Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1)

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Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1) Page 4

by Jessica Gray

  Fernando was oblivious to her distress, muttering curses under his breath. Gwen pushed her back against the cool metal wall and concentrated on her breathing, her eyes again fixated on the lit up numbers, counting them down in her head.

  Twenty-six. Twenty-five. Twenty-four.

  Gwen gasped and stumbled forward, grasping for the rail as the elevator car came to a jarring stop. Fernando cursed. A second later the lights went out with a flicker and Gwen squealed with panic.

  I’m going to die! The walls are…there’s not enough oxygen in here…why isn’t it moving?

  Meanwhile, the emergency lights had come on, bathing the confined space with a dim light.

  Fernando looked at her, concern apparent on his face. “Hey, you okay?” When she didn’t answer, he reached out to her shoulder, and the unexpected contact caused her to cry out again. Her heart hammered in her throat as fear mixed with desire, a heady mixture that blindsided her.

  “Why isn’t it moving?” she asked in a thready voice she hated.

  “Don’t know. I’m sure it’s nothing. You okay?”

  Gwen tried to keep the creeping panic at bay, but as the seconds ticked by she knew she’d soon lose the battle – lest for a miracle. Her treacherous mind filled with thoughts of the cables snapping, plummeting them into certain death. No – she could do better than that. She would not panic. In a few moments, the doors would open again, and she’d step out of this cage onto safe ground. Open space.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing serious. This happens all the time. In a few minutes, we’ll be out of here.”

  What was meant as a consolation only heightened her panic. “Minutes?” she shrieked.

  Fernando touched her shoulder again, and she jumped at his touch. Every time they made contact, bolts of desire coursed through her body, making the all-encompassing terror take a backseat. She wasn’t sure though, which was better.

  “Let me see if the phone is working.” Fernando picked up the emergency phone and was connected to someone on the ground level. “We’re stuck between the twenty-fourth and twenty-third floors.”

  Gwen listened, silently praying someone had flipped the wrong switch and would get them moving again. Immediately. But when Fernando hung up the phone a few seconds later and shook his head, her heart plummeted.

  “There’s something wrong with the electrical system. The man from the elevator company has been paged and should be on site in ten minutes or so.”

  “Ten minutes?” she parroted as panic rose again. Her legs gave out, and she sank to the floor, hugging her arms around her knees. A meltdown was the last thing she needed. Not alone with the man who made her melt in different ways.

  “Yeah, we’ll be out of here before you even notice. Why don’t you try to relax?” He sat down beside her, making her overly aware of his presence. The waves of anger had stopped rolling off of him, and instead, she could sense his honest concern for her.

  “Relax?” she hissed. “We’re twenty-four floors up and stuck in a metal box.”

  “I know, but–” The phone rang, and before the sound even registered in Gwen’s foggy brain, Fernando had jumped up to answer it. She didn’t even try to figure out what was said on the other end of the line. What did it matter if she died now or a few minutes later?

  Fernando sat back down, a few inches closer this time. “That was the man from the elevator company. He said it would probably be around half an hour before they can get us down.”

  “Half an hour?” Gwen wanted to jump up, but her legs wouldn’t obey. “No, they need to get us out now. Now!” The panic gradually took over every last one of her cells, and her breathing became ragged. The walls were closing in on her, and a huge weight constricted her chest, making it hard to fill her lungs with much-needed oxygen. Taking a deep breath was out of the question, so she resorted to fast shallow ones, which didn’t help. Her field of vision narrowed down until she fixated on the tiny gap between the elevator doors. If she only could force them apart.

  You can do this. The walls are not moving. Breathe, Gwen. In. Out. Slowly. In. Count to five. Out. Count to five.

  She was so focused on staving off a full-blown panic attack, she hadn’t noticed Fernando had moved to kneel in front of her and was now running his hands up and down her arms. Sparks ignited, and a different kind of shiver ran down her spine and heat pooled in her core. In a daze, she licked her dry lips and looked at him. In the dim glow of the emergency light, she could barely make out his features, but nevertheless, his presence gave her some comfort.

