Tackling the Subject

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Tackling the Subject Page 17

by Jon Keys

  “Ah, fuck,” Gordy sighed as he turned and carried Sam to bed. Gordy held Sam against his chest as he eased himself onto the edge and lay down with Sam on top. Sam was finding it so erotic to have their bare chests against each other while from the waist down the denim was sending…interesting sensations through him. He curled down and wriggled the tip of his tongue over Gordy’s nipple. When it hardened, he scraped his teeth over it, and reveled in the moan he drew from Gordy.

  He realized there was a sense of confinement. He had to do something or it would again go bad. He raised his torso until his forearms were against the broad chest under him. Their eyes met and to Gordy’s credit, he understood.

  “What? I’m doing something to trigger you.”

  “I love your hugs…”

  Gordy lifted his arms over his head and gave Sam a smile.

  Sam said, “Thanks, babe. I’m sorry to be—”

  Gordy cut him off. “Don’t you dare apologize. If we only stay here and cuddle, I’m fine with that.”

  Sam grabbed his face and shook it playfully. “I don’t want to cuddle. My dick’s going to fall off from all the damn cuddling.”

  Gordy choked a little as he tried to keep from laughing but soon both of them were chuckling. Once they’d caught their breath, Sam crawled upward until he hovered above Gordy’s chest. It smelled of soap with a tinge of musk, just enough to curl through Sam’s senses. Unwilling to resist, Sam buried his nose in the hair in the center of Gordy’s chest and inhaled. Getting high must be like this. He couldn’t imagine anything making him feel more, well…high. He flicked his tongue up and down the fur-lined torso until the hair was curly and wet.

  He moved across Gordy’s heaving chest until he reached an erect nipple to enjoy the erotic flavors and sensation again. He enjoyed the treasure trove until Gordy was one long, rolling groan. He lay across Gordy, wiped his face and grinned.

  “That was fucking hot. What do you want to do now?”

  Gordy’s wink melted Sam and his voice caught in his throat. Then Gordy grinned. “I’ve got an idea.”

  Sam tilted his head and lifted one brow. “What do you have planned, big boy?”

  Gordy shifted, tossing Sam to the bed beside him. He reached down, opened his jeans and squirmed out of them. Sam’s grin broadened at the sight of Gordy’s bare ass.


  Gordy’s grinned coyly. “Well, I showered, and underwear seemed a little confining.” He crawled onto the bed, lay on his stomach and balled up a pillow to lay his head on. Gordy’s hot masculine body had never failed to turn Sam on. This time was no exception.

  He wasn’t a bulky body builder, but that wasn’t Sam’s thing. He was big and masculine, but still looked normal. At least what Sam considered normal—and hot. His bare body sprawled across the bed ratcheted up Sam’s excitement. The fan of hair that covered each butt cheek to disappear between them was a sight Sam never tired of seeing.

  He dropped his hands onto the small of Gordy’s back and slipped them as high as he could manage. He held it for a moment before pulling himself away. His breathing deepened as he let himself caress the twin globes of Gordy’s ass. The slightly coarse texture sent chills up and down his spine. The blood was also again pumping into his cock until it pressed hard against his jeans.

  Unable to resist, he lowered his face and kissed at the join of Gordy’s cleft. He groaned, and Sam froze.

  Gordy spoke after a moment. “That felt good. Why’d you stop?”

  Heat rushed through Sam’s skin. “I didn’t think you’d want me messing with you like that.”

  Gordy chuckled. “I strip buck naked, lay down with my ass sticking up and you’re worried about touching my butt?”

  The heat from Sam’s face built until it would have lit sparklers for an Independence Day celebration. He tried to speak several times but kept failing. Gordy’s grin was growing with his discomfort.

  “Here,” Gordy said. “Is this obvious enough?”

  He raised to his hands and knees, spread his knees and dropped his chest to the bed. He stared back at Sam, but his breathing was heavier, too. Sam was amazed how sexy Gordy looked in such an exposed pose. His hesitation disappeared at the sight in front of him. When Gordy wiggled his butt and grinned even broader, Sam’s last reserve broke. He knelt behind Gordy, opened his cheeks and a surge of desire filled him. Sam planned to fuck Gordy until he couldn’t do anything but moan.

