The Do-Over

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The Do-Over Page 7

by MK Schiller

  Finally the staff meeting ended, and she left to meet Kyle for lunch at the same café. He sat at the same table in the corner, working on his laptop. He stood up and slid out a chair for her as she approached.

  “You have to get new shoes. Did you steal those from a nurse?” he asked with a cocky grin. “You have sexy ankles. Show them off.”

  Lanie blushed, confused by Kyle’s brashness followed by flirtation. It made her head spin a little.

  “I plan to go shopping.”

  Kyle sighed. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “Do you want to go?” Lanie asked hopefully.

  “No, I hate shopping, but I’ll go if you want.”

  “I thought you were really into clothes. You dress so metrosexual, and you seem obsessed with women’s shoes.” It was true. He always looked like he’d stepped out of the pages of GQ, whether he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt or a gabardine suit.

  “I have a personal shopper. You should get one of those. I’m sure a lot of women at your firm use them.”

  They did, but Lanie didn’t want a stranger shopping for her. She wanted to pick out her own things.

  “I’ll figure it out,” Lanie replied and bit her lower lip.

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “Do you want to have sex?”

  Lanie’s mouth dropped open, and she replayed the question while she wondered if she’d misheard him.

  She didn’t answer at first. She tried in vain to concentrate on lowering her wildly beating heart, sure Kyle could hear it through all her layers. Luckily, the waitress came then to take their order. Lanie was thankful for the diversion, but Kyle looked like he wanted to choke the poor woman.

  “I guess so. I don’t really think about it that much.”

  “You’ve never pleasured yourself?”

  Lanie felt a sudden heat creep up her neck. He was looking at her with hooded, demanding eyes. She straightened up and considered dabbing her napkin in water to run it across her face. The room felt very hot suddenly. Sometimes Kyle was too forward, especially now, when they were in public. “No, but I’m not an idiot. I know how it all works.”

  “You know Brad’s going to want to have sex, right?”

  “Well, I figured that, Kyle,” she replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

  “I have an idea if you’re game for it.”

  “I’m listening,” she replied, staring at a spot on the tablecloth.

  “Please look at me when I’m talking to you. I know this is an uncomfortable topic, but we’re friends, right?”

  She shifted her gaze to his bright green eyes, admiring his mischievous smile and the perfect length of his inky-black hair. It was short enough to be professional but long enough that it could take a good yanking. Did he have to work at achieving that perfect blend of messy neatness or did it just come naturally? He was wearing a short-sleeved polo today, and his arm flexed every time he reached for his glass.

  “Yes, we’re friends.”

  Kyle swallowed as if he was nervous too. Lanie dismissed the ridiculous thought. “Would you consider having sex with me?”

  She almost choked on her mock daiquiri. “Are you serious?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it since your little revelation the other night. I thought, since you’re not saving yourself for Brad, you should test out your equipment.”

  “Test my equipment?” she asked with measured skepticism.

  “To make sure it all works. As your friend, I’m willing to make the sacrifice and conduct initial trials.” Lanie arched her eyebrows. She noticed his fingers inching toward hers on the table, but they stopped just shy of touching her. “Think about it. Maybe you’re frigid and don’t like to be touched.”

  “I don’t think I’m frigid, Kyle.”

  “That’s just it. You don’t know. You backed away from our kiss, after all. The last thing you’d want is to reject Brad the first time you’re intimate with him. It’ll freak him out, and he’ll probably never want to touch you again for fear he’d hurt you.”

  Lanie’s eyes got big as she considered the validity of Kyle’s statement. She knew, on some level, it was a line of bullshit. However, she had no idea if she liked sex, and that was something she needed to know before entering a serious relationship. Kyle ran his hands through his hair, continuing, “I can help you with this, Lanie. If you reject me, I won’t be offended. You can pretend I’m Brad if you want. I don’t even mind if you scream out his name.”

  Their food arrived as she was forming an answer. Kyle again looked like he wanted to strangle the waitress.

