Chocolate Flava

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Chocolate Flava Page 26

by Zane

  Truth be known, I never liked men. I just dated boys in high school and men in college because it was expected. Yet, I can still recall the way I used to fantasize about Lorraine, a sister I attended high school with who rarely gave me the time of day. She was gorgeous and had a body that could stop traffic. Unfortunately she was strictly dickly and I didn’t stand a chance.

  My reluctance to admit my sexual orientation continued well into my college years. That is, until I met Errin. She was completely open about being a lesbian. In fact, she was the president of the African-American Lesbian Association on campus. I met her at a rally on campus. All of the African-American students were protesting the treatment and lack of tenures offered to the few African-American professors on campus.

  I’ll never forget how cold it was that day. It was the second week of January and everyone had just returned from winter break. I wasn’t looking forward to the second semester of my junior year because I had to take Statistics with Professor Isiah Kramer. He was infamous for flunking people and ruining their academic careers if they weren’t willing to bend over backward to appease him.

  Despite the weather, the courtyard in front of the student union was packed. People were crammed into the space shoulder to shoulder. There was a makeshift stage on the front steps and various students were taking turns yelling into a bull horn. Errin had a tough act to follow as she took her place in front of the rowdy crowd. A militant brother from Queens had just finished delivering a powerful speech entitled “Get a Grip” and half the crowd was chanting it by the time he was finished.

  Errin didn’t seem the least bit nervous, though. She was quite endearing as she spoke on behalf of the African-American Lesbian Association. I had heard of them but lacked the nerve to actually attend the meetings I’d seen announced on flyers posted around campus. I was still dealing with my overprotective parents who thought my life belonged to them. My mother, especially, felt that I was her chance to live again and make restitution for all the things she never got a chance to do after she’d unexpectedly turned up pregnant with me during her senior year of high school.

  Both of my parents had high expectations of me, being that I’m the oldest of their three kids and the first member of the Madison family ever to attend college. I always cringed when I called home on the weekends, but kissing up to them every seven days was a requirement if I wanted my tuition paid.

  It was always the same thing. “Oooh, Paige, we’re so proud of you.” “Whatever you do, don’t let your grades fall down.” “Have you met any prospective husband material on campus?”

  That last question always came from my mother. She’s from the old school and believes that a woman should be on two missions at college: earning a degree and snagging a husband. Preferably, a pre-med or pre-law one. I yearned to tell her that while the degree was on my agenda, a husband wasn’t even an option.

  I was standing there daydreaming about my parents and how I could break the news to them gently when Errin’s voice broke me out of my trance. It was calming, it was sensuous, it was arousing. The fact that she was attractive didn’t hurt matters any. Errin is tall, five-ten, with smooth, dark skin that reminds me of an ice cream cone hand-dipped in chocolate sauce. She has large, cat-like, sepia eyes and short auburn hair cut into a cute, easy-to-maintain style.

  It had been a lonely three years at college. I dated from time to time, mostly immature fraternity brothers who freaked out when I told them I was still a virgin. Most were very polite about it, even though they still tried to get the drawers to no avail. A few of them were downright rude. One even lashed out at me and accused me of being a lesbian, like the mere words would crush me down to my very soul. Instead, I laughed in his face, not denying a thing. He still didn’t figure it out, though. Most men can’t deal with the fact that an attractive woman would rather be with one of her own sex than them.

  There were quite a few of those immature brothers in attendance that day, making lewd comments while Errin made her speech. A speech that made a hell of a lot of sense and displayed a high degree of intelligence. After the rally was over, I saw Errin walking toward the undergraduate library and followed her, intending only to tell her how much I enjoyed her speech. Things turned out quite differently. We ended up having dinner at Friday’s, home of my favorite chicken and mushroom dish. The conversation was fantastic. We talked about everything from music to politics and found that we had a lot in common.

  When Errin dropped me back off at my dorm, she asked the question. The one I’m sure had weighed heavily on her mind all evening.

