Tackling the Subject

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Tackling the Subject Page 20

by Jon Keys

  “Who else? What’d we need to cover besides the whole homophobia and bigotry side of this? The college newspaper? Should we spill the goods on the whole prejudiced athletics program?”

  Sam considered for a minute and thought about the question carefully. He wasn’t in the mood to protect the university, but he also didn’t want to hurt innocent people. He began to shake his head slowly. “Not yet. It looks like a whole lot of people screwed up, but at least some of it might be a misunderstanding. We can always open that can of shit later if people get more concerned with covering their asses than protecting Gordy.”

  “Okay, no journalistic orgy—for now. Who else?”

  Sam sat for a moment, trying to think who should be brought into the mix. The answer popped into his mind, and Sam grinned at Rachel. “Nate. That’s who else we need. He’ll fight the coaches and players, especially the players. Gordy was certain none of the team members would tolerate a gay man on the team. I don’t think Gordy is giving them credit, but they are the big variable. Nate could get them onboard.”

  Rachel chewed on her bottom lip for a few moments. But when a smile stretched across her face, Sam knew things were going to be fine. “Good. Let’s get going. Gordy’s going to be having a meltdown because, bless his heart, he may be a genius, but sometimes he doesn’t understand people as well as he thinks.”

  Her grin had only grown as they talked about it. “Okay. I’m going to the Diversity Office right now. You find Nate and get him onboard. Nothing happens fast at this place, but I don’t think they’re going to mess around.”

  Sam considered for a minute or two before looking up. “I’m going to make some phone calls, too. I think there are a few people who would want to know what’s happening.”

  His gaze met Rachel’s and they both rushed out of Sam’s dorm room.

  * * * *

  Gordy had situated himself in the darkest part of the library and tried to concentrate on his homework. The past day had been the most miserable he’d ever experienced. Losing Sam had left him with an ache. With each passing hour, he questioned his choices. There had to be another way. He couldn’t find it right now, though, and after the way he’d treated Sam, his former boyfriend would never speak to him again.

  Gordy tried to focus on the formulas. Tomorrow’s exam was a third of his grade and the only thing that would make this whole situation worse was if his grades dropped. With a fierce scowl, he plunged into his notes again.

  He’d lost himself in the work he was doing until a touch on his shoulder jolted him. He twisted to find Nate standing beside him. “Oh my God, you scared the crap out of me. What are you doing up here? I’m surprised you knew where the library was.”

  Nate popped Gordy on the back of his head. “Don’t be a wise ass. Just because the rest of us don’t live here doesn’t mean we can’t find the place.”

  He studied Nate and tilted his head. “You still didn’t answer my question. What are you doing? There’s no way you happened to stroll through the least-used part of the library.”

  Nate became hesitant. “You need to come with me. The coach told me to find you.”

  “Miller? Why? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “No, Coach Torres. He told me to get you and bring you to the Athletic Director’s office.”

  Gordy’s stomach sank, and he thought he was going to hurl. “I did what they said to do. I swear, Nate.”

  Nate grabbed his shoulder and gave him a brotherly squeeze. “Come on, Gordy. It might be okay. Isn’t it about time for you to catch a break and for some people to help you?”

  He looked at Nate and shook his head. “The way this week’s going, I can’t expect any help. But whatever. It’s not much fun but I guess I’ll go talk with Coach Torres and the AD.” He packed up his books then threw the backpack over his shoulder while Nate waited. They were closing the distance at a fast walk when he turned to Nate. “You don’t need to escort me. I promise I won’t run away or do something stupid.”

  “I’m not leaving you. I’ll be waiting outside once you’re done.”

  He smiled at Nate but remained silent as they made their way across campus. Nate was good to his word once they arrived. Nate talked to the secretary for a minute then came back to sit beside him. He started to say something to Nate when the door shot open and Coach Torres filled the doorway. He spotted Gordy and motioned to him.

  “Thanks for coming over on such short notice, Gordy. Dr. Phillips and I decided we shouldn’t wait to talk with you. Come back to the conference room.”