  He leaned in close and watched, captivated, as Gordy’s dusky opening twitched and clenched as if it were drawing Sam in closer. He dipped inward, flicked his tongue against Gordy’s hole and lapped over it like an ice cream cone. A growling roar erupted from Gordy as his body shook. “Holy crap! That’s amazing.”

  Sam jumped to his feet, stripping as quickly as possible then moved behind Gordy. He dragged his cockhead along Gordy’s crack, coating the length of it with his leakage. After a pass or two, the pre-cum soaked Gordy and left him moaning even louder.

  Sam pressed harder each time he slipped across Gordy’s opening, his spongy knob dipping inside. The heat and friction was building to an incredible level.

  Someone pounded the trailer door like a battering ram. “Hey! What are you doing in there? You invited us to go to Joe’s.”

  Sam and Gordy froze then scrambled around the room. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. It’s Nate and Sarah. I forgot we were going out,” Gordy said with a hoarse whisper.

  “Nate’s timing sucks! And not in a good way,” Sam said as he struggled to get dressed.

  Another flurry of pounding hit the door. “Come on. Get up. We’re hungry.”

  “Hang onto your drawers. We’re coming,” Gordy yelled as he jumped around trying to put on a sock and shirt at the same time. He yanked the shirt down around his torso and headed toward the door. He glanced at Sam and found him wiggling his feet into a pair of flip-flops. With a welcoming smiled plastered on his face, Gordy swung the door open.

  “Sorry, we were taking a nap. But we’re up for some cheese fries.”

  Nate stepped into the trailer with a smirk, even though Sarah tried to keep him out. “Let’s wait out here, Nate. They’ll be ready in a minute.”

  Nate slipped an arm around his wife’s waist and chuckled. “Oh, it’ll take them a little while to wake up from their”—Nate did air quotes with his fingers—“nap.”

  She rolled her eyes but let her husband guide her inside. He plopped into the chair and pulled her into his lap.

  “Nathan! Stop that.”

  “Why? They were getting frisky. It’s only fair that I at least get a kiss.”

  “Nate!” Sarah said.

  Gordy tugged on his boots, stood up and wiggled his feet into place. “I’m telling you, we were just resting.”

  Nate gave Sarah a peck before grinning at Gordy and nodding toward a pair of underwear hanging from the light fixture.

  As Sam came from the bedroom where he’d been watching the exchange, Gordy grabbed the underwear and tossed them to Sam. He shot them to the bed and shut the door before turning back with a grin.

  “Hey, Sam. How was the nap?” Nate teased.

  Sam grinned maliciously. “Excellent, but I couldn’t quite get in the rhythm to hit that deep REM like I’d wanted.”

  Nate roared, and even Sarah grinned at the two of them.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sam glanced at his phone and shook his head. No text from Gordy. Practice was going late again. Since the fall workouts had begun a few weeks ago, Gordy seemed more beat-up each day. He was so tired and sore that all he wanted to do was eat supper and fall into bed. He was usually snoring before Sam undressed.

  Sam put his workspace into order and smiled when Rachel waved from a few stations away. Sam was at the end of his shift at the campus IT center and was planning to meet Gordy at the stadium. It looked as though Gordy wouldn’t be ready for a while.

  Rachel startled him when she slapped his back. “Hey, Doherty. How do you like having a real job?”

  He chuckled at his friend. “I’ve worked here for the last couple of semesters. It’s not that different being here full-time instead of part-time. Besides, I was the one who got you a job here.”

  With false shock, she pressed her hand to her chest. “Me? You? I can’t believe you’d say that.”

  Sam rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You’re such a troublemaker. But your shift is starting, and I’m outta here.”

  Rachel stepped closer and said with a wink, “Tell hot stuff I said hi.”

  The corners of Sam’s mouth twitched slightly, but his concern about Gordy filled him. “I’ll tell him. Some support would be good. I bet the asshole coach is targeting him.”

  “You think he knows?”

  Sam shrugged but his stomach knotted even tighter. “I’m not sure. But Gordy’s been more exhausted than any time I can remember. We get home and he falls asleep before supper. And Gordy doesn’t miss a meal.”

