A Royal Holiday (Royals of Valleria #5)

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A Royal Holiday (Royals of Valleria #5) Page 12

by Marianne Knightly

  Arianna handed her bouquet to Cat, then took Finn’s outstretched hands. Tears were threatening again. She was getting married. Married!

  “Finn, please recite your vows first.”

  Arianna watched Finn clear his throat, and his brilliant green eyes swirl with emotion. “I never thought I’d find love. I never really thought I deserved it. I still don’t know that I deserve you, Arianna. But I promise, with every fiber of my being, that I’ll love you and our children, and try to be the best damn husband and father that you need. I love you.”

  Arianna itched to wrap herself around him and kiss him senseless, but she held herself back. “Thank you, Finn.”

  Finn kissed her hands. “Thank you, baby, for loving me.”

  “Arianna,” Ethan interjected, “please recite your vows.”

  Her voice sounded small and overcome with emotion, but it couldn’t be helped. “I love you, Finn. You say that you don’t deserve me, but I think it’s me that doesn’t deserve you. You’ve shown me every day, in every way, how much you love me and care for me and our child. I promise to be the best wife and mother I can, and I promise to be the best princess for Brazenbourg, too. I love you so much, Finn.”

  This time she didn’t, couldn’t hold back. She jumped into his arms and they fiercely held each other.

  “Princess,” Finn said gruffly, pulling back until their foreheads touched. Her lips yearned to kiss him.

  Ethan cleared his throat. “We’re not quite to that part of the ceremony yet, you two.”

  Everyone chuckled, even Arianna and Finn as they separated. “Sorry, Ethan,” Arianna said.

  Ethan smiled. “I suppose I can forgive you, just this once.”

  The rest of the ceremony went by so fast, Arianna felt as though if she had blinked, she would have missed it. Before she knew it, Finn was cupping her face and bringing their lips together for a long, sweet kiss.

  As her family cheered, she and Finn walked down the aisle and he carried her out of the small church. A photographer took pictures while security kept the small crowd of onlookers at bay; apparently, word of the wedding had spread to the people.

  Soon, they were whisked back to the palace, where the other ceremony, which was longer and mired in more tradition, took place. As they exited that ceremony, now officially husband and wife in both countries, Finn carried her into a side room to sign the official marriage decree. Finn signed it easily, but Arianna’s pen halted against the paper.

  “Everything all right, Princess?”

  Arianna nodded, her lips in a frown. “It just hit me. After I sign this, I won’t be Vallerian anymore, since I have to renounce my title to become your wife and a citizen of Brazenbourg.”

  Finn pursed his lips. “You don’t have to sign it, if you’re not ready, baby. But you should know that you’ll always be Vallerian.” He pressed a hand over her stomach. “So will our children. They’ll always have Vallerian blood in them.”

  “You’re right. Of course, you’re right. I’m being silly. It’s probably just my hormones making everything seem bigger than it is.”

  “Don’t talk about yourself like that. This is a big deal, but it’s just a piece of paper. Being my wife doesn’t mean you won’t see your family again, or that you can’t visit Valleria. You’ll always be their Princess, no matter what this piece of paper says.”

  After that, Arianna had no trouble signing her name.

  “Are you sure, Princess?”

  “Oh, yes. Thank you, Finn.”

  “For what?”

  “Understanding me. I understand you, too, you know.”

  “Is that right?”

  She nodded. “Are you really happy with how everything went today? It was your wedding day, too.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist. “Hard to forget that part. I’m happier than I’d ever thought I’d be.”

  “You seemed a little sad at times, though.”

  “You know me too well, Princess. I was just missing my parents, that’s all. Maybe even Henry a little. He almost killed us, but I still miss him. How messed up is that?”

  She pressed a hand to his cheek. “There’s nothing wrong with that. You miss your family and that’s completely understandable, no matter what they did in the past. You loved them.”

  “You’re right. You do understand me.” Finn smiled and glanced down at the papers. His fingers reverently touched their signatures and he took a shuddering breath. Pulling her against him, he whispered, “Now, you’re officially mine.”

  She smiled. “And you’re officially mine.”

  “Come on then, baby. Let’s show the world.”

  She and Finn held hands as he walked her to the palace balcony, where they would make their first debut as husband and wife, and where she would make her debut as the official Crown Princess of Brazenbourg. She could hear the crowd milling about outside and was getting a little nervous.

  “I can’t believe everyone came out to see us on Christmas Day.”

  “They love you, baby.”

  “They also love you.”

  Finn gave a bashful smile; she knew he had a hard time believing that sometimes. “Maybe. I’m sure they’re glad to have a happy royal occasion to celebrate, in any case.”