  “Paige, are you into women?” she asked me, with one of my feet already firmly placed on the curb.

  Like they say, honesty is the best policy. “Yes, I love women but I’ve never actually been loved by one.”


  “Meaning that I’ve never been intimate. Not with anyone.”

  Errin grinned at me. “Oh, so you’re a virgin?”

  “Something like that,” I replied hesitantly.

  “Close the door for a second,” she said insistently.

  I pulled my foot back in and shut the door, the exterior light cutting off as I did.

  Errin reached over and started caressing my left cheek. “I had a really nice time tonight, Paige.”

  Her fingertips felt comforting on my skin and warmed me all over, especially down below.

  “I’d like for us to spend some more time together,” she continued. “That is, if it’s okay with you.”

  I couldn’t contain my blush. “I’d like that.”

  She leaned over toward me and I remember thinking, this is it. And it was. Errin brushed her thick, juicy lips across mine, gently at first, and then she planted a firm kiss on them before sliding her tongue in between them to begin an exploration. It was everything I’d expected it to be. The earth moved, the sun came out at night, and the storm clouds parted, as did my legs, allowing Errin to massage the inside of my thighs.

  We remained in Errin’s car for a good hour, fogging up the windows of her Honda Accord with our body heat. We didn’t go all the way that night. Just a lot of heavy foreplay and she did all of the touching. I was still a bit nervous, afraid that my inexperience would end up being a turn-off if I didn’t touch her as creatively as she touched me.

  Skilled as she was, the evening culminated with my first orgasm covering the three fingers she’d placed inside of me a mere five minutes before I exploded, bucking in the seat like a bronco because the release I’d waited so many years for came barreling in on me like a ton of bricks.

  The better part of a month passed before Errin and I finished the feelings. She rented a room at the Sheraton and had a bottle of chilled zinfandel and rose petals sprinkled across white linen sheets awaiting our arrival. I was flattered that she’d put so much effort into making my first time special.

  Errin ran us a bath, overflowing with bubbles from my favorite milk and honey bath gel. She’d spotted a bottle of it in my dorm room and I’d made such a fuss over it that she remembered. We faced each other in the garden tub, surrounded by vanilla-scented candles, and lathered our bodies with loofa sponges.

  “Turn around so I can wash your back,” Errin suggested.

  I did and I could feel her pert nipples pressing into my shoulder blades as she scooted up against me. She scrubbed my back and then dropped the sponge, reaching around to palm my breasts and rub my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. She nibbled on the nape of my neck and sucked on my earlobe, causing a moan to escape from somewhere deep within me.

  One of her hands disappeared beneath the bubbles, eager to slip inside me. I leaned back into her embrace, throwing one of my ankles onto the side of the tub to allow her easier access. “This feels oh so right, baby,” Errin whispered into my ear. “I’m going to make you so happy.”

  “I want to make you happy, too,” I responded faintly, lost in the ecstasy.

  “You do make me happy, Paige.” She feverishly worked
her fingers over my clit and I gyrated my hips to their rhythm. “I haven’t been able to think of anyone or anything else since we met.”

  “Me either,” I readily admitted.

  I turned around and straddled her thighs, showering her with passionate kisses and rubbing my pussy up against her. Errin’s mouth went for one of my breasts, drawing it in and suckling on it hungrily. She ran a finely manicured fingertip up and down the crack of my ass, teasing my hole with it a few times before pressing it inside. That was a totally new sensation for me. One I’d often dreamed about. One of the many things I’d dreamed about that Errin made a reality that night.

  I rode the fingers of one of her hands while she continued to work my ass over with the other one, grabbing onto the sides of the tub for better leverage. I threw my head back, arching my spine, while Errin moved her mouth from one breast to the other, giving them equal attention. She licked a trail down to my belly button, dipping the tip of her tongue into it, blowing on it like someone was tickling me with a feather, and then dipped her tongue into it again. It was heavenly.

