Luckiest Bastard (Bastard #1.5)

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Luckiest Bastard (Bastard #1.5) Page 4

by J. L. Perry

  Indi smiles as her hand reaches up to stroke my face. “You’re amazing,” is all she says, getting up on the tip of her toes to plant a soft kiss on my lips. “Call me when you’re ready and I’ll come back and pick you up.”


  Both Jaxson and I survived the first day. I stayed for the better part of the morning, but once he’d made a few friends, he settled in fast. He was all smiles when I picked him up in the afternoon and didn’t stop talking about his day all the way home. He even said he was excited to go back tomorrow, which is a good thing.

  Our parents, my grandmother, Megan, Drew and their two girls, Isabella and Jasmine, are here to help celebrate Eve’s first birthday. A day I wasn’t sure we’d ever see in the beginning, but I’m so fucking glad we did. Jax and Candice are on their way up here now. I’m still freaked out about those two, but they’re perfect for each other. I couldn’t be happier for them.

  Leaning down, I place a kiss on Eve’s head. Indi has put Eve’s dark hair up into two piggy tails. She looks adorable. I’m so in love with her. She’s her mum all over. I’m not sure if I could love her any more if I tried. She’s sweetness right to the bone, just like Indi.

  Something about her unravels me. I’m not even sure why. Maybe it’s because she’s my baby girl, or because of everything she went through at birth. I can’t really say. Maybe it’s a combination of both. She already has a tight grip on my heart. I know that will only tighten as the years follow.

  Eve is sitting on my lap watching the other four kids running around and playing with LJ. I tried to get her to join in, but she was happy to stay with me. My little shadow, Indi calls her. The boys get on really well with Megan’s girls. They’re kind of like cousins I suppose. We’re always together.

  Indi and Megan come out of the kitchen laughing, both holding a glass of wine in their hands. I love seeing Indi happy like this. As she passes I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her down onto my other knee before planting a kiss on her cheek.

  “I love you,” I whisper in her ear.

  “I love you too.” My eyes move around the room. My mum is sitting on my dad’s lap, laughing at something he said. My grandmother is smiling as she watches the kids playing. Everyone seems so content, so happy, and that makes me happy. I have a perfect life. The perfect family. My heart is so full.

  I’m the luckiest BASTARD in the world.

  Bonus Story

  First White Christmas …


  The second I’m finished with my last client and all my shit’s cleaned and packed away, I’m out the side door of the tattoo parlour, taking the steps that lead to my apartment two at a time. This is without a doubt, my favourite time of the day. Nothing beats the feeling I get when I’m with my family.

  “I’m home,” I say when I walk through the front door. Nothing. Everything’s so quiet. Did I walk into the right house? Usually I have my three little munchkins hanging off me before I even get a chance to remove my shoes. “Indiana.”

  “We’re in the bathroom,” she calls back. She must be bathing the kids.

  “Daddy,” they all squeal as soon as I enter the room. The love I see reflected on the sweet faces of my children is indescribable, they’re my life. Seeing that same look mirrored on the face of my beautiful wife, no words. I’m one lucky bastard.

  After pulling her into my arms, I place a soft kiss on her lips. “Hi, beautiful,” I breathe. I hear the kids giggle from behind me. The boys always do that when they see us kiss. I’m sure Eve just follows suit. She’s still too young to understand. She likes to copy everything her brothers do, and finds their crazy antics extremely amusing. She’s so sweet.

  “Hi, handsome.” Coming home to her will never get old.

  Letting go, I take a step towards the tub before placing a kiss on top of Jaxson, Levi and Eve’s heads. “How was school today?” I ask the boys, when I stand to full height. Levi started school this year. Unlike Jaxson’s first day last year, Levi was fine. The moment we pulled up outside the gates he told us we could go. Of course we didn’t, but it again proved how different they are. Their personalities are miles apart.

