Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1)

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Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1) Page 13

by Jessica Gray

  Now what?

  Chapter 26

  Gwen couldn’t believe her eyes. She reached up and rubbed them, but he was still standing on her doorstep. It wasn’t a dream. He looked bad though. If the dark circles under his eyes were any indication, he hadn’t slept at all.

  “Sorry to wake you up, Gwen. But I couldn’t wait one moment longer.”

  Her pulse sped up at the sight of him. Even looking miserable like he was, he still sent her hormones into overdrive. “Do you know what time it is?”


  “Oh.” Not yet completely awake, she remained at the door, frozen in place and looked at him. Hope warred with fear for dominance.

  “Can I come in for a moment?” he asked.

  She nodded sleepily and stepped back, then she turned and headed for the kitchen, “I need coffee. You want some?”

  “That would be great. Thanks.” He followed her inside the house and reclined against the kitchen counter.

  Gwen started the coffee. His presence had the same effect on her as always. And while she was still angry with him, she longed to throw herself into his arms. To keep herself from succumbing too fast, she grabbed two ceramic mugs and held them in front of her chest like a barrier before she turned to face him.

  He truly looked awful, but a mischievous smile gleamed on his face. Something had happened. “Where have you been all night? It’s obvious you haven’t slept at all.”

  “You’re right, I haven’t slept.” His grin intensified. “And to answer your question – I spent the night in jail.”

  Gwen's heart shattered into a million pieces, and the two coffee cups followed its course. The sound of ceramic smashing to smithereens against the tiled floor echoed in her head, filling her mind and soul.

  “You were in jail?” Fury raged through her, and her voice rose up to the point it hurt her ears. “And then you have the audacity to come here and tell me? How dare you!” With every word she’d move toward him, not caring if she stepped barefooted on the shards. Her heart pumping adrenaline, she stopped toe to toe with him. Angry. Hurt. Demanding answers.

  He reached for her, his intent evident on his face. She backed away. No kissing. Not right now. Not ever. Her actions caused a flicker of hurt to cross his face, but she was beyond caring. He has some nerve coming here to tell me he’s been in jail. “Leave.”

  “Chiquita, please. I came here to explain—”

  “I’m not your little one. Not anymore.” She reached under the sink for a dustpan and broom and began cleaning up the broken shards of the cups.

  “If you’ll just let me tell you—”

  She looked up at him, into the face she’d loved so much and still loved, but for her own sake, she had to get rid of him. “I. Don’t. Care. I want you to leave.” When he opened his mouth to argue with her, she held up a hand. “I don’t want to hear anything from you. Leave. Now.”

  Sweeping up the floor, she wished it would be this easy to clean up her shattered spirit. He’d asked her to trust him, and she had. And then he’d trampled on her trust and broken her heart. Not just in two, but in a million little pieces. She wanted him gone so she could bawl. Alone.


  She sighed. “It’s over. Please go.”

  He looked at her with sadness and despair on his face. “Fine. I’ll go. You know, I was wrong. And that’s on me. You’re not worth changing for.”

  As soon as the door slammed behind him, she wanted to die.

  God, what have I done?

  Chapter 27

  Fernando left her house, his emotions on a rollercoaster. He’d been so proud and happy when he’d left the precinct. His first thought after making sure Amada was safe was to find Gwen and make things right between them.

  But somehow everything had gone to hell. His intent to tease her about being in jail had freaked her out. So much, she wouldn’t even let him explain.

  He stormed down the street, angry at himself and at her. Sure, he’d messed things up once again, but why didn’t she trust him even the tiniest bit and let him clarify? As the anger subsided and his mind calmed down, an emptiness settled in his heart. An emptiness that ached more than a punch to his gut. She kicked me out of her life once and for all.

  With nothing else to do, he headed to the gym, clocking in a few hours early. This job…this was his life now. At least it was something to hold him up and keep him busy – too busy to grieve over Gwen. Despite the constant influx of clients at the fitness studio, the day moved at a snail’s pace.