  Gordy’s stomach roiled as though he were on the worst carnival ride ever and only seconds from losing his lunch. He followed the coach to an open door. As he stepped in the room, he saw more people seated around a huge, wooden table. The setting increased his anxiety, which he didn’t believe was possible. A woman leaned forward and gave him a warm smile.

  “Hi, Gordy, I’m Christina, the Vice President of Diversity on this campus. This all must seem pretty intimidating, which isn’t our intent. We’ve received information, and if it’s correct, we will take care of the situation immediately.”

  Gordy was confused. Why would someone from the diversity office want to talk with him? He glanced around the room to find similar expressions of concern, even from Coach Torres. Not knowing what else to do, he turned to Christina. “I haven’t done anything that Coach Miller warned me not to do.”

  The room’s atmosphere changed, but not in ways he expected. Most of the expressions he’d label as being filled with sadness. Christina’s expression was easy enough to interpret. She was furious.

  “Gordy, I apologize for not explaining earlier. This is not a disciplinary meeting. There is nothing you’ve done wrong. But we are very concerned about discrimination against you. That behavior should never have taken place on this campus.”

  He sat stunned before he turned to Coach Torres. “I’m not off the team?”

  “No, Gordy, not at all. You’re a role model for your teammates. We don’t want you to feel you aren’t welcome.”

  “But I’m gay. You told Coach Miller to get rid of the freaks on the team when I was standing there.”

  The coach stared at Gordy before the realization dawned. “We weren’t talking about you, Gordy. A few players have drinking problems. I was telling Coach Miller they had no chances left.”

  “He said…” Gordy began.

  “Gordy, whatever Miller told you was from his imagination. You’re one of the best defensive players on this team and by far the best student. We’d never ask you to leave.”

  This whole conversation left Gordy a little lightheaded. Everyone seemed to smile again. The door opened and closed without Gordy taking note until he realized someone was standing on either side of him. He glanced around and found it was Sam and Nate.

  “What’s going on? I thought everything was over.”

  Nate punched him lightly on the arm. “You’ve done everything you could do. You needed someone else to fix this for you. That’s why Sam and I stepped into this mess.”

  He looked from one of them to the other, but then focused on Sam. “You tried to help me? After what I did?”

  Sam chuckled then spouted off. “Of course, you goof. That’s what you do when you love someone.”

  Both Gordy and Sam’s face turned brilliant red at Sam’s declaration. Gordy glanced around the room and the general reaction was smiles. He found Sam had gone from appearing like a freshly boiled crawfish to pale as snow. And the snow might have more color.

  Sam motioned to Gordy and shook his head. “I’m so sorry, Gordy. I shouldn’t have said that. My timing sucks. Please don’t say anything.”

  Nate leaned in and tapped Sam on the shoulder. “You’ll need lots of flowers and chocolate. I’ll give you a list of my suppliers.”

  This time the smiles became more exuberant. Once the chuckles had subsided, Christina explained, “Sam and Rachel came to talk about the comments made to you. They were very upset, and when
I’d heard the entire story, I was furious. I called Coach Torres, and the incident offended him as much as it had me.”

  The coach took over the conversation. “Nate showed up to defend you shortly after I spoke with Christina. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Gordy was gay, and everyone had bad information.”

  Gordy stared at Nate in disbelief and betrayal filled him. “What did you do? We’ve always had each other’s backs. Now you out me to the coach and the whole team?”

  Nate dropped his eyes and tightened his lips. But before he responded, Torres interrupted. “He did the right thing. I needed to understand what was happening. This is serious. No one at this university should ever be discriminated against because of their sexual identity. I wish you’d told me a long time ago, and we could’ve helped. I’m sure this hasn’t helping your stress level.”

  Gordy studied the people in the room, especially his best friend and the man he loved. But they hadn’t addressed his last concern. He faced the coach, took a deep breath and asked what worried him the most. “What about the rest of the team? Miller said no one would want to be on a team with a gay guy. And Nate couldn’t even say he was wrong.”