  She nodded for a minute before motioning him toward the door. “Go rescue hot stuff. But you’re right, it seems like we should be able to do something.”

  “I don’t know how to help. But I’ll tell Gordy you asked how he was.”

  Sam slung his book bag over his shoulder and walked through the glass entrance. A few minutes later, he was making his way through the intertwined pathways outside the athletic complex. Usually, he stayed well away from the locker room, but after the last few days, he wanted to spend a little more time with Gordy.

  Even as concerned as he was, he didn’t want to cause trouble. He found a long concrete bench to the edge of the sidewalk out of the athletics building. He glanced around and saw the area was deserted but thought little about it. Gordy always came out this door. He brought out the textbook for the class he took this semester. His parents weren’t very happy that he had delayed graduation, but when he explained he was waiting for Gordy to finish and that he had a full-time job, they were at least mollified for now.

  With notes and the textbook surrounding him, he lost himself in the intricacies of another programming language. He didn’t notice the footsteps until three guys had positioned themselves around him.

  “What’s the little faggot doing here?”

  Sam raised his head and realized they had him cornered. His stomach knotted and burned. The aching familiarity of this situation had Sam paralyzed for a moment, then he inhaled and let it ease out. Someone besides him would be wiping up blood. He calmed, pulled out his phone and dialed 911. The next instant, the biggest of the three stepped closer and slapped the phone from his hand. Without another word, he lunged at Sam, but Sam’s years of martial arts training had him moving on instinct. The hand shot past Sam’s chest, missing his grab by inches.

  The guy yanked back, his face blood red as he glared at Sam. “You fucking queer! You won’t ever want to mess with converting a real man to your perv life again.”

  “You don’t want to do this. They’ll throw you out of the university.”

  Another of the mobile mountains barked out a laugh. “That ain’t happening since Coach was the one who told us that you fucked up someone’s head, and we should take care of it.”

  With that news, Sam thought he’d vomit. The problem was, which of the coaches instigated their attack? But he braced himself and made an almost imperceptible shift in his weight to put him in ready stance. The three attackers moved, seeming to believe he was an easy target. Sam hoped they were wrong.

  The biggest one charged again, and Sam dodged. Instead of moving away, he redirected the attacker so that he smashed hard against the concrete wall. Blood sprayed and ran between the fingers he clenched against his broken nose. He lifted his blood-drenched hand, glared at Sam and bellowed.

  “He broke my fucking nose! Kill him!”

  The last two moved together against Sam, and he didn’t see a way out. One attacker hesitated for a split second and Sam blocked the grasping hands of the first thug. The two attackers collided and staggered around for a moment. Unfortunately, that gave them time to recover and Sam was facing all three.

  His fever grew exponentially at the knife that materialized in the first attacker’s hand. Three men after him, one armed. His chances of coming out of this uninjured dwindled, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to fight until he had nothing left.

  Sam prepared himself, locking away the terror. Suddenly, the knife-wielding attacker shot backward like a scene from a Hollywood action flick. He landed several feet away to find Gordy entering into the fray. But as he scrambled, Sam didn’t have time to give it more than a passing thought before focusing on the other two.

  They moved with more hesitation, giving Sam a few precious seconds to plan before they lunged. He slipped past the first set of grasping hands and with an accurate push, the two brutes entangled with each other. The expressions on their faces should have frightened Sam, but instead, it only made him more determined. He prepared himself when he saw movement to his side. The armed attacker was back. Sam pivoted inward, caught the man’s knife hand and redirected the force of his attack.

  He was almost at the point where he could put a wristlock on the guy when Gordy did some kind of flying tackle. The force popped Sam’s hold loose, and the knife flashed in the late-day sun. Sam dodged but the side of Gordy’s jersey parted under its edge like warm butter.

  The other two moved to either side with malicious grins. “Stupid faggots. We’ll take care of you.”

  The knife made another swipe, and Sam came close to being cut as he twisted away, but once he’d turned back, a thick arm was tightening around one of the attacker’s necks like a huge, dark python. The frantic effort weakened little by little until he went limp.

