The Genesis Group

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The Genesis Group Page 30

by Mike Dagons

  “You want me to leave?”

  “Not now, not ever,” I said. “Roc, I have company,” I shouted.

  “Man company?” he shouted back.

  “Yes, so please go home.”

  “No way, I need a good night’s sleep. Just keep the noise down.”

  I went to the door, and stuck my head out, and looked at him. “I want you to leave, now.”

  “I am not leaving! Now, go on back in there with your friend.” He picked up his beer and the plate with his giant sandwich on it, and headed for the spare bedroom. “Oh, and I’m glad you finally got over Ceylon Battle,” he went inside the room and kicked the door closed.

  I closed my door and turned to Ceylon. He was back in bed and laying there smiling at me. “Just make sure he knows I’m here before I have to go to the bathroom. I don’t want to get shot while I’m taking a piss.

  I ran and dived into bed on top of him. “We’re expecting to have some problems. I hope that peeing is a minor one,” I joked, but I grabbed my cell, and called Roc on speaker.

  “What girl?” he answered.

  “Ceylon Battle is in bed with me, so don’t shoot him when he goes to the bathroom to take a piss.”

  “WHAT THE FUCK?!” we heard him shout in stereo, and we both laughed.


  Book Two

  What Goes Around Comes Back Around



  This book is a work of fiction and, as such, is a product of the author’s creative imagination. All character names and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any similarities of characters to real persons, whether living or dead, are coincidental. Any resemblance of incidents portrayed in this book to actual events is likewise coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 by Mike Dagons and Q. Wilson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission of the authors.

  Chapter 1

  The M-Style Data Company has five hundred employees working at their South Sangamon Street location in Chicago.

  Kenyah Real has been working second shift in the four story office building for almost four months as a customer care associate.

  At eleven fifty five, she gathered her things, and made the mad rush for the bank of elevators like everyone else on the third floor. She knew most of them, if not by name, then in passing.

  She has no children, and her husband, Trent, who is a special squad detective with the Chicago Police Department, is currently working undercover on some top secret case that keeps him away from home for months at a time.

  It’s not a glamorous career building job, and she only took it because she was tired of being a bored housewife. The job gave her something to do at night other than sitting around worrying about him.

  Trent was working this job when she met him a little over a year ago. It was love at first sight for both of them, and they only dated a few months before they were married.

  She never even considered his job might be a problem in the beginning. She was aware of the unpredictability of his work schedule, but she never imagined it would consume so much of his time.

  It’s been months since she’s even spoken to him. Needless to say, the time apart is picking away at the foundation of their marriage. She is a twenty nine year old woman with a healthy libido, and she didn’t know how much longer she could accept spending so much time alone.

  She missed her man, and she knew it was why the man walking towards her now looked so appealing. She’d seen him before in passing, but they’d never spoken other than to say hello.

  He was tall, at least six three, and his body was hard and lean. He was slightly bow legged, and it made his swagger look musical and cool.

  Kenyah allowed her eyes to travel over his smooth dark ebony face to his soft brown eyes. He locked gazes with her, and it sparked a rush of heat from her center that caused her face to flush in embarrassment.

  “You look pretty deep in thought. Is everything okay?” he asked with an amused smile. “I’m Desmond Fox. I work up on four,” he extended his hand for her to shake.

  “Kenyah Real,” she accepted it gingerly. “I work on this floor,” she tried a relaxed smile that she didn’t quite pull off.

  “I know, I asked around and found out you work in customer care. I work in accounting.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she looked surprised. “What made you do that?”

  “You always look so preoccupied—deep in thought. It had me wondering what was going on in your head. How you like the job, so far?”

  “I love it, actually. The pay is good, and it’s not too demanding.”

  When the elevator doors opened, they stepped aside and let the other people waiting board. “Would you like to stop and have a drink or a cup of coffee?”

  “Yes, I’d love the company,” she answered honestly.

  “Great, can we take my car, and leave yours in the lot?”

  “I think that will be okay,” she smiled shyly.

  They decided on a 24 hour coffee shop in the lobby of the Holiday Inn a few blocks away from the job. They talked all the way there, keeping their conversation light and friendly.

  Kenyah had enjoyed his company, so she eagerly accepted his invitation to meet after shift the next night to continue their conversation.

  Once again, Kenyah left her car in the company lot and rode over to the coffee shop with him. Tonight, their conversation was more serious.

  He told her that he was married, and he was surprised to learn that she was too. They both enjoyed the quiet life, and a good book. He was thirty two, the same age as her husband, which was three years older than her. He had twin boys, ages nine, and she planned to have at least that many.

  “We actually have a lot in common, with the exception that you’re happy with your marriage, and I’m not,” he joked.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, my wife, Vectra, has…how should I put it?”

  “Please don’t say she’s not exciting,” she teased.

  “No, no, she’s exciting; she just ain’t excited about me.”