  Nate slung his backpack from his shoulder and dug inside. A few seconds later, he pulled out a thick manila envelope. He grinned at Gordy as he handed the packet to the coach. “It’s stuff from everyone on the team saying they want Gordy. There’s a letter they signed and a bunch of personal notes.” He turned to Gordy with a smirk. “Some of them are pissed that you didn’t tell them. They think you didn’t trust them. I’m guessing you’ll need to invite them to a burger cookout to make up.”

  Gordy cocked his eye at Nate. “Everyone? Every single backwoods redneck on that team?”

  “The country boys on the team are all behind you. They may ask stupid questions, but it’s like they can ask the dumb questions but God help anyone else who messes with you.”

  “Come on, Nate. A few of them didn’t like me before they found out I like dudes. Now…? Well, I can imagine some of their comments.”

  “Okay. Fine. A few of them are still living in the eighteen hundreds. But they are the same idiots who believe Sarah and I shouldn’t be married, so that’s just stupid.”

  Gordy stood wavering between disbelief and relief. He wanted to sit down but was afraid if he did, he’d end up a pool of goo on the floor. He pulled his gaze up again, this time back to Christina. “What will I do about working with Coach Miller? He’s not going to be happy.”

  She glanced to one of the suits that had been silent since he’d arrived and she got a nod. With a vindictive expression, she filled Gordy in with what had happened. “We will escort Coach Miller from the university. He no longer has a job here. He’s also being investigated regarding his involvement with the men who attacked you and Sam. That case is active. But regardless, one of the assistant coaches will take over, and you’ll not need to deal with him again.”

  He turned to Sam and worry filled him. “How are we? I seem to be wrong about everything you told me.”

  Sam smiled, leaned in and kissed Gordy. His typical response of horror and panic flooded him, but then the realization came. His days of hiding his true self had ended. No one would ever use his sexuality as a way to blackmail him. He beamed at Sam, cupped his face and gave him a slow kiss on the lips.

  Nate grinned then nudged Gordy. “Get a room, lover. Some of us don’t appreciate your PDAs.”

  Gordy broke the kiss and winked at Nate. “Jealous?”

  Nate laughed. “No. I’m good. Sam doesn’t carry my preferred set of equipment.”

  Gordy started to respond, but Coach Torres headed it off. “This is heading toward locker room banter, which means we’re finished here.” He glanced at the two football players. “You two take the rest of the day off, but tomorrow morning you have a seven o’clock appointment with Coach Morris. You both need work, and next week we’re playing Texas. You must be at the top of your game. Get out of here and let’s put this behind us.”

  Gordy considered what he should do, but nothing came to mind. He ran his gaze over everyone and smiled. “Thanks. I thought… Anyway, thanks.”

  “Go. Get something to eat,” Torres said.

  Gordy followed his advice and soon the three of them were leaving from the sports complex. They rounded a corner and Gordy saw his entire family marching across the quad, and Rachel was leading the pack. He looked to Sam, who was again turning a nice shade of pink.

  “I might have called your parents. Your dad said he would fix this mess if it meant putting his boot in every ass on campus until they understood there was nothing wrong with his son, either of them.” He nodded toward Rachel. “As for Rachel? Well, she fought as hard as any of us to fix everything that had gone wrong.”

  “This should be interesting,” Gordy said.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A brisk chill nipped at Sam’s cheeks. The sun was rising in the Colorado Rockies and the May night had dropped below freezing. The frost on their tent was a good indicator of the colder temperature. An early morning breeze wound its way across the small meadow and set the aspen leaves dancing. Gordy had suggested they take a trip after graduation, and Sam had enjoyed the week of camping, hiking and general sightseeing. He’d never been to this part of Colorado, and it was a lot of fun, even if this morning the chill was making his good bits play the turtle game. A stronger breeze set the tent covering popping, and Sam burrowed for Gordy. A few seconds later, he’d wrapped around the man and was enjoying the heat radiating from him.

