Beats of Life (Perception Book 5)

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Beats of Life (Perception Book 5) Page 15

by Shandi Boyes

  He sits down on the barstool and pulls me towards him so I am half sitting on his lap and half standing. He places his large open hand possessively on my right hip, sitting just above where his name is inked on my skin. Miranda’s curious gaze flicks between us and she appears just as confused as I am.

  “I’m going to miss my wingman,” she informs sadly, her large lips pouting playfully, triggering Slater to chuckle softly.

  Miranda stands from her barstool and makes her way down to a group of guys and girls at the other end of the bar. I turn around to face Slater, my confused eyes leisurely roaming over his face. His eyes are beaming with lust and appear a little glossed over.

  “Are you drunk?” I question quietly. His face breaks into a huge cheeky grin that the corner of his eyes get a small gathering of lines.

  “I’m just a little bit tipsy,” he quotes smiling, using the exact same words I had said to him three nights ago.

  “Slater tipsy or Kylie tipsy?” I question cheekily.

  “Does it matter?” he replies quietly, his warm breath fanning my lips.

  No, no it doesn’t. Well that was what I wanted to say. Instead I continue to return his intense lust filled gaze while trying to ignore all the angry glares being directed at me from several women in the room when they noticed me standing between Slater’s legs, possessively staking my claim.

  Chapter 21


  I am not even close to being tipsy, let alone drunk, but I’m not going to tell Kylie that. I like having her close to me, her little sharpened claws out and ready to bounce if anyone gets to close. Kylie has never been shy at making the first move and I am ecstatic that she has finally decided to stake her claim.

  I spotted her the instant she walked into the VIP section of the club. Her face paled when she noticed me sitting next to Miranda. I sat next to Miranda as I thought she was the safest option, since her interest in men is as lacking as mine. It was only when I saw Kylie’s reaction did it suddenly dawn on me that she was unaware that Miranda is gay.

  The waitress’s face clearly showed her disappointment when I handed her back the napkin with her name and number on it, declining her offer. There is only one girl in this whole club I am interesting in taking home tonight and a groupie romp in the bathroom isn’t enough incentive for me to ruin my chances at getting Kylie between the sheets again.

  I silently watched Kylie’s interaction with Melanie and I couldn’t help but chuckle at her stomping her feet in true Maddie style. When I approached her, she spun around and was biting her lip so hard I was surprised she didn’t draw blood. I pulled her lip away from her teeth, while silently wishing it was my teeth that were biting into them. I chuckled when she gasped loudly at Miranda. Miranda is gorgeous, but she has a manufactured look, you know the kind of look you could get in any Plastic Surgeon’s office. Kylie is also gorgeous but her beauty is natural and completely unique to her. No one would ever be able to replicate her exactly and it is that uniqueness that makes her even more beautiful.

  The instant Miranda rang the bell I knew she wanted to play the tequila game. We have played it a few times before and our stats are pretty even. It’s the experimenting college girls that keep Miranda’s numbers high. You know the ones that can use ‘I was young and I was in college’ as their excuse when they wake up in a girls bed the next morning. I did cheat when I kissed Kylie, you’re suppose to remove the lemons from their reach and make them choose the lemon flavoured mouth to kiss to help lessen the tequila burn. But I didn’t kiss Kylie because I had doubts that she would pick me, I kissed her because I couldn’t wait any fucking longer. My dick was already hard from watching her lick the salt off her hand. Even though her mouth was laced with tequila, she still tasted like heaven. I had gone two years without kissing anyone and kissing her is more sexually satisfying to me than any groupie fuck.

  I couldn’t believe Miranda had the hide to suggest that we could share Kylie. I don’t share in general, but there wasn’t a fucking chance in hell I was going to share Kylie with her. The instant I placed my hand possessively on Kylie’s hip, Miranda knew I was indicating for her to back off. Unlike Sonny, she respected my request. Miranda is good like that.

