Lone Star Rising

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Lone Star Rising Page 17

by Kurt Winans

  In preparation for the first of March, all financial institutions within the republic had been notified by way of legislative decree that each would be required to follow specifically spelled out guidelines. An example of that unbendable law emphasized how the new currency was to be obtained, as each bank would need to place an electronic order for their initial shipment a minimum of ten calendar days before the official conversion date of March first. In conjunction with that electronic order, each individual institution would need to provide proof that the necessary assets to back any requested transaction were possessed within. When each of those conditions had been met to the satisfaction of the Legislature, then a shipment of new currency could be expected on Friday the twenty-sixth of February.

  With multiple orders having consequently been received from all regions within the republic, shipments of the currency were transported via planes, trains, or armored trucks with corresponding law enforcement escorts. The currency flooded into the banks, and was exchanged for the equal asset value of United States cash or other assets. In turn, the republic could at some point in the future sell back the currency to her former parent nation in exchange for concessions of another type. As for the near future of the upcoming days, citizens of the republic eagerly awaited the opportunity to exchange their American dollars for fresh newly printed Texas currency.

  Reminder announcements with regard to the date of exchange had been made in multiple ways for citizens and current visitors within the republic during the entire week leading up to March first. Beyond a barrage of television commercials and local daily news broadcasts, there were advertisements in all the newspapers for those who still used that particular medium to receive pertinent information. A variety of internet websites could also be accessed for useful information on the subject, and for those who enjoyed the prospect of still participating in it, social media helped to spread the word.

  Samuel Tillman, on behalf of his personal family needs and vastly encompassing business interests, had communicated with the local branch of his banking institution well in advance. He was their largest depositor within the Crockett Texas branch, and therefore planned on exchanging a significant amount of cash on the morning of March first. The executives within the facility had then placed an appropriate order to cover the need, which caused immediate interest from the Legislature. The request from Crockett was for an amount of currency which far exceeded what other branches within a similar sized city or town were seeking. It was only after the institution had sufficiently answered a series of questions and revealed that their request was due largely in part to the desires of Samuel Tillman, did those in Austin approve their request.

  When the statewide financial institutions opened their doors for business on Monday March first, they faced a wave of individuals who were clamoring for official Republic of Texas currency. Many of those citizens, especially in some of the more rural towns or small cities, were faced with a limited amount of banks to choose from. As a result, people could often be seen waiting in long lines which stretched beyond the confines of the building.

  On Wall Street in New York, and within all other major global exchanges, the Republic of Texas dollar began trading with an even rate to that of the American dollar at the opening bell. In simple terms, the opening rate meant that a single dollar from the republic was worth more than a single unit of various other global currencies such as the Mexican Peso. However it also meant that a Texas dollar would be valued at less than a single unit of others such as the English pound.

  In accordance with a predetermined agreement between the United States and the Republic of Texas, both currencies would be accepted within the opposite country at an even exchange rate for at least the entirety of March. Although it was believed by those in both Austin and Washington D.C. that the dollars would remain somewhere close to equal value for a few months beyond that date, only market forces would determine if such a belief would become reality. As of the current time it was impossible to determine which of the two currencies would slide from that equal mark to a lesser amount first, however there were no illusions by the governments of either nation that it wouldn’t transpire. In the world of global finance, it was inevitable that such an occurrence would eventually take place.

  As the business within the oval office for Friday the nineteenth of March was beginning to wind down, President Harwell decided to seize a few minutes of that relative evening calm in order to speak candidly with Agent Bishop. The man had been assigned to Jordan Harwell’s personal detail as the prime protectorate since prior to the election of 2024, and his work during that timeframe had always been impeccable. Beyond the scope of those duties, Heath had withstood additional rigors. At the personal request of President Harwell, his schedule had been altered since shortly after the terrorist attacks of November so that he could adhere to whatever schedule the President desired of him. Throughout that span of four months, Agent Bishop received little more than a handful of sporadic days off, but he had never uttered a single complaint or failed to perform his duties at the highest level. In full recognition of that fact, President Harwell felt that the time had come to wield some of his clout and impose an executive action of a personal matter.

  Approaching Agent Bishop, the President exclaimed, “Heath, I know that you are not going to like this, but it’s going to happen anyway!”

  Looking his boss in the eye, he replied, “What’s that Mr. President?”

  “I’m going to interfere in your personal life by giving you a direct order.”

  “I understand sir. What would you like me to do?”

  “I want you to take a vacation Heath. A solid block of time off is long overdue for you, and God knows that it’s been well-earned.”

  “Thank you Mr. President. That’s very nice of you to say, however I can assure you that I don’t need any time off sir.”

  “That’s what I thought you would say Heath, which is why I’m making it an order.”

  “But Mr. President, I have no desire to…”

  With hand raised to stop the resistance, the President said emphatically, “No Heath, please don’t even try. I’m afraid that my mind is made up on this matter, and you won’t be able to talk your way out of it.”

