Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Bella Settarra

  She giggled, suddenly regaining her appetite, and started eating. Farris cleared away the dishes and put out the fire, and they both set off for Rechavia’s hut. The island’s computer was usually held by Rechavia and Aitan, who were both sitting on the grass outside their huts, finishing breakfast with their women.

  “Hi everyone.” Farris greeted them first.

  “We were going to come over in a bit,” Aitan said. “We’ve managed to dig up more dirt on that nurse.”

  “Great. I’ve got some news about her too, and it ain’t good, bro,” Farris said with a frown and sat down to explain to them all about what had happened to Jay.

  “That’s awful,” Ligia said, wide-eyed. “Poor Dr. Jay.”

  “Hmm, well it doesn’t surprise me, given that bitch’s track record,” Aitan said, shaking his head. He already had the computer fired up and was sweeping his fingers across the keys. “Look at this,” he said, passing the laptop over to Farris.

  Ademia glanced over his shoulder and saw a picture of Nurse Reis on the screen. She looked a few years younger in the photograph. “What does it say?” she asked.

  “She’s done this before,” Rechavia said, gravely. “A couple of times, actually. Last year a young registrar resigned after she accused him of molesting her in a hospital cupboard. Nothing was proven, but the poor guy had a nervous breakdown and had to give up medicine.”

  “This is even worse than we thought,” Farris said with a whistle. “Says here she comes from Westland originally. She had to leave after she allegedly had a fling with a married doctor. He denied it, but she destroyed his marriage. His wife left him, taking their two kids with her.”

  “So she got away with it?” Ademia said sadly.

  “She managed to wreck his marriage, but his sister didn’t believe a word of it,” Aitan replied with a grin. “Seems she took exception to the bitch dragging the family name through the mire and threatened her, big time. She took a knife with her and told her if she didn’t leave town she was gonna use it.”

  Kalliope giggled. “It obviously worked, then.”

  “Yeah, especially when the sister rallied a few friends and neighbours who echoed the sentiment,” Aitan went on. “She packed her bags and fled.”

  “What about his wife, did she take him back?” Ademia asked, hopefully.

  “Nah, damage was done,” Rechavia replied. “Poor guy!”

  “Someone did a good job trying to bury the story, though,” Aitan said thoughtfully. “Took us a while to track it down. We only came across it late last night.”

  “Will it help Dr. Jay?” Ademia asked Farris, wide-eyed.

  He nodded. “It may well do. Can we send the details to a Dr. Ernaut at the hospital?” he asked Aitan.

  “I can do that.” Rechavia nodded. “This guy’s behind him then?”

  “Yeah, from what I gather he thinks a lot of our doc, I’m sure he’ll help him if he can,” Farris concurred.

  Rechavia’s fingers flew over the keyboard as he set about contacting the doctor and sending him all the details of the woman’s sordid past. Ligia and Kalliope cleared away the dishes and they all sat around in the sun awaiting news from the mainland.

  Dr. Ernaut was very grateful for the research, and assured them that he was already in contact with the police, who were deciding whether to allow Dr. Jay to return to Refrainia on bail. Forensics had examined Nurse Reis’s clothing and found no evidence that Dr. Jay had touched it, and she had no signs of a struggle on her body. Several other young doctors had already come forward to report that they had felt uneasy in the presence of the provocative vixen, and some of the nurses had heard her talking about their male colleagues in a very salacious manner. It appeared that Serefina Reis had very few friends.

  Farris went down to check on the boats in case they needed to take another trip over to the mainland today, while Rechavia and Aitan went to work in the fields. Ligia and Kalliope promised to stay near the computer, and would let Farris know the minute there was any news. Ademia returned to the big house, where Melantho had already started the chores.

  * * * *

  Nurse Serefina Reis was having a bad day. She had turned up for her shift expecting lots of sympathy from her colleagues, but had received nothing of the sort. Even the nurses who rushed to support her yesterday seemed to have lost interest today. It transpired that, although they had automatically worried that a nurse had been attacked by a man in the hospital, once they had realized that it was Dr. Jasun who was being accused, they weren’t so sure.

