Bared for Me

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Bared for Me Page 10

by Natalie Anderson

  She bit onto the corner of her pillow, crying out as the orgasm swept over her.

  She kept shaking as he thrust to the hilt and held still, blanketing her with his body. Her moans peaked high and breathlessly ebbed.

  Only when she’d stilled and lay completely limp, did he pull out. He rolled her back over. Warm, her cells still singing from the sensations, she stared up at him, shell-shocked. Satisfied.

  Yet starving.

  “Had enough?” he asked, hoarse.

  She looked at him, at his slicked body and the shiny erection he was still sporting. At the hard hunger in his eyes. He still hadn’t come.

  He was working so hard for her. Had done everything and more that she’d wanted. But now he was near the edge. And she discovered that that was what she wanted more than anything. Her eyes narrowed on him as that instinct mounted within her.

  “No. Not enough.” She spread her legs wide. “More.”

  He smiled, a wolfish, predatory smile of male satisfaction. “We’re not having sex now.”


  He shook his head, his face tense, angular. “We’re just going to fuck. Hard, long, furious.”

  Her arousal blazed.

  Oh yeah. Ultra-careful, ‘let-her-take-the-lead’ Rocco was long gone.

  Unleashed, he was all dark-eyed dangerousness with raw hunger in his expression. His body shook with caged lust as he moved over her.

  Bracing his hands either side of her head, he hovered over her—nose to nose. “That’s what you want just as much, right?” he demanded her honesty.

  “Yes,” she answered baldly. “I want you to fuck me harder than you’ve ever fucked anyone.”

  She knew he understood that drive within her. She wanted him hard. She wanted him bared. She wanted him to give himself to her in a way he never had to anyone—his own kind of first time.

  So long in coming.

  He dropped down, positioning himself between her legs and slowly thrust into her. She quivered in delight. But it wasn’t enough.

  He pumped slowly a couple of times, as if testing both her and himself.

  “More,” she goaded. “Your turn.”

  “Yes.” He pushed deep to the hilt again. “Mine.” He braced on his elbows and looked down at her. No smile, only that wild intensity. “I’m having you. There’s no going back,” he said roughly. “There’s only one way out of this.”

  There was definitely no going back now.

  “What’s that?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Screaming fucking orgasms.”

  “You’re going to scream?”

  “I already am. Every muscle in my body is screaming.” He thrust powerfully, emphasising each word. “Because you feel so fucking good. Hot and wet and mine.”

  He unleashed his need. His hips worked faster. Thrusting, pumping, pounding.

  His driving force pushed her up the mattress. He switched his grip, sliding his forearms under her back, curling his hands around her shoulders to hold her in place as he rammed into her again and again and again.

  And with every thrust the sensations burst like fireworks through her body. Pleasure, such overwhelming pleasure.

  “So glad.” She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to stop the couple of tears leaking. But it was all joy. Unspeakable joy. “So fucking glad.”

  It was so good it was unbearable.

  He kissed her. Breathless they gasped, lips parting only long enough to snatch some oxygen before diving dive deep again. Until the power of his thrusts rendered kissing impossible.

  “So worth it,” she panted. So worth anything.


  He was everywhere. All she could see, all she could feel inside and out. And still she couldn’t get enough. Sweat slicked between them. Dripped from his face to hers.

  “Can’t get enough,” he growled. “Can’t fucking get enough.”

  He rose a little, releasing her shoulders to punch his fists into the mattress either side of her, arching back to drive deeper still. She saw him look at her—her breasts, her lips, her eyes. He grunted and thrust harder. And she rose to meet him—bucking upwards as best she could to meet him, match him. Mate.

  It was that animal, that out of control.

  “I want you,” he growled, his jaw locked. “So much.”

  Through half dazed eyes she gazed down his torso, watching the twist and flex of his muscles, his abs, the way his biceps and triceps bunched with each movement. He was so ripped. So powerful. And right now all that power was fixed on her.

  In her. Deep within her. Driving forward.

  She felt it start to wash over her and shook her head wildly. She didn’t want it yet. Didn’t want this intensity to end.

  “With me,” she screamed as it overtook her anyway. “With me.”

  “Yes,” he roared, the scream of a man pushed past all control. “Dani. Yes.”

  His body locked into hers, his groan long and loud. Her own scream rang in her ears.

  He collapsed over her. She wrapped her arms around him, keeping him close for these last few moments.

  But it was finished.

  She was so damn shaky inside. So vulnerable.

  “Definitely not a fumble,” she whispered. “Definitely no regrets.” How could she ever regret a first time like that? “It was everything I could have wanted.”

  But now the urge to run away overwhelmed her. She’d run away, avoid any awkwardness. So far, so not over the crush. So far in way too deep already.

  But he rolled, taking her with him in the one smooth movement. So now she lay half on him. He combed his fingers through her hair and pulled her head to rest on his shoulder. His embrace was tight. He wasn’t about to let her go.

  “Sleep. We both need sleep,” he said.

  “We shouldn’t cuddle. Won’t all my girly post-sex hormones make me want you even more?” She really wasn’t joking.

