The Doctor's Memories (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)

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The Doctor's Memories (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) Page 3

by Nisha Davis

  “You trust me because your body remembers me, Selena, even if you mind doesn’t. Tell me if you want me to stop or to go slower, okay? Turn around.”

  Selena did as she was bid and turned, his hand between her shoulder blades pushing her upper body down over the table. “Hold onto the sides baby, for the ride of your life!”

  Selena gripped the sides of the table and felt him part her legs, splitting them as wide as they would go, then the cold wetness of the lube as he worked it into the area around her ass, her pussy, and even her clit. The feel of his fingers caused her to squirm a little, and he gave her a light tap on the ass. “Na ah, hold still for Uncle Nick, hmm? Let me get this right.” His one finger prodded at the entrance of her anus, and her buttocks contracted involuntarily. This was met with another, although harder, tap on her one butt cheek. “Relax, sweetheart, I don’t want to hurt you. Relax for me.”

  Selena made a conscious effort and let her body go soft, her ass accepting the intruding finger. He worked it in deeper and deeper, all the while rotating it and encouraging her, until surprised at the depth of it, she felt him moving it into and out of her. The feeling, as she grew accustomed to it, was amazing. It was nothing she remembered experiencing before, and she let her body go with it. Nick started working at her clit and she involuntarily started moving her torso backwards, wanting more of what he offered.

  “Greedy, aren’t you,” she heard the laugh in his voice.

  Suddenly he pulled out of her and she felt bereft, but then his hands were at her butt cheeks, opening them widely. “Time for a little pain, baby. Tell me if it gets too much and I’ll stop, but I promise you it will be worth it!”

  She felt the head of his cock at her ass, pushing, stretching it. There was a small burning sensation, and then it was in, and she could feel him slowly but surely pushing into her, extending her. “It’s over sweetheart, now the fun begins.”

  Nick started to move his cock in her, the sensations at first unfamiliar, but soon, as with the finger, she was used to it and participating, jutting her ass out for more and more, her moans encouraging him.

  “Do you like it, baby, do you want it?”

  “Yes Nick, oh yes, god it’s incredible don’t stop please don’t stop!”

  “I’m not planning on it, my beauty, not at all, not ever again!”

  Selena was too lost amidst the lust of what was happening to her, being done to her, that she didn’t catch on to the last ‘not ever again’ phrase, as her body had once again taken over, demanding its needs be met, while her brain went to mush, and she became his creature, to do with as he pleased, and he did and pleased a great deal during the rest of that night.

  Nick woke the next morning and stretched out luxuriously. The place next to him was still warm, so Selena had not been up too long. He got up, looking around for his pants, but they were, he remembered, somewhere in either Selena’s hall or dining area. Shrugging, he went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and, with her towel draped low over his hips, went through to the kitchen where he had heard her rattling pots and pans. She was singing softly, he noticed, probably not wanting to wake him.

  “Morning beautiful.” And beautiful she was. Her hair was scrunched up on top of her head, fastened with a few pins, he suspected, the few wisps that had escaped framed her face, highlighting her cheekbones. She had on a kimono that was tied loosely, showing a nice expanse of thigh as she turned around, a spatula in her one hand. She tipped her face upwards for his kiss and playfully worked on their breakfast.

  Shaking his head at her playfulness and suppressing a chuckle, Nick followed her directions, taking the plates from the cupboard and the silverware from the drawer she had indicated. He followed up by adding a candle he saw in the one corner of her small kitchen.

  “All set, my lady. Breakfast is ready when you are.”

  She set the dishes in front of him where he sat at the table, allowing him to serve himself.

  “Wow girl, you have outdone yourself,” he managed around a mouthful of crispy bacon and softly scrambled eggs.”

  “A girl tries. Nick?”

  “Hmm?” he managed around another bite.

