Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1)

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Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1) Page 15

by Cala Riley

  Reed reaches over, intertwining our hands as he speaks. “Put your seat belt on, Keat. All of you put your seat belts on.”

  I turn in my seat, finding Sterling and Finley in the back as well. “What’s going on? Where is V?”

  A gentle squeeze to my hand brings my attention back to Reed. “I called and told Victoria that I would give you a ride home. We need to talk.”

  “Really? I agree. We do need to talk. What the fuck were you doing sneaking around after hours at the mall? What the fuck was that back there? My boyfriend? Seriously? I thought I told you not to touch me again.”

  I half-heartedly try to pull from his grasp, but I stop when he gives me another gentle squeeze.

  “He thought I was your boyfriend, so I played along. No harm in letting an old man think we’re in love.”

  No harm for him, at least.

  The more time I spend with this new, kind Reed, the more I find myself liking him. Hell, if I’m being honest with myself, I had the hots for him when he was an absolute asshole.

  “Fine. What about what you were doing at the mall?”

  “Got some dinner. Stayed later than we anticipated, right, Reed?” Sterling glares at the back of Reed’s head.

  “Yep. Then we stole a bird from the fountain and were almost caught. Thankfully, you helped us escape. Thanks for that, by the way.” He brings my hand up to kiss it as I hear the others grumble in the back seat.

  “Thank you for your honesty. Can I ask one more question?” Reed’s eyes meet mine briefly before going back to the road. “Why the hell did you steal a stupid bird?”

  They all start laughing, but I don’t join in.

  “I’m being serious. You guys could have gotten arrested or hurt over what? A twenty-dollar lawn ornament?”

  Keaton is the first to speak. “We would have been fine. The mall cop would have only been able to ban us from the mall, and even that would have been a stretch.”

  “Besides, we weren’t planning to get caught,” Reed adds with a wink.

  I’m not so sure what to think of this new, playful side of him. Besides it messing with my head, it also screams trouble. Trouble I don’t need.

  “Art takes his job seriously. He used to be in the army. While he doesn’t carry a gun, he does carry a Taser and baton. He could have hurt you.”

  “Careful, Sage. You almost sound like you care.”

  Sterling’s words cause me to turn and glare at him.

  “Of course I fucking care. Did any one of you think about what getting caught or hurt would have done to the people you care about? Tinsley would have been devastated and Victoria would have been worried too. Since they’re my friends and at least one of you claims that position as well, I would have cared. I don’t like seeing the people I care about hurt."

  This time I yank my hand away from Reed’s, but he lets it go willingly.

  “I’m sorry, S.” Keaton’s deflated voice comes from the back.

  “I’m sorry too.” Reed’s apology is unexpected.

  I glance over to him, but he’s focused on the road, all humor gone from his face.

  “You’re right. We should have been more careful. I understand where you’re coming from, but you didn’t have to worry. We had it handled.”

  “You involved me in it, Reed. I got the memo. You four are untouchable. The kings of the school. Nothing bad ever happens to you. I bet if you had gotten arrested, you would have been bonded out before they even took your fingerprints. Hell, if Art had tased you, you would have had his job along with his firstborn child. Life is easy for you. It’s not the same for me. A black mark like that could ruin my life.”

  Reed pulls up in front of my house, putting the car in Park before turning to me. He glances at the guys before turning back to me.

  “We’re truly sorry. I had no intentions of involving you in this. Actually, it bothered me to know you were working. We had the whole thing planned out, but finding out you were working threw a wrench in our plans. Beth usually doesn’t close the gate until she’s planning to leave, but I know when you close, you shut the gate right on time. It was by chance that you had it open tonight. We weren’t planning to involve you.”

  I huff. “Then why did you? You came right to me. You asked me where the back door was.”

  He gives me a small smile. “I wanted you to know it was us. That you had nothing to fear. We know where the door is, but we wanted to know if you would tell us. If you would protect us. I heard you tell the guard that we went out a different door. You had our back. We have yours too.”

  “This was a stupid test? For me? You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Instead of comforting me, his words make my blood boil.

