Steeling My Haart

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Steeling My Haart Page 15

by Lizzy Roberts

  “Wait. What?” Emma stuttered, floored again by the detached and officious manner of the lady in front of her.

  “Let me spell it out for you, Miss McKellan, unless you object, the kids are yours as of today. They have no one else. They need you and we need a safe place for them as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater obviously trusted you with their kids’ lives, and until I can process the relevant investigations and welfare questionnaires the court will require I need them to be looked after. I have found two potential emergency placements, but the baby will have to be sent out of state if you can’t take them, so if I could just take you through these documents. You have the right to refuse to take them but I will need to get going if that is the case. They need to get settled somewhere as quickly as we can.,” Cathy stated.

  “Oh, yes, I’m sorry. I will take them. There is no question of that, but I’m just a bit overwhelmed right now. I’m honestly stunned as to how quickly all of this has happened. I don’t know which way is up today and this is just totally overwhelming me. I have so much to do and things to get. I’ll need to get them some things from home I have nothing. Do they know what has happened to their parents yet?” Emma paled at the thought of having to break the news to Adie.

  “I’m sorry, Miss McKellan, I appreciate that this must be hard for you. But I need to get those poor children a safe place to stay, even if it’s just temporary. And you are the only option I have right now of keeping them together. I’d hate to have to split them up but we just don’t have a placement that they could be put in together. And, yes, we have mentioned to Adie about her parents being in an accident and not coming home, but you will have to appreciate that she is too young to fully understand the implications right now. I have a colleague in my department who will be happy to see you, either later today or tomorrow to help you deal with anything Adie may need and ask, so please don’t worry too much about that.” The officiousness was overwhelming Emma.

  Bruce interrupted the conversation, “I hope if you don’t mind me interrupting, but would it be possible for us to head over to the apartment after this meeting to collect a few things Emma may need for the children? I am happy to stay and help, Emma, and so will Lou. He seems to have found an affinity with Adie already.” One side of Bruce’s moth lifted as he referenced the scene he left behind.

  Cathy replied, “I’m afraid it won’t be possible to get the children any items from home until the police have cleared their investigations. I know this isn’t ideal but at the moment they are treating the apartment as part of a crime scene. You have the basics in the diaper bag that we managed to retrieve from the neighbors when we found them, but I’d suggest you arrange to send Mr. Jenson here out with a shopping list and get some other things brought in. We can advance you some funds from the departmental reserves and I can also make a few calls for one of our other agencies to see if they have and equipment we can loan you for a few days. Would that be of any help?” she asked quickly.

  “No, I have enough to sort them out and it’s still early so I’m sure we can arrange to go shopping in the next few hours to get what we need. Oh God, I’m going to have to ring my parents and see if they will come help out. I have so much to do. I’m already planning on moving back home to Oklahoma to be near to my parents, will that be a problem?” Emma was biting her nails nervously as she began to take in the enormity of it all.

  “No. Once the court finalizes the guardianship and providing there are no objections to your appointment you can go as you planned. If you don’t mind me saying, it might be a blessing all around if you can get those poor kids out of this city.”

  It took well over two hours more to go through the rest of the paper work and by the time the three of them had arrived back in the apartment, Adie was asleep in Lou’s arms and Leo had woken and was fussing for another bottle. Thankfully, she had recently had them both and still had a few readymade bottles of formula in the cupboard from the weekend.

  The social workers left once they were sure Emma and the two protective men were as happy with the arrangements as they could be. It didn’t take long for Emma to settle Leo down and get him to sleep. As she took him and laid him down on the couch sandwiched between her and Bruce, the full force of everything that had just happened hit her. Bruce reacted when she broke down again and slowly lifted the sleeping baby on to his chest and out of the way. A now Adie-free Lou took her in his arms. The floodgates opened and she sobbed like she had never sobbed before. The grief at losing her best friend and the kids losing their parents streamed from her like the tears streaking down her face.