  A deep growl came from the other side of their bed, and Gordy wrapped his thick arms around him. The heat, muscles and hair had him thinking about more than the gorgeous scenery. When Gordy ran his hands down Sam’s torso, his body responded to the attention as it did each time Gordy got affectionate. Sam twisted and scooted until he lay on top of Gordy’s naked body. He wriggled, ran his hands over Gordy’s weeklong growth of beard then kissed him. They pressed their lips hard together until Sam became more demanding and plunged his tongue into Gordy’s mouth. An instant later, Gordy challenged him and their tongues battled. Sam ached for more when they broke the kiss.

  “Hot damn, you can wake me up like this every day of the week,” Gordy said.

  Sam ground against Gordy, loving their hard cocks slipping over each other. As pre-cum coated both of them, the slick sensations became even better. Sam gripped Gordy tightly as he humped his cock on Gordy, his balls hugging his body.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” Sam whispered into Gordy’s ear. Gordy responded by running his hand down Sam’s back then squeezing his ass. Sam gasped as Gordy sank his fingers into his clenched butt. He twisted lower, running his hands over Gordy’s chest as he chewed a line down the side of his neck. The slightly salty flavor and the scent that was pure Gordy kept him ready for the next step.

  “Scoot up here. I want to lick your dick.”

  “It’s fucking cold!”

  Gordy laughed and dove into the double sleeping bag. Sam chuckled as Gordy worked to reach his goal, and before long, Gordy’s hot mouth surrounded Sam’s throbbing cock. When Gordy dug under his foreskin, it had Sam trembling. He lost track of the things Gordy did as his impending orgasm built. When Gordy sucked one of his balls into his hot mouth, he grabbed his hair and yanked.

  “Stop, stop or I’ll come, and I’m not ready.”

  Gordy pressed his tongue along the underside of Sam’s dick and ran it to the head before coming loose and kissing Sam hard. The smells covered Gordy’s face. They exchanged passionate kisses until Sam gasped for air. When they stopped, Sam smirked. “Roll over. I want you on your back.”

  Gordy complied without a question, but his smile grew when Sam pulled out a small bottle of lube from his backpack. He tossed the bottle to Gordy and turned so his ass was within reach. Gordy went to work and dribbled a trail of the thick liquid until it ran down Sam’s crack. With each pass of Gordy’s fingers, Sam wanted more. Gordy tease
d at his opening and applied lube several times before he sank a finger deep inside. The burn as it opened was painful, and delightful. He spread his legs wider and moaned.

  “Fuck. That’s amazing,” Sam said.

  Sam gasped with pleasure as Gordy opened him. Soon he couldn’t wait any longer and pressed Gordy to his back. His body ached as he crawled on top and ground his ass down. He lasted only a few seconds before needing more. He paused, grabbed Gordy’s cock and pressed himself onto it. The thick shaft slipped inside, and Sam worked it deeper. His body accommodated the intruder and soon Gordy’s bush ground against his skin. He paused for a moment, letting himself adjust.

  Sam worked himself faster until he was riding Gordy without conscious thought. It felt amazing, and nothing else mattered. As he moved back and forth, his rigid cock swung, leaving a trail of pre-cum. Sam was aching for release, but he struggled to hold out until their roles could be reversed.

  Gordy thrust into him and Sam leaned forward to caress his chest. As Gordy pounded harder, Sam grabbed his nipples and twisted them.

  “Fuck! Yeah, harder.”

  Sam twisted and tugged at Gordy’s big nipples as he pounded Sam. The thrusts became more erratic, his gasps more uncontrolled. Gordy was close. He buried himself inside until Sam trembled. Gordy grabbed his thighs, froze in position and shook. Sam’s cock thickened, and he could sense as Gordy filled him with hot cum. As his climax dwindled, Sam ran his hands over Gordy. Once his breathing was closer to normal, Gordy grinned.

  “That was amazing. What happened to being cold?”

  “Get on your stomach and I’ll show you how I’m keeping warm.”

  Without a word, Gordy rolled over, shaking his ass and grinning. Sam grabbed the bottle of lube that had fallen close by and coated Gordy’s crack. He gathered gel with his fingers and eased two inside. Once they were buried, he waited a moment and fingered Gordy. A low sigh came from the big guy as Sam slipped in a third finger a minute later.


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