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Heat Page 8

by K. T Fisher

  "How can you do that?" She sounds like she could cry. I don't answer her because I can't. Instead I stand from the sofa and step away. "You're hurting yourself too Lacey!"

  I ignore her and walk towards my bedroom as Roxie answers her phone. I shut the door behind me and slide down it, all my tears releasing down my face. I am hurting myself, really badly but Cole lied to me. I can't be with someone who lied to me about something as big as he did, even though my heart is killing me right now.

  Chapter Twenty


  This girl is fucking killing me right now!

  As soon as Lacey hung up on me I continued to call her over and over until Roxie picked up. Not surprisingly, she's worried about her friend but what can I do? She won't answer my calls or my texts. Now she's telling me to move on from her! I was starting to panic that she had met someone else, but Roxie assured me that this isn’t the case; she said that Lacey hasn't even stepped out of their apartment, which is a little worrying. I couldn't think about her not going outside because I was too relieved that she was still mine, if anyone touches my girl I would fucking kill them and I'd rather not have to do that. I've spent enough time away from Lacey as it is.

  There's a knock on the dressing room door so I shout for whoever it is to come in. It can't be the guys, Booker and Tate have gone to the after party and Mason has gone back to the bus to phone fuck with Roxie. I didn't want to listen to that, so I stayed here in the dressing room, backstage to the venue we have just played at tonight in San Francisco.

  The door opens and in walks a girl that I haven't seen since the last time I was here, Shelly. She's a beautiful girl, slim, long blonde hair with bright blue eyes and the biggest tits I've played with, they're fake but that's beside the point.

  "Hey Cole." She purrs as she shuts the door behind her and saunters over in my direction. I would have thought that she was moving sexually towards me if I had not seen the luscious sway of Lacey's beautiful curves. Until I had set eyes on my gorgeous brunette, girls like Shelly were my type. Not anymore.

  "Shelly." I nod my head and smile at her politely, I've known her for a few years now and whenever the band stops in town, I always spend some time with her. She hunts me down and usually I don't mind but Shelly isn't the girl I want. No, that girl; the one I want, is stubbornly ignoring me and oddly that makes me fall a little more for her. "What are you doing here?"

  She purposely places her bag onto the table behind my chair so that she has to lean over me, shoving her large tits in my face. Nope, my dick hasn't even twitched. She giggles and places her hands onto my shoulders. "Oh you know me Cole, I have to come and see you." She moans as she lets her hands drift down my arms. "I can't resist, knowing you're here."

  Her hands end up on the top of my thighs so I place my hands over hers. "Maybe you should go home Shell."

  Her face scrunches up tightly. "What?"

  "I'm heading over to the bus. You should go home." I remove my hands from hers so that she can grab her shit and leave but she doesn't. Instead she takes the chance to pounce onto my lap and laughs.

  "Oh Cole, I thought you were being serious for a second there." She licks my neck and groans as I place my hands on her sides, she probably thinks I'm into this but I want to throw her off me. I'm about to lift her off when the door opens and I look over to see Mason scowling at me, I realize what this looks like. Mason wants me with Lacey as much as I want to be with her, I'm a better man when I'm with her.

  I lift Shelly from my lap and stand so she can't jump back on. "I wasn't fucking around Shell, I want you gone."

  She stares at me with a shocked expression and then laughs. "Really Cole?"

  Mason seems irritated and I can see why. Shelly thinks she is the best thing out there and that's fucking irritating. "He said so didn't he? Now go!"

  She raises her eyebrows to Mason and then walks right up to him, trailing her finger down his shirt. "Are you jealous Mason? You don't have to be baby. I love a good Masse brother sandwich."

  I cringe. Let's just say that Lacey and Roxie weren't the first women we shared. Amongst our groupies, a Masse sandwich is a normal request. Not anymore, two girls changed that. Mason moves Shelly's arm away from him. "No thanks. I have something so much better now and so does Cole."

  Shelly looks between the both of us, her smile fading. Does she really think she's so special? "Seriously? You two have girlfriends?" She points at us both and laughs. "You two?" She shakes her head and walks towards me. "Well, she doesn't have to know. She will understand, after all you are the Cole Masse."

  I push her away, maybe a little harder than needed. "She's all I need so you can go."

  She goes to collect her bag and shoots me a glare. "It won't last Cole. No girl can keep you to herself and you know it! You love pussy too much." She steps closer to me and whispers. "If you were with me, I would understand."

  I smile and step back. "No thanks."

  She gives me another glare and storms out. I breathe a sigh of relief and Mason frowns. "What the fuck was that?"

  "I was getting rid of her."

  He shakes his head looking a little disappointed. "Yeah, it looked that way. Do you even want Lacey back?"

  I take a step towards him. "You know I do! That was just Shelly and her usual shit!"

  He sighs heavily and nods. "I believe you." I sit back down on the chair and lean my head back. "Roxie told me what Lacey said to you."

  "I'm not leaving her Mason. I refuse to just give up and walk away"

  "I know you're not." He sits across from me. "Look I've made some calls."

