Steeling My Haart

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Steeling My Haart Page 2

by Lizzy Roberts

  As Emma melted into him, he felt complete and he lost count of how many minutes they sat there in the darkness just listening to the sounds of the storm raging above them. The only other sounds were of their ragged breaths and thundering heartbeats. That had been too close.

  Chapter Two

  After what felt like hours, the violent wind and relentless rain and hail still pounded on the metal door above them. This was one bad storm and it sounded like they were probably safest to stay in the shelter for the night. Fumbling about the dark shelter and as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could just make out the outlines of a couple of metal boxes in the far corner of the small underground room. As the lightening flashes continued to illuminate the room with enough sporadic light to see he gently tried to release a shaking Emma and attempt to find some more permanent light.

  “Sweetheart, I just need to reach over there and see if there are any candles or a torch and a radio so we can monitor the weather, okay? I will be right back and won’t leave you here, I promise.”

  She nodded slightly and took this as his cue to quickly rummage through the boxes. He soon found a box of candles, some glass jars, and box of storm matches and set about putting them to use. When he had finally lit a few candles, the room looked a little less scary and was actually pretty well stocked. It seemed as though the old lady had kept this place provisioned with a few items right up until she moved.

  After setting the candles in the jars securely, he glanced back over to Emma and his heart almost stopped as he saw her cowering in the same spot. He noticed she was shaking slightly, but he couldn’t tell whether it was from mild shock or the cold, damp air in the room. He scooted towards her, taking her once again into his arms.

  She was too quiet and all he wanted to do was to make sure that she was okay. He scanned the room and saw that there was a small, comfy-looking sofa. A couple of beautiful handmade quilts had been left on the cushions, wrapped in thick plastic storage bags, no doubt an attempt to keep the dust and damp out. He gently carried her across the room laid her on the sofa. After unwrapping them carefully, covered her with a couple of the patchwork pieces. As he went to seek out what was inside the other boxes he could see in the shelter, she reached out and grabbed his arm with her hand, still shaking with the stress of the evening.

  “Thank you.” her tiny quivering voice echoed round the room. “Thank you, Blaze. You literally saved my life. Twice.”

  He turned to her to say something just as she burst into a heart-wrenching sobbing fit. He eased onto the sofa with her and took her gorgeous, tear-stained face tenderly in to his hands. As she sobbed he wiped away the tears with his thumbs, kissing the tracks that they had made on her dust covered cheeks. Leaning in and kissing her forehead tenderly he replied, “My absolute pleasure, sweetheart. Knowing there could be a world without you in it would completely break me, do you know that? I would rather die before I’d let anything happen to you, Emma. I really would.”

  She threw her arms around his back and nuzzled deep into his neck, taking comfort in the fact they were both still breathing and had so far got through this ordeal in once piece. “I love you, I really do. If you hadn’t been there tonight…”

  “Shhhh, Em, it’s all okay. We’re safe now. I’ve got you, sweetheart, and I’m not letting you go just yet,” he replied and then in a sudden moment of lucidity, the meaning of his words sunk in. He wasn’t letting her go just yet, but probably in the morning things would be a lot different. He still believed letting her go was the right thing to do. Especially now if it meant getting her out and away from this bullshit weather and the threat of this ever happening to her again.

  “Oh God! Charlie, what about your mom? How is she going to get away?” she cried out as she pulled away from him. “My mom and dad headed to see Grams this morning and aren’t due back until tomorrow but your poor mom…” She continued to sob.

  Reaching out and holding her tight again he answered in a soothing voice, “Em, she’s with Hank, sweetheart, and she’s safe. They left for the Arthritis clinic in Baltimore this morning. Remember, I told you Hank has paid for her to see that specialist to find out if they can help? I had a call to say they had arrived just after lunchtime and were settling into a nice hotel for the weekend. Hank had called to warn me of the weather alerts too. Don’t worry yourself; lets just get through tonight, okay?” he soothed gently trying his best to calm her even though he felt scared himself. “Come here. I think you’re getting cold. Wrap yourself in this quilt, and I’ll go see if there is anything to eat or drink. We can stay in here for the night. I’m not going out there again until I can see and I know its safe.” He suggested, mainly because he was worried about what may be waiting for them outside after the storm had ceased. There was no point in worrying tonight, especially with the weather still being bad out there.

