Slime Tamer's Chronicles

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Slime Tamer's Chronicles Page 8

by Nathan Valerio

  I got in the car and waved goodbye. In moments the car left with just me, my slimes and the driver.

  The driver drove fast but at highways speeds like any other but his destination was called the jump zone. Think of an airport but for a high speed magic car that use magic to jump. The long empty road was there to allow the car to reach the required speed to perform the jump to the academy that was more than 7000 km away.

  The place was filled with other cars waiting to jump so many people were outside. The driver says everyone here is waiting to jump to the academy.

  I exit the car and watch as the next car gets in place. The road had many runes drawn on the asphalt. The driver said that those runes helped to reach the max speed of 200 mph that is required for the jump.

  At that time the car screeches the tires as it starts running on the road. The speed gathered and the runes began glowing brighter as the speed rose and as soon as it reached the middle of the track the brightness reached its max and the car burst forward leaving two lines of fire were the car accelerated.

  The first image that appeared in my mind is like that from the movie “Back to the future” there was no other way to explain it. The runes on the ground glowed again and the track was cleaned quickly and soon after the next car went the same way.

  I bet you are wondering how I even know about that movie in 2095, the year I died. Obviously last century movies have their charm. They made great movies with the still unsophisticated graphic programming yet they made really great movies.

  For the next hour I watched one car after another go through and finally it was our turn.

  The driver told me to unsummon the slime and put my seatbelt on. I'm really thankful that I was reborn into a modern world instead of a fantasy one.

  The driver revved the engine and accelerated slowly gaining speed. The next moment I saw the windows shine and I instantly recognized it. What happened was the car was covered with a high class light barrier when used around a body supposedly you can move without being affected by the air resistance.

  “You have a good eye miss. I see you already know what happened to the car. Prepare yourself because first timers normally can’t handle the jump.” The driver smiled.

  He said that with a grin and floored the pedal forcing the engine to roar and the speed rapidly rising to 200 mph.

  As soon as we reached the center of the track where it hit the max speed, the space around us seem to stretch the the horizon and we moved far too fast for a normal car. The next moment the space returned to normal but we were in a completely new place.The buildings outside were tall skyscrapers made of white painted steel or some other magical metal. To my surprise the clouds were near the outside of the building as well as far up in the sky.

  “Welcome miss, to Othenia Grand Magic Academy. The single city neutral country that exists on the grand sky island Megathina.” He announced.

  “S-sky island. I thought the academy was at the connection point of the five nations!” I asked in shock.

  The driver laughed heartily, “But it is miss. That location is here. This island floats 6000 meters above that exact location and it's chained to the five great mountains below that keeps the island from floating up.” He said.


  “Haha, I guess you don’t know huh. The chains of the five mountains are chains made by the gods who used their divine power to rise and chain this island to this spot. This gods instructed all the nations to use it as neutral ground to teach our young and to use it as a political meeting ground. The idea worked well because both mid class and nobles make contacts here and build their future. All the kids here will lead the future so with the five nations having connections together Othenia has had no wars for the last 300 years since the academy was built.” He said.

  “What about other countries?” I asked.

  “Well they don’t attack because the five nations are very intimately connected. Attacking one means you risk fighting all five at once.” The driver explained.

  I finally understood what this amazing place was. Even so I saw large white walls circling the metropolis that made up the academy.

  "If you're wondering, yes there are forests and more outside the walls. The area here holds up to level 20 monsters which are used to train the students in later years. Still, you're quite amazing miss, not even a bit of discomfort from the jump.” He said that just as we stopped at the end of the track and entered a road connecting to the high ways.

  “Well, I think it's because I have lots of mana or something else I don’t know about.” I said.

  The driver shrugged while smiling, “Could be. Anyway we will be arriving at the magic academy soon.”

  I nod and look around. Outside was dark unlike the day time before. The academy was northwest of the city I lived in so it was still night time. In the sky, the dark blue night sky was still filled with stars and the massive gas giant the world revolves around could be seen. Yep this planet was a moon around a greenish colored gas giant that filled a part of the night sky every night.

  I like to stay up at night and watch the sky. The world is so alike yet different from the real world. You can’t say this was a game world. Players were just blind to that since they want to escape reality but they brought their problems here. Still there are quite some nice and cool ones. Not that I have met many. Just a few martial artist that appeared at the training center and asked for Belladonna's tutelage.

  Soon we arrive at the academy’s main school building. The school looked more like a castle. It had at least 20 floors, not counting what could possibly be below.

  To both sides were two separate complex of apartment buildings. The complexes had a large wall separating them from the school and the other complex. At the gate of each there was Girls Domitor, Boy’s Dormitory and Grand Magic Academy Written above the gate which were double doors with a metal arch that didn’t separate with the gate.

  The girls dorm was to the left side from the entrance.

  The entire place was loaded with cars entering and leaving. After a few minutes my driver parked in front of the gate and someone came and opened the door for me. It was a young girl with short green hair but with two long braids that come down the front over each shoulder.