  I look at him curiously. "Calls?"

  He gives me a mischievous smile. "You wanna see Lacey?"

  That was a stupid question, the answer is obvious. When Mason tells me what these calls were about that he made I had to smile. Between us we arrange a plan; I just hope Lacey will go along with it.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I groaned when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I look at my little clock on my bedside table and groan louder because it's only 9am. I have nothing to do today so I had planned on staying in bed all day. I knew Roxie wouldn't leave me to sulk by myself for too long because yesterday she surprisingly left me to it. Ever since I had that dreadful phone call with Cole just over thirty hours ago, not that I'm counting or anything, I just don't want to do anything today and for as long as I can get away with it.

  Roxie knocks again and this time walks straight into my room. Of course, I forgot to lock my door! I feel the bed dip as she sits beside me. "Come on girl, get up." I groan in response which makes her laugh. "I mean it, get up. You need to have a shower and I will stay here until you do. You know I will."

  She's not bluffing either and after forty minutes of listening to her babble on about nothing, I can't take anymore! I stomp out of my bedroom and into the bathroom, straight into the shower. It feels good as I stand under the hot water. Maybe I did need this after all. I scrub my body with my favorite body wash and lather my hair. I'm glad to be feeling better, even if it is only a little bit, but I'm not telling Roxie.

  When I walk back into my bedroom I sigh at Roxie who is still sitting on my bed. "What now?" She stands and I see that behind her she has laid out some fresh clothes for me. "I'm not a child Rox."

  She simply smiles at me. "Just get dressed." She grabs my clothes and hands them to me. As she holds the clothes out she speaks quietly, almost like she's scared to. "I'm worried about you."

  Not wanting to go down that topic of conversation or wanting to worry her anymore, I get dressed in the clothes that have already been chosen for me. Roxie has picked out a pair of skinny black jeans and a pale blue blouse. When I'm all dressed, Roxie sits me at my dresser. I go to stand back up again when she gets out my hairdryer. Then, she firmly places her hands on my shoulders and sits me back down. "Just humor me Lace."

  I frown as I go along with what she wants. Did I really worry her that much that she wants to
dress me? I wasn't even going to blow dry my hair but that was because I couldn't be bothered to do it so why not let Roxie do it for me? I sigh in bliss as she brushes my hair. I've always loved my hair being played with. Roxie softly chuckles. "Hmm, I haven't pleased you in a while." I stiffen at her words. I hope she doesn't think that because I'm angry with Cole that it makes it OK to go back to us having sex. "Chill Lacey, I'm just messing with you."

  I relax again as she continues to brush my hair. "You have Mason now anyway."

  She smiles at me through the reflection of the mirror, but it looks almost sad and then she slowly nods her head. Have I upset her? The look on her face brings me back to when I turned her down the weekend after we met Cole and Mason. The expression on her face looks very similar, but why would me saying she's now with Mason seem to upset her? Before I can manage to say anything though she turns on the hairdryer and drowns out any words I would have said. As she dries my hair into a silky and straight style, I watch her face. The longer she worked on my hair the happier she looked. We haven't fooled around for over two months now and before we met the guys, we would have a bit of fun together about a handful of times during a month. She can't be sad that we're not having sex anymore, can she? That would be silly because we love each other as best friends and nothing more.

  When she has switched the hairdryer off I take a chance to ask. "Rox?"

  She briefly closes her eyes, then she opens them and she smiles down at me. "I just want you happy Lace." It's like she knew what I was thinking in a weird way. I start to say something more but she stops me. "Now, it's make-up time." She grabs my make-up bag and places it in front of me. "Put your face on."

  She turns to leave me alone. Why is she making me get ready? I hope she hasn't got anything ridiculous planned. "I don't wanna go out!"

  "Just do it!" She shouts over her shoulder as she walks out my room. I know that if I don't do what she wants me to do then she will most likely nag me until I do. With that thought I decide to just do it and I look for my concealer. I haven't had much sleep and after looking at my reflection, I don't like looking at my bags under my eyes. Halfway through applying my make-up, I'm surprisingly feeling a little better so I go ahead and apply some eyeliner and mascara. Maybe Roxie was right to make me do this. Having a hot shower and actually getting dressed in something that wasn't sweat pants or my pajamas makes a difference. Then having my hair feeling like its usual smooth self and putting on my face as Roxie put it, adds the final touches to making me feel more human again.

  Roxie appears in my doorway, changed and looking beautiful as always. The sight of her makes me groan because she looks ready to go out somewhere. She smiles at me, looking rather pleased with herself. "Come on, I've made you breakfast."

  While I'm eating my greasy breakfast, Roxie is busy in my room. Apparently it needed a cleaning after my hibernation in there. I didn't see the problem. Yes, it was a little messier than usual because of the circumstances, but it still wasn't as bad as her room. I just left her to it. If it made her feel better why complain?