  “I don’t know,” she said dubiously. “This is sounding less like My Fair Lady and more like Lady Chatterley’s Lover to me.”

  Kyle laughed. “Maybe it’s a little of both.”

  His voice was solemn and sincere as he finally took Lanie’s hand. “I can promise you a few things, and we can make ground rules, okay? If you’re uncomfortable with anything, we don’t have to do it.”

  Lanie chewed on her lower lip, wondering what it would be like to see Kyle naked. The thought made her warm, like a fan blowing hot air was aimed at her, but it definitely wasn’t coming from the overhead vent. It was radiating from deep within her body, and she enjoyed the feeling. She pressed her legs together as the image of Kyle’s muscular frame, slick with sweat, rocking into her, invaded her mind. Kyle was a beautiful man and someone she was attracted to, but the idea sounded ridiculous, especially in light of her feelings for Brad. I lust him, Lanie thought. I lust Kyle. I love Brad. Big difference.

  It put everything into perspective for her. The decision wasn’t difficult, under those assertions.

  “Do you think they have ice cream here?” Lanie asked.

  Kyle cocked his eyebrow, obviously surprised by her question. “I have no idea. Why do you ask?”

  “Because I like ice cream when I’m stressed,” she replied, thinking she wasn’t just stressed. She was burning up and needed something cold.

  “I don’t mean to cause you anxiety. Don’t worry. I’ll get you ice cream whether they have it here or not, if that’s what you want.”

  “Wow, Kyle, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” she replied with a smile.

  He wasn’t smiling. He looked contrite and apologetic. “I’m a total ass. I’ve been hostile and cruel to you. If you don’t want to do this, I completely understand.”

  She shook her head. “I like your honesty. It makes me feel I can trust you.”

  “Then my honest opinion is we should have sex.”

  “What are the stipulations for this coitus contract?”

  “I knew the lawyer in you would come out soon.” Kyle took her hand and kissed her fingertips before setting it down. It was a completely unexpected gesture. Damn…he was an excellent negotiator.

  “My only rule is that you have to be patient with me.” She watched his shoulders relax, and he exhaled as if he’d been holding a long breath.

  “I promise that you’ll set the pace. My only rules are that we have safe sex, you understand that I won’t spend the night, and that I have sex with other women. Oh, and the most important rule, the cardinal rule, the non-negotiable one…”


  “Don’t fall in love with me,” Kyle responded with complete seriousness. Lanie couldn’t help but giggle.

  “God, you have an ego. You really think I’m so fickle that I’m going to fall out of love with Brad and in love with you. You’re drop-dead gorgeous. Even I can see that. You’re sexy, and I have fun with you. I’m glad you’re my friend, but I’m a total realist here. I don’t covet any sort of relationship with you.”

  Lanie felt guilty about her outburst when Kyle’s shocked expression transformed into hurt. She never expected him to be upset by her comment. He looked away from her for a moment as if to compose himself. His voice was quiet, almost strained when he did speak. “I know you don’t think so, but sex changes gi
rls. I’ve seen it over and over again.”

  “I’m not like most girls, Kyle. I know what I want,” Lanie answered simply.

  He nodded, giving her a weak smile. “That’s for sure. In fact, I’d say you’re not like any other girl I’ve ever met, and just so we’re clear, that’s a compliment.”

  She wanted to make him feel comfortable again, so she decided to turn the conversation to a subject matter he’d appreciate. “How many girls have you slept with?”

  “I don’t know…tons.”

  “So more than two thousand?” Lanie asked seriously.


  “A ton is two thousand, so by saying tons, you would be literally saying at least four thousand.”

  “I wasn’t being literal, smart-ass,” Kyle replied, stifling his laugh.

  She started laughing too. “Shut up! You know the number. Tell me. I want to know your credentials, mister.”

  “What the fuck? You want references?” Kyle asked with an impish smile.