  Kylie moves to the bar and orders a drink from the bartender and I can’t help the smile that forms on my face when she returns to standing between my legs, especially considering that there is now an empty bar stool next to me. Her eyes slowly roam over my face before lowering down to the tattoos on the bottom half of my arms.

  “You got a few new ones I haven’t seen before,” she says quietly, a small smile forming on her face.

  “Yeah, a few,” I reply, twisting my arm to show her the latest tattoo I got three months ago. It is a replica of my bike my dad had placed on my lower right forearm.

  “Oh, it’s Gertie,” she states cheekily. I roll my eyes and gag. She nicknamed my bike Gertie the week after we started dating and I fucking hated it. For one, if my bike is going to have a nickname it is going to be a name that is as tough as she is, not some pansy old ladies name.

  “I was planning on taking you for a ride on her tomorrow, but you lost your chance now,” I say cheekily, taking a swig out of my bottle of beer.

  My eyes filter around the room where I catch the intense gaze of Emily and Jenni watching the interaction between Kylie and I. When I squint my eyes at them, both of their eyes dart away quickly, making me chuckle softly against the rim of my beer. When I return my eyes to Kylie, I notice she has her mouth gapped open wide in surprise, her excited eyes are darting between mine.

  “She is here?” she questions quickly, her excitement clearly heard in her voice. “In San Francisco?” she continues.

  I smile, before nodding my head. Kylie snatches the beer out of my hand and places it down so roughly she nearly smashes it against the bar. She grabs my hand and attempts to drag me out of my seat.

  “Come on,” she pleads, when her attempts to drag me off my seat are unsuccessful. When her pleading eyes turn to face me and she quietly says “Please,” I know that I’m not going to say no to her request. I’ve never been able to deny her pleading eyes.

  When I nod my head, she squeals excitedly before rushing over to Melanie. She hugs her quickly and runs back towards me. The smile on her face nearly brings me to my knees. I send a message to our driver, requesting for him to bring the limo around to the front of the building while we make our way down the stairs. Once I spot the limo out the front of the club, I tuck Kylie under my arm and quickly dart towards it. We caught the paparazzi surprised since they were not expecting the band to be leaving so early. The only photo they would have captured would have been my rear end when I jumped into the limo after Kylie.

  Kylie sits across from me as the limo slowly pulls away from the curb. The paparazzi cameras are pushed up against the windows, trying in vain to snap a missed opportunity. Once we pull into traffic, the camera flashes illuminating the inside of the limo lessens. Kylie sits up straight, her lust filled eyes roaming over my body, before her tongue darts out to moisten her lips. This is the first time we have been alone together and although her eyes are showing she is a little tipsy, she is certainly not drunk. The sexual tension between us is so electrifying you can hear it crackling in the air.

  “Come here,” I request firmly, wanting her to come to me, forcing her to take that first leap.

  She smiles softly before gently shaking her head. My heart plunges into my stomach since her rejection hit me full force like a fucking Mack Truck hitting a brick wall. When she notices my reaction she appears confused, before she smiles softly again. This time her head nods to the open partition window behind her, showing the drivers head is easily visible. I lean over and push a button on the dashboard to close to the partition. The smile on her face when she notices it raising behind her is one of the most dazzling smiles I have ever seen in my life.

  “Come here,” I request again. This time she doesn’t shake her head. She drops down on
her knees and seductively crawls over to me. My dick instantly hardens from her intense heated gaze running over my body. She licks her lips. Her eyes stare straight at my crutch that is clearly showing her my arousal. The instant she reaches me, she grabs my black leather belt and undoes my belt buckle. I stop her hurried movements and lift her up so she is straddled on my lap. I want her lips on my mouth even more than I want them on my cock.