  “Tell me about us? About our time together before? Please? The thing is, I had an accident a number of years ago and I lost my memory. At the time, they told me it would come back, but I really don’t much remember anything that happened before that time.”

  “So still nothing? Of what we shared? Us? The fact that I wanted to marry you and then you and your family disappeared off the face of the earth? The fact that for years I had thought you were dead?”

  “Nick, I swear, I don’t remember! Please, can we talk about it, can you tell me?”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you what. How about we get dressed, pack a lunch, and go somewhere private yet near the beach? Then we can talk, is that okay with you? I promise I will answer any questions you have truthfully.”

  “Yeah, it is. I appreciate it.”

  “Good,” Nick replied while wiping his mouth with a napkin. “But first, get over here woman, let me get reacquainted with that luscious body you are so intent on keeping wrapped up from me! Every time you wear clothes I feel like it’s Christmas and you are my present!”

  Nick stood up and grabbed a hold of her, wrapping his arms around her waist yet under her kimono. “Hmm I need to see if all the nice bits are still in all the right places.” He tickled her and ran after her as she ran into the bedroom. The pillow fight that ensued together with the lovemaking that followed, took them well into the morning, and when they were finally able to come back up from air, both of them were thoroughly satiated.

  They bought a few things from the delicatessen across the road from where Selena lived, and packed that as well as towels and a large blanket into her beat-up Volkswagen, Nick opting to let her drive as she knew the area. The drive did not take long, and they were soon camped out in a small inlet with a few gulls and the sound of the waves to keep them company. Once everything was neatly packed out to Selena’s satisfaction, she sat down cross-legged, her face turned to him expectantly.

  “So Nick, tell me about us. Tell me what it is that I can’t remember, and what my parents have withheld from me. I need to know everything!”

  Nick nodded. “I made a promise and I will keep it. But I want to ask you one thing, if I may? I leave in a few days and I don’t want to lose you again the way I did before. I would like to take you with me when I go, for a week? Is that too much to ask? I want to show you where we lived, where we loved, and the places we used to frequent. Can you take off the time from your singing? Do me this one favor?”

  “Okay cool, I can do that. I’ll talk to Jake tonight. Now, tell me!”

  Chapter 5

  Nick began telling their story.

  Nick stopped in at the coffee shop on his way to the hospital. It was his first year of residency, and he’d had little sleep the past week. He had a few minutes to spare, and decided to pop in for coffee and possibly a bit to eat. He was sitting at the table, waiting to be served, when a bright, vivacious young woman came over to him, notepad in hand and pencil propped cheekily behind her ear. “Anything you would like to drink while you decide on your order Doc?” she asked.

  Her hair was wild, framing her pixie-like face, while her green eyes had laughed at him from her café au lait face. He nodded his assent, and had watched her jeans-covered ass as she had walked away from him to fetch his coffee. Her small waste and ample bosom had stunned him into near-complete silence. He did, however, manage to put in an order for a bagel so that she would return to his table and give him the much needed time he needed to pull himself together in the meantime.

  When she returned with his order, he asked her about herself. It turned out she was working as a waitress during the summer to make some money for school the next year. She wanted to do a fine arts course, as she had exclaimed animatedly, painting was her life. In the weeks that followed, he had frequented the place as much as he p
ossibly could, just to see her, until he felt she was used to him, and asked her out on date.

  “A date? A real date? To a restaurant?”

  Nick smiled. “Yeah, a real date. And I would like you to wear a dress please. Give me your address and I’ll pick you up at seven thirty. Is that a deal?”

  “Sure! I’m staying with my aunt for a while, so you can get me at her house.” She scribbled the information down on her pad and handed it to him as she collected his empty dishes and served him his bill.

  Two days later, he knocked on the door of her aunt’s apartment, and had his breath knocked out of him when she opened the door. Her dress was red, tight fitting around the body and pressing her breasts up a little, all the better for his perusal, and almost popped out of her dress. She twirled around in her heels for his inspection. “Do I pass?”