  She laughed again. “No, silly, I’m just curious. Over ten?”

  Kyle leaned toward her. “Lanie, I slept with more than ten girls before I was sixteen.”

  “Over a thousand?”

  “Jesus, where are you coming up with these numbers? You realize I have a job and it doesn’t involve touring with a rock band.” She couldn’t help laughing. It was a hearty, gut-busting laugh, and he joined her.

  “You have a beautiful laugh. How come I don’t hear it more?” he asked with a tenderness in his voice she found unnerving.

  “And you always use protection?” Lanie asked, wanting to change the subject.

  “I always use a condom and get tested regularly, at least once a month. Well, at least, now I do.”

  “You didn’t before?”

  “No, there were a few times I didn’t,” Kyle admitted.

  “Because you were in a committed relationship?”

  Kyle sighed. “Because I was overanxious, and it’s better without a condom. I’ve never been in a relationship.”

  His answer didn’t surprise her. It was apparent Kyle had an aversion to commitment. “How old are you?”

  “I feel like you’re cross-examining me.”

  She was actually doing just that. She wanted information. If only she could be this self-assured in the courtroom. “Sorry. I just want all the facts before rendering my decision.”

  “I’m twenty-nine. The same age as Brad.” It made sense since they were childhood friends, but in many ways, Kyle looked younger than Brad, especially when he smiled with that cocky, crooked grin.

  “Why is it better without a condom?”

  “It’s a necessary barrier, but just an additional layer. And as you know, I don’t like layers.” His smile faded as he looked toward the widow. “But I regret it. I got tested right after, and thank God, no one got pregnant, but I can tell you, the few times it happened, I sweated bullets until the results of both tests came in. I never want to go through that again.” He took her hand, caressing it slowly. “Are you worried about that? Because I can assure you I’m free of any diseases, and I won’t get you pregnant.”

  “I believe you. I was just curious about the condom thing.”

  “Any other questions, Counselor?”

  “Is this a one-time thing or a recurring event?”

  “It can be whatever we choose. An open-ended contract, if you wish, until one of us decides it’s enough.” He stared at her, and although his expression was intense, Lanie didn’t feel the need to look away. He smiled and his eyes seemed even brighter. “This is so weird. I’ve never really had such a frank, open discussion about sex.”

  “It makes me feel more comfortable to have all the facts.”

  “You can ask me anything you want. This is your choice, but I…I need you to understand that I want this…I want you very badly. I promise if you agree, my experience will only benefit you. My ultimate goal is to give you pleasure.”

  “So we’ll be lovers?”

  “I prefer friends with benefits, but it’s all semantics.”

  “Kyle, I agree to all terms, but I have my own stipulation.”

  “What’s that, Lanie?”

  “Don’t talk about what we do with Brad, okay?”

  “Because he’ll think less of you? Because you’re embarrassed to be with me?” He tensed as he asked the questions, surprising her.

  “I doubt Brad thinks I’m a virgin. You were shocked too. In reality, I doubt Brad really thinks of me at all. To answer your other question, I wouldn’t be embarrassed at all. In fact, I couldn’t think of anyone better to deflower me. I don’t want you to mention it to Brad because I’ll probably be horrible at this, and I’d rather he not know that.”

  “I don’t know what kind of relationship you think we have, but Brad and I don’t have those kinds of discussions.”

  “Don’t you do that whole locker-room talk thing?”

  “Maybe in high school, but we’re adults now. I don’t kiss and tell. Or do anything else and tell. I’ll be discreet, and it’s none of his business anyway. You do bring up an interesting point though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I promise not to say a word, but you’ll have to tell Cassie I’m very good in bed.”

  “What if you’re not? You want me to lie?” She knew they were stupid questions. She had no doubt Kyle Manchester knew how to satisfy a woman.

  “Jesus, Lanie, you have a way of insulting me like no one else. I am very good at this.” His voice dropped. “And I’ll be very gentle with you. I won’t say a word to Brad, but Cassie will, and it will only help your case.”