  We ended up on the bed, me on my back with the rose petals teasing my wet skin, Errin on her side drying me off carefully with a fluffy towel. We stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. No more words were exchanged. There was no need for them.

  After drying me off completely, Errin retrieved a bottle of strawberry-flavored massage oil from her overnight bag and gave me a full body massage. Every part of me she caressed, she followed up with her skillful tongue. She gave special attention to my feet, sucking each one of my toes individually and licking my soles.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. “Errin, please taste me!” I heard myself exclaim. “Please, please taste me!”

  “You don’t have to beg, baby,” she responded, spreading my legs gently.

  She lifted one of my thighs, kissed my kneecap, and then positioned my leg over her shoulder, easing her tongue higher and higher until I could feel her hair cascading over the lips of my pussy. Then she tasted me. She tasted me for a very long time and I’d never had such an intense array of feelings in my entire life. I had nothing to compare it to, but Errin was good. Damn good!

  She ate me until I came in her mouth for the third time and then she turned around, straddled my face, and I was able to fulfill a dream that I’d had since high school. I felt like my tongue action was clumsy at first but, from the way Errin swirled her pussy on my tongue and moaned, she was obviously enjoying it. I became addicted to the taste of her immediately. I was hooked.

  After I ate her out, I spent about an hour sucking on her full breasts, making long circular strokes around her nipples with the tip of my tongue. She laid back and relished it, running her fingers through my hair. Our lovemaking lasted well into the next afternoon. We called down to the front desk and requested a late checkout. We made use of every available second, too.

  That was the first time Errin and I made love but it was far from the last.

  When I got home, still hyped up about our fifth anniversary, I was disappointed when I called out Errin’s name and got no response. She’d managed to sneak up behind me and suddenly I felt her blowing into my ear.

  “Hello, baby,” she said seductively. “Don’t turn around. I have a surprise for you.”

  She slipped a black silk scarf around my shoulder and pulled it up to my eyes, tying it around the back of my head.

  “Ooh, a blindfold,” I cooed. “Feeling kinky tonight, huh?”

  “You know it,” Errin replied. “It’s not every day that I get to celebrate five years of bliss with my sweetheart.”

  “Can I turn around now?” I asked her. “I want to kiss you.”

  I could feel her move around me and then she took my face in her hands and slipped her luscious tongue into my eagerly awaiting mouth. We swayed back and forth to imaginary music and felt each other up.

  “Are you ready for your surprises, Paige? I have treats for you tonight.”


  Errin started squeezing my breasts and nibbling on my left nipple through my clothing. “Yeah, treats. Take my hand.”

  She led me by the hand into the dining room and the smell of seafood invaded my nostrils. “Ooh, a seafood dinner,” I said. “My favorite.”

  “You can’t eat yet,” Errin informed me. “I get to eat my dinner first.”

  I giggled. I heard her loud and clear and knew exactly what she wanted. Errin undressed me slowly and seductively and then pushed me backward until my ass cheeks were resting along the edge of the table.

  “Lie back on the table and spread your legs, baby.”

  “My pleasure,” I replied, eager to be her main course.

  After I lay back on the table, I spread my legs, holding my thighs open so Errin could get to her meal. She sat down in a chair and licked around the lips of my pussy before sliding her tongue inside and causing me to move my hips to her rhythm. She always knows just how I like it.

  I could hear her get up. “I’ll be right back.”

  She returned in less than a minute and I felt something cold and sticky on my skin and the distinct squeaking noise of a bottle being squeezed. “What’s that, Errin?”

  “Sweets for my sweet. Taste it.”

  I touched my stomach, gathering some of the goo onto my fingers and tasted it. It was honey. “Um, do I get to lick some of this off you, too?”

  “No, not tonight.” Errin spread the honey all over me from head to toe and licked every inch of me, including my asshole. I was creaming all over the place.

