Rugged and Restless

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Rugged and Restless Page 61

by Saylor Bliss

  “Wife, have you seen my husband? I can't seem to find him anywhere.” I reply, sarcasm seeping into my every word.

  "Ha-ha, brat. I didn't want to wake you, and Maria came by to help Granny with her garden early this morning, so I figured I could keep this little stinker busy. Then she broke out the makeup,” he says, explaining how the tragic accident happened to his face. The ‘little stinker,’ as he calls her, is standing now, hands on her hips, and glaring at Kip’s back. I’m guessing she doesn't agree with his retelling of the events one bit.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up, baby—”

  "Stop, I love you now more than ever.” He smiles and comes over to kiss me.

  "Hold up . . .wipe your mouth first," I say, pulling back from him. I don't care how much I love him. I draw the line at maroon lipstick and blue glitter eyeshadow.

  He doesn’t give two damns that I don't want to get all nasty. Pulling me to his chest, he plants his lips against mine, rubbing against them instead of kissing me, smearing the lipstick across my face. I squirm, trying to get out of his reach, but he won't let me go. I hear a little girl’s contagious giggling behind us and peek over Kip’s shoulder to see the famous makeup artist rolling on the floor, laughing at us. I tap Kip on the arm and nod my head toward her. On the silent count of three, we take off after her. Kip scoops her in his arms, holding her close while I tickle her ribs and stomach.

  “I give. I give,” she squeals.

  “Who’s the master?” I ask, grabbing her foot and running my finger down the base of it.

  “You, Auntie Sky, you are.” Kip lowers her to the ground with ease. The moment her feet hit the ground, she takes off racing around the corner.

  “Tricked ya,” she calls back toward us, causing me and Kip to both break out laughing again. I can't think of the last time I’ve felt so light and free. I can't wait until I'm able to play with my own child this same way every day. It's one of the things I used to regret not ever being able to have, and now I will. Laying my hand across my giant stomach, I thank God once again for the blessing He has given me.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  We have to head back to LA soon. I don't want to. This last week in Atlanta has been a welcomed vacation, but the league’s award ceremony is Friday, and as a guest speaker, it wouldn't look good if I wasn't there. I got my call from my agent Monday. The Bolts want to resign me with a pretty significant increase in contract.

  Of course, I have to talk it over with the missus before I agree, but she’s on the same page as me. The Bolts had given me my start, and if it weren’t for them, then the chance of my ever meeting Skila was slim to none, so really, I owe them my life, and of course, the six figures they’re paying me is nice too. It sucks that we didn't win Nationals this year, but I’m more than willing to take the blame for that one.

  For so long, I had a piss-poor attitude with the team, and I think it rubbed off on them. They didn't think they were worth anything without me. It was total bullshit. I was at that game. They could have won it, but they let their insecurities get the best of them. This year, we will work on it. I'll be damned if we let it slip through our fingers again.

  More than anything, though, I’m ready to get home and get our house ready for the baby. Granny and Nana surprised us with a baby shower yesterday, so now we have more than enough bottles and diapers to last a lifetime . . . at least I hope we do. Lisa’s mom just laughed when I said that, so I don't know if I should be worried, because surely the little guy won't piss that much.

  We finish packing everything we can fit into the Suburban. Luckily, they didn't buy any large furniture, just essentials like bibs, blankets, diapers and wipes. I had no idea a baby used so much shit, but Skila just opened presents and smiled like she knew what everything was and how to use it. I hope she does. One of us needs to.

  Nana and Granny are coming back to LA so they can attend the award ceremony, and then they're going to stay in town for a while until Skila goes into labor. They plan to stay at Lisa’s house.

  It's kind of weird to watch their budding friendship. My granny is such a goodie-goodie and Skila’s nana is not. The two of them together are hilarious. I think Nana actually had my granny drinking alcohol the other day. I'm not sure if she knew it before or after she felt the effects, though. I don't think I want to know.

  I feel like I'm watching a seventies version of The Hangover.

  “Everyone ready?” I ask, making one more round through the house to be sure we have everything.