  “What’s wrong? Are you ill?”

  “No. I’m fi-fi-fine,” she stammered, hoping he’d continue to stroke her arms. She needed him to keep her panic at bay, but at the same time, she didn’t know how long she could endure his touch without throwing herself into his arms. Against his chest.

  “You’re not fine.” He lifted a hand to her forehead. “You’re clammy and breathing too fast. Are you afraid?”

  “No. No. I’m fine.” The lie barely left her lips.

  His laugh was harsh. “Yeah, tell me something I might believe.” He reached for her hand, rubbing his thumb across the back of her knuckles. “Nothing will happen to us.”

  “Thirty minutes–”

  “Isn’t all that long. Come here.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his broad chest. She immediately buried her face against his strong muscles, hearing his steady heartbeat. But as his scent drifted into her nostrils, her body started throbbing with need. A need – or want – she couldn’t give in to.

  Holding onto him like a lifebelt, she let herself be lulled by Fernando’s voice talking about mundane things, focusing on his baritone timbre, the rumble of his chest with each word he spoke. She closed her eyes, almost able to forget where they were for a few minutes.

  Fernando felt Gwen’s body relax against his own, and the less he worried about her state of mind, the more another tension started to build. A tension that sent jolts right to his groin. He wanted to take her right there, and it cost every last ounce of his self-restraint not to ravish the amazing girl in his arms.

  Holding her against his chest, and yet unable to caress her the way he wanted to – the way she deserved – was pushing him onto the edge. It wouldn’t take much to have him topple over. The simple act of stroking her arms had him aching for her in a way he’d never experienced before.

  He heard a distant engine noise and Gwen lifted her head up to meet his eyes. Even now, filled with fear, her striking blue eyes were like the most beautiful ponds of clear water, and he wanted to drown in them.

  “I believe they’re trying to start the winding motor.” He said into the otherwise silent box. His voice echoed off the walls and filled the empty room. Gwen didn’t speak nor did she show any other kind of reaction, and he hoped she wouldn’t melt down. He had no idea how to deal with that. In his gang, any woman who acted hysterical usually received a slap in the face to shut her up.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll be out of here in no time at all.”

  She gave him a faint nod, and he braced her face with his hands. How on earth could he get his mind off sex when looking into those eyes? He shifted, but she only pressed her body closer into his, as if seeking out comfort and warmth. He sure hoped those damn elevator doors would open soon because he could only last so long.

  It would be so easy to stretch out his hand and graze his thumb over her plump and rosy lips. To take a taste of her alluring neck, lick his way down her collarbone. His mind was imagining all the wonderful things he’d do to her when the elevator made a bone-chilling sound and yanked. Gwen flew right onto his lap, flinging her arms around him.

  Her entire body was trembling, and he whispered soothing words into her ear while he stroked her spine with his hands, like he’d done many times with his sister when she was still a kid. Except this time, it felt anything but sisterly. Her hot core sitting atop his aching groin and her breast pressed into his chest. If she didn’t cl
imb from his lap soon, he couldn’t be held responsible for his actions. Never before had he wanted a woman with such force. It was like a tidal wave rolling over him, making him unable to resist.

  A groan escaped his lungs, and he noticed how she held her breath for a moment. His fingers reached the small gap between her t-shirt and the waistband of her jeans. Before he could stop himself, his fingers touched bare flesh, and goosebumps broke out on her skin. Her body pressed even more tightly against him, and his breathing became almost as ragged as hers.

  He had to stop it now. But he had to keep comforting her; at least that was what he told himself. Gwen quivered as his hands moved up her back and down again. With the next pass he took, his thumbs slid beneath her shirt and a sexy moan escaped her throat. She arched her back, and he felt her body responding. Her nipples peaked and heat radiated from her skin.