  He only tightened his arms. “Sweetheart, stop worrying. Just sleep.”

  Chapter Eleven

  THEY SLEPT FOR hours. When Rocco woke she was sprawled over his body, using his chest as her pillow, her leg wrapped over his. In fairness, he had a hand between her thighs—as intimate in sleep as they were in play. His other hand rested heavy on her back to keep her close. Now awake, he stroked her skin with just the tips of his fingers, otherwise staying just as he was, tangled with her.

  “Hmmm.” She smiled before her eyes opened. “Don’t you have meetings today?”

  “I cancelled them.”

  “You did?” Her eyes opened, also filled with that beautiful smile.

  “Of course I fucking did.” He rolled to cover her, his cock flint hard and ready. “You didn’t really think it was just going to be the once, did you?”

  Watching the feverish color suffuse her face, Rocco realized this was as close to heaven as he was ever going to get. And he was never going to get enough of this. Never enough.


  He’d known. Somehow he’d known. Now he understood that was at the root of his resistance. Because he’d known that having her, being with her in every way, was going to open up that yearning within him.

  She was going to break his heart. He’d known that the moment she’d looked at him and told him she wanted him.

  Because no one had ever wanted him for long. And she? She was like quicksilver. Impulsive, spirited—and that was as bewitching as it was aggravating. In the end she always ran when things got too much for her. She’d be gone soon.

  But it was too late. He couldn’t give back what he’d taken. Or get back what he’d lost.


  She had a concerned look in her eyes, like she knew he was tormented.

  “Take me,” she whispered. “Take everything.”

  So he did. He thrust harder, then harder still. Because damn it, for now he would. He’d take and take and take.

  She opened further for him, welcoming him in as far as he could force himself.

I’d known it felt like this, I’d never have waited so long,” she said.

  “It isn’t always like this.”

  Hell, it was never like this. But he never wanted her to have anything less than spectacular sex.

  Her eyes opened. “Don’t tell me that. Don’t tell me that I’m going to be disappointed for always after this.”

  He didn’t want her doing this with anyone else. Ever. He was so fucking screwed.

  He shut his eyes, tension screaming in his muscles as he worked to get closer, closer still. It was such sweet agony. Since when did sex feel so damn desperate?

  He was desperate because he was damn scared he was never going to feel this way again. His heart lurched. He didn’t want his heart interfering.

  Just fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck her.

  Because that’s what she wanted. They had serious chemistry and she had a serious sex drive that equalled his. Fueled his. From the way she’d spoken, he’d known she’d like it intense, animal. But even as he pounded close and fierce, he wrapped his arms right around her. And that rough mantra changed.

  Closer. Closer. Closer.

  So terrifyingly right.

  He cradled her, kissed her. She kissed him back. Sweet. Hot. Pouring all her energy into him. His match in so many ways.

  If his friends never forgave him, so be it. This was worth it. Worth anything—losing his mind, his soul, and in that final moment of passion, all control of his body.

  He was hers.


  When Dani next woke, Rocco was curled around her, fast asleep looking sex-god handsome with the day-old stubble. She really did need to leave now or she was going to make a mighty great fool of herself. She eased out of his arms. No time to shower, the best thing would be to run while he was sleeping.

  Yeah, she was that much of a coward.

  That weak.

  She’d only just pulled her tank-top down when he woke.

  He looked at her, eyebrows raised. A smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m...” Trying not to get excited by that look in your eyes.

  She swallowed. Damn. She so didn’t want to get girly emo at this moment. “Getting ready to head off.”

  He sat up. “You’re running away again.”

  “No I’m not,” she said, trying to hold it together, which was hard, because he was hot and she was half naked. “It was one night. That’s what we agreed.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You haven’t made it to the bank and it’s after closing. We’ve spent the whole day in bed.”

  Uh yeah, she was well aware of that.

  “I could call the helpline,” she said weakly.

  “They’ll want to see you in person. Want to see your ID.”

  “So what do you suggest?” she asked, sinking to sit on the corner of his bed. “One more night? ‘Til tomorrow?”

  “No,” he answered.

  Oh. Okay. She scrunched her toes. She could go now.

  “You don’t think what happened today changes anything?” he asked.

  “I...” she licked her lips. “Didn’t think it was supposed to.”

  “Stay longer.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I was going to ask you to anyway. Before...” He smiled at her.

  That panty-melting smile. Except she wasn’t wearing panties and she’d already melted—right into his mouth.

  “No strings. Just a few days.” He rose to his hands and knees and crawled to her end of the bed. Amusement lit his face, but his words were serious. “Until you decide what you want to do. Figure a plan that works for you.”

  “You say that like I have options.”

  “You do. You could find a job. Stay here ‘til you have enough together to sort your own place.”

  She realized he wasn’t teasing.

  “If you don’t want to go back to Summerhill, you don’t have to,” he said. “It’s up to you.”

  So tempting. So impossible to refuse.

  But there was one last problem. A big one. She watched him closely. “The others will find out.”

  “They won’t notice. Hunter’s away. So is Xander. Logan’s totally pre-occupied. Connor is working.”

