Warrior Demoness - TI6

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Warrior Demoness - TI6 Page 13

by Heckrotte, Fran

  "Okay. Good luck!"

  Turning her attention back to the bomb, she grabbed the handle and continued pressing it under the bag. The sound of something clicking made her jump.


  KENNY STOOD amongst the crowd, listening and waiting. Not sure what to do, he realized his attempts to kill his ex had been ruined. Now he needed to figure out what to do with the bomb. If the FBI got a hold of the components, it was possible they could be traced to the militants — and from there to him. Nervously fingering the cell phone in his pocket, he pushed his way through the crowd and moved to stand by a building further away but with a better view. Several times he pulled the cell phone out and dialed the number but then closed the cover before pushing the enter button. Hopefully, the bomb expert would screw up and detonate it. It would solve all of his problems. Better a policeman got killed than he go to prison.

  When someone yelled, he looked up to see what had happened. On the front steps of the school stood the officer holding the bomb. Watching her moving slowly toward the steps, he realized he had no choice. Quickly dialing the number, he glanced back at the policeman and then down at the phone. With his finger poised over the send button, he hesitated.

  Sabnock felt every muscle in her body aching from the stress of carrying the bomb, not to mention the weight and awkwardness of the suit. She had almost reached the first step when she heard a cell phone ring. The sound of the explosion was deafening but the power behind it surprised her even more. The demoness felt herself being hurled through the air and slammed against the brick wall of the school. Unimaginable pain screamed through every cell in her body. Barely able to open her eyes, she saw several people bending over her, some frantically trying to remove her bomb suit. Mac was talking to her but she couldn't hear him. She could tell he was screaming, trying to tell her to hang on.

  Karen was stunned by how loud the explosion was. Had any of her kids been in the room with her or the rooms around hers, all of them would have been killed or seriously injured. Now, a brave officer was at the very best seriously injured and perhaps even dying. Glancing around the crowd, she knew Kenny had to be nearby. The timing was too good. It took her several minutes to locate him. When she did, she saw he was looking at her angrily. Calling to a policeman, she quickly pointed him out as he was walking rapidly away from the scene. The officer radioed the dispatcher, giving her a description of the man and what he was wearing. Within minutes, several undercover and uniformed cops were in hot pursuit, guns drawn.

  Minutes later, three gunshots were heard. The crowd looked around, trying to see what was happening but unable to locate the source. Shrugging, they turned their attention back to the paramedics and officers working to save their comrade.

  Sabnock knew she was dying. She could feel the coldness creeping up her arms and legs. The pain slowly subsided, leaving her lethargic.

  "Hang on!" a voice yelled, breaking through the deafening silence. Focusing on the voice, she blinked several times trying to clear away the fog. Mac's face was only inches from hers, his eyes pleading for her to fight.

  How many more times am I going to go through this?

  "So, we meet again," the voice said. "How many more times do you want to?"

  "I don't," Sabnock sighed. "I'm tired of these games. I'm tired of the living."

  "You would give up so much for eternal darkness?" Death asked.


  "You understand that as a demon, you can never return to the Underworld if you take this path and there is no place for you in the Overworld? You will simply cease to exist."

  "If that is my fate, sobeit," Sabnock said, wearily. She no longer cared.

  "And Constance? You would give up your chance to be reunited? You would break your promise to her?"

  Sabnock hesitated.

  "Why did you have to mention her?" she screamed. "She will be better off without me. Maybe then she will find someone else."

  "She will die a thousand deaths for every one you have experienced. Is your love so weak you would condemn her to such an existence?"

  "No! Never!"

  "Then choose, demoness. Will you accept life or the final darkness?"

  Sabnock had known all along, this would happen. Death had always given her the choice and she had repeatedly lacked the courage to make it final.

  "It doesn't take courage to die when life has grown too unbearable to live," Death whispered. "Courage comes from choosing pain over the freedom that I offer. One day, you will be reunited with your love. Now, it is time to go."

  "Wait!" the demoness yelled as the darkness crept closer. "Why now? You never mentioned Constance before."

  "Because now, you were making the biggest mistake of your life and would never have known it."

  Sabnock knew it was true. Gathering her strength, she invited the darkness in, wondering what she would do next.

  * * *

  Dis was furious. One of his most valuable demons was missing. He had felt the moment her essence had disappeared and knew she was gone forever.

  "Where is she?" he demanded of the shrouded figure standing in front of him.

  "She is where she belongs," it answered, not in the least intimidated by the Underlord's behavior.

  "Sabnock was one of my best commanders. I may have need of her."

  "Then you will have to do without her. She is no longer yours."

  "How dare you take what isn't yours," Dis roared, banging his fist on the table.

  Death laughed and then turned to stare at a spot to his right.