  “I’ve been dying to do this since I first met you” he whispered into her ear and took her by the shoulders to search her eyes. He saw nothing but desire in them and hungrily traced the outline of her lips in the dim light. The second she parted them, resistance flew out of his body and he succumbed to the tidal wave of passion rolling over him.

  He pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her as if he’d done so a million times before. The attraction between them flared out of control and obliterated any rational thought. He buried his hands in her hair, holding her head still for his kiss, and slid his tongue deep into her mouth. To explore, devour, and bring ecstatic passion to both of them. He’d stop – yes, he would – right after this kiss.

  While his mind debated whether to end the kiss now or to hold on just a little while longer, his hands made their own choices and slid beneath her shirt, skimming up her ribcage and – encouraged by her needy moan – squeezing her sensitive flesh. Gwen moaned louder and broke their kiss. She threw her head back, arching into his touch. He pulled the cups of her bra away and palmed her lush breasts.

  Touching her sensitive skin sent shockwaves of pleasure through him and he gave in to the need to roll her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. With every squeeze he gave, she exhaled sharply, heating the air around him.

  His own desire had grown to unbearable levels, his arousal pressing into her center. With every move she made on his lap, he ached more for her. To be inside of her.

  Bright lights blinded him, and he had to close his eyes for a moment. His lust-fogged brain didn’t understand what was happening until a clanking noise reached his ears and reality set in. He removed Gwen from his lap and instantly felt the emptiness of not holding her. “They must be getting ready to move the elevator again,” he said with a husky voice, trying to hide his lust – and shame. He bounded to his feet and reached down to pull her up beside him.

  No sooner had they gained their feet than the elevator jerked, sending Gwen right back into his arms. When it settled into a smooth movement, she pulled away, pushing a hand through her tangled hair and then brought her clothing to order. Fernando retreated to the opposite side of the elevator, willing himself not to look at her.

  Seconds later, the doors opened, and the handyman stood outside waiting for them. As were a number of other people who’d been stuck waiting while he repaired the lift.

  Fernando glimpsed at Gwen, seeing her completely flushed with an expression of guilt and regret on her face. She seemed frozen in place, staring at the waiting people, and Fernando took her arm to lead her outside.

  The elevator guy gave them an encouraging smile and apologized for the inconvenience. “Hey, buddy. You should probably take your girlfriend outside and let her calm down. The fresh air and sunshine will do wonders for her state of mind.”

  Chapter 7

  Fernando took Gwen by the elbow and led her outside the building. In the sunlight, reality set in and things looked totally different. He released Gwen the moment she pulled away.

  He let her go, watching as she strode to a small concrete planter with trees, flowers, and surrounded by a concrete bench. She didn’t sit down, but continued to pace in circles around the planter, and he followed her, his mind and heart in turmoil. Various emotions rushed through his body, not making much sense.

  One moment he was elated with passion, and the next one guilt hammered him. Joy alternated with sadness, desire with self-hate. What had he done?

  The emotions their making out had stirred in him were so different from anything he’d ever experienced before. It wasn’t just desire. He knew desire. Lust. But kissing Gwen, touching her creamy skin, feeling her pressed against his chest had been…almost spiritual. Not that he did spiritual, but for a short moment, he’d felt a connection of their souls. And that scared the shit out of him.

  She was still pacing, and he moved in front of her, causing her to stop and look up at him. “Are you okay?”

  The flushed red cheeks couldn’t hide the fact she was ghostly pale, but she nodded. His heart broke for her, and all he wanted to do was to keep her safe, to take her anguish away. Without thinking, he reached out a hand to offer some sort of comfort before he thought better of it and pulled it away. But much to his surprise, she’d already latched onto his hand and resumed her pacing, forcing him to walk with her.

  His hand caught in an iron, claw-like grip, he grinned down at her. “You’re going to crush my hand into pieces if you keep squeezing it like that.”