  A rasping sound of someone trying to breathe, along with frantic scrambling boots against concrete from the opposite side, told him Gordy had one of the other attackers. He tasted bile as his need to check on Gordy grew, but the knife-wielding man waited for him to leave an opening. Sam moved as he’d been taught, staying on the balls of his feet as he watched the last attacker and tried to maintain his distance. The tension built, but he had to wait. The guy weighed at least a hundred pounds more than Sam. There was no way to overpower his attacker, but if he waited…

  It came. Tension overwhelmed the guy, and he slashed at Sam. The lock-blade knife swept close enough that every one of Sam’s senses screamed at him to run. But Sam gritted his teeth and moved with the attack. Long hours of practice slammed him into autopilot as his subconscious took control. The moment arrived, and in the next second, it looked as if the attacker levitated a few feet above the cement. The world stopped for an instant before he slammed into the sidewalk—hard.

  Normal time smashed back over the scene and a pain-filled screech echoed down the walkway. A heartbeat later the attacker raced away, clutching his arm to his chest. Sam ran after him, but he was one step into that progress when he heard Gordy.

  “Don’t. Call the cops. Nate and I have these two.”

  He nodded, found his phone where it had been batted from his hand and dialed, fighting to keep from hyperventilating, now that it was over. The operator came on the line, and he focused to answer her rapid-fire questions. When she asked if there were injured, he looked again at Gordy’s blood-soaked T-shirt and told her yes, but he wasn’t certain how badly.

  The police arrived, followed a few seconds later by an ambulance. Police cuffed the two attackers and put them into the squad car while another officer interviewed Sam. The EMTs had checked the cut across Gordy’s ribs but didn’t seem too concerned about the wound. Before they finished with Gordy’s interrogation, Sam answered the last of the questions directed at him. The cops had asked several times if he recognized any of the three and he assured them he didn’t. But from the length of time they talked to Gordy and Nate, he guessed the cops were getting a very different reply from them.

  He wandered over, stood at Gordy’s side and rested his hand on his shoulder. The officer interviewing Gordy glanced at him and nodd
ed without missing a beat. He asked Gordy a few more questions then folded his notepad under his arm.

  “It looks like a hate crime, but it’s not my call. These two aren’t talking, but I’m sure they will. They were smart enough to not have any IDs on them, but we feel sure they have a history so we will identify them soon.” He shook his head as if dismissing the ideas coming to mind and brought out a few business cards, handing one to each of them. “We should catch the other guy soon. It’s usually easy to get the ones in jail to tell us everything, especially when we talk about the number of years they could be there.”

  “One of them said the coach sent them. Did you get that down?” Sam asked.

  The cop looked at them each and his face settled into a sour expression. “We’ve got that down, but they are refusing to talk any further. Also, we aren’t certain which coach they’re talking about. It could be anyone.”

  “Miller. You should check Coach Miller,” Sam said.

  “I doubt the head defensive coach is behind the thugs who attacked you, but we’ll note your concern on the report.” He stopped and studied them both for a minute before continuing. “I’d be careful. Sometimes hate crimes bring out the crazies. You don’t want to give them targets. Someone wanted to send you a message, at least that’s what we’re getting from the two we arrested. But beyond that comment, they didn’t say anything.”

  Gordy tensed under Sam’s hand. He tightened his grip and gave Gordy an almost imperceptible shake. The tension remained, but it hid in his response. “Thanks for the advice, Officer. We’ll keep it in mind.”

  The police finished questioning everyone and drove off. Once they were out of sight, Gordy let out a long sigh before turning and grabbing Nate in a hug. He released Nate after a second and stared at him with a knowing smile as he held Nate’s shoulders. “You saved our bacon. We might not have survived without you.”

  Sam lifted an eyebrow and considered arguing Gordy’s point, but Nate laughed. “You are so full of shit, Hager. Sam was whipping their asses by himself and he’d have left them in broken pieces. But when the one asshole pulled the knife, all bets were off.” He shrugged, but gave Sam a wink. “Well, you’d need to hurt them so they don’t get back up. It would have gotten messy.” The twinkle shone from his dark brown eyes. “So, I guess I was kind of helping the bad guys so you didn’t have to break them too much. Sorry about that, man!”


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