  "It would seem you have a guest," it said.

  Rolling his eyes, the Underlord knew immediately about whom he was talking.

  "I thought we had an agreement," he bellowed.

  Saira laughed.

  "I said I would try but this tug was too strong and came too quickly for me to give you a warning. I have never met Death before."

  "Pray that you never do," Dis replied, turning back to his first guest. "In case you don't know her, this is Saira. She is a traveler."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Saira. I've known about you for a long time."

  "Then we have something in common," she replied smiling. "And you have lost Sabnock," she said to Dis.

  "Lost? Stolen, you mean. She should have been returned to me, but Death decided to interfere in my business."

  "You are growing old, my friend. Have you forgotten? Sabnock was freed by you a long time ago. You no longer had a claim on her."

  "Her freedom was revocable at any time. She was mine to command."

  "No, she wasn't."

  Saira listened to the two entities arguing. These were two of the most powerful beings in existence and perhaps the only time she would ever see them together, particularly as Death was so elusive.

  "Couldn't you have waited?" Dis asked. "Trouble is brewing and I need her to command my legions. Bring her back!"

  "I am many things, Dis, but a magician I'm not. Sabnock is beyond my reach now. She chose her fate and has fulfilled her destiny. Besides, even if I could, I wouldn't. I have a great fondness for her and she's earned her reward."

  Saira stared at Death, surprised that he had just lied to the Underlord. When the shrouded figure turned to look at her, she had the impression it was smiling.

  Dropping into his chair, Dis uttered a few curse words and then sighed.

  "I suppose you're right."

  "I'm always right, but thank you. It's not often you admit to being wrong."

  "I didn't say that," he growled. "I said you were right. Obviously I had no say in the matter."

  Smirking, Death had to agree, although it did seem to be a technicality.

  "Well, I really must go. The mortal world keeps me quite busy these days. Oh, by the way. You might take a particular interest in the newest addition to your coiffures."

  "Why? I have demons and minions for that. I have guests waiting for me."

  "Hmmm. Perhaps I was mistaken. I thought for sure you'd like
to meet the human who killed Sabnock. Oh well...."

  "Wait!" Dis ordered jumping to his feet. "Tell me his name."

  "Kenny Rothman."

  "It seems my guests will have to wait a while longer. I very much want to meet this soul. He deserves a special welcome."

  Death knew what such a welcome would be, but felt little compassion for the soul. It deserved everything the Underlord had planned.

  Bidding Dis farewell, the dark figure disappeared. Dis rubbed his hands together, anxious to visit Soulkeeper.

  "Well, this has been interesting," the apparition said, enjoying the demon's frustration. "I suppose I should leave you to your business."

  "At last! And would you give me war..."

  Before he could finish Saira had vanished.

  "Females!" he growled. "Males are so much easier to deal with."

  Calling to his minions, he strolled from the room, his shiny hooves clicking on the polished floor. Already, he was thinking about what he would do with Kenny Rothman.


  SAIRA HAD returned to the mortal world but was confused. For the first time in her existence, she felt no tugs. It was as if time had momentarily stopped.

  "It will last but a moment," the voice promised.

  "Why are you here? Is it my time now?" she asked, surprised by Death's appearance.

  "That isn't for me to say. I came to answer your question."

  "Question? Oh, of course. Why did you lie to Dis? You could retrieve Sabnock."

  "To what purpose? Besides, now that she's with her lover, I suspect it would be the death of me to try and separate those two."

  Saira snickered at the pun.

  "Well, we wouldn't want that, now would we?" she teased.

  "No. I took a vacation once and it created so many problems, I swore never again."

  "What happened?"

  "Ah, now that's another story. It'll have to wait until another time. Like you, I feel the tugs pulling on me. Our work is very different, but our lives follow a similar path. Until we meet again, Saira. Travel safely."

  Before she could answer, Death was gone and the tugs began.


  The Messenger

  THE DEATH of Constance saddened Dakota. Although they had spent only a short time together, Dakota felt a strong connection to the historian. Standing on the balcony, she watched several bats diving at invisible bugs and wondered about the strange events over the past few days.

  "She was special," she said, turning to look at the woman standing next to her. Yemaya leaned her head against Dakota''s. "I wish I could have talked to her again. She had such an amazing life."

  "I would have liked to have spent some time with her too. I think her death is a great loss to humanity as well as to those who knew her," Yemaya replied. Taking Dakota into her arms, she stared over her lover's shoulder into the moonlit darkness.

  "Do you think Sabnock is really a demoness?" Dakota asked, leaning back slightly to look at Yemaya. "I mean, she must be. How else could she have cremated Constance's body so quickly? That wasn't a trick."