  Understanding that he would not win the debate even if he possessed the position or latitude to pursue such an action, Heath complied with the order of his boss by stating, “Yes sir. I will try to make some arrangements within the next few weeks.”

  President Harwell was one step ahead of him, as he knew that Heath would delay the vacation for as long as possible in the hope that the subject would be forgotten. To counteract that possibility, the President replied with, “Oh you don’t need to worry about a thing Heath. I’ll make sure that something nice is set up for you.”

  “But Mr. President, I’m sure that you have far too many other concerns. You don’t need to spend any time planning a vacation on my account sir.”

  “Well Heath, that is true. I do have many concerns on a daily basis, but I already told you that you can’t talk me out of this decision. Now please don’t think of this as some sort of punishment, because that is not the intent. You are going to take some time off because you need it, and that’s final.”

  It was now obvious to Heath that he would have no alternative, so he replied, “Yes Mr. President, and thank you sir.”

  Returning to his desk, the President tapped a button on his phone and asked Mrs. Dawson to contact the Director of the Secret Service. When the connection was made, President Harwell spoke plainly and directly to the man by saying, “Good evening Director. First you should know that Agent Bishop of my personal detail has continued to perform his duty admirably, and I have total confidence that he will do so in the future. With that said I’m ordering him to take some paid vacation time within the next two or three weeks. I would like you to make sure that his direct supervisors become aware of the change in his schedule and make the appropriate arrangements for other agent
s to cover his post. My office will handle all of the details with regard to exactly when and where Agent Bishop will be going, and then that information will be forwarded to you.”

  After listening for a brief moment to the reply, the President smiled and thanked the man on the other end of the line. Then Heath interjected and asked, “Am I to assume Mr. President that the Director is in agreement with your plan?”

  “Yes he is, and that reveals a level of wisdom on his part. Now as for you Heath, don’t worry. I’m going to send you someplace that I believe will be really nice, and the brief time away from Washington could be a good thing for you. A vacation will provide you with an opportunity to recharge the batteries so to speak, and relax for a week or so.”

  Five full weeks had passed since the teams of operatives from the organization began their reconnaissance missions on Monday the twenty-second of February, and the results of those efforts had been lucrative. Upon occasion select politicians in Austin and Ambassador Pearson had been informed of certain withdrawal levels from various bases several days before the Defense Department had included the information within a weekly report for the State Department. Although the painfully slow process of withdrawal from the larger facilities of Fort Bliss and Fort Hood could be understood at some level, others were not so easy to fathom. Nevertheless it was known by those of importance that as of the current date of March twenty-ninth, the last units of American forces had abandoned the final base within the republic.

  Arriving for his most recent weekly meeting with the Secretary of State, Ambassador Pearson, as usual, was greeted warmly by the staff of his host. Then upon moving into the office of the Secretary, he received a progress report which informed him that the final withdrawal from Fort Bliss would still be another week at a minimum.

  After reading the report in its entirety, the Ambassador shook his head in dismay. Then he stated, “Mr. Secretary, I would like to ask you a question. How is it that the self-proclaimed most powerful and well-trained military machine on the planet is having so much difficulty withdrawing from a base?”

  Lying through his teeth as if he were somehow dealing with an inferior diplomat or a child, the Secretary replied, “Well Mr. Ambassador, when you take into account all of the personnel and hardware located at Fort Bliss, it must be understood that the logistics for the removal of them takes time. I assure you, our forces are doing the best that they can.”

  “Mr. Secretary. Please don’t patronize me. You and I have been meeting on a weekly basis for the better part of two full months to discuss this lengthy process, and the United States military forces had begun their withdrawal more than a week prior to our first meeting. Now as representatives for our respective governments, you and I have enjoyed a good working relationship up to this point. However I will not be toyed with, and I can’t in good faith accept that Fort Bliss should have taken so long to fully vacate.”

  “I understand your frustration Mr. Ambassador, and I assure you once again that we intend no disrespect towards you or the Republic of Texas.”

  “We have been over this ground before Mr. Secretary, and I can assure you that the patience of the Republic of Texas is wearing thin. So I must ask you, is it the intent of the United States to respect and honor the various treaties which have been established between our two nations, or is this an ominous sign of things to come?”

  “You don’t need to become so agitated Mr. Ambassador. The United States intends to honor what has been established, while continuing to work toward the development of additional agreements between our nations.”

  “Well if you would like me to become less agitated sir, then will you please tell me what the real story is behind the delay?”

  In an attempt to foster sympathy from the Ambassador, the Secretary tried a different tactic by saying, “I wish I could answer that, but I don’t really know. Occasionally I’m not given all the information I need, and it would appear that this is one of those times.”

  At that moment Ambassador Pearson knew that his counterpart had provided him with a fantastic opportunity which couldn’t be ignored. The Secretary held a weak hand at the moment, so the Ambassador pounced by sarcastically stating, “Well then perhaps we should discuss another matter Mr. Secretary. That is if you feel that your superiors have provided you with all the pertinent information that such a discussion could entail.”