  I’m smiling as they give me a blow-by-blow of their entire day. The moment they’re done, Indi pushes me toward the door. “Watch your sister for me boys, I need to speak to your father in private.” I smirk when she gets me out into the hall, half closing the bathroom door behind her as she goes.

  “Couldn’t wait to get me alone, huh?” I ask, cocking one eyebrow.

  “Dream on,” she laughs. “There’s a pile of wrapped Christmas presents hiding under our bed. Can you put them up in the top of the wardrobe before the kids find them?”

  “That’s it? You dragged me out here for that? I was hoping you’d at least give me a touch up, or something.” She laughs at my comment before reaching out to give my junk a squeeze.

  “There. The rest will have to wait until the kids are asleep.”

  “I can’t wait,” I say, cupping her face in my hands and placing a chaste kiss on her lips. With three small children, our alone time is scarce. I miss our marathon sex romps.

  After grabbing the stepladder from the laundry, I head into the bedroom. I smile to myself at the amount of presents under the bed. I love seeing the kids’ faces on Christmas morning when they open all of their gifts. My children want for nothing. I’m thankful I can give them everything I didn’t have when I was a kid. I know my mum did the best she could with what little she had.

  Opening the wardrobe doors, I grab the first few boxes and climb the ladder. That’s when I see a small wooden box sitting on the shelf. It’s pushed towards the back. After unloading what’s in my arms, I reach for it. I’ve never seen this before, it must belong to Indi.

  Removing the lid, a smile graces my face when I see what’s inside. It’s a treasure box of some kind. It’s full of little trinkets, letters and cards. She has things that I’ve given her in there as well.

  As I go to replace the lid, something on top catches my eye. It’s a list. A bucket list to be precise. Written up top are the words, ‘Things I want to do before I die’. I get a pang in my heart when I read that. All the memories of Indi and the tumour flood my mind. I’m so glad she beat that fucker.

  My eyes scan down the list. Half of the things are already crossed off.


  1.Experience a white Christmas.

  2.Marry the man of my dreams.

  3.Have children.

  4.Open my own Veterinary Clinic.

  5.Build a snowman.

  6.Go skinny dipping.

  7.Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

  8.Go snorkelling somewhere tropical.

  9.Dance in the rain.

  She must’ve written this when she found out she was sick. My mouth curves into a smile as I read number two. I married the woman of my dreams as well. Come to think of it, I played a part in all the things she’s crossed off her list so far.

  Memories of the time we went skinny dipping flood my mind. We’ve actually done it twice. Once in the lake out the back of her place in Sydney. The other time was before the kids were born. One night we snuck across the road and went skinny dipping in the ocean.

  I read over the list one more time making a mental note of all the things she’s yet to do, before placing it back in the box. I’m gonna try my damn hardest to make sure she gets to do everything she wished for. I’m not sure how I’m going to pull off the white Christmas though. It’s too fucking hot in Australia in December. It will never snow here that time of year.

  My mind goes into planning mode as I set about putting the rest of the presents away. The snorkelling will be easy. We’re taking the kids to Fiji in March with Megan, Drew and the girls. I can organise that for her when we get there. Then it hits me. A brilliant fucking idea. I think I c
an actually do everything on that list, or die trying. I have four weeks, surely I can pull this off in a month.

  The kids already have their passports. I’m going to give my wife a Christmas she’ll never forget. Well, try to. We did get married on Christmas Day, so that’s going to be hard to top.


  By the 15th of December, I have it all sorted. I can’t wait to see her face when she finds out what I’ve done. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I just want to see her happy, and help make all her dreams come true. After everything she’s been through, she deserves that.

  “Carter,” I hear her call out as I finish reading a bedtime story to Eve.

  “Another story, Daddy?” she pleads. I chuckle as I stand, before gazing down at her hopeful face.

  “Not tonight, princess, it’s time to go to sleep, and I need to go and see what Mummy wants. I’ll read you another story tomorrow night.”