  “Shh, darlin’, it’s goin’ to be tough, but you will get through. We’re here and you can do this. Let it all out now. Then you’ve got to be strong for these two beautiful kids,” Lou soothed. “My sister lives pretty close by and she has three hell raisin’ kids. She’s on her way over, if that’s okay. She’s bringing a few things that you might find useful and says she’s a pretty mean diaper changer if you need a hand. I don’t know much ‘bout raisin’ kids, but I’ve been around enough snot monsters to know the basics, too. Do you want us to say here? We can take the couch.”

  Breathing deep, Emma peered through her now swollen eyes at her new support network and for a fleeting moment she was confident that she could do this. “I can’t ask you to do that. You have your own lives. I’m totally ruining your weekend with all of this drama, aren’t I?”

  “I have to admit, darlin’, this isn’t how I was expecting to spend this weekend, but we aren’t leavin’ you alone until we can get reinforcements to come and help you out. That okay, Bruce?”

  “Absolutely,” he whispered, taking his current role as a pillow for the contented infant seriously.

  “Thank God you’re both here. I need to call my parents, but we also need to go shopping. There were only two diapers left in the bag and I need more formula for the little guy there and they won’t let us into the apartment to get any bits.”

  “Hush, darlin’, like I said, I’ve got it all handled. Sue is on her way here with supplies. I have changed enough shitty baby butts to tell her what brand and size of diaper to get and she’s bringin’ you more of the formula you have in the cupboard. So will you try relaxing and go ring your mom and dad and fill them in? Big Daddy over there seems to be handling the little guy and I’m sure I can entertain Miss Bossy Butt over there if she wakes up. And if Sue turns up, I’ll just deal with her. Now go.”

  Chapter Twenty

  As the phone rang out Emma prayed that her parents were home. She needed them right now more than she had ever needed them before. Just as the line connected to the answer machine, Nicky’s voice came over the line interrupting the mechanical voice in mid flow.

  “Mom,” Emma croaked. “It’s me.”

  “Emma? Honey what’s wrong?” Nicky immediately answered.

  “It’s Lily, she’s dead. So is Gary.”

  “Oh, no, sweetheart I’m so sorry. What’s happened? What about to the kids?” Nicky’s voice cracked and she choked back a sob. The line crackled signaling Mike joining in the conversation.

  “Emma, honey, it’s dad. Can you tell us what has happened?”

  “Well, it’s been a hell of a day for me today and I’m exhausted but I need you guys. How quickly can you get here?”

  “I can be on the next flight out, honey. Dad may have to stay to sort out cover for the business but will follow me as soon as he can. You’re worrying me. What’s is wrong? Can you get home to us?” she demanded.

  “Yes, Em, why don’t you get on the next flight home, hon?” her dad asked.

  “I can’t. Oh, it’s all a disaster, but they want to make me sole guardian of the kids. Lil and Gary were killed last night. The police don’t fully know why, and social services turned up this morning with Adie and Leo and a pile of paperwork. It seems you’re going to be surrogate grandparents,” she blurted out before the tears started flowing again.

  “Emma, hon, your mom will arrive
by tomorrow. I’ll get her to the airport as soon as I can and on the next flight. I’ll text you the details, but she will be able to get a cab to your place and be there as soon as possible,” he assured her.

  “Yes, I will, Emma. You know I will be there for you, honey. How are you holding up?” her mom asked. The concern in her voice was palpable.

  “I’m not at all if you want the truth. It’s a long story but you remember me telling you about Bruce? Bruce Jenson, the ad executive I work with a lot?”

  “Yes, yes, I do! The one you were in Las Vegas with?”

  “That’s him, well, he’s been a rock, Mom, and so has his boyfriend, Lou. He’s been amazing and they are both staying with me tonight to help out.”

  “Boyfriend?” both Mike and Nicky exclaimed at the same time.