  “Dr. Jasun’s a good doctor, he just wouldn’t do something like that,” she overheard one of the nurses saying.

  “Why would anyone accuse him of that sort of thing?” asked another.

  Serefina’s reputation was well known, and she found herself with even fewer friends than she thought she had.

  She was fuming when she overheard a couple of nurses chatting in the rest room.

  “Why would anyone believe that of Dr. Jasun? And he was with his girl, for goodness’ sake. If anyone’s gonna do that, they wouldn’t do it when their girl’s a couple of doors away!”

  “She’s such a sweet thing, too,” her friend replied. “He wouldn’t risk losing her over anyone, let alone Serefina!”

  Her morning only got worse when a couple of detectives showed up on the ward with her matron.

  “Nurse Reis, you are to be relieved of your duties for the rest of the day while the police question you about some new evidence which has come to light,” Matron informed her in a curt manner.

  Serefina had been taken to the police station where the detectives showed her footage of her past allegations.

  “We would like to know exactly how you account for these incidents,” a large cop in his fifties asked her with a scoff.

  Of course, the bitch protested her innocence, and even shed a few crocodile tears in an attempt to convince them, but these were seasoned cops with more than eighty years’ experience between them. They sneered at her protestations, and laughed at her claims of victimisation.

  “You’ll have to do better than that,” the older cop informed her. “If you can’t even convince us there’s no way you’ll convince a judge.”

  “You do know that making false allegations is a criminal offence, right?” the younger one derided.

  Her lawyer hadn’t shown much solidarity either. After a thorough examination of the evidence, the woman had shaken her head and advised her client to come clean.

  “I’m sorry, Serefina, there’s nothing I can do,” the older woman said, chewing her lip. “The way I look at it, you haven’t got a leg to stand on.”

  It hadn’t helped her case when the key to the treatment room had been found with her fingerprints on it. Without a bra on, it must have fallen through her dress onto the floor. Serefina was outraged.

  “But this is all circumstantial,” she shrieked.

  “This is all proof, lady,” the older cop sneered, “and the sooner you admit that, the lesser your chances are of being arrested for wasting police time on top of everything else.”

  She finally relented with an angry huff. “Well, maybe I have been a little overeager in the male department.”

  “Hmm,” the older cop sniggered, handing her some papers for a written statement. “First you need to admit to the false allegations you have made about Dr. Jasun. He will then need to decide whether to press charges against you. Then we will be reopening your previous cases. You may as well make yourself comfortable, Miss Reis. It seems like you’re gonna be with us for quite a while.”

  * * * *

  Dr. Jasun was allowed to refresh himself before being offered a ride back to Refrainia. The police were completely satisfied that he had done nothing wrong, and apologised for doubting him.

  Dr. Ernaut promised to inform Dr. Jay’s friends that he was on his way, as he shook his hand at the quayside.

  “I’m afraid there will be a Medical Board Enquiry,” he warned the young man, “alt
hough in the circumstances it should be nothing more than a formality. They will want to chastise you for leaving yourself in a vulnerable position, no doubt, but that should be about it. It will look better for you if you manage to attend.”

  “I’ll be there,” Dr. Jay promised. He wouldn’t look forward to it, but was just relieved that the matter had been resolved. He owed Rech and Aitan big time!

  The police boat was much faster than any of the working vessels they had on the island, and Dr. Jay was amazed at how soon he was home. Dr. Ernaut had kept his word, and a crowd of excited islanders was waiting to welcome him back as soon as he arrived.

  “It’s a total scandal.” Hebe was up in arms about the incident. “I hope that woman gets slung in gaol for this!”

  “Thanks for that, sweetheart, but I think we’ll leave it for the police to decide.” Dr. Jay was touched by her vehement support.

  Naida and Sapphire hugged the big doctor. “We’ve been so worried about you, were you OK? We heard you got locked in a cell all night.” Sapphire’s big blue eyes stared up at him.