  “Okay.” Closing her eyes, she rolls onto her side. She’s such a good girl. She never gives me any trouble.

  “Sweet dreams, baby girl,” I say as I tuck the thin blanket up around her chin and bend down to kiss her cheek.

  “Goodnight, Daddy,” she replies with a yawn.

  “I love you,” I whisper as my fingers smooth the hair back off her sweet face.

  “I love you too.”

  This kid melts my fucking heart.

  “Carter,” Indi calls out again just as I’m closing Eve’s bedroom door.

  “I’m coming.” As I walk down the hall a soft foam bullet hits me square in the forehead. I see Jaxson holding a Nerf gun in his hand as he and Levi quickly duck behind the wall laughing. “Keep it down, you guys,” I say as I pass them. “Your sister is in bed.”

  “Okay, Dad,” Jaxson snickers. I cop another bullet in the arse as I make my way towards the bedroom, where I presume Indi is. Little shits. I hear them laughing again as they run off towards the lounge room.

  “What the hell, Carter,” Indi says when I enter the room. The wardrobe doors are open, so I know exactly what she’s going to say. “Where’ve all the kids’ presents gone?”

  “I hid them in the storeroom down in my shop,” I reply as my arms encircle her waist and I draw her towards me. “I thought they’d be safer down there. The boys are getting bigger now and might start snooping.” I’m so glad I already had my story planned in my head.

  “Oh. Okay. Good thinking. You’re getting very wise in your old age Mr Reynolds,” she says, supressing a smile.

  “Hey. I’m not fucking old,” I snap. “I didn’t hear you complaining the other night when I fucked you so hard you could barely walk.” My fingers dig into her arse cheeks as I pull her hips forward so she can feel my hardening cock. I have zero trouble in getting it up. Thirty-one isn’t fucking old.

  I’ll show her just how young I am when I get her into bed tonight.


  December 21st

  “Where are you taking me?” Indiana asks as we head towards Williamtown. Our parents have the kids overnight. Today she thinks I’m taking her out for a little us time. We got plenty of that last night, and again this morning, if you know what I mean.

  She has no idea we’re on our way to the airport. Our parents and the kids should already be there. The airport shuttle bus was picking them up at 9:00 am. It’s now just after ten.

  They have all our luggage with them. Mum came over a few days ago and helped me pack everything we’d need for our vacation while Indiana was with the kids at swimming lessons. Thankfully it’s summer, so I knew Indiana wouldn’t notice any of her winter clothes were missing.

  Everything has gone to plan, just like I hoped.

  LJ spent the night at Mum and Dad’s, with the kids. He likes to be wherever they are. He’ll be spending the next week with my grandma. She decided she wouldn’t be travelling with us. The cold weather doesn’t agree with her arthritis. I know she’ll be okay, but I’ve organised for Megan to check up on her from time to time while we’re gone, just to ease my mind. She’s also going to take her to their house for Christmas lunch so she’s not alone.

  “Why are we at the airport?” Indiana asks when we arrive.

  “You ask too many questions, babe,” I reply, leaning across the centre console and brushing my lips against hers.

  “We’re not going away are we? You know I couldn’t go anywhere without the kids right? Being away from them last night was bad—” I grab hold of her face and cover my mouth with hers to shut her up. She’ll find out what’s happening when we meet up with the rest of the family. She’s working herself into a damn frenzy. As much as I love the thought of just the two of us going away together, I couldn’t leave the kids either. When I finally pull out of the kiss, she narrows her eyes at me. “You did that on purpose.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I chuckle because there’s no point denying it. She knows me too well.

  “You kissed me to shut me up.” She reaches over the seat and pinches me. I laugh as I rub my arm. Her damn fingers are lethal.


  Dad called this morning after he told the kids where we were going to be spending Christmas. I had to leave that job to him. It was too risky for me to tell them. I couldn’t chance one of them spilling the beans.

