Come Undone - A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Novel

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Come Undone - A Standalone Bad Boy Romance Novel Page 74

by Gabi Moore

“I assume it wasn’t anything to do with the mall,” Dion said. “It hasn’t been around that long.”

  “Mall?” Anders’ eyes went wide. “What mall?”

  “The Fromatius Mall. I entered this office from it. You know the one around the tower.”

  “They built a mall, did they?” Blaze asked. “So that explains all the feasibility work the upper floor had us doing before this report. I thought they might be working on something like it.”

  Dion looked at them oddly. Nothing in this office made sense, but he’d entered the clock tower by way of a door that vanished once he used it. They were contradicting themselves and didn’t seem to care on way or another.

  “How often do you guys get out?

  “We never leave,” the twins said simultaneously.

  “There is a mall around the clock tower. Do you ever go upstairs? You can see windows at the top of the tower from the ground level of the mall.

  “We’ve never had a reason to do that,” Anders explained. “The upper floor sends us paper work and we take care of it.”

  “Every so often someone like you appears,” Blaze said. “But not too often.”

  “What happens when they do? Do you send them upstairs?”

  “Oh, my goodness, no,” Anders told him. “They would never forgive us if we did that. We’d never hear the end of it. More paperwork. Tons of it.”

  Dion continued to stare at the two of them. He looked around the office and didn’t see a door to any place. If there was a way out of this office, it wasn’t evident to him. Perhaps they were right about never leaving it. The perfect office workers. Trapped in their little spaces for all eternity. If the tower existed in multiple time circles, as they claimed, there was no one place each level or door might lead. The same door, which took you into one room, might dump you into a jungle when you left. He no longer had the sigil disc as it was used up when he opened the door into this room. If he were to get out of here, he would need the help of these two. Provided they could give him any help at all.

  “So what happens to the people who come through the door?” Dion asked them. “I mean the one behind me that isn’t there any longer.”

  “It’s still there,” Blaze said. “You just have to look for it.”

  “Can’t be seen by the uninitiated,” Anders pointed out. “But, in his case, I don’t think he even knows about the temple.”

  “He might. Is he a unitarian or a dualist? What do you think?”

  “I’d suggest a syndicalist.”

  “Did I say a word about politics?”

  “Who said a syndicalist couldn’t also be a dualist? Have you been reading those old books again?”

  “I’m talking about the third commentary of the fourth citation of Ames and Breslow. Didn’t we bring that one up last week?”

  “No, we were discussing the lack of intersectionality on the progress of critical mathematical studies. You were the one who brought it up when we had our quota accomplished for the day. I pulled out that journal and showed it to you. It caused more confusion than the survey about Planck’s constant.”

  The two of them ignored Dion and continued to babble on for another fifteen minutes. He was unsure about the way time ran in this part of the tower, but he assumed it worked the same way outside the tower. Dion looked at his wristwatch. It showed twenty minutes had elapsed between the time he stepped into the doorway and now. At least the passage of time was constant. It also told him he had only twelve hours to reach his parents and the Aether Grandmaster.

  “Pardon me,” Dion cut into their diffuse discussion. “I don’t mean to interrupt your progress, but I need to get to my parents. They are somewhere in this tower. I need to find the Aether Grandmaster too. She’s held inside here as well. Do either of you know where they might be?”

  The starred at him for a few seconds. Finally, Anders took a phone receiver off its cradle. From his side of the table, Dion could see Blaze dial a telephone number. Anders waited until the phone on the other end was answered before he said a word. But he didn’t take his eyes off Dion. Neither one of them did.

  “Hello, security?” he said into the receiver. “We have a live one here. Yes, the young man you told us to watch out for yesterday. He’s here and you need to get over to our office and deal with him. No, we’re not going anywhere. Yes, we’ll be here until you arrive.” He hung up the phone.

  Dion looked at them.

  What kind of game was played in this tower? He entered with a door that disappeared behind him to an office run by twins who didn’t look alike and were angry when you pointed it out. They couldn’t make up their minds about anything and now they’d called security on him. Dion was in no mood to deal with more goons after the past few days in the mall and his confrontation with Karanzen’s security guards.

  He decided to try a new approach.

  “Do you have any idea who I am?” He asked them with a stern look on his face.

  Blaze turned to his brother. “Smart kid, isn’t he?”

  “Assumes a lot, I have to admit,” his brother responded. He turned to Dion. “Of course we know who you are. You’re the communist they warned us about last week. And now you can deal with our peoples.”

  “No, he’s a fascist,” Blaze corrected. “Didn’t you read the memo?”

  “That was last month.”

  “No, last month was the monarchist. You almost let him through.”

  “Because he told us he was trying to stop the revolution.”

  “Why would a monarchist be in favor of a revolution?”

  “I said he was trying to stop one! Don’t you ever listen to anything I say?”

  “I’m Seth Bach’s nephew. If you don’t show me how to get to the next level, both of you are going to be in deep trouble.”

  “Deep what?” Anders said to him.

  “Who’s nephew?” The other said.