  Late in the afternoon, Ben called him into his office. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yeah. They need you to go down to the police station.”

  Fernando nodded. “Fine. When?”

  “Now’s fine.”

  He nodded and left. As he approached the station, he stopped and eyed the building. Something was missing. He chuckled. Cold thrills creeping up his spine were missing. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t afraid of the police.

  One of the officers from last night came to greet him. “Thanks for coming down.”

  “You needed my report?”

  “Yes, follow me. We can file the report later. There’s someone here who wanted to personally thank you.”

  Fernando raised a brow but followed him back to a large office. A portly, balding man sat there, rising when they entered. “Mr. Powers, this is Fernando Garcia, the man responsible for last night’s robbery.”

  Fernando grimaced and met the eyes of the older man. “I’m the man responsible for making sure the robbery happened so the police could arrest everyone red-handed.”

  Mr. Powers shook his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Garcia. Even though the merchandise was insured, it would have been impossible to replace. You’ve saved my company.”

  Fernando wasn’t sure how to react to the praise, so he simply nodded.

  “Have a seat. Mr. Powers was wondering if you could explain to us how you got into the warehouse,” the officer said.

  “It wasn’t hard. You’re using old security equipment. Opening the doors was child’s play. No backups in place, no silent alarm. Nothing. I had the security system disabled, and the lock picked within three minutes flat.” Fernando beamed with pride. Even though he hadn’t wanted to break in, he’d done a terrific job.

  “I don’t like hearing that.” Mr. Powers frowned. “I always thought we were well protected. How could I protect our warehouses better? Make it harder for someone like yourself to break in?”

  Fernando warmed to this topic immediately. “With modern systems, whether the power goes out because of a grid failure or the power lines are cut, 911 is immediately notified.” He continued to talk about silent alarms, backup systems, hidden security measures, and more.

  Mr. Powers seemed swamped. Beads of sweat formed on his balding head, and he used a handkerchief to wipe them away. “Wait. I don’t understand a single word.”

  “Sorry, I tend to get carried away when talking about security stuff.”

  The older man watched him for a long moment with squinted eyes before he dropped the bomb. “How would you like to oversee the security of our warehouses?”

  Fernando stared at him. “What?”

  “I’m offering you a job, son. As the head of my security team. You’d be supervising all of my warehouses.”

  “How many do you have?” This is a joke, right?

  Mr. Powers leaned back. “Twenty, not counting the one being built near the airport.”

  “Twenty? Wow!” Fernando knew he was acting like a babbling idiot. Now Mr. Powers would politely withdraw his offer.

  “You would also be in charge of training the security staff properly so they know what to look for. Most of our warehouses aren’t in the best parts of Los Angeles, and I need to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

  Fernando was completely stunned. He glanced at the officer to make sure this wasn’t a cruel joke, but the man nodded. “This is a good break for you. You should def
initely take his offer.”

  He didn’t need any more convincing and stuck out his hand. “I’d be honored to work for you.”

  “Come to our headquarters later this week to get the paperwork done.” Mr. Powers gave Fernando the address and the name of the human resource manager. The headquarters were on the other side of L.A., and the commute would be horrendous, but he didn’t care. This was a small hardship compared to the big chance to get on solid ground.

  On his way home, he reached for his cell, unsure how Ben would react. The man had turned out to be worth gold and given him a chance, and now he’d turn his back on him. A tight feeling settled in his chest as he dialed Ben’s number.

  “Tough As Nails Gym.”

  “Hi Ben, it’s Fernando.”

  “Something wrong?”

  He swallowed. “No, not at all. It’s just…the owner of the warehouse offered me a job as head of security.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing.” Ben sounded honestly happy.

  “I’m sorry. I feel so bad turning my back on you.”

