
Home > Paranormal > Aries > Page 5
Aries Page 5

by Kim Faulks

  Two torches…two sickening scents of wolf. Two sets of beady eyes staring at me from the other side of the cell door. One lingered at her door and rattled the keys.

  Joslyn jolted awake, tearing herself from the warmth of my body and scurried from the floor. The rattle of keys was followed by a snigger.

  "Stay away." Her voice was thick with sleep, seeping with fear.

  I dragged my numb arm through the cells and shoved from the ground. Her sneakers skimmed the ground as she backed against the wall, small fists balled by her side.

  "No one said anything about you." The bastard with the keys smirked. "No one said you were off limits. That makes you fair game."

  I sucked a breath and felt my icy rage descend. The Wretched howled in rage and the sound made the hairs on my arms stand on end.

  So this was how it was going to be. This cruel fucking torment. Images of her at the hands of these vile, fucking scum rocked me. I couldn’t think, couldn't feel anything else but this madness…this desperation.

  He slipped the key into the lock and twisted.

  His partner's eyes widened. He shook his head and backed away. "Don't Liam. We don't know why they're here…we don't—"

  "Shut it," the piece of shit snapped. "Shut your fucking mouth if you know what's good for you."

  He shoved against the door. Joslyn whimpered.

  There was nothing I could do, nothing that would stop them. Nothing that would silence the fucking howl inside my head. Boom. My walls trembled. Boom. The Wretched backed up slowly and dropped his head once more.

  Let me in. I took a step, and then another, grasping the bars as I neared. My Dragon rushed in, smothering my own fear with a hateful rage so thick it was choking. "You fucking touch her and I'll slice you from balls to brains."

  The wolf stilled, his hand on the door. It was open just a crack…the keys rattled as it moved. The itch in my shoulders turned to lightning. Pain stabbed and hacked as my body gave birth to wings.

  I unfurled the dark monsters at my back and hit either side of the cell walls. The wolf's head snapped up. His brow tightened, puckering at the edges as he stared. I couldn't stop him…couldn't stem the tide. I tightened my hold, desperate to grasp the edges of my resolve.

  Bones snapped and fused in a heartbeat. The ground slipped under me. I grasped the cell bars and leaned in. A midnight voice replaced my own. A voice burdened with three thousand years of anger and neglect. "Look at me…take one good look. This will be the last thing you'll see. My voice will be the last voice you'll hear."

  Taloned nails slipped over the edge of my fingers. I splayed my hands wide. The young wolf dropped his gaze to my hands. Hands that could crush…hands that had crushed. I could see the blood slipping through my fingers, in the cracks and the crevices. Warm blood…wolf blood.

  Let them come. I would stand against Hell itself.

  My fingers consumed me. But I saw every flinch. I heard every thud of their hearts. I never lifted my gaze. Never looked them in the eye. "Close the door. Turn the key. Never look at her again, or I will end you."

  The squeal of metal ripped through the cavern as the door slammed shut. The keys jangled. The lock snapped shut. Both wolves backed away until they hit the other side of the wall.

  But there was no stopping the Wretched, not now he'd made my body his home. I shivered as fine hair turned to soft down and then thickened to wool.

  Stop this…Wretched…stop.

  The shake of his head cracked the bones in his spine. My toes punched the insides of my boots. My jeans strained. Nothing was going to stop him…not now.

  A tortured cry took flight like some trapped, terrified bird. I wrenched my head to the right and stared at her through his eyes.

  Her deep brown irises were made darker by the night. She no longer looked at the wolves, no longer stood with her fists toward the enemy…there was something else to fear…me.



  Boots pummeled the stony floor as the wolves turned and fled, leaving me alone with the monster in the cell next to mine.

  Even in the dark, I saw him. He was taller, thicker—things shot out from his back and scraped the walls when he moved. But it was his eyes that held me. Fiery embers danced and I was riveted by movement, following every flicker and every ebb, unable to turn away.

  "I won't hurt you." Thunder filled the cage.

  My insides were water, sloshing and rolling, spilling into the back of my throat. Even the walls moved. Something deep in me squeezed tight and trembled.

  "You have nothing to fear from me."