  She stopped, eyes wide-open, and looked at their joined hands, as if they were two strange objects, not belonging to either one of them. But she released the pressure. A bit. Then she blushed furiously and unclasped his hand as if it was poisonous.

  Fernando arched a brow at her antics. He could see she was still scared, but trying not to show it. “Would it be out of bounds if I invited you for a cup of coffee to wash down the shock?”

  Gwen shook her head. “No, it’s not out of bounds because I sure could use a cup of something warm.” Her husky voice went straight to his groin.

  He put his hand on the small of her back and registered the underlying tremble in her body. Whether it was of panic, guilt, or desire, he didn’t know. And it wouldn’t matter anyways.

  On the corner, he’d spotted a popular coffee shop, and while he led the way, he glanced several times at Gwen, his concern for her growing as she showed no signs of recovery. She mechanically followed him, her eyes fixated on the ground, behaving more like a puppet, not the strong woman he knew her to be.

  As they reached the coffee shop, he led her inside to a booth near the window. Once they were seated, he couldn’t help but ask again, “Are you sure you’ll be okay? You’re still awfully pale and shaky.”

  Gwen gave him something similar to a smile. “I’ll be fine. Now that we’re out of that death box.”

  Her words stung, even though he knew – or hoped – she hadn’t meant their kissing. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad, was it?”

  He could see how the memory of what they’d done washed over her, as she went from pale to bright red in a matter of seconds, and she inadvertently licked her lips.

  Holy shit, how much sexier can that woman be?

  “Thanks for worrying. It’s kinda funny to have you fussing over me.”

  “Yeah, well, you had me worried there. Still do, as a matter of fact. What kind of coffee do you want?”

  Gwen pulled a twenty from her pocket, handing it to him. “Regular, please.”

  He tried to ignore the money she held out to him, but she insisted. “Take it. Or I have to go myself.”

  Fernando grinned at the threatening stare she sent his way. Ah, finally. The feisty woman showed up again. He trotted to the counter and ordered two cups of coffee. Passing the self-service bar on his way back to her, he remembered he’d forgotten to ask her how she drank it. He grabbed milk and sugar. White and brown. And sweetener. Just in case. He didn’t believe she was one of the women who forsook everything with calories, but one could never be sure.

  “Thanks.” She nodded toward his tray and grinned. “You don’t expect me to
use all of that, do you?”

  “No. But I forgot to ask, so I thought I’d bring everything they had.”

  Gwen looked around the table. “Did you see napkins anywhere?”

  “I’ll get some.” He returned to the counter, stealing a glance at her while he waited for the cashier to get him some napkins. A surge of warmth settled in the vicinity of his heart as he gazed at her, but the worry wouldn’t go away.

  She’s so pale…

  He returned with the napkins and took a seat across from her. She took a long sip of her coffee and looked away. “What happened earlier…in the elevator. That cannot happen again. Ever.”

  Fernando sipped his coffee and sighed. “I know.”

  “And nobody can know about it.”

  He nodded and she finally looked up at him. When her mesmerizing baby blues locked with his, a jolt traveled through his body. “That never happened. It’s completely against the rules to fraternize with our clients. Both of us would get into hot water if word got out. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” It hurt to say that one word. His heart constricted at the outlook of never holding her in his arms again. Against better judgment, he asked in a hushed voice. “If I weren’t your client, would you go out with me?”

  A spark lit her eyes but vanished a moment later, and he wished he hadn’t asked. “Look, I don’t deny the attraction I’m feeling. But there can’t be anything between us. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Even if I weren’t your probation officer, I couldn’t go out with you as long as you’re in trouble with the law.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand, silencing him.

  She went on. “In my job, I have to report to my superiors if I’m dating or hanging out with anyone who could compromise my integrity. I’ve made it a policy to not go there. Not with you, not with anyone. It’s the best for everyone involved.”


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