  The confused look on his face tells me he has no clue what he said wrong. “It wasn’t a test for you but for us. As part of—”

  “Enough. We don’t know if we can trust her,” Sterling cuts Reed off.

  “You’re welcome to leave this vehicle any time. I didn’t ask your permission, and I’m not going to. We all did something tonight. Something that may or may not affect Sage now that she’s involved. She has a right to know.”

  “Whatever, man. I’m out.” Sterling jumps out, heading to my front door.

  “I don’t want you to fight because of me. Hell, I don’t know if I want to know.”

  I watch as Victoria opens the door, pulling him in for a kiss when she realizes who it is. They head inside, but she sticks her head back out. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but she throws a worried look in my direction. I smile and wave her inside.

  As soon as the door is shut, I turn back to Reed. The other two are quiet in the back.

  “We’re a part of the Secretum Societatis,” Reed says after a moment of silence.

  “The what?”

  “Secretum Societatis. It’s an elite group. As seniors, Sterling and I were tasked with obtaining the bird from the mall. It’s our sacrifice for the cause. It’s a lot of stuff that you can’t know about until you’re in. I really shouldn’t even be telling you about it.”

  “Is that why Sterling was so upset? And if it was a task for Sterling and you, why were the other two with you?” I ask while throwing my thumb over my shoulder toward Finley and Keaton.

  He nods. “It’s a serious offense to tell an outsider. Especially if the outsider tells others. There’s a reason it’s so secret. Only the elite few are chosen. You’ll see. There’s an event coming up soon. It’ll help explain things. Besides, do you really think we could have kept them out of it?”

  I scoff. “Sure. As if the elite would choose me as one of theirs. Little old trailer trash Sage.”

  Reed glares at me. “I told you not to call yourself that. You have Covington blood running through your veins. You’re part of a founding family. That alone means you’re on their radar, whether you like it or not.”

  “What if I refuse to go?”

  “Then you refuse. It isn’t a gang. They aren’t going to ridicule you if you choose not to be a part of it. It is what it is. You either join or you don’t. That is, if you’re one of the lucky few chosen.”

  “You think I’ll be chosen?”

  He shrugs, but I can tell he isn’t giving me the whole truth.

  “Enough of this. Can we go inside now? I’m starving,” Keaton whines from the back.

  I glare at Reed, willing him to tell me what he’s hiding, but he’s a rock.

  Finally, I sigh. “Let’s go inside before V sends out a search party.”

  I follow the guys to the house, opening the door before ushering them in. Reed steps into my space.

  “What I told you tonight cannot be repeated. Even to Victoria and Tinsley.”

  “Why not?”

  “They aren’t in yet. They will be, but for the girls, initiation is a little different. They don’t have to steal a stupid bird or another ridiculous task. That’s the man’s offering. The women offer something else.”

  “What?” I ask as he presses clos

  “I can’t tell you, but I hope you come when asked. Will you come for me?”

  I gasp as he trails his hand across my lower stomach. Before I realize what I’m doing, I speak. “Yes. I’ll come. For you.”

  “Good. Now let’s watch a movie.” Reed immediately steps out of my space, heading toward the living room and leaving me a mess standing by the open front door.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It’s one week and two days later before I find out what Reed is talking about. It’s a normal Wednesday afternoon for me. I went through my routine of riding to school with Victoria, going to class, and eating lunch with Tinsley, Victoria, and surprisingly the rest of the guys. Sterling’s still cold and distant around me, but the others have warmed up.

  Ingram has even backed off some, but I think that has more to do with the fact that I’m rarely alone anymore. One of the group always ends up finding me and walking me to and from class. Even Sterling has made an appearance a time or two.

  So it’s surprising when I leave my last class of the day and find no one in the hall waiting for me. Part of me feels slight disappointment, as I’d gotten used to their company, but the other part reminds me that I was once independent. It reminds me that I’m becoming codependent on the people in my life. It’s going to make it that much harder to leave.

  Don’t lie to yourself. You haven’t even thought about leaving in weeks.