  I haven’t had nearly enough time to get my fill of Kylie’s mouth when the limo driver taps on the partition, signalling to us that we have arrived at the hotel. Kylie whimpers when I pull away from her embrace that I am tempted to tell the driver to circle the block so we can finish what we have started. It is only when she realizes that we are back at the hotel does she eagerly slide off my lap. She runs her fingers through her hair and checks her face in the mirror behind me, before her excited eyes turn to me.

  “Are you ready?” she questions, surprising me that she can go from horny to calm in a matter of seconds. She giggles softly when I adjust my crutch since my erection is digging painfully into my zipper.

  “I’ll take care of that after we go for a ride,” she informs seductively, instantly making my dick dig into my zipper again.

  Her excitement is practically beaming out of her when we enter the elevator to take it down to the basement carpark of the hotel. She always loved going on the back of my bike as much as I loved taking her on it. I hesitate when my hand lunges into the saddlebag of my bike, afraid that I might be showing my hand to early when she discovers that I still carry her purple helmet with me everywhere I go. When my eyes dart up to hers and she is smiling her knee dropping smile, I no longer fucking care. She still has my name inked on her skin, clearly showing that she was also not ready to let go of our time together.

  She tried to brush it away quickly, but I didn’t miss the tear that fell down her cheek when I pulled her helmet out. A little giggle erupts from her mouth when I nervously clean out the cobwebs that have formed in her helmet. One of my biggest fears is spiders and she knows this. Her eyes rapidly fill with tears when I place her helmet on her head and tie the straps under her chin. She looks at me curiously when I hand her a pair of sunglasses, considering it is pitch black outside.

  “The paps,” I inform. I’ve been caught without glasses before and I nearly sideswiped a parked car with my bike.

  I throw my leg over my bike and offer my hand to help her onto the back. She squeals excitedly the instant my bike kicks over. Her arms dart around my waist and her cheek leans against my back. Just like that, in a matter of mere seconds, the past two years just vanished. It is once again me and two of my favorite girls.

  The flashing of the paparazzi lights starts the instant they hear the rumbling of my engine coming up the carpark exit ramp. I slowly glide my bike between them as they scream out a range of questions. Most of their requests are for my date to lift her head so they can capture her face. They appear surprised. I guess it is the first time they have ever taken a photo of me with a girl on the back of my bike.

  As soon as it safe, I pull back on the throttle and we go darting through the heavy traffic surrounding the hotel. I can tell Kylie is smiling. Her cheekbones lifted against my back the instant my front tire hit the bitumen. The traffic around Fisherman’s Wharf is always heavy, but that is the greatness of having a bike. I can manoeuvre through the cars without any hassles. It also means I can easily lose the paparazzi that are tailing us.

  There is no greater sound in the world than the purr of my engine combined with Kylie’s giggles.

  Chapter 22


  The warm wind whipping past my face helps to dry the tears streaming down my cheeks as Slater weaves in and out of traffic. So many memories filtered through my brain the instant I hopped onto the back of his bike. It is like the last two years had never happened and my busting at the seams happiness can only escape through my eyes. I loosen my hold around his waist and quickly wipe away the remaining tears the wind had missed before reattaching my grip. Slater’s right hand moves off the handlebars and he gives my tear soaked hand a gentle squeeze. I lift my head off his back to seek his gaze in his bike’s mirror. Like he can read my thoughts, he adjusts the mirror so we can see each other. When he notices my tears, his eyebrows pull together tight and his speed slows down. His head darts side to side like he is trying to find somewhere to pull over. I offer him a large smile, trying to convey to him that my tears are happy tears. I squeeze his hips with my thighs before tightening my grip around his waist. I try to mould my body as close to his as possible. He smiles a huge cheeky grin, before his bike lunges forward so fast I can no longer hold in my excited screams.