  “Yep, you sure you have room? We can catch a cab to the airport,” Granny says.

  “It's fine. We have plenty of room, Granny,” Skila says.

  “Okay. Let's go. Can't keep the plane waiting.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  We make it back to LA with six hours to spare before the awards ceremony. I’m exhausted. My back hurts from riding in the Suburban for the last two days. Normally, it wouldn't have taken so long, but Kip stopped often so we could stretch our legs and relax for a while. Nana and Granny made it six hours after take-off and had been having a jolly old time at Lisa’s.

  Every way I turn makes me just as uncomfortable as the last. I’m so ready for the evening to be over so I can just go home and sleep in our bed.

  “You can stay home, baby. I understand if you don't want to go,” Kip offers sweetly. I wish I could stay home, but I won't.

  “No. I want to be there for you. I’m fine, just tired and ready to sleep.” I drag out the last word because, to be honest, nothing sounds as good as that right now. Not even the expensive delicacies they're serving tonight could make me want to leave the comforting confines of my silky sheets.

  “Well, if you're ready . . .” he trails off, lending me his hand to help me back into the Audi. The soft leather seats are much more comfortable than the Suburban, but even these aren't enough to help me relax. I buckle my seatbelt and place my hands across my stomach, caressing my sweet little boy inside.

  When we pull up at the hotel where the ceremony is being held, Lisa meets me outside with Nana.

  “Granny is inside, holding down the seats. Come on, preggo. Let's get you off your feet.”

  Lisa drags me away from Kip and into the crowded room. I spot Granny as soon as we enter, and for once, I'm thankful to sit down away from everyone else. Kip is being ushered off by his fellow teammates, but before he goes, he glances back at me and smiles. Lifting his hand, he blows me two kisses, one for me and one for the baby. I catch them both and tuck them away before shooing him away with my hand in the air.

  Truthfully, I just want a minute alone to catch my breath and to think. I remember reading somewhere about back pain being the first sign of labor for some women, and I'm starting to wonder if the pain I keep feeling isn’t more than just tension from the long ride. Could I be in labor?

  “Are you all right?” Lisa asks, concern radiating from her. She's rubbing circles on my back, and the feel of her hands on me is only irritating me more. I want to ask her to stop, but I can't. She’s trying to help and comfort me the only way she knows how.

  “I’m fine. Can you grab me a glass of water or juice, please?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll come with you. I want some of those cracker thingies they’re passing around,” Nana says, following Lisa into the crowded room. My eyes automatically lift, searching the room for Kiptyn. For some reason, I feel like I need him by my side right now. I don't know what’s going on with my body, but I have quickly come to understand that whatever it is, it isn't normal.

  “Granny . . .” I say, gripping the table as another cramping pain starts in my lower back. This one works its way around my side, darting to the center of my stomach. I suck in a deep breath and hold it until the pain passes. Granny is watching me with a knowing gaze.

  “I’ll go grab Kiptyn. You just sit right here, dear, and wait on your Nana.” I nod my head and wat
ch as she stands and walks with purpose through the crowd. Another pain grips me. It seems the last one just finished, and this one is already starting. I try to breathe through it, but I can't do it sitting here at this table, so I stand, and taking small steps, I walk in the direction Granny just went.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Granny reaches me moments before I turn and see Skila. Jordan is standing next to me, and when he sees her, his eyes widen. Granny doesn't even get a chance to say a word. No one does.

  “Ow," Skila cries, grabbing her stomach.

  "Sky, are you okay? What's wrong?"

  I panic, rushing to her side. When I see the wetness beginning to puddle at her feet, I know what’s happening. It’s time. I stand there frozen in fear before Jordan slaps me on the back, sending me into motion. I wrap my arms around Skila, steadying her. Her hands are still cradling her stomach, and by the look on her face, she is still in extreme pain.

  Skila looks up at me, her beautiful chocolate eyes clouded with worry, and whispers, "I think my water broke, Kip."