  She took his hand and rested it over her womb. “Two happy occasions.”

  He gave her a sly smile. “Yes, there is that.”

  “Stop giving me that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The one that says you’d rather take me back to our rooms.”

  “Baby, you’re lucky I didn’t pull you aside at the church. Did you forget that my forefathers built a separate room in the back where past princes could consummate their marriages as soon as they were officially wed?”

  Arianna laughed. “I had forgotten.”

  He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You’ll probably forget your own name by the time I’m through with you tonight, Princess.”


  He laughed. “Just wanted to get a little colour in your cheeks.”

  “I’ll bet,” she murmured.

  “Ready, Your Highnesses?” a guard asked by the door, and Finn nodded.

  Raucous applause and cheering burst through as they stepped outside, holding hands and waving. Arianna couldn’t help smiling; the whole day had been a dream. It had been light and happy and bright, with only a few moments to dim the pleasure of the day.

  “Time to give the public what they want, Princess,” he said as he wrapped an arm around her.

  “Oh? And what’s that?”

  “This.” His lips coated hers in a chaste kiss that was laced with too much heat for such a public occasion. His tongue licked her lips and they parted, eager for the passion she’d felt so little of the last two months.

  As the cheers below grew louder, she finally emerged from the kiss with a dazed look on her face. At his broad grin, she couldn’t help but laugh.

  That was the image the world saw. As headlines bloomed around the world at the surprise royal wedding, the articles were accompanied by an image of Arianna and Finn on the balcony: his face lit with a sexy smile, Arianna’s bright with joy and laughter.

  Her family came out onto the balcony as well, though they took turns as the balcony wasn’t long enough or wide enough to hold them all. It was a picture-perfect scene.


  Several hours later, after the luncheon reception and after Arianna’s family had left for Valleria, Finn carried Arianna back to their suite.

  “Are you tired, baby?”

  Arianna shook her head against Finn’s chest. “I can walk, you know. You don’t have to carry me.”

  “But I have to carry you over the threshold.”

  She chuckled. “I think you already did that when you carried me from the church. And then carried me into the palace for the second ceremony. And carried me out of the second ceremony.”

  “All right, all right. So, I like carrying you. I can’t help it if
I like having my hands on your delicious body.”

  “My body’s changing.”

  Finn gave her a quizzical look. “And your point is?”

  “Well, it’s already starting to look different, because of the baby. And my breasts are already swelling up.”

  Finn snorted as he opened the door to their suite of rooms. “You’re crazy if you think any change to your body could make me want you less. Even bigger breasts.”

  Arianna slapped him playfully against his chest. “Let me down.”

  “In a minute.” He carried her into their bedroom and then let her down slowly. The room was aglow with the lit Christmas tree in the corner, and by nothing else. There wasn’t even a fire, yet, to him, the room was blazing hot.

  They stared at each other across the room. God, she was beautiful. Her veil had long since been removed, but the gorgeous, simple dress remained. “Need some help with your dress?” he asked, his voice low and slightly rough.

  With a sly smile, she turned her back to him and shifted her hair away. She peeked at him over her shoulder. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Never.” He walked over to her, and let his hand lightly graze the long line of her back. The only downside to the dress was the row of many, many small buttons. He began at the top, undoing each one slowly. By the time he reached the bottom, his cock was rock hard.

  “Step out of the dress, Princess.”

  She slid her arms from the dress and wiggled her hips as it pooled at her feet. She stepped out and Finn picked it up and laid it over a chaise in the room. When he turned back, his eyes smoldered as he took in the sight of her.

  “See something you like?” she asked shyly.

  Fuck, yeah, he did. A bustier in white strained to hold up her plump breasts. Her midriff was bare and a miniscule white thong barely covered her, while a pair of white stockings and garter belt laced with a Brazenbourg green ribbon covered too much.

  “Fuck, Princess.”

  She tossed her head back and laughed, then walked towards him, her sparkling heels twinkling in the dim light. “That’s what we’re about to do, isn’t it?”

  He stood perfectly still while her hands moved over his body. His jacket fell away, then his tie. His cufflinks came next, followed by his shirt. When her hands went for his belt, he held them still.

  “Not yet, Princess. I’ve got to have my way with you first.”

  Her hand shifted to cup his cock through his pants and he sucked in a breath when she started to rub him. “Are you sure about that?”

  One of his hands buried itself in her hair and fisted as need built strong and swift. “I need to claim my wife. Do you have a problem with my cock possessing your pussy before I take your mouth, Princess?”

  She moaned. “No,” she said breathlessly. “God, no. Finn.”