  “Yes, guys, boyfriend. They are an amazing couple. And seriously, mom, dad, after what I’ve just told you that’s what you both focus on?” Emma almost chuckled at the scene she was imagining going on between her parents right now.

  “Oh, sorry, honey yes we are taking in what you said, but I was sure you might end up with that young man yourself after the amount you’ve told me about him. Oh, well, I’ll have to shelve the wedding preparations again.” Nicky sniggered down the phone.

  “I can’t wait to see you. I need you so much.” Emma croaked out.

  “I know and I’ll be there. I’m sure work will let me have compassionate leave for a few days at least, but I will sort something out. Is this going to stop you from moving home? Should I get your dad to start looking for somewhere nearer you? He’s wanting to retire in the next few years and we could move our plans up if you need us to,” she offered.

  “No, I’m still coming home, in fact I might now be home sooner than I was anticipating, if I’m being honest. I don’t think the city is any place to raise a family and I’m going to need you guys more than ever now,” she admitted between sobs.

  “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’m a surrogate grandma. Is there anything you need right now or can I get on and pack? Your dad has booted up the computer and is buying me a ticket for tonight. Looks like I will be with you by around midnight. I’m going to go now and pack, but do you need anything, honey?”

  “No, just you here as soon as you can get here, please. Love you. Tell Dad I love him, too.”

  “We love you, too, honey. See you soon.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  She sat in the silence of her bedroom for a while after speaking to her parents. First thing on Monday she needed to talk to the child services department at work and get the lawyers on to the case. The sooner she could get the court orders in place, the sooner she could move. The things she was piecing together about the last few weeks with Lily and Gary weren’t adding up and she was beginning to think that both her and the kids would be safer as far away from the city as possible. She made another note to speak again with the Officers on Monday to share her concerns.

  She heard the door buzzer sound and the sound of a sleepy Adie coming round from her nap so she made her way into the main room. A shorter woman, who was unmistakably Lou’s sister greeted her. They shared the same dark hair and olive skin. Sue threw her arms around Emma and hugged her close.

  “Hey, you must be Emma. I’m Sue, and if you haven’t already guessed, I’m related to that ugly ass-wipe over there.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder with mock-horror on her face. “And, listen, I’m so sorry to hear about what’s happened. I’ve got all I could manage to pack into the cab with me, but I have plenty of other stuff at home you can have if you need it, okay?” The genuine smile on her face calmed Emma.

  “Thanks, Sue, I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for all of this.”

  “You might not be saying that when you see what she’s brought, darlin’. A cab full, my ass. Are you sure you haven’t rented a U-Haul to get rid of all of your kiddy crap, sis?” Lou joked as he helped Bruce to unload the elevator.

  “Louis Dupoint, watch your language around little ears, will you?”

  “Yes, ma’am, and sorry, darlin’. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Darned right, bro, you don’t think I know where my three have learned to cuss like sailors?” Sue chastised.

  Emma managed a smile at the friendly banter the two siblings had going.

  “So, Emma, how old are the little sweethearts?”

  “Well, Adie is three and Leo is coming up five months, I think. I don’t even remember just how old he is. I’m going to be terrible at this. Oh, what am I doing?” Emma started to panic.

  “Oh, come on, you can do this. If I can raise three, you can do two. And look at it this way; those kids already seem to have two surrogate uncles who know just what they are doing. I’ve known Bruce almost as long as Lou has, and he’s great with my kids,” she reassured.

  “Really? I didn’t think anyone knew about them until recently.”

  “No, not officially, but I’ve always known. I’m Lou’s big sis. You really don’t think I was going to let him get away with hiding stuff from me. I swore to Bruce I’d not to tell a soul and gave them space to really get to know each other. Watching them with my kids and now these two precious things, I think they’d eventually make fantastic parents, don’t you? I’ve already offered to surrogate for them. Now Bruce has finally taken the step to tell his family, I reckon there will be wedding bells before we know it,” she confided. Emma had warmed immediately to Sue, just as she had to Lou and was so touched by what she had just told her.