  “What do you mean?” she tried not to sound too excited to learn that his marriage wasn’t great either.

  “She doesn’t want to invest time in me. For example, I’d promised the boys that we would go to Disneyland for our vacation this year. I made the mistake of purchasing the tickets and setting everything in motion before I talked to her about it, so she’s refusing to go.”

  “Honestly, Desmond, it is something you should have talked to her about before you did it. So why is she refusing to go? Does she have prior plans?”

  “Yes and no. She is thinking about going to the Bahamas with her,” he made quotation strokes with his fingers, “girlfriend, Reggie.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “No, I’m not,” he rubbed his hands together nervously. “Reggie is Regina Moore. She doesn’t want to schedule her vacation time until she finds out what Reggie is going to do.”

  “The butch looking girl that works in tech support?”

  “One in the same, and she is butch, she doesn’t just look it.”

  “So she and your wife are friends? How did they meet?”

  “Vectra use to work the same shift. She transferred to days a few weeks before you started.”

  “So are the tickets refundable?”

  “Yeah, but I’m not going to return them. I’m going to take the boys to Disneyland, and let her go wherever she wants.”

  “I’m not happy either,” she mumbled, and then told him about Trent’s ridiculous work schedule and how it made her feel insignificant and lonely.

  “We really do have a lot in common, don’t we?” he laughed.

  “Yeah we do,” she laughed with him.

  When they got back to the lot, it was close to two a.m., and it was almost full with the cars of the people working the graveyard shift.

didn’t try to find a park. He just parked in the aisle behind her car, and cut the motor. “I hope you don’t think that I’m being too presumptuous, but uh, when can we do this again?”

  “When would you like to DO IT again?” she flirted.

  “Soon, let’s sit and talk a little longer. You don’t look like you’re ready to leave me,” he pushed her bangs back with his fingertips.

  She hadn’t realized it was showing on her face, but she was dreading leaving him to go home to an empty bed. “I do get lonely for stimulating adult conversation, and I like talking to you, a lot.”

  “Well, that’s something else we have in common.”

  At the time, being there with him seemed innocent, but the look in his eyes told her it wasn’t.

  Before she could gather her thoughts, his lips were on hers. The heat of his hand sliding up her back had her yearning to feel more of his touch. And she knew it was because it had been so long since she’d been touched by a man, even casually.

  Need was so intensely demanding, Kenyah didn’t fight it. She opened her heart to him, and accepted his mouth hungrily.

  Their tongues danced sensually while their bodies strained to get closer. Desmond moved his hands up and under her shirt and freed her breasts. He squeezed and shaped them with his hands, and her body craved for their attention.

  “I don’t want to make your life more complicated,” he groaned into her mouth as he helped her straddle him, and then he ripped the delicate material of her thong off her hips.

  Taking her right there in the lot couldn’t have been more wrong, but he didn’t care about any of it. He was hard as granite, and wanted to be inside her so damn bad his teeth ached.

  She helped him push his pants down pass his hips, and their hands warred to get him in the right position to penetrate her warmth.

  “Oh, God,” she cried when he pushed inside her, taking pleasure in his exceptional length.

  Desmond nibbled her throat with his teeth, sucking the soft skin into his mouth with tender kisses, and sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

  Kenyah whimpered and moaned while she rocked on his lap in time with him. She gave herself to him freely, without inhibitions, her erotic cries stroking his ego and adding another dimension to his pleasure. He couldn’t ever remember sex being so good, and he wanted it to last forever.

  Kenyah was nearing orgasm. He saw it in her eyes, felt it in her movements, and he made sure his body was in sync to share that moment of ecstasy with her.

  They came together, and he held her trembling body pressed tightly against his and enjoyed the relaxing minute of complete satisfaction that followed.

  Kenyah inhaled a long breath, and then pushed herself up off him. She had never imagined having sex with anyone but her husband, and the fact that she had done it in a car with her co-worker who she barely knew, made it worst.

  Desmond only had to look at her to see that she was mortified by what they had done. “I’m sorry I lost control. I apologize for not showing you more respect.”

  It was a sympathy fuck, she thought. And that look of pity he was giving her made her feel so ashamed, she could have literally died. “No need to apologize,” she started throwing her clothes back on, and then hurried to get out of his truck.

  “Wait,” he gripped her wrist. “I enjoyed you. It was the best sex I’ve had in years, but I’m married. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea…”

  “You pompous ass,” she snorted. “You think that because I let you fuck me once that I’m going to ask you to leave your wife? Well, you’re wrong. I let you fuck me because I needed it, not because I have any delusions about your feelings for me,” she flung open the door, and jumped out.

  Desmond got out quickly and stopped her before she got into her car. “It’s not what I meant. I’ve never done anything like this before, that’s all.”

  “Neither have I!” she snapped. “And I don’t expect I’ll be doing it again. At least not with you,” she mumbled as she got in her car.

  She tore out of the parking space before he could say another word.