  He said they were jumping around screaming with excitement. I wish I’d been able to see that. Apparently Jaxson has made up signs for him and his brother and sister to hold up, to surprise Indi when we get to the airport.

  He’s such a thoughtful kid.

  The minute we walk through the automatic doors, she spots them. “What the hell?” she screeches as her head snaps in my direction. “Why are the kids and our parents here?”

  “Surprise.” I don’t know what else to say.

  Her head moves back in their direction. Jaxson is holding up a sign that says, ‘Surprise Mummy’. Next in line is Levi. His sign says, ‘We are having a white Christmas’. I laugh when my gaze moves to Eve. Her sign is upside down, but you can still read it. ‘In New York’.

  “Oh. My. God,” I hear her whisper. When she looks back at me, there are tears welling in her eyes. “Are we really going to have a white Christmas?” When I nod my head, she launches herself into my arms. “Oh, Carter,” she cries. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, baby.”


  We’re fifteen hours into our twenty-one hour flight. The kids have handled it better than I expected. Eve is asleep in my arms, and Indi’s head is resting on my shoulder. Our parents have taken one boy each, which makes it easier for us.

  I’m grateful they agreed to come along. I can’t imagine spending Christmas Day without them, plus I know they’ll help out with the kids and give Indiana and I some alone time while we’re away.

  “The kids’ presents,” Indiana says suddenly, bolting upright in her seat. “They can’t wake up Christmas morning to nothing.”

  “It’s all sorted, don’t stress. They’ll get two Christmases’, one in New York, and one when we get home.”

  “What do you mean it’s all sorted?”

  “I’ve organised for some gifts to arrive at the hotel where we’re staying.”

  “You have?” she asks as her pretty face lights up.

  “I have.” She releases a contented sigh before placing her head back on my shoulder and snuggling into my side. “You’re the best.”


  Jesus fucking Christ.

  The maniac who drove us from the airport to the hotel where we’re staying in Times Square, is lucky I didn’t knock him the fuck out by the time we finally arrived. I was so pissed he’d put my family in danger. I think we were all relieved to make it in one piece. We had way too many close calls. Ross even gave him a stern talking to when we were unpacking the luggage from the car, which cracked me up.

nbsp; I love that man.

  Although I was grateful we survived the airport transfer ride, I was gutted to see not an ounce of snow in New York. Not one damn flake. It was cold. Bitterly cold actually, but not snowing. I hope I didn’t fly my family all the way here just to freeze my damn nuts off.

  The porter stacked all the suitcases onto the hotel trolley while I headed to the reception desk to check us all in. Jaxson, Levi and Eve are staying in our suite with us, but I booked a double room for my parents as well, so they have room to accommodate the kids overnight if need be. As you can tell, finding ways to have uninterrupted sex with my wife is always at the forefront of my mind.

  With the time difference between countries, it was 5:00 pm New York time when we finally made it to our suite. We were all exhausted and ready for bed. Indi set about bathing the kids, while I ordered some room service so we could eat before crashing.


  The next few days we did all the touristy things—the Statue of Liberty and Central Park to name a few. Also a shit load of shopping. Indiana couldn’t believe how cheap everything was over here, so she definitely made the most of it. Not sure how we’re going to get it all home though.

  It’s safe to say that none of us were prepared for the sheer volume of people in the streets of New York—fucking crazy. It blew my mind. Indi clung to the boys’ hands wherever we went, while I pushed Eve in the stroller. Now I know why they call this the city that never sleeps. Fuck me.

  Christmas Eve rolled around fast and to my huge disappointment, there was still no snow. Even though we were all having a great vacation, I was feeling so let down and deflated. Her bucket list specifically stated a white Christmas, not just a damn cold one.

  Later that night, once the kids were all in bed, Indi and I snuggled on the sofa in front of the fake fire. I’d asked my travel agent to get me a room with a fireplace, but due to the fire hazard, this was the best she could do. It looked like a real one, so I was happy with that.


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