  “So what do you have? Boys or girls?” Emma asked, wanting to find out more about this Good Samaritan.

  “Two boys and a girl, for my sins. They are now a bit older. My youngest, Tammy is six, so I have no more use for any of this. Grant and Josh are twins and are about to start high school. I started young, before you ask. And for the record, my next pregnancy won’t be for me, I’ve got more than I can handle with my trio.”

  “It certainly sounds like you’ve had your hands full! Can I give you anything for any of this?” she offered.

  “Absolutely not! It’s been gathering dust for a while and Gord, my better half, has wanted rid of it since Tammy first came out of diapers. Consider this as you doing me a huge favor, if you like. I won’t stay and bug you unless you need help with anything, but I have packed up the Pack n Play for the little one and have brought a couple of sets of bedding for you, as well. I have also brought a couple of bags of clothes that will fit both of them. Toys are in the duffle over there and there is a travel seat and I’m just having Bruce bring in the stroller I still have. It’s well used but still works and will put you on for now. In the shopping bags that Lou is unpacking over there.” She nodded in the general direction of the kitchen area as she listed the haul she had just delivered.

  “You will find diapers, wipes, and formula, as well as some basic toiletries and rash cream. I’ve put together a bit of an emergency bag, too, with some of the basics I swore by. I am sorry if I’ve overstepped the mark, but I know what it’s like being a first time mom; I got time to prepare for each of mine though and I wasn’t thrown in to being mom to a complete family. There is also a kiddie camping bed that will fit Adie and again some bedding for her too. And finally, in that bag over there, the important stuff.” She pointed out the various bags as she spoke.

  “Oh, my goodness, I can’t thank you enough. This is so generous and kind of you. And what is the important stuff?” she asked as she furrowed her brows at Sue.

  “Alcohol and caffeine, honey, the two elixirs of life you will come to rely on as a parent. Trust me, by the end of the weekend, you’ll be begging for an IV of the wet stuff.” She winked as she leaned in for another hug. “Good luck, Emma, here, take my number. Please ring me anytime. I can be here within half an hour or so if I’m needed and I will always be at the end of the phone if you need me. Now, go get to know your family and don’t forget, enjoy every precious moment you have with them.” She released Emma and wandered over
to Bruce and Lou, embracing them both warmly as she headed out.

  Within the hour and with the help of both Lou and Bruce, the kids were fed, bathed, and their beds made up ready for them to sleep. Leo was easy to settle and as he had before. He fell asleep pretty easily after taking his milk. The problems started when they were trying to settle poor Adie to bed. The questions about where her parents were flowing from her little, innocent mouth and none of them knew what to say.

  Sleep evaded the poor little girl as she kept having nightmares about things happening to her mom and dad. They all took turns to try and help her though the night, but by the very early hours of the morning, she was still unsettled and clinging to Emma. Just as things came to a climax, Nicky arrived amidst the chaos and took control. The newly appointed mom of two was exhausted, and although her own mom had been traveling for the best part of the afternoon and night, she was fairly refreshed after sleeping on the flight.

  Nicky quickly hugged her wearied daughter, promptly dispatched her to bed and sent the grateful guys home to Lou’s place. They promised that they would visit in the morning with sustenance for them all. Emma was grateful for Nicky’s decades of experience with kindergarten kids. With her unyielding patience, and the right words in the little ears, it didn’t take her long to settle Adie.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The following couple of days were a frenzy of getting used to having two small children in her care. Although Nicky was being a fantastic support, Emma was overwhelmed. She had managed to speak to Bill who had immediately given her a week’s leave to sort out the arrangements. He had also called in a favor and sent around one of New York’s leading child custody lawyers, who took one look at the paperwork she was handed and was extremely confident in getting everything wrapped up and legalized without a delay. He also discovered that Emma was appointed as the custodian of both of the estates of Lily and Gary and arranged for everything to be taken care of through his office.


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