  “I was fine. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds,” he reassured her with a kind smile.

  He patted Rechavia and Aitan on their backs, thanking them profusely for their help, before looking around for Ademia. She stood with Farris, watching him.

  His stomach jolted when he saw them. Farris had his arm around her shoulder and she was snuggled into him. Dr. Jay was well aware that they had just spent the night in the big house alone, and his mind raced with the possibilities. Add to that the fact that she had obviously woken up on her own in the hospital yesterday, while he was with another woman, unable to even go searching for her when she disappeared, and the whole situation looked dire. His gorgeous face fell as his smile faded. The others had already started to make their way back up the island, giving him some privacy, and he suddenly felt very alone.

  Farris looked down at Ademia as she stared over at Dr. Jay. She had watched the gorgeous doctor’s expression go from happy and relieved to wary and unsure. Her heart melted. She held out a hand to him and he visibly relaxed. He was in front of her in one stride and placed his hands on her soft hips. She smiled up at him and he lifted her up in the air before giving her a massive hug. Relief swept through him and he grinned as she hugged him back. Farris was patting him on the back. It felt as though they all belonged together. At last.

  Melantho was serving tea and scones to Rechavia and Aitan outside the big house when the trio arrived. Ligia was helping her to hand the food around, while Kalliope knelt at Rechavia’s feet. They all chatted excitedly, and Dr. Jay relayed the events of his previous twenty-four hours. He was amazed when they showed him the footage on the computer and cursed under his breath at the nurse’s antics. They lost count of how many times he berated himself for his stupidity in getting into such a situation.

  While the girls gathered up the dishes, the men got up and studied the view of the island before them. From this position, they could see right down as far as the bottom field, and were discussing their plans for its cultivation. The girls chatted away as they worked.

  “I bet you’re glad to have him home.” Ligia smiled at Ademia.

  “Yes. I know Farris is relieved too. We’re all so grateful to Aitan and Rech for what they did.” Ademia beamed. She went inside with an armful of clean pots.

  “What an awful woman that nurse is,” Melantho chimed in. “I can’t believe anyone could be so horrid.”

  “I can,” Ligia said with a frown. “She was nasty to Ademia when she told her she was living with Dr. Jay. She looked down at her nose at her as if she wasn’t good enough for him.”

  “You can’t really blame her for that, though, can you?” Kalliope piped up. “I mean, you wouldn’t really expect a hunk like Dr. Jay to be with someone like Ademia, would you?”

  Melantho gasped, causing the other two girls to look up from where they were drying the last of the dishes. She had been the only one to notice Ademia come back out of the house to join them. The blonde girl stared at Kalliope as tears filled her big, blue eyes and she turned and ran down the hill. As she went in the opposite direction of where the men were looking, they didn’t see where she went, but they were aware that something had happened.

  “That was so mean! How could you?” Ligia was outraged by her friend.

  “I didn’t actually mean it like that!” Kalliope protested.

  “Like what?” Rechavia’s deep voice boomed.

  The girls quickly explained what had been said before Rechavia led his girl away and off toward the woods.

  “We’ll find her.” Dr. Jay promised the girls as he and Farris set off down the hill.

  * * * *

  Ademia ran as fast as she could away from them all. She couldn’t see where she was going through her veil of tears, and she didn’t care. She just had to get away. Kalliope had been mean and cruel, but she had also been right, she thought. What would a hunk like Dr. Jay see in me? Or Farris? He had been so sweet to me while his friend was away. Maybe they’re all just teasing me! Maybe I had been right all along, maybe I am so fat and ugly that no one really wants me. Perhaps I should have stayed on Eastland. Palben was probably right about me. I am just a prostitute!

  She got to the bottom of the hill and ran across the beach. Most of the girls had returned to the flower fields where they were getting the next order ready, while a lot of the men had gone fishing, so hardly anyone was about. She felt the hot sand on her bare feet, and ran toward the cool water to refresh them. Her whole body was hot and her head was starting to ache again. She splashed along the water’s edge, remembering the fun she and Farris had had in the sea earlier that morning. She had been so happy then. Although Dr. Jay was locked up and they didn’t know what would happen to him, she somehow knew it would all be OK. Farris seemed so confident they would work it out. and they did. Farris. He’d come looking for her yesterday when she thought no one cared. He had told her he loved her, they loved her. Him and Dr. Jay.