  “My father?”

  Rocco’s expression hardened. “Can get over it.”

  Yeah. He could.

  Dani smiled, but it wasn’t the thought of sticking it to father pleasing her, or the thought of figuring her future. It was right this second.

  More time with him.

  Sure, tomorrow she’d sort her accounts. Maybe she could find a job and save more to fund her own place—though it wasn’t going to be in exorbitant-rent New York city anytime soon. But for now, all she really wanted, was a little longer with Rocco.

  That’s all he’d want anyway. Short-term. There was no mention of anything else. This was only physical for him, right? Chemistry.

  And after it was over, it would be best for her to go to some smaller town on the other side of the country. To recover. She wasn’t going back to Summerhill. Not to varsity to study subjects she had little interest in.

  Because she’d have had now. And it would be worth it. This was worth it.

  “So.” She ran a finger down the side of his neck, emboldened by the erection he was making zero effort to hide. “No strings?”

  “Nope,” he held still, bracing like a big cat ready to pounce. “No demands. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “What if I want to?” She sent him a coy look.

  “You’re okay? Not too tender?”

  “Nuh uh.” She shook her head with a smile.

  He lunged just at the moment she rose to race away, laughing.

  She didn’t get far.

  In a second he’d won the tussle, flipped her back onto the bed and was astride her. Another few minutes, inside.

  But once there, he was so gentle with her. Too gentle.

  “I like it like this,” she whispered. “But I also like it when you fuck me really hard.”

  One eyebrow lifted. “You want me to fuck you hard now?”

  She nodded. She needed him to. She needed to lose herself in that utterly animal reaction. Because soft and sweet like this? Too hard on her heart. This was only for a few days, so right now she needed to lose her mind for a while.

  “I can’t last as long if I do that,” he said, his expression strained.

  “That’s okay, you can always eat me after if I’m still hungry.”

  “Oh you’re getting it.” He laughed. “You really are a quick study. And you are hungry.”

  “Ravenous.” she nodded, in total seriousness.

  “Hold on then, princess. Your wish is my command. My pleasure.”

  He pumped into her faster, gazed down at her as a wild tremor wracked her body. Her nipples had stiffened into taut, over-sensitive points.

  “You like it.” He looked pleased. And passionate.

  “There are no words.”

  Nothing could describe how insanely good it felt when he pushed into her like that. She hooked her legs round his slim hips as he pistoned into her. Gripped his shoulders with grasping, hungry fingers as she rocked her hips upwards, trying to match his rhythm. And hurry him.

  She wanted more. So much more.

  Chapter Twelve

  “YOU NEED TO get out of here.” Rocco sent her an amused glance as he walked into the apartment the next afternoon.

  “I’m perfectly happy.”

  She looked it, curled up on the sofa like a little cat, her nose stuck in one of his design books while her knitting needles clacked. The way she could knit so quickly while focused on reading? The way she could quickly work up a pattern from a picture that had inspired her was something else. The woman was amazingly creative.

  In many ways.

  “You should sell these,” he said, hunching down by the sofa and picking up the quirky ski hat. “Logan could put them in his

  “Production costs are too expensive,” she answered cheerfully. “I already researched it. And they’re way too uncool for the Summerhill brand. Can you see Logan modelling this?”

  He chuckled at the lemon and lime stripes. “Its a shame. You love it.” She’d told him she’d been taught to knit by one of the hotel housekeepers at her home.

  “Yeah... but I could sell the patterns...”

  Now that was a cool idea. “You could. In the book-slash-craft-shop you’re gonna own one day...”

  She laughed. But he wasn’t altogether joking.

  Several more of his design books were spread over the table, a few others were piled on the floor. He moved a few so he could sit beside her.

  “I’ve messed up your shelving system.” She grinned impishly at him. “Can your OCD handle that?”

  “I’m confident your own OCD tendencies will ensure you re-shelve them back in some suitably complicated system,” he answered, undoing the top two buttons of his shirt.

  Handling her presence in his suite was simple. It was her hold on his heart that was becoming the problem. But he didn’t want to overwhelm her with too much too soon. More than anything, Dani needed her freedom. “You ordered dinner?” he asked.

  “Not yet.” She uncurled and stretched her limbs. Again, a nimble cat. Then a very feline gleam lit her eyes. Her chin lifted.

  Rocco smiled and stepped up to her challenge. He loved her playful teasing. Life hadn’t been this much fun in a long time.

  But she really did need to get out. He couldn’t leave her locked up like a pet.

  “You don’t want to go out? Go shopping? Go to some museums? A show? A club?” he asked when he’d recovered his breath enough to speak again.

  She rolled from her stomach to her back and stretched her arms wide on his bed in a gesture of pure contentment. “I don’t want to go anywhere.”

  He didn’t want her to go anywhere either. But he wanted her to be more than sexually fulfilled. He wanted her to get on with figuring out her future, to reach out into the world.

  Early in the morning, once he’d woken her the best way ever, he tossed her the bag he’d had one of his staff leave outside the door. “Come for a run with me.”


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