  “Oh yes indeed you do mademoiselle, indeed you do!”

  “Great! It’s my best dress, so I hoped you would like it!”

  Nick smiled as he stopped his story for a moment to open the wine, pour two glasses, and take a sip of his. “You were really something, you know? You were so damn beautiful it took my breath away, but I digress.”

  He took her to one of the up-town restaurants, the sort you needed to book well in advance to get a seat, but, being his father’s son, he had procured a table with little effort, the hundred dollar bill he handed to the host a thanks for the effort. Their table was inconspicuous, situated towards the back, and out of sight of most of the other clientele, just as he had wanted. He needed no distractions while getting to know this exquisite creature, and get to know her he intended, in all ways possible.

  He soon had her talking about herself, her family, her dreams and her aspirations. He was also glad to hear she intended going to a college not too far from New York. He could see her when he was off at the hospital, as the drive would not be too long. Things seemed perfect, and she seemed to think so too.

  Their dates became frequent and he had finally kissed her outside her aunt’s door one evening, a passing neighbor’s ‘get a room, dammit’, not going amiss. “Are you my girl, Selena?”

  “Of course! You know I am!”

  “I have the weekend and Monday off, will you come away with me? I want to be alone with you.”

  Without hesitation, she had nodded, her heart in her eyes, and he had made his way home with a lift in his step.

  That Saturday, he went round to her home early, his car parked outside. The neighborhood was not the best there was, but it was decent. She waltzed down to meet him even before he could get out of the vehicle, opened the back door, and threw in a large bag. “Hey there! Where we going?”

  “Good morning, Selena! And it’s a surprise! Don’t I get a hello kiss?”

  Selena bent over and aimed a kiss at his cheek, but he turned his head at the last moment and it landed on his lips. “Gotcha!”

  Still smiling, he gunned the car into action and they soon made their way out of the city, into the country, her hand holding his the whole time. Everything was green and had an added brightness to it as though showing off especially for her. His girl. He liked the sound of that.

  Too soon, it seemed, they turned into the gates and drove down the driveway to his parents’ house. He was grateful they had gone to France for the summer. The place was empty, as most of the servants had been given some much needed vacation time as well, and only a small staff component would be around the place. He preferred it that way.

  “Oh look at that place! It’s gorgeous! Who lives there?”

  “Actually, my parents do.”

  “Are you rich, Nick? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Nick laughed. “My parents are rich, not me. I work at the hospital for a living. I just thought you might like it here. The back of the property borders on the seafront and there are some pretty views. Sorry you came?”

  “Hell no!”

  Nick had smiled, delighted.

  That weekend was the first time they had made love and it had been perfect.

  Things took their course from there, and Nick had found himself falling for her and she had soon moved in with him. The good times, however, were short lived, even though it was intense.

  Their parents had not approved. Nick’s parents labelled Selena a gold digger and hinted that her ‘class’ would not go down well in ‘their circles’. Selena’s father, on the other hand, had called his daughter a whore for living with a man who was a few years older than her and had called Nick a pedophile, even although Selena was almost nineteen at the time. Things had become extremely unpleasant for the young couple.

  One evening Nick had come home to find no trace of Selena. Everything was gone: her clothes, her books, even her little knick-knacks that she so loved. He tried calling her on her cell, but the number had been disconnected, and finally went round to her aunt’s house. The lady was not forthcoming, saying Selena had seen the error of her ways and had left to start a new life. It was as if she had fallen off the face of the earth.

  Nick had buried himself in work, his free time spent searching for any trace of her, until finally he got a call from Selena’s aunt, more than a year later. Selena, she told him coldly and matter-of-factly, had died. Apparently she had gone off with her boyfriend on his motorcycle, and there was an incident. Both of them had lost their lives, Selena having broken her neck and pronounced dead on the scene. She would give no further details, and try as he might, he could find nothing to corroborate the story. Yet, why would she have lied to him? What reason could there have been?