  They stared at him for a good thirty seconds, finally one of them spoke.

  “Why didn’t you tell us that in the first place?” Anders asked. He reached over and slid his hand under the table. There was a click and a cabinet full of books next to him swung open to reveal a hidden staircase.

  “Sorry,” apologized Blaze, “we thought you were the man with the FBI. Please convey our apologies to your uncle.”

  “I thought he was with the CIA.”

  Chapter 3

  Dion turned and walked to the staircase. It led upwards, but he couldn’t tell where it went. At this moment, he didn’t care because it would get him away from these two.

  He walked up the stairs and heard the sound of the twins arguing as the cabinet closed and clicked into place behind him.

  The staircase was long and steep. How it was approved by the building code was a mystery to Dion until it occurred to him that the tower was in many different time circles, which meant the inspectors were shown something other than the tower. He climbed the stairs. Dion noted the light was very faint in the staircase, probably for a definite reason. He turned his head upward and saw that the light emitted from gas flames. They flared out from small jets in the ceiling. Gas lighting was almost unheard of which meant the building was never inspected or he was in a time circle where it was common. He bet on the latter.

  Dion reached the top of the steps after a few minutes. The steps were placed higher the further you climbed up the stairs, which made it difficult to mount the last few ones. It was this way for a purpose, he decided. The best he could figure out was the builder of the stairs wanted to make the person who ascended them think about where they were headed. By the time he reached the final step, Dion was exhausted and leaned on the wall before trying the handle.

  He found it unlocked and the door, made of a lightwood, swung without much effort.

  Dion walked into the room and blinked at the light, which nearly blinded him. It wasn’t that the light was intense, the room was painted white and the light reflected off the surfaces and into his face. Dion let his eyes adjust from
the dark staircase for a few minutes to the difference in the room. He closed the door behind him and looked around.

  The room was empty. Empty as in there was nothing inside. He walked the expanse of the room, which had to be twelve by twelve feet, and looked at the floor and ceiling. All were a bright shade of white. It was as if someone had entered the room with an airless spray unit, popped open some five-gallon pails of latex paint, and proceeded to coat the entire room from top to bottom. Even the chairs, which sat in the corner, were painted with the same bright white color. So was the rest of the room. He looked at the wall and noted the coating was continuous, which meant the room was painted at the same time. Dion tried to scratch a bit of the paint away and discovered it to be on an ordinary wall. Off course, the wall was white, but made out of stone. The room lacked windows, which didn’t surprise him, as they were deep inside the tower.

  He turned around and looked at the door he’s used to get inside it. Once again, the door was gone. Was this a truth for all the doors in the tower? Dion looked around and noted there were no doors on any of the other walls. He appeared to be trapped inside a room and this time there was nothing to hide a secret passage, or so it seemed.

  There was a hum and the outline of a door appeared on the wall in front of him. He stood and watched as the outline merged into the image of a wooden door with a peephole in the center, up near the top. The sound stopped as the door took material form. Dion stepped back and the door’s lock clicked as it opened and swung out to meet him.

  From out of the door stepped a man in his forties dressed in white. He was slender with blonde hair and a contagious smile. He shut the door behind him as he entered the room, but the lock did not click a second time.

  “Good day,” the man said to Dion as he extended a hand. “I am Adam Belial. You are Dion?”

  “I am. I’ve just came from the other office, the one down at the end of the stair case. Do all the doors here form and disappear when you are done with them?”

  “Not all,” the man told him, “but many do. I would say most fit the profile you just described to me. It’s a safety feature in the building. You don’t want the wrong people penetrating the financial sector as they could easily run out with economic reports. Imagine how that would damage the company. This way they can’t get any further unless someone allows them to do so.”

  Dion looked the blank room over. “Interesting decoration. I expect you paid a lot of money to have it done.”

  “Not me. The man who owns the corporation did it out of his own pocket, if I recall correctly.”

  “So what kind of work do you accomplish here, Adam?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You’re not sure?”

  “I was hired to run this office three months ago. They still haven’t told me what I’m supposed to be doing.”

  “Does this office have a name?”

  “It’s a separate company inside the mall management. We’re known as Edom Consulting. At least that is what I know from the name on the stationary. I don’t see much of the building. As far as I can tell, my office is cut-off from the rest of the world. Would you like to see the rest of it? This is only the antechamber.”

  “I’d love to. Please tell me it was more furnishings than this room.”

  “Of course. This room is where I meet new clients. Can’t impress them unless you keep them guessing, as I once heard someone say.”

  He turned to the other door and made a few passes over the door. There was another sound of a lock unclicking and the door swung open again. Adam held the door open for Dion.

  “After you,” he invited Dion.

  The next room was a vast library. Dion walked inside it and admired the extensive collection of materials it contained. He went to the nearest shelf and pulled out one of the books. It was in a language he couldn’t understand, so he placed it back on the shelf. As Adam watched, Dion pulled several other books from the shelves and looked at them too. Each one was in a different language. He looked at a few more. Also in different languages. A few used alphabets he did recognize and some even had characters in the standard Roman style of writing. But none of them had words that he understood. Nor were any two the same.