  He wrapped her up in the one of the quilts and settled her back onto the huge sofa and moved to check the other boxes. He was surprised when he found a real treasure trove of tinned long life food with a can opener and some bottles of water. Delving further, he uncovered a small butane stove and a couple of butane canisters. The final box held some herbal tea and pan. Rustling up the best meal he could under the circumstances, he brought it over to Emma and they sat and ate and drank the warm tea. He was grateful, and having some food and warmth inside him took away the edge and helped to calm him down. It seemed to have the same effect on Emma. Doing something so normal with her, despite the chaos that had erupted around them, seemed to bring them both round from the events of earlier. He noticed that her shaking had subsided and they gradually began to warm up and relax. The storm was relentless. He took it as a clear sign for them to stay well put until they were sure it was safe. In the boxes, he had found an all-weather radio and had this tuned in on low volume, ready to alert them to the all clear for their area. By the ominous reports of the broadcasters, though, all advice was to stay safe for the rest of the evening.

  Clearing away the remains of their canned dinner, he walked over to Emma and took her in to his arms. He maneuvered her around the tight space and onto the sofa, taking the seat next to her. Pulling her to his side and nestling her head on to his chest he heaved a deep sigh of contentment and relief. Taking in the deep breath saturated his lungs with the residual scent that clung to Emma’s hair. A mix of her usual herbal shampoo and the wind and rain from earlier had added a hint of fresh air and it had a slightly damp edge to it. It was calming him, and he loved it. Right then and there, he felt a peace like he had never felt before in his life.

  Emma had begun to finally relax. She leaned her pale face up towards him and slowly began to kiss him, much to his surprise. He could feel the gratitude and emotion flooding through her kiss to his lips. She began to deepen the kiss and slowly moved her cool and clammy hands up and under his shirt, gently tracing up his defined stomach ending at his muscled chest. It felt amazing.

  Groaning heavily, he pulled himself away with everything he had, “Em, please don’t start anything you don’t want to finish, sweetheart. I want you so much. I want to do this more that you’ll ever know, and it’s killing me, but I’m not doing this here, not tonight. Not our first time together. I wanted it to be perfect for you and this isn’t. This… this is just not the time and place, sweethe…” and before he finished she was on him, straddling across his thighs kissing him more fervently than ever before. He could feel her heat through their layers of clothing, heating a spot on his thighs through the warmth she was emitting. She was obviously turned on by the passionate kiss. His pants started to pull tight over his now uncomfortable groin. He almost came undone when she began delving her tongue deep into his mouth, giving him full access to hers. He greedily took everything she had to give with his mouth and offering her as much in return.

  She pulled away, breathing heavily as she looked right into his eyes. He felt everything else melt away as he knew she saw right into his soul. His heart skipped several beats as he retu
rned her gaze. Heat radiated from between her legs and felt like it was searing his thighs through the layers of cotton between her and his bare skin. The immense effort it took to restrain himself caused him incredible discomfort as his nails dug hard into his fisted palms and the skin of his knuckles stretched taut over his bones. Pleading and gazing at him with such passion and need in her eyes, she whispered, “I totally disagree, Blaze. You have just saved my life, and I want this now more that I have ever wanted anything else.”

  Her breath blew warmly across his swollen lips, fuelling his already raging attraction to her. Inhaling sharply, he became aware of the sensations that were spreading across his entire body. Each tiny whisper of warm air blowing over his lips was arousing in him thoughts he knew he would never feel again. Every hair on his body was standing on end, her husky voice was sending tingling sensations across every inch of his cool skin. He shivered; feeling himself hardening to such an extent he was sure he was going to be ruined for life, even if he never got to feel her soft, warm core surrounding him in very way possible. Even just the promise of this chance would be enough to satisfy him for a lifetime. The one person he had already given his heart to was now offering him absolutely everything. His pants were so tight across his swollen groin it was uncomfortable but he had to restrain himself. He couldn’t do this tonight then just walk away. Take everything pure from her for his selfish needs and then leave her to go on without him. Could he?