  Ben chuckled. “No way. Don’t be sorry. This is a fantastic opportunity, Fernando. I would appreciate you working through your notice so I can find a replacement.”

  “Sure. Anything. Man, I’m really grateful for all you’ve done.”

  “Don’t mention it. See you tomorrow. And…don’t be late.”

  Fernando hung up and stormed home. Amada was preparing to leave for work when he hugged her from behind. She froze at his touch, and he let her go. “Sorry, sis. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She looked away. “You scared me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Realization hit, and he cursed himself for being so insensitive. “It’ll get better with time, I promise.”

  Amada nodded and tried a small smile. “You look like you want to jump up and down and scream. What’s up?”

  “I got a new job. As head of security.”

  Her face transformed until she was beaming. “Fernando, that’s fantastic news.”

  It was their chance to move away and start fresh. They made plans to go apartment hunting on her next day off. When she departed for work, he tried to hold onto his happiness, but his broken heart wouldn’t let him.


  The only woman he’d ever loved had dumped him, and he didn’t have a clue on how to live happily without her.

  Chapter 28

  Gwen sat at home, moping around. She’d gotten the all clear to return to work the following week, but even that didn’t cheer her up.

  The doorbell rang, and she glanced at her watch. All her friends worked, so who’d visit this early on a weekday? With sluggish steps, she dragged herself to the door. “Viv, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be stuck at the courthouse all day?”

  Vivian flashed a smug grin. “I used my afternoon break to bring you exciting news.”

  Gwen gestured to the dining room. “What news? Care for a lemonade?”

  “That would be great.” She sat and waited for Gwen to bring two glasses.

  “What kind of news could be exciting enough to have you come over and disturb my torment?”

  “See, this is why I’m your best friend. Where would you be without me?” Vivian took a sip of the ice-cold lemonade.

  “Let’s see. I would be lying on the bed bawling my heart out. Now, tell me. What news?”

  “Your boy, Fernando, is a hero.” Vivian raised her hands in an exaggerated gesture like a circus director presenting the newest attraction.

  “He is?” she asked, tired with pain, trying to grasp what her friend was saying.

  Vivian polished her fingernails on her shirt. “Admit it. You need me.”

  Finally, Gwen laughed at the antics of her friend, who’d apparently decided moping was not tolerable. “Fine. I need you. Why is Fernando a hero?”

  “He helped the police catch the other gang members during the break in.”

  She stared at her friend as hot and cold shivers rushed up and down her body. I’m going to faint. “What? Why? How?”

  Her best friend took the time to tell every last detail about what happened, and with every word, waves of shame rolled over Gwen. He asked me to trust him.

  “…some are rolling over on the older gang members, and so far, they’ve been able to pin at least three other robberies on this group.”

  “They arrested him. He was in jail.” Her mind stubbornly clung to what she knew was true.

  “Only to make sure his cover wasn’t blown. He did an amazing job, according to my contacts in the precinct.” Vivian looked at her. “How could you not have heard any of this? It’s all anyone is talking about throughout the entire building.”

  “I haven’t spoken to any of my colleagues.” It was a weak defense, but it was true. She’d avoided their phone calls and even resisted get-well visits under the pretext of being occupied with rehab and check-ups.

  “You should have,” Vivian said, “Gerald is taking all the credit. He’s telling anyone and her dog about his success.”

  Gwen stared at her in confusion. “What?”

  Vivian imitated Gerald’s voice and said, “I instantly realized this probationer would make it. He just needed a little push. When he agreed to take my advice, I pulled a few strings and voila, the man’s an instant success.”

  “That…thief! How dare he?” Gwen jumped to her feet, ready to a fight. “Fernando is my man. Not his.”

  Vivian broke out in giggles, and red-hot heat flushed Gwen’s body as she realized what she’d just said. “I mean… he is, or was, my probationer.”

  “No, I think you meant exactly what you said. And if you want to hear my opinion, let Gerald shine in his stolen glory, while you go and get the main prize. Fernando himself.”