  "No, the flames were real. I could feel the heat"...." Yemaya hesitated. It was unlike her. "It should have been hotter. It takes a lot of heat and time to completely cremate a body. Hers was gone in a matter of seconds. I have no idea how that could be done under normal circumstances."

  "Well, if you can't figure it out, no one can," Dakota teased. "You have to admit, things certainly have gotten interesting since we met. I've always believed in spirits but nothing comes close to these real life experiences."

  Yemaya laughed.

  "I cannot argue with that."

  For several minutes, Yemaya and Dakota said nothing, both enjoying the stillness of the night and each other's warm embrace. Occasionally an owl's screech could be heard in the distance. Suddenly, a wolf howled, followed by several more nearby. Iridescent silver eyes glowed at the edge of the forest.

  "They're restless," Dakota said. "Do you think something is wrong?"

  Yemaya shook her head.

  "No. That's Regina and Voinic over there," Yemaya said, pointing slightly to the left. "Simtire is there." She moved her hand in another direction. "She's brought a young male from one of the mountain packs. I don't know him."

  "How can you see them that well? I can barely make out their shapes."

  Shrugging, Yemaya ruffled Dakota's hair.

  "I have good vision."

  "You have great vision, you mean." Dakota frowned. "Has Simtire chosen him as her mate?"

  "No. He is just a playmate. Are you worried she will forget you?"

  "A little, I guess. Selfish, huh?"

  "Not really. There really is nothing to worry about though. You are her mistress. She will never forget you. Wolves are very loyal."

  Feeling relieved, Dakota's thoughts returned to Constance and Sabnock.

  "I wonder if we'll ever see Sabnock again. I have so many questions. I mean, if she really is a demoness, then there's a chance we might see Constance again... or at least her spirit. You know, like Grandma Dakota." Dakota grew excited at the thought. "Do you think Constance might be in the spirit world? Maybe I could ask Gram."

  "I really do not know, Dakota. You certainly can ask, but I sensed a great sorrow in Sabnock. It was as if she were saying a final farewell to Constance. If she is a demoness, I would think she would be able to reunite with Constance even after death if it were possible. There should have been no sadness."

  Dakota couldn't deny the logic in Yemaya's words. Spirits and demons could enter the mortal world at will even if their own realms were impenetrable. Eyes tearing, she buried her face in Yemaya's chest and cried.

  "I... I wouldn't... know"..." she sobbed. "If you... died... I'd..."

  "Shhh," Yemaya murmured, wrapping her arms around her lover. "It will never happen. I would find you wherever you are. We are one... besides, we have a lot of powerful people on our side. Who would want to take on Mari or Grandma Dakota? Now, how about we get some rest. It has been a long couple of days."

  Leading Dakota back into the bedroom, she helped her undress and into the bed. Then she slipped in next to her, pulled Dakota firmly against her. Almost immediately they fell asleep.

  * * *

  Gaapa grinned as she watched the human writhing on the ground. It was especially pleasing to know he was suffering and would continue to do so for several more minutes. Hopefully Death would take his time with Sabnock and this human would have to endure the agonizing pain awhile longer. Standing over the body, she leaned forward and grabbed his face. Clawed fingers wrapped around his chin as she jerked his head toward her. The man's eyes widened with fear. He stared horrified at the crimson red face with the ghoulish grin. Uneven pointed teeth gleamed brightly between thin, dark brown lips. The eyes were shiny black with bright, dancing orange flames as pupils. That alone would have been terrifying, but the lumpy, wrinkled skin was covered with festering sores, reminding him of a monster he had seen in an old horror movie.

  "Yessss," Gaapa said, pleased at the terror reflected in the human's eyes. "It's good to be afraid. I am just the beginning of your nightmare."

  "Who... who... are... you?" he asked and realized he hadn't spoken the words aloud. The pain in his chest was unbearable; the thing before him unimaginable.

  If I could just wake up, he thought. This is only a nightmare. It has to be a nightmare.

  "You will never sleep," Gaapa promised, "and your nightmare is just beginning. The pain you feel now is nothing compared to the pain that awaits you. We have a special place for you, Kenny." Amused at his confused look, Gaapa straightened up and stepped backward, passing through one of the policemen who had just holstered his gun. She laughed when the officer shivered. Mortals were so weak.

  "You okay"?" the second policeman asked, looking at his partner.

  "I've never shot anyone before. Is... is he dead?"

  "I don't know. Let's hope so, because I don't want this bastard getting
off on some insanity defense. I'd make sure of it if there weren't so many people nearby."

  "You aren't very popular, now are you? Not to worry, where you're going, that will change. You'll have more attention than you can stand."

  "I... don't... understand. Who... are you? Am I... dying?"

  "Of course. Enjoy the moment."

  "Enjoy? Dying? I'm... in pain. I... can't breathe."


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