  I flinched at the sound of his words. This wasn't the same man who warmed me. This wasn't a man at all. He stood upright, just as he had seconds before. But there was a hunch to his body, a thickening that screamed of power.

  He took a step toward me. The faint glow of the torch caught his thick forehead, deformed bones bulged. Pointed horns speared from his skull, growing with every frantic pulse of my heart. This was no man…no man. I shuddered and slid along the wall.

  "S-stay away. Just stay a-away from me."

  I couldn't look away, couldn't see the man he was before. A scream welled like a stone in my throat, bruising the walls as it rose. I swallowed and swallowed, desperate to trap that sound inside.

  The beast dropped his head. He took one slow step back. Gone was the thunder, gone was the hate. His shoulders slumped and with a slow nod of that thick bulging head, he whispered. "Okay…okay, Joslyn."

  Shadows swept the room as he turned. Those black things settled around him, cloaking his body in the dead of night. Harsh breaths burned my lungs, leaving a goddamn scar in my mind. I unfurled my fingers and reached for the hurt. Shaking fingers tap-danced over my breast—I shoved my knuckles against the bone. The scream wedged in my throat slid lower, making its way to my stomach.

  Shadows shifted. He didn't move, not toward me. My damn sneakers squealed as I skimmed the damp floor. Still he never moved. Okay…okay, Joslyn. The way he said those words stayed with me…the ache in my chest bloomed.

  Goddamnit. I took another step and caught his flinch. The empty hole in my chest opened wider. His shirt weighed a little heavier now and the deep musk of his scent slipped into the cracks of my mind. Beckoning fingers surfaced with his look of desperation. If he wanted to hurt me, then why would he risk his life to save me? Same man…he was the same goddamn man.

  "I'm sorry," I whispered and then winced…his name. "Please…Dragon."

  "Zadoc." He dropped his wing and turned his head. "My name is Zadoc."

  I stepped closer and dropped my shaking hand. "Well, Zadoc. I have to say, you scared the shit outta me. I thought I was going to piss my pants."

  He stiffened and then consumed the cell as he turned toward me. Red eyes glittered like rubies. Gone was the fire. But what remained was a cold rage that simmered just under the surface. "So did they."

  I dragged my eyes from the shadow to find the other end of the hall. He'd done that…all for me. To keep me safe. The feel of his body through the bars still lingered. He'd kept me warm, and now he'd kept me safe. "Yes, I supposed they would."

  Safe. Warm. The darkness in the cell shifted. Pulling into itself, smoothing out, sliding backwards. Mammoth black wings tilted and disappeared. I'd seen a wolf shift on TV before. But I'd seen nothing like this. The ground moved underneath me as I took a step. I reached for the bars, staring into the fading embers in his eyes. He never broke the connection, letting me watch it all.

  He broke the connection and shuddered—rustling like a bird puffs its plume—and settled down. Gone was the beast…and here was the man. "Jesus, does that hurt?"

  "Some," he growled. "But no more than breaking every bone and letting a goddamn child play doctor to put you back together."

  "A child?"

  He dragged his gaze. "A. Child. He thinks it's funny. First he gives me one damn wing to fight a wolf twice the size of these runts, and now he…he…"

  He? I wa
ited for him to finish and the silence settled in. "He? He, what?"

  His face contorted, desperation flooded his gaze as he lifted his hands. The hair along his arms was thicker, darker…almost black. "He's left me with this! Fucking wool all over my damn arms…fucking wool."

  The harsh bark of laugher ripped from my lips and rebounded through the cavern. I slapped a hand over my mouth and stared at the downy hair. Wool, as in baaaa…I couldn't stop myself. I reached through the bars, desperate to feel the softness while tears welled in my eyes.

  "It's not funny. He did this on purpose," he snarled and stared at his arms. "Sonofa…"

  I couldn't stop it. I grasped the bars and held on. My stomach jerked and shuddered. I bit the sides of my mouth to stop the hacking sound that slipped free, but it was useless. I clamped my legs together as an ache welled in my bladder. Wool…wool.

  "It's not funny."