  Chapter 2

  Kenyah had been ignoring all of the many calls and texts she was getting from Desmond, hoping he’d catch the hint that she did not want to talk to him ever again.

  With a lot of effort and a bit of luck, she’d managed to avoid him all day. That luck ran out at quitting time. She was standing at the elevator when she saw him coming.

  She couldn’t deny that the sight of him made her pulse react. He looked sexy as hell in the suit and tie, but she was determined not to give in to the desire to jump him.

  She turned her back to him and struck up a bogus conversation with Janice; the girl who worked in the cubical next to hers. She pretended not to feel him stop and stand behind her.

  “We need to talk,” he rudely interrupted her conversation with Janice.

  “No, we don’t,” she answered over her shoulder.

  “You want me to make a scene?” he spoke in a low whisper directly in her ear.

  Kenyah turned to face him. “No,” she answered with a tight lip, and then followed the crowd into the elevator.

  Desmond stepped on with her, and they rode down in silence. When the doors opened in the lobby, Kenyah rushed off the car, hoping to loose him in the swarm of people getting off at the same time.

  Desmond could tell she was trying to get away from him, but he wasn’t having a problem keeping up with her. He really liked her, and he’d been trying to tell her all day.

  She made it clear that she didn’t want to speak to him, but he wasn’t having it. If she had a reason to be pissed at him, he was going to hear it, and he was going to hear it tonight.

  He waited until they were through the double glass doors leading outside, and then he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the rush of people hustling to get to their cars.

  “I want to talk to you,” he said.

  “Well, I don’t want to talk to you.”

  He held onto her arm, reluctant to speak while they were surrounded by so many prying ears. He really didn’t want to make a scene, but he was going to talk to her whether she wanted to or not.

  “Goodnight,” Janice shot her an inquisitive look as she walked by them.

  Kenyah tried not to think about how Desmond approaching her the way he had must look to the woman.

  The night air was warm, so she shrugged out of the sweater she was wearing draped over her shoulders. “Well?” she said. “You wanted to talk, go ahead and talk.”

  “What did I do to make you so angry with me?” he ran a knuckle down her cheek in a gesture that was so intimate and sweet, her breath hitched.

  Angered by her own response to his touch, Kenyah pushed his hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Why, what did I do?”

  “It was a pity fuck, Desmond. I don’t want your pity.”

  “It was a pity you didn’t give me the chance to do it again,” he cracked a smile.

  “I’m serious. I’m sorry I made you do something you didn’t want to do. If you’re worried about me telling somebody, then don’t. As far as I’m concerned, it never happened. I promise not to do anything to hurt your reputation or your marriage. Now, is that all?”

  “No, that’s not all,” he cupped her chin, and again she pushed his hand away.

  “Stop it,” she frowned.

  She was absolutely beautiful when she was angry. Her big brown eyes sparkled, and her full lips pulled back in a scowl looked so sexy it made him want to kiss her.

  “Dammit, I can’t keep my hands off of you. I didn’t mean to insult you, baby. My marriage is complicated is all I meant, and I didn’t want to take the time we spent together for granted.”

  “We fucked!” she shouted in a whisper, and then glanced around to make sure none of the people still filing by had overheard her. “You don’t have to look for a way to tell me that was all that it was, Desmond. I have no expectations, really. I understand.”
br />   “No you don’t, dammit, so stop interrupting me and let me explain myself. I was only trying to be considerate of your feelings. What happened in the lot, making love to you, was wonderful. As it happens, I hadn’t had sex in months, and I have never had sex like that in my life.”

  “Are you crazy,” she couldn’t help feeling flattered.

  “My wife is…our relationship,” he blew out a long breath. “I know that you’re married, but I don’t care. I want to have sex with you again, but I also want more of the moments we shared talking. I like spending time with you, but I don’t want to be selfish. Just because I’m not worried about my marriage, doesn’t mean you’re not worried about yours. I want to know how you feel about me. How you feel about spending time with me, I mean. It’ll be hard, but I will respect your wishes if it’s not what you want. Kenyah, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and I…please, can we go someplace private to talk about it?”

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either,” she admitted.

  Even now with so many people around them, he was all she could see. She wanted to touch him; wanted him to touch her.

  Desmond cupped her face, and pulled her mouth to his in a tender kiss.

  “This is crazy,” she sighed, but didn’t resist the sexually charged magnetism drawing them together. “I want more than a kiss,” she admitted.

  “Then I guess the answer to my text is, yes,” he touched her lips with his again. “You’ll go to the Holiday Inn with me?”

  Kenyah didn’t know what he was talking about. She hadn’t replied to any of his text messages, but she had read them all. She hadn’t seen an invite to the Holiday Inn. “I didn’t get the text, but—”

  “We can just talk if you want,” he interjected.

  “You smell great,” she murmured dreamily.

  “Dare I wish that we’ll be doing more than just talking?”


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