  “Greetings, I will help you transport your luggage to your room.”

  I nod and the next moment the trunk opened. The girl snapped her finger and the two large suitcases floated out before vanishing into her inventory.

  “Wow!” I exclaimed.

  The girl blushed a bit before beckoned for me to follow. The girl lead me into the girls dormitory and into an administration office and speaks with an old lady.

  “Child, what is your name?” The old lady asks me.

  She addressed me with a stern sharp eye showing a strange strength behind her. It was clear this old lady was far more then she showed.

  “Kuroko Melody Ginshiro.”

  Yep I adopted Megumi ’s last name and not Daltons. The old lady looked through the pages one after another until her eyes opened slightly and she nodded.

  “Okay, I have confirmed you are of this year’s classes. The ranking tournament begins after the opening ceremony today. Your room is in Building 2, floor 5, room 1. The little halfling will help you get ready. The school uniforms are already in your room so you only need to organize your own personal clothing.’

  “Thank you madam.” I bow which makes her brow raise a bit and a small smile appear before she hides it and nods going to the next child.

  The little halfling maid took me to the building that had a large number 2 over the door and then using an elevator we went to floor 5 and finally room 1. She pulled out a small white metal card with a magic circle on it and passed it in front of a strange pad that looked like one of those old magnetic key locks found in hotels in my old life.

  The door unlocked and she held out the card.

  “This is your key, I would suggest leaving it in your inventory at all times. If
your room changes, the key will be used for the new room as well so don’t toss it away.” She explained.

  I took the key and nod.

  The insides were made for a girl. With a single bed room with with light pink walls, a single bed, a plain desk and a walk in closet with half of the hangers already full of uniforms and school shoes. Though it looked like an apartment building it was still a dorm so I only get a room. Still one just for myself. I thought it would have roommates but then I saw the door that connected my room with the next room to the right.

  The maid pull out my luggage and dropped it on my bed. In them were my new clothes since I have long since outgrown those beginner dresses and bought new stuff.

  “Well with your things dropped off, please dress yourself in one of the uniforms, I will return in a bit to bring you to the auditorium where the welcoming ceremony will take place.From there everyone will go to the stadium where your will be tested and see which classes you will take.” She said.

  “Thank you for the help.” I said.

  The maid blushes and leaves.

  I breath a sigh of relief as I am finally here. For the next year this is my room. AH~! I am so excited for the tournament. I can’t wait to show off my pets' skills. I will totally blow everyone away with all the slimes and Rama. Hehe I can’t wait.

  Chapter 7 Welcoming Ceremony

  I summon Peach and Glop after the halfling maid left and slowly explore my room. The room was a 4x6 meters squared room with two windows on the back wall that looked out to the path outside which was filled with kids walking.

  Like I said before there was a single person bed on the right side corner near the window and on the other side of the room was a study desk for me.

  The closet was split in half. On the left side was empty for where my clothes would go. It was split into hangers near the top, which I had a ladder to help reach, the middle hanger probably for skirts and dresses and at the bottom were drawers and space for my shoes. I didn’t only have skirts and dresses. I made sure to buy jeans pants, regular pants and shorts depending on the weather as well as other coats and stuff that are going to go on the hangers.

  On the right side of the closet was the uniforms. I somewhat frowned. The reason was because the uniform was composed of a white undershirt and with a black overshirt and the same for the skirt which went down below my knees. For the shoes there was long stocking socks and simple black shoes.

  I took one of the uniforms down and walked over to the mirror at the back of the close.

  Standing there in my reflection was a silver haired girl with purple iris and while holding the uniform it made me look close to a gothic lolita. Though the uniform itself wasn’t gothic style it still gave the impression of this.

  Still the halfling maid did say that I needed to get dressed so I pull out the white stockings and take off my current clothes. I put the white shirt first then the skirt which goes over that before putting the black vest.

  I move a bit and found that it fit just right. Then I remembered that the equip system of this world works for NPC as well. The equipment window is above the inventory so looking at it I threw the stocking and shoes in my inventory and equip from there and they materialize on me. I remove the other clothes and test it as well and they are put on much more comfortably than before.

  Lastly was the uniform beret hat which, contrary to the uniform, was pure white which seem to blend with my silver hair. I was wondering how I would keep my hair from getting messed up so I ended up making a low pony tail. With that I had no problems with the beret and it fit well on my head.

  I walk out of the closet and find Peach and Glop looking around like curious kids. When Peach saw me she ran over with her eyes shining as she looked me over.

  “Mas...ter pre...tty.” She said slowly and with some difficulty. The sound didn’t seem to come from her lips.

  “Thank Peach.” I said and pat her on the head which makes her close her eyes in pleasure. Oh yeah, she is starting to learn to talk. Slimes learn by mimicking but talking is a completely new level of difficulty.

  Glop has more trouble and can barely talk but they understand our words.