  I shook my head at the solemn echo. Tears spilled, racing down my cheeks. My bladder was near to bursting, any second now I was going to pee. "Oww. Oww. I'm not laughing…I'm not."

  "Really?" He jerked his head upwards. "That sounds an awful lot like laughter to me."

  But the sting was gone in his voice. I dropped my hand from the bar and wiggled my fingers. The squeaky sound that slipped from my lips wasn't my voice. "Please, let me touch it."

  He took a step. The closer he came the more his wool glistened and shone. The tips of my fingers sank into the texture. It was thicker than hair—slick and shiny. Tears welled and slipped silently.

  "Why…why wool?"

  "The bastard thinks it's funny…an Aries…wool…you get the picture."

  Ever been chewed up and spat out by a pissed off Taurean Dragon? Taurus, Aries…I stared at pieces of the puzzle. "As in the horoscope?"

  "As in the horoscope."

  "So your Mom was a hippie, or what?"

  The sudden roar of laughter made me flinch. I yanked my hand inside my cell and watched him snort and then moan before getting himself under control. "No my Mom wasn't a hippie. I have no mother…only a father, Aries, God of War."

  "No shit?"

  He shook his head. "No shit, whatsoever. We were created as an ancient race to protect the weak and the innocent…" He dropped his gaze to stare at the ground. Soft, painful words followed. "But somehow we lost our way. I don't remember when that happened or why. I just know that somehow it did, and we've been trying to find our way back ever since."

  Pain shredded my abdomen. I dropped my hands and doubled over. A moan slipped out. The pressure in my bladder brought tears to my eyes.

  "Joslyn…Joslyn…what's wrong. Oh God, is the baby? Please, no."

  My hood slipped down to cover my eyes. I couldn't see his face. I raised my head. "No…need to pee so bad."

  He stilled. The look of shock made me wince. "Then pee." He scanned my cell. There was no use. No bucket. No toilet. Nothing more than the filthy cramped space I'd lived in for the last four days.

  "I can't hold on any longer. But I can't…" I shook my head. "Not with you here."

  Darkness dimmed his eyes. "Of course." He speared his fingers into his ears and turned his back.

  Humiliation dragged me to an all-time low. I reached for my button and stumbled away from the bars. He was nice to me. He was nice and here I had to ruin it. Goddamnit. Goddamnit. Tears welled and spilled as I fumbled for the zipper. I shoved my hand against my hips, catching the waist of my jeans and the sides of my panties in one swoop and shoved them to the ground.

  I crouched. Hot fire flowed, stinging as it went. Urine hit the ground and splashed against the bottom of my jeans. Tears followed, carving a hot river over my cheeks.

  My bladder spasmed, sending shards of agony through me. I stayed like that until my legs cramped and my ass grew cold. He'd be ashamed. I was ashamed. I stood and yanked my panties and jeans up. The sickening scent of urine and sweat made my stomach roll. I tugged my zipper and stepped to the side. The dark patch on the ground grew as the echo of boots resounded through the hall.

  I backed away from the patch and hit the far wall. Zadoc dropped one hand long enough to turn and listen, but not for me…for the wolves.

  "Joslyn," he warned.

  "I'm here. I'm done." I tried to keep the disgust from my voice. But it seeped into the rocks and my words.

  He turned his head, catching sight of me as the two wolves came into view. They were older, bigger, made thicker by the layers of fur they wore. Their skin was sallow, dark circles made their eyes look sunken and hard. Hardened gazes sought out the darkness, finding me, and then Zadoc with barely more than a glance.

  The biggest one lifted his hand and pointed at the Dragon. "You're not going to give me trouble, are you?"

  Zadoc said nothing, until the wolf swung his finger toward me. "Don't make me hurt her. I don't like inflicting pain, but I will. Feel me?"

  Zadoc slowly turned giving the wolf his full attention. "I feel you."

  The shifter's lips curved into a sickening smile as he reached for the cell door. "Good. Now, missy. No sudden moves."

  A cold fist drove up between my ribs. I stepped back and slammed into the wall.

  "Hey…don't," Zadoc snarled and turned toward me.

  "Easy big guy, I'm just bringing her clean clothes and food. Now step back. You don't want missy here going hungry, do you? I won't be back until tomorrow, and the nights here are endless."