  Gwen paled, fear constricting her throat. “I’m not sure he’ll take me back. He came here to explain, and I kicked him out.”

  “Ouch. But you never know if you don’t try. Shall I give you a ride?”

  “A ride? Where to?”

  “Sweetie, to his place of course. You do know where he lives, right?”

  Gwen nodded. “Yes. I know where he lives. And no, I can drive myself.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  “What? Now?” Gwen’s eyes searched for her purse and car keys, still unsure if she’d be courageous enough. But Vivian had already found both, tossed them to her and grabbed her by the elbow to drag her out to her car.


  Gwen arrived at Fernando’s apartment, praying he would be home. Butterflies churned in her stomach as her nerves kicked into high gear, and she knocked on the door. A beautiful young woman with Fernando’s eyes and his smile opened it.

  “Hi. Is Fernando here?”

  The young woman smiled brighter. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Gwen. His…former probation officer.”

  She stepped back. “Come on in. I’m Amada, Fernando’s sister. I thought he got reassigned to another probation officer. Not that it matters right now. The judge remanded the rest of his sentence.”

  “I heard. That’s not why I’m here. I need to speak to him…”

  “Amada, who’s at the door?” Fernando asked, coming into the room wearing only a pair of shorts and rubbing a towel over his head.

  “Your probation officer. Gwen.” Amada said, looking from one to another.

  Fernando stared at her. “Chi...Gwen, what are you doing here?”

  “I came to apologize,” she said, the words rushing out. “The other morning…I didn’t let you explain. When you told me you’d been in jail, my mind shut down. I was so angry and hurt that you didn’t care enough about me to change. I’m sorry, I should have trusted you.”

  He tossed the towel into the corner, closed the distance between them, and wrapped his arms around her. Tight. Relief flooded her system. He wasn’t angry. Soon enough, relief transformed into heat, and she looked up into his dark eyes, mirroring the deep emotions of her own.

  Someone cleared
her throat. Amada. She’d all but forgotten about his sister. “Don’t mind me. I was heading out to work.” Amada grabbed her purse and sent them a knowing look on her way out the door. “At least now I know why he’s been acting so strangely. My big brother is in love.”

  “She’s right you know,” he said, walking Gwen backwards until her knees hit the edge of the couch. “I do love you.”

  “I love you too, and I’m so sorry–”

  “No more apologies. We were both wrong. I shouldn’t have teased you that way about me being in jail. It backfired on me. On both of us.”

  Gwen nodded. “Vivian came to tell me the news.”

  He smiled and lifted a hand to her hair. “Did she?”

  “You’re a hero.”

  Fernando shook his head, moving even closer so she could feel the heat radiating off of his body, igniting hers. “Am I?”

  “My hero,” she whispered, longing for his lips to touch hers. But they hovered just a breath away.

  “Your hero. And you know what’s the best thing about fighting?”

  Her brain was fried by his sexy grin; waves of passion shook her, and her pupils dilated as he dropped his hands to unbutton her blouse. Gwen was still trying to form a coherent thought in her lust-fogged mind when he’d removed her shirt and bra. Her nipples puckered as the air touched them.

  “The makeup sex?” Gwen moaned.

  “That’s it, Chiquita. Great makeup sex.”

  He stepped away from her. “You finish.” He pulled his shorts off, the evidence of his desire springing free, leaving no doubt in her mind that he wanted her. She shimmied out of the skirt, taking her underwear with it.

  “Now what?” she asked him, brushing her nipples against his chest.

  Fernando kissed her and then scooped her up into his arms. “Now I ravish you.”

  “Don’t I get to play as well?” she asked as he carried her into his bedroom.

  “Lady, you can ravish me anytime you like.” He tossed her on the bed and then pushed her legs apart, making room for himself. “God, Chiquita, you’re dripping,” he growled and rolled on protection before he plunged into her warm center, forgoing any foreplay.


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