by Ben Stewart
offers to stand as security for Arctic 30 187–9
previous jailing of 188
and Prirazlomnaya platform 130
Nancy (Bryan’s girlfriend) 182
NASA 344
Nekrassov, Alexander 274
Noble Discoverer 132
Novaya Gazeta 221
NTV 87
Oleg (inmate) 111
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn) 92
Orsi, Hernán 270–1
Oulahsen, Faiza:
coping with release 322–3
and Mikhail Ulyanov 342, 348
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 117
in SIZO-5, St Petersburg 304
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Oulahsen-Farhat, Mimount 44–5, 272
Parker (RHIB) 21, 23–4
stabbed 22
Paul, Alexandre ‘Po’:
jail sentence pronounced on 65–6
leaves Russia 335
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 71
Pereira, Fernando 15, 248
Perrett, Anthony:
catapult operated by 21–2
leaves Russia 334–5
at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 111–12; and Gulag Chronicle 212–18
Pisanu, Francesco 9, 333
Poland, Nazi invasion of 91
Popov, Governor 124, 125–6, 157–8, 161, 220, 221–3, 257–8
Hewetson’s interview with 220–3
Litvinov’s interview with 232–41
promotion of 343
Prague, Russian tanks enter 94
Priestley, J.B. 93
Prieur, Capt. Dominique 248
Prirazlomnaya platform:
Arctic 30 operation against, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
Arctic Sunrise observes 11–12
history of 132
previous Greenpeace assault on 14, 130
Putin’s video link with 339–40
Pussy Riot 56, 64, 87, 166, 171–2, 343
and Amnesty Bill 329, 331
Putin, Vladimir 166–71, 172–6 passim
and Amnesty Bill 330–1
Arctic 30’s case spoken of by 63, 330–1
becomes President 175
becomes Prime Minister 175
blueprint for rule of 175–6
childhood of 174
demonstrations after inauguration of 171
FSB headed by 175
furious with Greenpeace 168
Gazprom congratulated by 339–40
in KGB 174–5
McCartney’s letter to 199–200
Naidoo’s draft letter to 186–9
Nobel laureates write to 199
and Pussy Riot 166
and Russia, Sixsmith’s take on 169–72, 345–6
and Russian economy 169–70
and Winter Olympics 172, 345–6
Putin’s Oil (Sixsmith) 169
Rainbow Warrior, The (film) 248
Rainbow Warrior (vessels) 15, 248, 341, 343
Red-haired Horse, The 238, 241
Remnick, David 96
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai 93
Rogers, Iain 349
leaves Russia 335
Rondal, Fabien 136, 159–60
appointed to lead ground team 52
and Ball’s secreted memory card 163–4
camera memory card handed to 182
and prisoners’ letters 159, 160
Roosevelt, Franklin 90
Russell, Bertrand 93
Russell, Colin:
bail applications of 296–9, 326–7; denied 299–300; granted 327
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 110
in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 321
Amnesty Bill in 329–33
Arctic Sunrise occupied and towed by, see under Arctic Sunrise
Bolshevik Revolution in 90
Committee for State Security (KGB) in 93, 95, 96, 174–5, 255–6
Dutch year of friendship with 50
energy essential to 169–70, 175
Federal Security Bureau (FSB) in 50, 55, 121, 147, 239–40, 291; drugs-find claim of 189–93; Litvinov interviewed by 207–11, 252–5; and possible raid on Greenpeace office 185–6; Putin appointed to head 175; suspected false intelligence from 168
Germany turns on 91
Investigative Committee in 56, 147, 185, 252
and ITLOS, see International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Kresty jail in, see SIZO-1, St Petersburg
Murmansk SIZO-1 isolation jail in, see SIZO-1 isolation jail, Murmansk
Prague entered by tanks of 94
protest against, over Czechoslovakia invasion, see Litvinov, Pavel
and Putin, Sixsmith’s take on 169–72, 345–6
seabed flag of 129, 170, 176
state capitalism in 176
and WikiLeaks cables 129
Winter Olympics in 172, 331, 345
Russian Social Democratic Labour Party 89
Saarela, Sini:
aboard Ladoga 26–7, 42
abuse directed at 341
and Amnesty Bill 330
appeal of 183
Arctic connection felt by 42
back on Arctic Sunrise 42–3
bail application of 305, 307–8; granted 308
banner demands release of 30
celebrity status of 341
described 13–14
early campaigning of 42
initial interrogation of 57
jail arrivals of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
jail sentence pronounced on 87
leaves Russia 336–7
letters to 160–1
and Mikhail Ulyanov 339–41, 347–8
postponement of hearing concerning 67–8
Prirazlomnaya platform climbed before by 14, 130
at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
release of, on bail 313–15
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 117, 157–8; and letter to ground team 183–4; letters smuggled to 160–1; open letter from 177; and surplus potatoes 157–8, 161, 177–9, 201, 218–19, 323
in SIZO-5, St Petersburg 282, 283, 291–2, 299–300