  I nod toward Jordan and the coach, letting them know I have no choice but to bail. I wouldn't miss this moment for the world. Jordan runs up to the podium and alerts the current speaker of our situation.

  "We'll call the doctor on the way," I assure Sky as I help her put on her coat. I get one arm in it before I have her out the door and back into the car that, thankfully, Lisa had the valet bring around. In a rush, I speed out of the parking lot. I can't believe I’m about to be a father. I know the baby is early, and I hope like fucking hell nothing is wrong. I can't handle the thought of losing either of them. Her panting and groans of pain make my foot press harder on the gas.

  "Jesus, Kip. I’d like to get there alive." She hisses through a contraction.

  "We're almost there, Sky. We're almost there."

  She nods and stares forward, trying to keep her breathing level. I ease off the gas, but not much—just enough to help her relax. Drifting into the ambulance lane at the hospital, I jump out and flag down a nurse. She quickly brings me a wheelchair, and I help Sky out of the car and into it.

  Hurriedly, I push Skila through the sliding doors to the nurses’ station inside the ER. It's impossible for me to stay calm any longer. I get the attention of the receptionist.

  "Excuse me, but could you help us? She's gonna have a baby," I explain.

  The nurse, who looks about fifty, glances up at me and then down to Sky, who is sitting in the wheelchair, breathing in and out heavily. “Take her to labor and delivery in the maternity ward and move your car. You can't park there.”

  I reverse Skila and push her in the direction of the elevators, hoping and praying I can find a sign that says something about maternity when I get there. “Your car,” the nurse calls.

  “Fuck the car. I'm having a baby.”

  When I finally reach the maternity ward, a short, robust woman in a lab coat kneels down in front of Sky. "Are you contracting, and how far apart are they?" Skila shrugs and looks at me.

  "About three minutes apart would be my guess."

  She nods her head and pushes Skila down the hall to triage. "Come with me. I'm gonna get you guys ready and prepare a room," she says. I'm anxious, nervous, and excited as I follow closely behind.

  It has been almost two hours since Skila went into labor at the awards ceremony. We’ve been at the hospital now for thirty-two minutes. I bite my thumbnail as I watch her writhe in pain. The contractions are now coming more intensely, and I wish I could take some of the pain away from her. Dr. Thompson says she can't get an epidural until her platelet count comes back, but they gave her something called Fentanyl. I just wish it did more to help her. She's almost eight centimeters dilated. It's not going to be much longer.

  She has been checked twice in the last ten minutes, and each time she is getting closer. I'm doing everything, from rubbing her back to singing horribly to try to make her laugh. It helps some, as she enjoys my stupidity, but I don’t feel like I can ever do enough. The door slowly creaks open, and Granny has Nana in tow.

  "Oh, Skila, we came as soon as we could, sweetheart," Nana says, kissing her cheek. "How are you, baby girl?"

  “Fine. Kip has been awesome, Nana." She manages to smile through her painful tears. Nana cuts her eyes at me and offers a half-smile.

  "Thank you, Kip, for bringing her to the hospital,” she slurs. She’s already been celebrating. Granny rolls her eyes, knowing that Nana has a pint of Henny tucked away in her purse.

  "How are you holding up, Kip?" I nod my head and shrug my shoulder. I feel helpless. I want to take away all of Skila’s pain, and not being able to do that is tearing me up inside.

  "I'm great. Nervous, but great." At that moment, Bo and Lisa rush in bearing gifts of their own.

  "Sorry, we got held up in traffic. We came as quickly as possible,” Lisa explains excitedly.

  Bo pats me on the back, "How you doing, Daddy?" I smack his arm and give him a thumbs-up. I'm just ready to meet my son.

  A moment later, Dr. Thompson comes back to check Skila's dilation. She shoos the men, except for me, out of the room and checks Sky. She looks up and nods at the nurse standing by Sky’s head.

  "She's ready to push. I'm going to go scrub in, so I'm going to need everyone except Kip to leave."

  She prepares herself for delivery. Nana and Granny bid their good luck to Skila and me as they walk out. I'm given a pair of scrubs to put on over my own clothes, as a precaution, I'm told. I grab Skila's hand in my own and kiss her forehead.