  “Why will Cassie?”

  “Because that’s what girls do. They talk, they never stop talking, and they can’t keep secrets.”

  “I don’t do that, Kyle.”

  He smiled, placing a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “That’s because you’re not like any other girl, sweetheart.”

  As they shared a banana split and made plans to initiate their contract, Lanie was less anxious and more excited about the prospect of being intimate with Kyle. Although, when she stood up, she had to stretch out her tense muscles. She started a mental list of all the things she needed to do to get ready. The anticipation was tangible, and she felt it in every nerve ending in her body.

  Chapter Nine

  On Thursday night, Kyle lay on Lanie’s bed, waiting as she got ready in her private bathroom. He had no idea what she was doing, since he could have easily taken off her clothes. Kyle decided to be patient and give her all the time she needed. When she finally walked out, he tried hard not to wince or laugh. She wore a hideously huge white chiffon nightgown with a myriad of layers and ruffles. It managed to successfully conceal every inch of her body.

  “Lanie, is that you under all that?” he asked.

  “You don’t like it? I thought it was sexy.”

  “Uh, no…it’s not sexy, baby. You’re really playing up the whole virgin thing, aren’t you?”

  She looked down at her nightgown, and Kyle prayed she wouldn’t start crying. When she looked up at him again, she was giggling like a schoolgirl.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty ugly.”

  “Did you think it would turn me on? You look like a fucking wedding cake.”

  “I don’t know. Cassie said I should get it. I should have been suspicious.”

  Fuck Cassie, Kyle thought, realizing she had purposely sabotaged Lanie. Cassie knew how to look sexy. Hell, she could teach a class on it. Why didn’t she help her sister?

  “Come here,” Kyle said, helping Lanie onto the bed. The gown crinkled noisily with every movement.

  Lanie lay next to him, and they both stared up at the ceiling.

  Finally, Lanie said, “Are you expecting me to make the first move?”

  Kyle laughed. “I’m just wondering how I’m going to navigate all those layers. Does that thing come with a map or anything?”

  Lanie punched him in the arm. “I
thought you could find your way around a woman’s body.”

  “Oh, I can. Just give me a second.” He looked at Lanie and then started laughing again, noticing the lace collar that covered her entire neck. She was laughing too, so he didn’t feel so bad about it. Then the moans started, loud, pulsating grunts followed by a knocking sound like a headboard slamming against a wall.

  “Shit,” Kyle said, wishing the sounds were emanating from this room. Obviously Brad and Cassie were enjoying an intense fuck session in the next room. Cassie started calling out Brad’s name. She said it louder and louder, and for a moment, Kyle almost thought she wanted Lanie to hear her.

  “Do you listen to this every night?”

  “Most nights,” she answered. The laughter had gone out of both of their voices.

  “Why don’t they go to his house? Brad has a really nice apartment.”

  “Cassie feels more comfortable here, I guess.”

  Cassie preferred it here because Lanie could absorb all of that sound. She had to know Lanie had a crush on Brad, and the girl went out of her way to make her sister feel uncomfortable.

  Kyle turned to Lanie, cocking his eyebrow. “Want to give them a run for their money?”

  “Not really. I don’t feel very sexy right now, not that I ever did. But this gown is totally ridiculous, and I don’t want background vocals.”

  Kyle understood exactly what she meant. He would be able to perform, but it would be more difficult, like a competition. Definitely not something he wanted to subject Lanie to, especially her first time. He had to be gentle with her, even though it wasn’t his usual technique.

  He bent his elbow, propping his head on his hand, and stared down at her. “What do you want to do?”

  “There is something, but I don’t know if it’s appropriate.” Kyle’s ears perked up. Was it possible Lanie was a little freaky?

  “Don’t be nervous. You can tell me.”

  She leaned over until they were nose to nose and whispered softly, “I want to watch the Bears game.” Kyle felt his erection grow as he broke out into a huge grin.


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