  Fifteen minutes later, I've finished my breakfast and Roxie comes out from my room. It must not have been a great big clean up as it only took fifteen minutes. No surprise there, I'm the cleaner out of us both. Roxie goes to turn on the radio, looking down at her watch again. I've noticed she keeps doing that and she looks a little nervous. She even takes my empty plate and washes all the dirty dishes! Who is this and what have they done with my Roxie? She hasn't washed the dishes for as long as I can remember! Something is definitely going on here. She’s making me get up, get ready and now she’s cleaning up. I'm onto her and it doesn’t take a long time until I realize the reason why she kept looking at the time and acting a little nervous. The radio DJ catches my attention.

  "Okay everyone! This is what we have all been waiting for! The hottest guys in rock are here with me! That can only mean one thing. We have none other than Black Inferno in the building!"

  Wow. Could this girl sound anymore excited? I somehow don't think so.

  Roxie bites her lips as we listen to the woman introduce them some more and I know that Roxie knew they would be on the radio. Of course she would want to listen to Mason, but why has she made me sit here and listen? I stand up to leave the kitchen when the voice of the man who has painfully been the sole purpose of my thoughts stops me in my tracks. I have no choice but to listen. There's no way I could ever walk away from his voice.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I stand motionless as I listen to the radio DJ.

  "Hi guys!" The voices of the band members fill the silence as they say their hello's. "So, can you tell me what you have all been up to lately?"

  Cole's voice fills the kitchen as if he's standing right beside me. "Oh you know Lauren, no rest for us. We're currently on tour and writing new tracks for our new album."

  "Oh cool! So there's definitely a third album? Great! I can't wait to hear it! I’m sure the fans are excited too." I listen to the rest of the interview, the sound of Cole's deep sensual voice bringing back wonderful memories of us being together, when I was happy but stupidly clueless.

  All of the guys have their own little spotlight in the interview, the two men I don't know sound like typical rock stars. Cole had said that Roxie and I had changed both Mason and him. I wonder if Cole and Mason sound just like that before they had met us. I'm thinking that's a definite yes, probably worse. The men don't hide the fact that they love the attention from the women. Roxie has a huge smile whenever Mason's voice is heard. Mason is definitely the cheeky one of the band, I've noticed firsthand how cheekily charming he can be. Out of all four band members, I can tell that Cole is the Dj's favourite. Every time he talks she's straight in there commenting and laughing, it's almost cringe worthy listening to it. It seems that nearly all of her questions are aimed at Cole, but the guys help him out and answer as a group to the more embarrassing ones. That makes me already like the band members that I haven't yet met.

  The interview has been on for about ten minutes when the radio DJ asks another personal question. "It's no secret that all of you are extremely good looking." They all laugh. "So are there any special ladies involved in your lives?"

  "No not for me. I love to spread the love. It would have to take an impressive woman to lock me down." That's Booker, I can tell because throughout the interview he's like the male whore of the band. Although, he comes across as a nice enough guy.

  "No woman is in my life yet, I'm waiting for the right woman for me." That's Tate, he's a ladies’ man but he sounds like he's more subtle with it.

  Mason is next and I watch Roxie's face light up as he talks. "Sorry ladies I know you're not going to like this but, an extremely beautiful woman has walked into my life." I think I see Roxie's eyes water as she looks at the radio.

  "Really? So am I hearing that Mason Masse has fallen in love?"

  I hear his deep chuckle as both Roxie and I hang on to see what his answer is. "Hi Roxie baby." His voice sounds husky and I grin over at Roxie as she looks back at me wide eyed. She has her hand over her heart and whispers "Hi" back. He may not have spoken the actual words but Mason's answer was perfect. He didn't deny or confirm. Perfect for someone in the public eye and if you're also scared with your feelings. I don't think Mason is scared about his feelings for Roxie, I think he's doing it for Roxie's sake. She strikes me as the scared one.

  "How about you Cole?" The radio Dj's voice breaks my thoughts from Mason and Roxie. "Is there a woman who has caught your eye?" The fucking bitch is flirting with him right now! Live on the radio where everyone can hear. Cole laughs; it's deep and sexy; I know I told him to move on but that didn't mean I wanted to listen to him do it!

  "Beside the woman in front of me?" Oh smooth Cole, real smooth. I roll my eyes. "Yes there is a girl who has caught my eye and I want to keep her." I sigh and I can practically hear the girls throughout the country sighing along with me.

  "Does the girl kno
w who she is?"

  "This is my problem Lauren. My girl is a little mad with me at the minute. She won't answer her phone, so I need to get a little creative. If you don't mind, I want to sing to her a song I wrote for her. Lacey, if you're listening, this is your song baby."

  OH MY FUCKING GOD! I have tears in my eyes, ready to stream down my face. My heart is beating like crazy so I place my hand over it. I hear the strum of a guitar and Cole's amazing voice sings my song, it takes over me completely.

  "I didn't expect to see you there,

  dancing all for me, even though they stare.

  You're for me baby but you don't even know it,

  but I see it. You're mine after tonight.

  No other man can love you like I do,

  you're for me baby but you need to know it."


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