  “So, Selena, here I find myself on a week’s vacation, and I find you! After all this time! Do you have any idea how I felt when I walked into the bar that night? Seeing you? It felt like someone had punched me in my gut and twisted my intestines into a knot! I thought at first, that I was going insane, seeing a ghost…and then you sang and I was transported back, given a second chance.” He shook his head and smiled. “Well, that’s it basically.”

  There were tears streaming down Selena’s cheeks. “Oh Nick, I never knew! Nobody told me!”

  Nick pulled her close, letting her gain comfort from the nearness of his body. When she gave one final, hiccupping sigh, he lifted her chin and kissed her. It was not a passionate kiss, but filled with tenderness and longing. Pushing her down on to the blanket, he slowly undressed her, placing kisses on each part of her body, until he heard her sigh his name. “What is it, baby? What do you want?”

  “You Nick, I want you.”

  Nick divested himself of his clothing and lay next to her again, continuing his assault on her body with his lips, moving ever lower, until he came to her mound which he delicately parted to get to the pink juiciness it was hiding and experimentally flicked at her clit with his tongue. Her body jerked at the touch. “Do you like that?”


  “Want more?”

  “Oh yes! Please! Don’t stop, Nick, please, don’t stop!”

  Nick used his tongue to tantalize and tease until Selena could not stand it any longer, than positioned himself between her thighs. “Want me?”

  She nodded, linking her arms around his back, urging him on. Nick allowed himself to enter her, controlling each inch that he moved, until she was filled. Then, turning her face towards him, whispered three words: “Look at me.”

  Selena opened her eyes and stared into his. Nick kept her gaze and started the age old rhythm which was inherent in making love, watching the emotions as they flashed through her eyes. “Don’t close your eyes when you come honey, I want to see you shatter.”

  His movements became more urgent, Selena lifting her hips to meet his, thrust for thrust, until finally, on a long drawn out moan of his name, she shuddered her release in his arms. Nick thrust into her a few more times and his own followed. Gathering her into his arms, they lay side by side; silent, yet replete.

  Afterwards, they watched the sunset while they had their picnic, talking about their past. There were many questi
ons that were asked by Selena, and Nick tried to answer each as clearly as he possibly could, holding nothing back. His anger, everything, was on the proverbial table. He wanted nothing to stand in their way, but more than that, he kept on praying for that small unidentifiable something that would spark a memory. Nothing seemed to work, but Nick vowed to keep on trying.

  The week spun to an end and the couple found themselves on the plane, going back to the mainland. It was time to face the past, and Nick intended to take her to all the places they had frequented, and hopefully meet some of the people they had known. He would, he realized, do anything in his power to capture what he had lost, what she had lost, and if he could, make her happy for the rest of her life, if the lady was willing.

  Chapter 6

  Nick had someone deliver his car at the airport for him to pick up, and they were soon speeding into the countryside, the same route he had taken so long ago with Selena. The seasons had changed, as it was fall, and the leaves on the trees were striking shades of russet and yellow, cloaking the road in confetti –like with autumn colored leaves. It was breathtaking, but not half as striking as the beauty seated right next to him. Selena was interested in her surroundings, and he delighted in pointing out items of interest to her. They finally turned down the long drive to his home. It had become his property on the death of his father, and, although his mother still lived in a smaller house on the estate, the house itself, for the greater part of the year, stood empty. He had no great need to live there, and Emily… He sighed mentally. He still needed to tell Selena about Emily, but later, he vowed, when she remembered. She had enough on her plate as it was.

  “Oh Nick, it is a lovely old place! How can you not want to live here all the time? It’s not that far from the city, is it?”

  “It’s far enough. But I want to start here, where we first made love. I thought we could stay here a day or so and then go back to my apartment. I’ll show you where you worked and the places we went.”


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