  It was only then I saw the wadded up pile under his arm and the covered plate he carried. Food. Clothes. A whimper slipped free, and my mouth watered. I yanked my gaze to Zadoc as my stomach howled in rage.

  "Slow," the Dragon demanded and grasped the bars. He scanned the cell floor, lingering at the dark stain in the corner. "And a bucket, for her to use…"

  The other shifter took a step, shaking his head. "Didn't say anything about that."

  "We can give her a damn bucket, Lyle. It's not going to kill us. What is she gonna do, dump a bucket of piss over us?"

  The watcher winced.

  "I won't." The words slipped free. I took a step as desperation filled every hollow. "I won't do that at all. Please, don't make me pee in the corner like a—"

  "Damn animal?" the watcher snapped and stepped forward.

  Zadoc growled in warning. The air was thick with hate, and the need to kill rose with a cutting edge.

  "—like a prisoner," I whispered. "That's what I was going to say. Like a prisoner."

  The watcher dragged his focus to me. Seconds lasted forever while my heart slammed against my ribs. The other shifter twisted the key and shoved. The door screamed as it opened.

  He moved without a sound, keeping his focus on me and dropped to his knee. The thick pile of clothes fell from under his arm and hit the ground. The plate was next, plastic scraped the ground.

  "I'm guessing you're hungry, and thirsty."

  He looked over his shoulder to the watcher and nodded. Water sloshed against the sides of a small pail as the other man stepped close and fed the bucket through the open door. I could almost taste the sweet liquid. Almost feel my quench of thirst. My tongue snaked out and skimmed cracked lips. It'd been hours…hours since I'd had anything. My body felt hollow and numb. Numb to the cold. Numb to the horror. Numb to everything.

  My captor eased the pail to the ground, and raised his head. Hard eyes found mine. "Take it easy with that. I won't be back 'till this time tomorrow. No one else is gonna feed you. No one else but me, you understand?"

  I nodded. I understood perfectly. The shifter turned his head and eyed Zadoc. One nod of the Dragon's head told him he understood too. This man…this shifter was the only thing keeping us alive.

  My heart thundered as I took a slow step. "Your name….can you tell me that?"

  He stilled, straightened a little, shoulders back. This man had pride. "Most call me Mack."

  Hope spilled, coursing through me like a rapid river. "I don't belong here…I'm human. They've taken me against my will."

; He stiffened with my words. The whites of his eyes glistened. One hard shake of his head stilled my words, but only for a second. If I could make him understand…

  "I'm not meant to be here. My brother…my brother. He's looking for me…he's—"

  "None of my business," he snapped. He shook his head, and then jerked his gaze toward the shifter outside the cells. "Got nothin' to do with me. I just bring the food and water. You best remember that."

  I dipped my head with a slow nod. I tried to capture the look in his eyes, and the words he used. But it was too much. My body responded. Food. Water. Another pail was handed through the open door. Mack slid the bucket along the ground and straightened.

  Two steps and he was out, swinging the door closed and twisting the key. I stared at the piled plate, inhaling the scent of salt and meat, layered with something else.

  Zadoc's door was next. I turned my head, watching him take a step to the rear of the cell. There was no fight, no warning. He just watched while they carried the bucket filled with water and food. "No clothes for you, none big enough."

  His nod said it all. He wanted nothing more than what he needed to survive, and still I couldn't stop from turning back to the food.

  "Go ahead…eat," Zadoc whispered.

  The bottom of the pail skimmed stony ground. Mack straightened, took one look at Zadoc's bare chest and backed out of the door. "Be back tomorrow like clockwork. Make the water and the food last 'til then. I'll try to find clothes big enough to fit."

  "Don't bother. Give them to Joslyn. She needs them more than I do."

  Mack turned his head and nodded. "Okay, then."

  The cell door shut with a bang. Mack twisted the key and snapped the lock shut. This shifter wasn't like them. He didn't have that same cruel sneer, that same hate lingering in his eyes—I glanced at the watcher and he stared back.

  With one last glance, Mack turned and left. Footsteps echoed. I waited, counting to three before I scurried toward the food.


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