Willcox’s reunion with 319
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Sadri, James 50
Sami people 42
Sasha (inmate) 243–4
Sauven, John 127–8, 165–7, 199
Scaroni, Paolo 199
Schmidt, Andreas 132
Scofield, Paul 93
Seeger, Pete 247
Selma 245–6
Sergei (inmate) 111
Shell 131–2
Simons, Daniel 50, 133–4
and FSB’s drugs-find claim 192
as ITLOS witness 260–1
leaves Russia 185
legal team recruited by 133
secret police harass 133–4
Sinyakov, Denis 35, 343
and Amnesty Bill 331–2, 343
appeal of 183
bail granted to 303
jail sentence pronounced on 64
letter from former cellmate of 345
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 143–4
in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 295
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Sixsmith, Martin 168–72, 174, 345–6
SIZO-1, Murmansk:
activists’ arrival at 68–9
activists leave 268–70
activists’ time in, see individual activists/crew
black and red zones if 104
boss cells in 101, 103, 105
deep searches in 225–6
‘Don’t Trust Don’t Fear Don’t Beg
’ motto of 108
gay men in 106
Hewetson’s ‘review’ of 220–2
letters smuggled to and from prisoners in 159–61
library in 143–4
prisoners still fighting regime in 345
rope network (doroga) in 5–10, 75, 85, 99, 102, 103–4, 112–15, 123
routine in 85
surviving, crash course in 102–7
women’s tapping code in 84, 117, 144–5, 204
women’s zone in 107–8
‘woollen’ cells in 76–7
SIZO-1, St Petersburg (Kresty), see individual activists/crew:
activists’ arrival at 278–9
described 276
escapes from 277–8
SIZO-4, St Petersburg:
activists’ arrival at 279
officials’ tour of 286
SIZO-5, St Petersburg:
activists’ arrival at 279
officials’ tour of 285–6
Slaiby, Pete 138
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 88, 92–3, 143–4, 277, 343
banned works of 93
Speziale, Camila:
and Amnesty Bill 332
bail application of 305, 307
cell of 70–1
father’s letter to 271
jail arrivals of, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
jail sentence pronounced on 66
onboard detente orchestrated by 47
platform pod occupied by 16
previous work of 118
at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30
activists/crew prison transfer of, see under Arctic 30
activists/crew release of, on bail 313–14
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 68–71, 78, 84, 117–18, 203–4; Harris’s tapping code with 84, 145, 204; and T-shirt gift from family 162
in SIZO-5, St Petersburg 292
Willcox’s reunion with 319
Stalin, Joseph 89–90, 91, 97, 244
Stepan (inmate) 74–5, 79
Stolypin, Pyotr 258
Stravinsky, Igor 93
Suchkov, Andrey 288
Sunday Times 274
Suu Kyi, Aung San 199
Suzie Q (RHIB) 22–3
Teulings, Jasper 50, 136, 260–1, 322
Trotsky, Leon 89 (See also Lev Broshtein)
Tsyplenkov, Sergey 185
Turner, James 130
Tutu, Desmond 198
Ukraine 343
Under the Green Roof 87
Vasilieva, Tatiana 189, 194
Vasily (inmate) 279–80, 288, 309
Vettel, Sebastian 160
Vitaly (inmate) 101–3, 104–8, 109–10, 179, 229, 241, 269
Voight, Jon 248
Wałęsa, Lech 199
Wallace, George 245
Weber, Kruso:
aboard Ladoga 26, 42
appeal of 180–1
back on Arctic Sunrise 42–3
banner demands release of 30
leaves Russia 336–7
at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30
in SIZO-1, Murmansk 263
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
WikiLeaks 129
Willcox, Elsie 244–5
Willcox, Henry 244
Willcox, Maggy 247, 249, 343
Willcox, Pete:
bail granted to 312–13
birth and early life of 244–7; and trip to USSR 246–7
captains Seeger’s boat 247
commandos and coastguard officers faced by 15
described 14
diary entries of: in SIZO-1, Murmansk 243–4, 249–50, 263, 265; in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 281, 285, 295–6, 301, 305, 312–13
earlier arrests of 248
first Greenpeace captaincy of 247
first protest of 245–6
home return of 343
marriages of 249
and Mikhail Ulyanov 341
piracy charges against 247
portrayed in Rainbow Warrior movie 248
at Prirazlomnaya protest, see under Arctic 30 activists/crew
Rainbow Warrior captained by 15, 248
release of, on bail 319
and Russian seizure of Arctic Sunrise, see under Arctic Sunrise
self-questioning by 313
in SIZO-1, Murmansk, diary entries of 243–4, 249–50, 263, 265
in SIZO-1, St Petersburg 312–13; diary entries of 281, 285, 295–6, 302, 305, 312–13
strip-searched and fingerprinted 60
see also Arctic 30 activists/crew
Willcox, Roger 244, 246
Winter Olympics 172, 331, 345
Yakushev, Ruslan 30
Yeltsin, Boris 175, 278
Yuri (inmate) 7, 10, 109, 112–15, 142, 148, 194–5, 203, 206, 207, 252, 267–8, 269
charges against 6
Zaspa, Dr Katya 134
bail application of 302–3; granted 303
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