  She sniffed as she left the beach and ran up toward the woods. It would be cooler there, beneath the trees. Finding a tree stump to sit on in a sheltered area, she took a break to catch her breath. She could hear her heart thumping, and sweat was pouring off her. Her mind flitted back to last night, when she laid on Farris’s chest. His heartbeat had been much steadier than this, and she had been soothed by it. He had been so comforting.

  Holding her head in her hands, she closed her eyes. She pictured Dr. Jay’s face when he had looked over at her and Farris at the harbor. His expression had been a mixture of pain and guilt, as well as relief and happiness. He clearly felt bad about leaving her at the hospital, although she now knew he hadn’t, really. He had stayed by her side all night while she slept. He had made sure she was all right. And now this had happened to him. It was so unfair!

  A shout pulled Ademia from her reverie. Someone was in the woods, not far from where she sat. She heard a whack followed by another shout. Standing up, she stealthily made her way toward the noise. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw what, or rather who was making it.

  In front of her was a little clearing. A massive log lay on its side with a naked woman tied to it. A man stood at one end of the log hitting her hard on the behind with his bare hand. Her shouts were not as loud now. Taking a few steps closer, still hidden by the trees, Ademia realized it was Rechavia and Kalliope! She gaped.

  “You tell me again why you’re being punished this way,” Rechavia demanded. Another whack and she gasped before answering him. “I’m sorry, Sir. I was mean to Ademia. I-I didn’t intend to be. I don’t know why I said it. She’s a beautiful girl and I can see why Dr. Jay and Farris love her so much. Anyone would. I’m so sorry.” Kalliope was crying!

  Ademia was all set to go over there and tell them to stop when she saw Rechavia relent. “Good girl,” he said softly, rubbing her pink ass.

  “I’m so sorry.” Kalliope sobbed.

  Ademia believed her. She
really did seem to regret what she’d said. Ademia felt sorry for her friend. After all, she hadn’t known she would be overheard. As far as Kalliope had been aware, Ademia was in the house. What she hadn’t known wouldn’t have hurt her. But she bet that ass hurt now!

  The blonde girl was surprised to hear Kalliope begin to moan. Rechavia had begun smacking her slightly differently now and she was moaning, not in pain, but with pleasure, it seemed. Frowning, the young girl peered earnestly through the leaves. As Rechavia spanked her ass, Kalliope writhed sensually on the log beneath her. Her moans became louder as she pleaded with Rechavia to continue.

  Ademia’s eyes opened wide as she realized how turned on Kalliope was. What must if feel like to be spanked like that? Kally obviously loves it. How would it feel with two men doing it – my two men? Oh God! She absentmindedly ran her hand down to her own panties and found her pussy was sodden. Her fingers slid into her folds and she leaned against a tree for support as her legs turned to Jell-O. She watched the couple as she fingered her clit and then one hand slid under her bra and stroked her hard nipple.

  “Come for me now!” she heard Rechavia command. If only that was Farris or Jay speaking those words to me!

  As Kalliope’s moans turned to screams of ecstasy, she too felt her orgasm sweep through her like a molten flame and she bit hard on her tongue to prevent being heard. She closed her eyes as she panted, and slid down to the ground at the base of the tree she was hiding behind. Her mind whirled as she imagined herself in Kalliope’s place with Farris and Jay spanking her. Her limbs were lax and she was spent.

  “You wanna have a go next, baby?” a husky voice murmured in her ear. She smiled before realizing she wasn’t dreaming and her eyes sprang open in horror. Dr. Jay was standing there, grinning broadly. He was casually leaning against a tree just behind where she had been standing. He gave her a wicked wink, which made her pussy gush again. God he was gorgeous!


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