  My inner voice tells the truth. It’s been weeks since I’ve gone over my plan to leave. I even unpacked my go bag at the house. I made plans that go beyond my birthday. I’ve become complacent.

  Do I even want to leave anymore?

  I open my locker, lost in my thoughts, but a single black rose falls to the ground, catching my attention. There’s nothing else, just a lone black rose. I look around, but no one else seems to be paying attention. I slip the rose in my bag, figuring I’ll worry about it later.

  Shoving my books into the locker, I keep the ones I need to study. Turning to leave, I run smack-dab into Ingram.

  “Watch where you’re going, mega-slut.” She pushes me away from her, causing me to fall on her minion’s outstretched foot.

  My hands sting from breaking my fall, but I refuse to let her see me in pain. Holding back a wince, I stand to face her. “What’s your problem today? Besides not being original.”

  “You’re my problem. Walking around as if you aren’t just some skank who rolled in here. Everyone else might’ve forgotten who you are, but you can’t fool me. They’ll see you for who you are. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Same threats, different day. Are you all bark and no bite?” A couple of weeks ago, she promised me war but went silent. I don’t think she has it in her.

  “Oh, I have bite. Want to see?” Before I have a chance to reply, she grabs my shirt, pulling it apart and causing the buttons to pop and fly all over the place.

  My arms instinctively rise to cover my body.

  “What the fuck?” a voice roars.

  The crowd of students around us parts as Reed storms into the middle of the circle. He takes one look at me, then whips his jersey off his body, handing it to me.

  “Ingram, I thought I told you that Sage is off-limits,” he seethes at her as I hastily drop my bag and pull his shirt over my head.

  “Come on, Reed. She’s not one of us. I don’t understand why you’re protecting her. You used to hold power in this school, but seeing you bow to this whore has taken that power away. We can’t respect you if you don’t even respect yourself.”

  The hall is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Not a student dares to breathe. Then Reed starts laughing. Not a “ha ha, that’s funny” laugh but a sinister one that makes the hair on my body stand on end.

  “Oh, Ingram, do you think I care what any of you here inside these walls think? I don’t need power in this school because I have real power. I have the power to make any one of you poor with the snap of a finger. Oh, Granddaddy’s business is doing well? Keeping you clothed in designer duds? I wonder what would happen if my company stopped trading with Granddaddy? Do you think you would still have those clothes? Especially when he found out it was all because his little granddaughter wanted to be a spoiled brat. Don’t test me, Ingram. I can destroy you.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Her eyes narrow as she glares at him.

  “Try me.”

  She turns her glare to me. “This isn’t over. You might think he’s protecting you now, but he’ll turn his back on you one day, and when he does, I will have my revenge.”

  I chuckle. “Honey, I grew up in poverty. Nothing you can do would be worse than that.”

  I’m exaggerating some, since Mom always made sure we had food and clothing, but she doesn’t know that. They think of me as the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Might as well play it up.

  Ingram chooses not to respond, instead walking away. I know this isn’t over. She appeased Reed, but I know she’ll find a way. You don’t mess with the queen bitch without getting burned. I only hope I can spot her fire before it burns me.

  Once she’s gone, Reed grabs my arm, leading me out the door of the school. I hear whispers and think they’re about what happened back in the hall until we make it to Victoria and Tinsley.

  “Damn, Reed. Nice abs. Can I lick them?” Victoria calls out.

  “Ew, that’s my brother.” Tinsley pretends to gag.

  “And my best friend,” Sterling growls.

  “I’m only kidding, damn. Chill. What happened to your shirt, boss man?” She looks at me. “Oh, found it. What were you two doing?” Victoria wiggles her eyebrows.

  “Not what you think.” I sigh as I watch Reed go to his SUV, pulling out another jersey to change into.

  We chat for a couple of minutes, waiting on Keaton to get to the car before we leave.

  “You guys going to the party?” Sterling asks V.

  “We’ll be there,” she replies while looking at her nails, acting all nonchalant.

  “Be sure to save me a dance,” he tells her with a hungry look in his eyes.

  V rolls her eyes. “I will do no such thing. Tins, you riding with Sage and me, or are you riding with the boys?”