  His hand released her hair to slide down her back and free her body from the bustier. She sighed as it came off and he gently massaged her breasts, sucking and pulling her nipples while he did.

  “I can’t wait to fuck your breasts again, Princess. Would you like that?”

  “Later. Please, Finn.”

  Finn chuckled against one nipple and felt her body stiffen, then sigh again. “Impatient, are we?”

  “Only for my husband to take me.”

  He growled and ripped away the thong. “Go sit on the bed and take off your stockings, baby. Make sure I can see your pretty pussy while you do it.”

  Finn watched her as she walked the short distance backwards to the bed, ready to catch her if she tripped, but she didn’t. She slipped off her shoes and gently sat down. With a soft moan, she briefly spread her legs wide so he could see her completely, before she lifted one leg onto the bed. Keeping it bent and her other leg spread, she unclipped the stocking and slowly pushed it down, then off.

  “Stop,” he said gruffly when she shifted to the other leg. “Keep your legs spread.”

  He walked over to his Princess, and took the stocking-clad leg in his hand. Kneeling on the floor, he kissed his way up and paused to give her a long look before covering her pussy with his mouth.

  She fell back against the bed as her orgasm came almost immediately. As she arched her back, she cried out his name and her hands reached down to grab his hair.

  He continued sucking and licking her folds, and nibbling her nub, until another orgasm consumed her.

  She was panting and limp when he removed the other stocking and garter belt. After he pulled off the rest of his clothes, he shifted her up the bed and hovered over her.

  “Still feeling good, Princess?”

  She huffed a laugh through short breaths. “You could say that.”

  “Good.” His lips fell to hers, lulling her into compliance once more. He tasted the tang of the sparkling cider she’d been drinking mixed with the sweetness of their wedding cake.

  His wife. She was his wife.

  He groaned as his cock grew painful and eager for release. He’d never been this hard before. But then, he’d never had his wife naked and flushed beneath him, either.

  His fingers rubbed her drenched folds below and her hips bucked off the bed. He locked eyes with her and slowly brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them clean while she watched.

  Her eyes were pleading with him, and he couldn’t wait any longer. With one hard thrust, he was inside her.

  “Finn. Oh God, Finn.”

  He had to ask before it became too late to stop. “How do you feel, baby?”

  “So good.” She bucked her hips against him. “I’m fine, Finn. You’re not hurting me. Please. Please take me.”

  They both moaned when he thrust again. “Do you feel me taking you, Princess? Do you feel me possessing you? Owning every inch of you? Tell me.”

  “Yes. God, yes. I’m yours. I’m yours.”

  He thrust once more. “Say it again.”


  Another thrust. “Again.”

  “Oh God, Finn.”

  He thrust harder until she cried out. “Again.”

  Her hands fisted in his hair while his own gripped her hips. “I’m yours. Only yours.”

  “Damn right you are.” He thrust faster. “Give yourself to me. Now, Princess. Now.”

  She screamed as her body convulsed around him, and pushed him head-first into his orgasm. He continued to pump her, fill her, and consume her until he collapsed on top of her.

  “Fuck. Holy fuck, baby.” He should move. Any minute now, his body would get the message his brain was sending and shift away from her.

  “Oh my God, Finn. That was incredible.”

  “You said it.”

  “You were amazing, husband.”

  Husband. He was her husband now, not just legally, but physically, too. She was his family now. “So were you. I love you, baby.”

  “I love you so much,” she said and pulled his head down for a deep kiss.

  When his cock began to harden again, he pulled back. “If you don’t stop that, we’ll get started again.” With a groan he rolled away from her, then tucked her against him while their sweat-covered bodies calmed in the cool room. He would need to get up and start the fire soon.

  “I wouldn’t mind getting started again. I seem to recall something about your cock in my mouth.” She gave him a coy look that ended in a yawn.

  He chuckled. “I think we can save that for another time.”

  She pouted. “But it’s our wedding night. I’m sorry.”

  He gave her a soft kiss. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, my wife.”

  “Are you sure, my husband?”

  “Very sure.” After he started a fire, he returned to the bed and spooned her from behind.

  While they both faced the twinkling tree and warmth, Arianna brought his hand to rest over their child. “Thank you for making all my wishes come true, Finn.”

  He kissed the crown of her head. “I’ll never stop trying. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

, they watched the tree glow, and fell asleep in each other’s arms, on their first Christmas together.



  Want more royals? Royals of Valleria #6 (Catharine’s story) is expected to be released in March 2016. Be sure to sign up for Marianne’s newsletter here, to hear about the release date and pre-order details first!


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