  He was dragged from his own lust-fuelled musings when the beautiful woman straddling his lap persisted, breathing gently over his face and towards his ear, “This is our night, Charlie, it has to be. We are never going to be in this position again. I hope to God you never have to save my life again. I love you with all that I am and it has brought it home to me tonight that if I never get this chance again, I want you and I to have been together. I want you so badly right now. So please, Blaze, do this for me. Right here, right now. Please?”

  At her heartfelt words, the last of any resolve he pretended to have fell away. He was just about to prove to himself just why Emma didn’t deserve him in her life. He was just like his father, taking all that he wanted and not thinking about anyone else in the equation. He told himself a long time ago that he was never going to be worthy of someone so amazing. She had the potential of an incredible future and he shouldn’t be standing in her way. He had said as much to her father, Michael and had promised that he would do everything in his power to make sure that she should have every opportunity to make something of her life. What he hadn’t factored into all this was nearly physically losing someone he cared so much about. His resolve was weakened more as he basked in the relief that he had saved her life.

  Gazing deep into her eyes, seeking the reassurance he needed, he bobbed his head slightly and gave her silent permission to continue as she slowly started to undo the buttons on his shirt. When he didn’t stop her, she then peeled it down his back, pulling gently on his shoulder so he would sit forward to assist her. He sucked in a sharp breath as she tugged it free from his arms and threw it across the small cabin. He closed his eyes and lost himself in the sensation of her kissing down his chest so slowly and the feeling of her warm breaths was teasing his already sensitive skin. As she reached for the button on his jeans, he took her hands. Breathing heavily he was so turned on he then gently lifted her up until she was eye level with him again. Hesitantly, he looked deep into her eyes and stared for a moment, searching for any sign in her eyes she didn’t want this to happen. When he saw nothing but the same hooded desire and blazing love he was feeling, reflected back into his eyes, he took this as his cue. Purposefully slow in his actions, he reached for the bottom of her soft pink sweater and pulled it with the ribbed white vest she wore underneath. As the two items of clothing popped over her head, he discarded them in the general direction of his shirt.

  He was transfixed, watching her sitting there in just her white lacy bra, hints of her dark nipples peeking over the lace edging of the generous c-cups. She was beautiful and he took in a deep breath before slowly cupping each breast in his hands. He began rubbing his cool thumbs gently in a circular motion over her warm nipples, causing them to harden quickly. In the dim candlelight of the shelter he could honestly say he had never seen anything as stunning as the woman sitting here with him. Sighing deeply, he took the temptation she was offering and murmured, “God, Em, you are just… perfect. So amazing, your skin is just so soft and, oh my God, sweetheart, I can’t stop this. I tried, but I haven’t got the willpower. You are just… so beautiful.”

  He then reached behind her, leaning in with his naked torso towards her delicately pink skin that was softly flushed under the haze of desire. They gasped in unison as his bare chest grazed across her naked stomach, the contact almost too much for him to bear. Unclasping her bra, he freed her generous breasts and reveled their perfection. He couldn’t help gazing at her, sitting there semi-naked as he let the tiny piece of lace fall away onto her lap. He traced his thumbs once again across her sensitive nipples and then down her ribs. He cherished her beauty as he swapped then to ghosting his fingertips across her creamy skin using the lightest of touches. Groaning involuntarily, he then repeated his gentle movements over every inch of her exposed skin this time by gently stroking her with the backs of his fingers. It was as if he was memorizing every tiny inch of her flawless body and he was powerless to stop himself at this point. Goose bumps appeared over her skin as he used his hands to outline every last bit of her. She shivered, this time from desire, not fear. This was it, though, the one and only time he would get to do this so he had one last chance to memorize the heaven he had found in this pure and willing woman in front of him. Falling in love with her was easy, but after tonight, after this, he would be ruined forever.