  Tinsley looks at Reed with those big puppy dog eyes, but before she can ask, he shuts her down. “No, you’ll ride with us.”

  Tinsley instantly deflates and starts to step forward toward the guys. I can’t help but reach out and grab her arm. “Hey, it’s all good. We’ll be there. In twenty minutes, we can pick back up where we left off before the guys interrupted,” I tell her softly.

  “Okay,” she whispers with a soft smile.

  We pull up to the Yates estate. V slams the car in Park before we’re fully stopped, throwing us forward.

  “Jesus, what the hell, V!” I yell at her.

  “Sorry, I’m just so fucking excited,” she gushes.

  “It’s a party,” I deadpan.

  V sighs. “It’s so much more than just a party.” She bites her lip. “You had a black rose in your locker today, didn’t you?” she asks.

  “How did you know?” My voice is full of suspicion.

  V’s shoulders visibly relax. “I was hoping you got one too,” she murmurs. “Look, shit’s going to get crazy tonight. I don’t know how to explain it because I was invited today too. But if we make it through tonight, we’re set up for life, Sage.”

  “I don’t even know what that means,” I reply.

  “I know. But whatever happens tonight, you need to be quiet and go with it. Please,” V begs.

  “Okay.” I sigh. “I don’t like it, but okay,” I tell her honestly.

  “Thank you. And don’t worry. I have you covered outfit wise.”

  “Uh, thanks?”

  V jumps out of the car and starts pulling bags from the back seat.

  “What’s all that?” I ask her cautiously.

  “It’s our outfits and some other stuff,” she tells me absently.

  “Right,” I mutter.

/>   We make our way to the front door only to stop short when Tinsley swings it open as we hit the top step, a twinkle in her eye. “Let’s get ready in my room.”

  “Yes,” V exclaims.

  I cautiously follow them, taking in the house as I go.

  As soon as I step into Tinsley’s room, she slams the door shut and locks it. V starts dumping the bags out on the bed while I stand by the door awkwardly.

  “Did you guys get roses?” Tinsley asks hesitantly.

  “We did!” V gushes.

  “Ugh, I’m so jealous! I have one more year until I know if I’m in or not,” T grumbles.

  “Um, sorry to interrupt you guys, but what the hell is up with this lingerie, V?” I ask her with a raised brow.

  “It’s for us. I went through your top drawer to figure out your sizes. I hope you don’t mind, but I had to make sure we were prepared in case we received black roses.”

  “What do black roses and lingerie have to do with a Samhain party? What the hell is a Samhain party, while we’re at it?” I ask, completely exasperated.

  “Samhain is the original Halloween. The Celts celebrated their new year on November first. Samhain marked the end of summer and harvest and the beginning of a dark, cold winter. The winter was also associated with death. The Celts believed on the night before the new year, the veil between the living and the dead was thinnest. Samhain was the night the ghosts returned to Earth, causing chaos by terrorizing humans, damaging crops, and so on, so the Druids built huge bonfires where people gathered, burned crops, and had animal sacrifices to the Celtic deities. The Celts would wear costumes and masks and dance around the fire to keep the ghosts at bay. Then at the end, they would go home and relight their hearths and were protected through the winter,” Tinsley explains.

  “Right,” I say hesitantly.

  “That’s where Halloween came from. Around here, we have a huge Irish population, so it’s only fair we do it right. Besides, who doesn’t love a good mask?” V asks.

  “That’s all fine and dandy, but I don’t understand how black roses and lingerie play into that,” I tell them honestly.

  V and Tinsley share a look between the two of them before Tinsley sighs and turns back to me. She walks over and takes my hands. “Look, I don’t know much, but if you received a black rose, that means you were part of the chosen. Accepted as one of the upper tier. For you, this isn’t a normal Halloween party but an initiation. You may have to do something you're uncomfortable with, but it’ll set you up for life. After tonight, if you ever need anything, you’ll be able to call upon those in the group to help with whatever you need and they can’t deny you. Take it, Sage. Take it and run,” she begs.


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