  She later fed me fresh oysters, lobster tails dipped in butter, and spiced, steamed shrimp. It was scrumptious.

  She led me to our bedroom and turned on the Best of Luther Vandross CD. Another one of my favorites. I was totally relaxed as Errin tied me to the bedposts with silk scarves, first my hands and then my feet with my legs spread-eagle. I trust her completely.

  “What are you going to do with me now?” I wondered.

  Errin lay on top of me and licked the underside of each one of my breasts, teasing my nipples with her tongue. They stood at attention, whining for her to take them inside her mouth. “Remember when you said you wanted to try out some sex toys?”

  “Yes, I remember.” I chuckled.

  “Well, like I said, I have treats for you tonight.”

  “Ooh, what kind of treats?”

  “Ones I know you’ll like.”

  I heard it before I felt it, and while I’d never actually seen one, I knew what the buzz was. Errin teased my clit with the cool vibrator and I came immediately. The sisters were right. Vibrators always do their job.

  Then came the dildo. Now, I’d never had a dick, real or otherwise, inside of me, so I winced when Errin first stuck it in. I was technically still a virgin in that respect and it hurt like hell when she busted my cherry. Errin fucked me with it and then held it up to my lips so I could suck my own juices off of it. As always, I tasted delicious.

  We tried everything that night. Ben wa balls. Anal beads. A strap-on dick. Everything. What an anniversary!

  I’ve already planned out our next anniversary. Even though same-sex marriages are not legal in our state, I am going to ask Errin to marry me. I’m going to propose to her with a big-ass diamond and plan a private ceremony with a few of our closest friends. I might even give her a bachelorette party and hire a stripper to give her a seductive lap dance. She would get a hoot out of that.

  Well, my parents were wrong. I am not going back to men because I was never really there in the first place. I love Errin, Errin loves me, and we’ll be together until the end of time. She is the only lover I’ve ever had and the only lover I’ll ever need.

  The Flood—Part One: Stranger Things Have Happened

  The money had truly gone to my head. What the hell was I thinking when I decided to go shopping that Saturday? Everyone had warned me to keep my behind in the house. Everyone from my mother to my best friend Shelly to the sexy broth
a on the Weather Channel. The Washington, D.C., area was expecting one of the worst floods in history, but Bailey Banks & Biddle was having an anniversary sale.

  The wild part is that I had never been a big fan of jewelry when I was younger. Mostly because I couldn’t afford it. Shoot, when I was in college, I was lucky to be able to afford a Happy Meal. When I got out of college, my student loans were so piled up that I was barely able to afford cheap Chinese food. Now that I was thirty-two, things were finally looking up.

  My student loans were all paid off, I was living in an apartment in Chevy Chase, Maryland, that all of my friends envied, I was cruising around in a brand-spanking-new Benz, and I had recently received a promotion and raise that guaranteed me two hundred grand a year plus bonuses. Yes, college really does pay off. No one ever believes that when they are suffering through the classes and cramming for exams. It takes a while once you get out to catch up, but once you do, life can truly be a wonderful thing.

  Bailey Banks & Biddle was the jewelry store everyone always talked about at the office. In fact, they made those of us who didn’t shop there on the regular almost feel like outcasts. Thus, when I saw the ad, not to mention the ten-percent-off coupon, in the paper for their anniversary sale, I just had to see what they were working with. Saturday was the last day of the sale and I had procrastinated all week about getting there. I wasn’t about to lose out on the ten-percent-off incentive, so I climbed in my SLK 320 and headed to downtown D.C.

  The roads were clear on the way down there and it started drizzling about five minutes before I got to the mall. Nothing major.

  The mall was halfway deserted, and that should have been my first clue. Most of the stores had fewer than ten customers and the employees all looked panic-stricken. As I was walking past a small electronics store, I heard two men with accents discussing the weather.

  “We need to get out of here now,” one of them said.


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