  Laying her back on to the sofa, making sure she was comfortable, he rested himself carefully between her still jean-clad legs. He began gently rocking his immense erection into the warm apex of her thighs. Leaning in, he kissed her so softly at first, his tongue begging for access to her sweet mouth. Immediately, she opened her lips slightly and as he delved his tongue deep into her mouth, the passion between them simply exploded. Her taste was addictive and he wanted more. They had kissed before but a hard fought restraint from both him and Emma had always won through. But something had changed today and they both knew that their feelings for each other would never be the same after tonight.

  As if sensing the urgency in his actions, he felt Emma’s hands instantly tangle into his hair, fisting and pulling the damp strands, then caressing his scalp as she became lost in his kiss. He was now totally lost in his desire for her and he sensed that she was as far gone as him and was not going to stop, no matter how hard he might have begged. He was acutely aware that somehow during this intimate exchange his burning passion seemed faintly tainted with a hint of sadness perhaps.

  As Emma nibbled at his lip, dragging him from his thoughts, she arched her back and their naked bodies made contact. He was acutely aware as her naked body was pressed so closely against his that she had left no space between them. He savored the closeness of the skin on skin contact and wanted this sensation to last forever. For the first time in his life, he felt complete and in a place he wanted to stay for eternity. Gently placing one hand on the sofa cushion at the side of Emma’s head, Charlie lifted himself up enough to be able to loosen his own jeans and wriggle out of them. He rocked back on to his heels and helped Emma remove her jeans and the white lace panties she was wearing, now damp with her arousal.

  “Commando, huh?” Emma crooked him a small smile as she whispered, barely able to speak the words.

  “Yes, sweetheart, I have never been as glad to be wearing no underwear as I am right now,” Charlie huskily muttered into her ear as he laid himself back down and rested his lower body between her now naked thighs.

  As he dropped down he could feel just how moist she had become, her arousal coating the tops of his thighs. He could smell her musky scent that
covered his bare skin and it aroused him like nothing else. Reaching up and kissing her he elicited an involuntary moan from Emma. He jumped at the sound and took in a harsh breath in response and he knew there and then he had to prepare her well for what was about to happen. Slowly licking along her jaw, he traced patterns with his tongue all the way down her attractive full breasts and continued down her toned midriff, leaving a cool yet unbelievably stimulating trail in his wake. Occasionally he would drop a gentle kiss here and there, or playfully nip at her skin careful not to leave a mark or hurt her. Each kiss and nip eliciting further arousing sounds from Emma. He was so turned on he could hardly breathe and as he glanced at her face, he saw that her eyes were tightly closed and she was biting her lower lip between her teeth. She was as aroused as he was. Throughout the sensual assault he was bringing on her naked form, Emma could do nothing more than whimper and writhe beneath him on the old sofa. It was such a beautiful vision and one he was savoring so that he could keep it locked in his heart forever.

  As he reached her neatly trimmed folds, he positioned himself to kneel between her legs. He started from her toes, kissing and licking up her legs in the same way, as before, tasting the slightly salty tang of the light layer of perspiration that now coated her skin. This elicited further moans from her, each one causing him to hardening even more painfully. He could feel his own release edging nearer and the tip of his erection began to glisten with his own growing arousal.

  “Charlie, please. I can’t stand this anymore. Please just hurry up and make love to me,” Emma managed to groan out.

  “All in good time, sweetheart. I want to make this special and I want to do this the right way. I’m want to make you feel so amazing that you won’t feel me breaking through your virginity when we do finally make love. Emma, I love you so much. I don’t want this to hurt so I’m going to do my goddamn hardest not to hurt you, but I know I will,” Charlie whispered. Just how true those words were, Emma didn’t realize.


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