  The Secretary of State could offer no reply which would effectively counter the jab, especially since he didn’t know what the upcoming topic would be. His bluff had been called for attempting to gain sympathy through veiled ignorance, and he had been made to look like a fool for attempting such an adolescent play. Realizing that he now had limited latitude and time to regain some respect from the Ambassador as that of a well-informed diplomat, the Secretary offered a slight shrug. Then he replied, “Well Mr. Ambassador, why don’t we attempt to find out if I possess the information you seek. What did you want to discuss.”

  “Let’s begin with the currency buy back agreement. Do you remember that we discussed the parameters of such an agreement, and then forged and penned those terms into a binding document several weeks ago?”

  “Yes I do, and the United States shall honor that agreement when Texas is ready.”

  “That’s good to know Mr. Secretary, because many of our banking institutions within the republic have exchanged a vast supply of United States dollars for the new Texas currency. At this time we would like to sell all of that cash and coin back to the United States in exchange for an equal amount of gold from within your federal reserve.”

  In the hope of solidifying whatever level of respect he may have regained, while also understanding that he possessed the authority to comply with the request, the Secretary said, “Of course we can do that Mr. Ambassador, so please consider it done. Now just tell me when you would like to commence with the transaction, and we shall move forward.”

  “That is excellent Mr. Secretary, and I thank you. In my opinion we should inform the respective parties who will handle the accounting aspects immediately. If those firms can be notified today, then they will be able to begin the process tomorrow. With luck, everything will move along smoothly and be taken care of by this coming Friday.”

  “Alright Mr. Ambassador, that sounds like it could be feasible. Now according to the calendar this Friday is April second, so I will notify President Harwell and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve that you and I have agreed to make the appropriate transfer of gold to the Republic of Texas on that day.”

  “Thank you Mr. Secretary.”

  “You’re welcome. Now is there anything else?”

  “Yes, there is one more item. I believe that now would be a good time to discuss the needs of the United States with regard to the export of oil reserves from Texas. What are your thoughts on the matter Mr. Secretary, and how does the United States intend to pay for the oil which they will receive?”

  Number thirty-one and Mason had been involved in the planning and organization of what was about to transpire for slightly more than a year, and as a consequence, they believed that every aspect of the plan was ready to proceed. Now during the pre-dawn hours of Saturday April third, the two men once again took up their assigned position of roughly five hundred yards to the southeast of where Interstate 10 crossed into New Mexico. Joining their effort in various locations near Highway 54 or other border crossings were several of their local operatives, along with the larger contingent of those sent to assist by number forty-seven and the three instructors from the training facility. The reconnaissance assignment had originally been to monitor when the American military forces would use those routes for their various stages of final withdrawal from Fort Bliss. However during the past several days that task had shifted to keeping tabs on the border itself, as it was unclear what the American forces would do now that they had left Texas.

  Through the near silence of an almost empty interstate, number thirty-one thought that he heard a distant rumbling. Assisted b
y the telescopic lenses which they both had at their disposal, each man began a systematic sweep of the distant horizon. Suddenly a long string of lights began to appear as a convoy of trucks crested a small rise along the interstate, and soon after, they began to pull over on just the other side of the border. Then as they each came to a halt, a squad of foot soldiers began to unload from within.

  Turning slightly to look at Mason, number thirty-one asked, “Can you see that?”

  “Sure can. What do you suppose they’re up to?”

  “Well it looks like they are fanning out to cover as much ground as possible near the interstate, so we should probably try to ascertain how many troops there are.”

  “That’s sounds like a good idea. You try to get an accurate count of the trucks, and I’ll see if I can get a count of how many men are jumping out of one.”

  Soon after the pair had multiplied their respective results to calculate an estimate of the opposing manpower, and as they contemplated that figure, the burn phone of number thirty-one began to vibrate. That call, and others within the next few minutes informed him of similar troop deployment at various other road or highway crossings in the near vicinity. None of the troops were reported as taking any offensive or hostile action, but they were most assuredly taking up positions on the United States side of the border. Their movements seemed to validate the original fears of Samuel, number seven, and a few others, that the American forces would halt their retreat at or near the border, but what could be done about it. Once they had moved across the border into New Mexico, what the American forces did was their own business. However one thing was most certain, their current repositioning was less than ideal for Texas.

  What was unknown at the current time to number thirty-one, or anyone within the high level brain trust of the republic, was that the entire region surrounding El Paso had been labeled in early January by the Director of Homeland Security as the most troublesome area of the national border with Texas. Therefore it had been decided by those in Washington D.C. that a major presence of enforcement would need to be deployed somewhere in the area south of Las Cruces New Mexico along Interstate 10. That belief, more than any other reason, had been why the United States took such an extended amount of time to withdraw from Fort Bliss. It also stood as the reason why the reports from the Defense Department to the Secretary of State had been falsified. The base commander at Fort Bliss had been ordered by his superiors to intentionally drag his feet as much as possible throughout the process, and he had done so without any explanation toward the Secretary of State.


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