be shocked and scandalized and shy and look away, but God help her, she wanted to see all of him.

  Unfastening his breeches, he shoved them down, kicked the pair aside so that he stood resplendent before her, a model of masculine perfection. His oak-hard thighs and taut buttocks all bespoke a gentleman accustomed to the saddle. His shaft jutted high and proud from a thatch of chestnut curls.

  Her mouth went dry. He was everything beautiful…hard in places where she was soft. And perfect in ways she could never be. All the oldest insecurities came rushing forward, reminding her, once more, of her own inadequacies. Her throat worked painfully and she averted her gaze.

  The bed dipped as he climbed upon it. On all fours, he came toward her. “Look at me,” he ordered on a command that managed to be both hard and soft all at the same time; a demand no lady could deny. Daphne lifted her head and her heart tripled its beat at the passion burning from within his brown eyes. “I have never wanted another the way I’ve wanted you, Daphne Smith. You are beautiful and I’m going to show you tonight just how beautiful you are.” Then he covered her mouth with his and he swept his tongue inside. The taste of him, the burn left as he palmed her breast through her dress, melted away all reservations.

  He kissed her until her core throbbed, aching for his touch. Then, he rolled over and took her with him. He yanked the long row of buttons down the back of her gown, rending the fabric. Tiny pearls popped free and sprayed the bed and floor, landing with soft pings. She gasped. “Daniel, the cost—” Her words ended on a shuddery moan as he slid the fabric down to her waist. Her shift followed and then her breasts were exposed to the cool night air and his worship.

  “You are so beautiful,” he breathed, palming the small mounds. He pressed them together and thrummed the rosy tips of her nipples, wringing a tortured plea from her lips.

  Then, he lifted his head and suckled first one of the aching buds and then the next. Daphne hissed through her teeth and arched her hips frantically, her hunger spiraling, as he raised her higher and higher up on a level of mindless desire.

  Daniel continued his special torture. He flicked his tongue back and forth between her nipples, laving them, suckling them. She thrashed her head back and forth on the coverlet. “Please,” she entreated, her hips undulating on a rhythm set by his touch. He stopped and she cried out at the loss of him. With his long, steady fingers, he shoved her gown lower and lower down over her hips. The reality slid forth, unwanted but unrelenting. He will see all of me. He would expose her damaged limb and make love to her broken body. “Wait,” she whispered, resting her hand on his.

  With his breath coming hard and fast, he looked questioningly at her.

  “Leave it on. I’d not have you…” Her cheeks warmed, which was madness to blush so when she lay with Daniel in all his naked splendor. “See…” My leg. “Me.”

  Hooding his thick, chestnut eyes, Daniel pierced her with the desire reflected there. “I want to worship all of you, Daphne.” Then, he slid her dress down her legs. Her shift followed, until she lay before him, naked and exposed in every possible way. She went motionless, as he shifted onto his side and worked his eyes over her. He touched every part of her skin with his hungry gaze, burning her as though it were a physical caress he bestowed.

  He lingered on her left leg and she bit the inside of her cheek as her desire slipped. Daniel glided down the bed and caught her calf in his hand. “What are you…?” Her words ended on a shuddery whisper as he touched his lips to the oddly angled limb.

  “So perfect,” he whispered and tears blurred her vision. His breath tickled her skin as he trailed a path of kisses higher up her leg to the inside of her thigh. He palmed her center and she slid her eyes closed on a hiss, his touch sending a forbidden thrill through her.

  Daniel pressed the heel of his powerful palm into her core. She bit her lower lip and tangled her fingers in his luxuriant chestnut strands. With a groan, he slid his fingers inside and began to work her. “Oh, Daniel,” she cried out, bucking into his hand.

  His breath came hard and fast in time to her own. And then he removed his hand, replacing it with his mouth. Of their own volition, her hips shot up as his hot breath fanned her center. She lifted into him, aching for…for the wickedness he held forth. A soft keening cry burst from her lips as he teased the pleasure nub, flicking it with his tongue and then drawing it into his mouth. She bit hard on her lower lip, scrabbling at Daniel’s shoulders.

  An agonized groan ripped from deep within her as he stopped, and shifted his weight over her. His hair damp with perspiration, she brushed the longer strands back behind his ears and splayed her legs open for him. Daniel settled himself between her thighs, resting his shaft at the entrance of her still throbbing womanhood. “Please,” she begged.

  He pushed inside her, inch by agonizing in
ch, and the drenched walls of her cavern smoothed his entry. His breath came raspy and harsh, and then with a hoarse shout, he lunged forward, filling her completely. She cried out and wrapped her arms about him, hanging on, as he set a slow rhythm and then gradually increasing the pace he’d set.

  Panting, Daphne angled her hips, matching his movements. “Oh, God,” he whispered, dropping his brow to hers as he continued his deep strokes that touched her to the quick. “You are so tight.”

  “I have never hungered for anything like this, Daniel.”

  A low growl of masculine satisfaction purred from his lips. As she caressed his cheek, he turned his head quickly and gently nipped at the soft flesh of her palm, teasing it with a kiss. “I’m going to show you the stars, love,” he whispered and then quickened his thrusts.

  Their hips rose and fell in harmony. Each time he filled her, Daphne arched her body, crying out as she crested that beautiful summit once more.

  “That is it, love. Come with me,” he ordered on a guttural groan.

  Uncaring that it might rouse anyone else who shared that floor, Daphne tumbled over the edge on an eternal scream that reached the rafters. And with an echoing shout, Daniel followed, spilling his hot seed inside her and wringing every last ounce of breath and pleasure from her.

  Daphne collapsed into the feather mattress. With great, gasping breaths, he came down above her, catching his weight on his elbows. Their chests rose and fell together and they remained, bodies flush, until their breathing settled into a smooth, even pattern. Daniel rolled onto his side and drew her against his chest. He smoothed his palm over her belly, in slow languid circles that brought her lashes fluttering closed.

  After her fall, Daphne, as she’d once been, had ceased to exist for the world. All anyone had ever seen from thereafter was a cripple, dependent upon the charity and kindness of others. An object to be pitied. Less than a woman for the bend of her leg.

  Everyone, except for him. Daniel who’d treated her as a woman of strength, capable to fill a role as companion when no other lord, lady, or gentry folk would.


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