  After a few more minutes of his book hunt, Dion found one that was in English. It was one he could read. Naturally, it was a book of limericks and he couldn’t make sense out of the subject. Dion sighed and returned the book to the shelf.

  He turned to Adam, who still waited in silence. “Is this your job? Taking care of all these books?”

  “It’s one of my jobs.”

  “And the other?”

  “Processing people who come through here.”

  “I thought that was the job of the twins in the last room.”

  “Oh, no. They don’t really do anything other than screen out travelers who found a way past that door. A few minutes with them and most people are begging to be sent back to where they came.”

  “So what is the next destination on my trip?” Dion asked him. He didn’t see any windows in this room either.

  “Through that door over there,” Adam pointed to the one at the other end of the room. Dion failed to notice it when he came into the library.

  They walked across the library to the door on the opposite end. Once again, Adam opened it and beckoned Dion to walk to the other side. Once again, Dion followed his request and went through the door. Like the last one, it was too dark to see what was on the other side of the door before he walked through it.

  Dion walked into a thunderstorm.

  It was night and the lighting lit up the sky the moment he was through the door. He found himself outside and protected by the rain from a cupola, which extended a few yards over the door.

  In the distance, the lightening illuminated a lone tower that stood across the rain-drenched landscape. The tower appeared to be several hundred yards away and the only thing he could see in the distance, due to the storm, was a river on the other side of it.

  “I thought I was in a tower,” Dion said to Adam who stood next to him with his hand on the door. It was still open. “Where am I?”

  “That was someone’s time circle,” Adam told him. “This is another one. The tower exists in many places and circles. You’ll need to reach the one over there if you want to achieve your goal. I’m not permitted to tell you anymore than this.”

  “But what about the clock tower that overlooks the mall?”

  Adam frowned. “I really have no idea what you are talking about,” He said and shut the door on Dion. Dion heard the lock click on the other side. There was a flash and he found himself starring at a gray rock wall.

  Chapter 4

  Dion was soaked by the time he’d walked thirty yards. The tower was the only shelter he could see in the darkness besides the covering he’d just left. Mud covered his high-top shoes by the time he was at the halfway point to the tower. The rain was cold and beat on him from all sides as the wind shifted. Clouds covered the stars and sky, which further increased the blackness into which he walked. The only way he could see the ground was when the lighting arced across the sly and lit everything up. The ground was hard and full of rocks.

  He was in some kind of valley. The tower overlooked the river from a high vantage point, but he could see no signs of habitation anywhere else. Dion had no idea where he was. The only thing, which offered safety, was the tower and he didn’t know what lay inside it. Light flicked from the occasional window in the tower, so someone had to be there.

  The tower was forty-four stories high. Dion managed to count them as he trudged his way in its direction. The different levels had windows, but he could see no one at them. All the windows were protected by translucent glass, which made sense in this weather. Occasionally when the lighting illuminated the sky, he could see crosses cut into the stone. He puzzled over their meaning. Then it hit him: the crosses were arrow slits for archers and snipers. The same for the crenellation on the top of the tower, it allo
wed a defender protection from any ground fire. This tower, which appeared to be made of stone, was very old. It was also positioned here for military reasons and not a tourist attraction.

  He stopped at the ramp that led to the huge twin doors on the first level of the tower. The wind continued to pound him with rain. Never once had the storm lifted in his walk across the field, which separated the tower from the rock walls where Adam dumped him. Dion could still see the lights burning in the windows, but no one waited for him at the door. The tower, which had to protect this valley from something or someone, lacked any kind of heraldry or banners. It had no fortifications or walls around it. It did have a moat around it. The sheer size alone was enough to give any potential attacked a second thought about an assault. There was a bridge across the moat, but very little water flowed through it. Dion wondered if the tower was still in active use, or just some kind of relic. Given the remote location, whoever built might’ve repurposed the tower once it was of no more strategic value.

  Dion tested the bridge and found it would support his weight. He looked down and didn’t notice any spikes at the bottom, just a shallow stream of dirty water that flowed a few feet deep at the bottom. It was still a thirty-foot drop. He trod across the bridge with care and stayed in the middle. It moaned under his weight and he doubted the bridge could hold much more than what he weighed.

  Once across the bridge, he mounted the ramp and walked up to the doors. The second before he raised his hand to pound on the door, a bolt of lightning ripped across the sky, which almost blinded him. He counted two seconds between its appearance and the sound of thunder. The noise was loud enough to deafen him. Based on the last time he timed the lighting, the storm wasn’t going anywhere. He’d left his smart phone back at the house this morning. He doubted there would be a signal in this place for a weather report.

  Shivering from the wet cold, Dion pounded on the doors. No one came to answer him, so he tried the handle. Locked, just as he suspected. Whoever was inside that tower didn’t want to deal with whatever lurked in this night land. Dion waited a bit longer and pounded again. He prayed the lighting would not pick this moment to try some target practice.


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