  "Are you ready for this?" I question, mostly to myself, lightly kissing her knuckles.

  "As ready as I'll ever be."

  Dr. Thompson and her team of nurses come and surround Skila, tools and blankets on deck. Dr. Thompson then instructs Skila on how to push and asks me to help keep her calm.

  "All right, Skila, come on girl, push," she yells. Skila takes in a deep breath and gives it all that she can. Viv, the nurse to her left, offers her encouragement.

  "That's a good girl. I can see the head, a bunch of hair! Just two more good pushes like that."

  Skila looks up at me. "He has hair." I laugh, amazed at this special woman. She's in labor, delivering my son into the world, and she still finds time to pick at me.

  "Don't be so sure it's a boy. It could very well be a girl," I tease her.

  "You shut your face, Kiptyn. It’s a boy."

  Skila gives another push with the nurses and me cheering her on. Although she would never admit it, it’s strange having a room full of people seeing her body, but I can tell she really wants this to be over, so she's dealing.

  Dr. Thompson looks up at Skila and inquires through her mask. "Can you give us just one more good, strong push?"

  Squeezing my hand tightly, Skila gives all the strength and love she can into a final push. She lets her body jerk backward into the bed when she hears the beautiful, sharp cry. Dr. Thompson smiles as she holds up the baby.

  "It's a boy!"

  One of the nurses hands me a pair of surgical scissors as she instructs me where to cut the umbilical cord. As the neonatal technicians clean the baby and check his vitals, I kiss Skila.

  "You're amazing," I whisper against her lips.

  One of the nurses comes back and gently places the now calm baby boy in his mother's arms. Skila looks up at me all teary-eyed. "What do you want to name him?"

  "I thought we had decided," I say. Skila looks into the small, brown eyes of the creamy-skinned newborn. She takes in his small size and mop of black hair that comes out from under the small blue cap.

  "He looks like a Lennon. Lennon Asa Price, for each of our parents." I reach out to take him from Skila and hold him to my chest. Tears fall from my eyes as I cradle the tiny baby in my arms. My son.

  "I love that." I smile and kiss baby Lennon's forehead, inhaling his unique baby scent before passing him back into the arms of his mother.

  Soon after, the rest of the family, in
cluding proud Uncles Devan and Jax, come together, laughing and gushing over the new addition. We are all celebrating a new life that is sure to bring joy to us all. Only one person is missing. I feel his loss like a gaping hole in the depths of my soul, but I know as soon as he can, he will be here with us where he belongs. It's just a matter of time, and if there is one thing I have learned, it’s that everything in life happens in its own time.

  No need to rush. I plan to just sit back and enjoy every day with my beautiful bride and the sweet, adorable bawling baby boy she just so kindly blessed me with. My life is finally complete.



  “Kiptyn, can you grab the door?” I yell, trying to juggle the cake in one hand and Lennon on the opposite hip. Lisa rushes in, taking the cake from me and setting it on the table. I don't know how I would have managed this party without her. She’s been a real lifesaver. I swear, there are more details and planning in Lennon’s first birthday party than there had been in my own wedding.

  I set Len down in the high chair and strap him in, careful to not pinch my growing baby belly in the lid. It was a welcomed shock to find out that Kip and I were expecting again so soon after having Lennon, but the closer I get to delivery, the more anxious I become. It will be so good for him to grow up with a sibling close in age. I know I loved having Jaxon and Devan when I was growing up, even when I hated them.

  “Guess who’s here?” Kip yells, coming back into the kitchen. I glance back and see Camryn following him in with his arms loaded down with gifts. I told each of the guests to not spend more than twenty dollars on a gift for Len, but apparently, Cam didn't know that rule applied to him.

  “Ah, it's Uncle Cam,” I yell, and Lennon squeals and tosses his arms up and down in the high chair, demanding to be picked up. It's so hard to not give in to him when you see his chubby cheeks spread wide in a smile and his cocoa eyes light up.


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