  At that moment the halfling came in and yelled in shock before falling backwards after seeing the slimes.

  “W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what i-i-i-is th-that!” She shouted pointing at the slimes.

  To say the least, it drew a lot of attention. Instantly I had them both unsummoned.

  “Those two were my tamed pets. You don’t need to worry.” I said trying to comfort the small maid.

  The maid was trembling when the old lady from before appeared at the door after pushing past the small group of girls who were grouping around the door to see.

  “What is with all the noise!” She asked as her sharp eyes fell over us all.

  “T-the g-girl s-s-summoned t-t-tamed pets!” The halfling maid said.

  The old lady looked at me sharply like before but this time there was a hint of anger. “Was there summoned pets here young lady?” She asked.

  “Yes.” I said truthfully since I had no reason to lie, “They are mimic slimes and I have had them with me for the last 3 years. No one told me anything about prohibiting summoning them.” I said.

  “Yes, that would have been explained at the ceremony today. But slimes aren’t prohibited, in your room.” She said the last part with a firm tone.

  “Yes madam.” I bow and the next moment the Pink and Blue slime were once again summoned and both quickly took to their demihuman form which surprised everyone. “Well since it’s not prohibited in my own room I will keep them out. I feel more comfortable when they are close. Peach, Glop say hello to everyone.” I said.

  They both nod and took a step forward and bowed.

  “Ni...ce to me...t.” Peach said.

  “Me…” Barely managed to squeeze out.

  The eyes of the old Lady widen upon hearing the two talking, “They...talked!”

  “Only a bit. they are a long way away from talking well but for now they are learning.” I replied.

  I pat both on the head and they smile which the tails on their back wag.

  The girls outside looked excited at this. The two slimes eventually changed to their fox form and rubbed themselves against me.

  “Miss...Ginshiro. It is best to keep those hidden until the tournament. Those aren’t your normal slimes I can tell you that. I will need to speak to the headmaster about this.” She said.

  I nod. It was obvious that it would be like this. Slimes with a humanoid form must have eaten a human at one point.

  Well like it matters, the maid, having calmed herself, stood back up and apologized to the old lady for her lack of professionalism as a maid.

  “Shall we go? Please unsummon them as well.” She said.

  “Ok.” I pet them once more and unsummon them before walking outside following behind the maid. The old lady shouted at the rest of the girls outside to finish getting ready. Everyone runs back into their own rooms but I notice they were in pairs.

  “Why is it that I have a room for myself while everyone is in pair?” I asked.

  “You are the adopted daughter of a tamer guild head master. Obviously you would be a tamer. Tamer isn’t a class many people have and usually it brings...certain smells into the building so not many people take it that well.” She said.

  Oh so this is what Megumi and the others were talking about when they registered me. I don’t know if we are looked down on or if it's because of the activities but it seems I will be left alone because of this.

  Well it didn’t matter, I will just show them how stronger tamers can be.

  The maid lead me outside and then into the main school building. There were others who were heading the same way. We climbed down a flight of stairs into the basement floors and as soon as we got to the last step my eyes opened wide.

  Under the surface of the school sat a gigantic stadium. More than half of it was already filled with students who were chatting.
I gulped looking at this.

  "Impressive right? This is the grand auditorium and the grand stadium where all contests, tournaments and duels take place. The arena is enchanted to keep students from dying and will teleport the loser away.” She explained the function of the arena proudly.

  “Who are all these people?” I asked.

  “Current student. Besides being a ranking tournament it's also an entrance exam. Those who fail the entrance exam won’t be allowed to enter and will be sent back to their parents. This is a one time only thing so if you fail, you fail. There is no second chance to enter the academy.” She said.

  My eyes got wide hearing how severe it was. Anyway she leads me to the empty zone were a few new students were. As I walk in a few people nearby look my way before they start talking.

  “Urh, why is everyone pointing my way?” I asked groaning from the attention.

  “Because a purple eyed, silver haired beauty just walked in. Is there a reason not to talk.” The halfling maid giggled when she said that.

  I blushed hearing her say that and just followed while listening to the comments. By the time she guided me to the chair with my name stuck on it with a sheet of paper I was beet red from being looked at.

  I don’t take having all the attention on me so well.

  At least when I sat down the attention of everyone went to the next girl that entered. I also looked back to see. The girl was wearing the same uniform as me but a few key differences were apparent. First off her hair was a golden blond and curled up in twirls like you see in those anime with a princess. Her eyes were sky blue and her skin was fair.

  Compared to my silver haired low ponytail styled hair which draws less attention she seems to like attention and to show off her natural, still forming, beauty.

  She was led by another maid like the halfling but this one was a full grown adult elf. Wait is the maid I got a kid or an adult.

  I looked at her and she seems to read what I am thinking. "I am 24 if you are wondering. I've seen that look enough times to know. I'm from the halfling race remember. We are a human sub race that doesn’t pass this size or physique so I will look like a child until my late 50’s.” She said calmly


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