  The instant we hit the entrance of the Golden Gate Bridge, I raise both of my hands into the air and release the loudest squeal I’ve ever screamed in my life. Number ninety-six is officially being crossed off my list. But even more exciting than that is the fact that I am going to be able to cross it off with my trusty old red pencil. Once we reach the end of the bridge, Slater does an illegal U-turn and goes over the bridge again, his large smile reflecting back in his bike’s mirror. As we get towards the end for the second time he loudly yells “Again?”. I quickly nod my head and squeal with excitement when we cross the bridge for a third time. This time when we reach the end, he weaves his bike through the small roads of Sausalito before pulling into a deserted café on the water’s edge. The lights from San Francisco reflect off the bay’s waters and it is one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen in my life.

  “I hope you still have your red pencil?” Slater questions, assisting me off the back of his bike. I eagerly nod my head, triggering him to smile brightly. The San Francisco skyline is now the second most speculator sight I have ever seen.

  He clasps my hand within his and walks us towards the closed café. I could imagine how beautiful the view of the bay would be during the day, considering the outside deck of the café sits right against the edge of the water. My eyes dart nervously around the area when Slater opens the door and walks inside.

  “We can’t go inside, it’s closed,” I advise, my finger pointing to the closed sign that is swinging in the door he just opened.

  He raises his index finger to his lips and silently mouths for me to be quiet as he walks into the empty café. My heart rate increases and my grip on his hand tightens when he walks us further into the pitch black café.

  “Oh fuck,” he yells loudly when he crashes into a table. I try my hardest to hold in my giggles, but when he turns around and runs straight into another table, I can no longer hold in my laughter. My loud chuckles soon die down when a light in the stairwell gets turned on and someone yells “Who’s there.” Because a light has been turned on, I can see half of Slater’s face. His eyes are opened wide in shock and his face appears rattled.

  “Run,” he informs panicked.

  I quickly spin on my heels and bolt out of the door we only just entered, my legs moving surprisingly fast considering I am wearing a tight mini dress. My heart is wildly beating that it is nearly leaping out of my chest. My panic surges when I realize that Slater isn’t following behind me. I run to his bike and pull his baseball bat out of the saddlebag. The instant I raise his bat above my head in preparation to attack, Slater’s deep chuckle comes rumbling out of the café. When I spot him leaning against the doorframe with a huge shit eating grin, I throw the bat angrily on the ground and lift my arms above my head to take in several large deep breaths. Even after several deep breaths, my heart is still racing out of control. He strolls over towards me and picks the bat up from the ground, his smile beaming out of him.

  “I’m glad to see you were coming back to save me,” he says chuckling. I punch him in the arm, causing him to laugh even louder. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and walks me back towards the café, where there is a middle aged lady standing in the doorframe with a large smile on her face.

  “You gave the poor girl a heart attack,” she says, h
er head shaking slightly.

  “Kylie, I would like you to meet a very dear friend of mine,” Slater says when we stand in front of the pretty, grey haired, blue eyed lady.

  “Maggie, this is Kylie. Kylie this is Maggie, the official mother hen of the band,” he introduces.

  “Hi,” I greet breathlessly, accepting the handshake Maggie is offering.

  Maggie greets me back before ushering us into the café. When she turns on the lights, my eyes roam over the space. The café is a pretty standard looking café except for one wall near the front counter that has several small photos proudly on display. The photos show all the band members of ‘Rise Up’ at various stages of their career. The very first photo looks like it was taken quite a few years ago. Slater’s dreads are only around two inches long, his arms are wrapped around Marcus and Noah and he is smiling brightly at the camera. Nick is standing to the side of them, looking awkwardly out of place. As I follow the timeline of photos, Nick’s inclusion in the band becomes more apparent. The very last photo is on a much larger stage than the first. A smile forms onto my face when I notice Slater has his arm wrapped around Nick’s shoulders. I had thought I had misunderstood Slater’s dislike of Nick the weekend we stayed at the cabin. But from looking at the photos, I’m fairly certain Slater was not a fan of Nick’s a few years ago. I’m glad they have managed to work out whatever issues where between them.


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