Tommy Rich: Defendes MC Series Book 7 (Defenders MC Series)

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Tommy Rich: Defendes MC Series Book 7 (Defenders MC Series) Page 7

by Anderson, Amanda

  Mina smiled revealing her vampire teeth and the woman threw her head back and laughed.

  “That may put them off, but a few will be relentless. Remember our little strip number over at Tease? They will. Damn that was a fun night. I’m hoping tonight turns out that well.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Anybody gives you shit you come see me.”

  Mina smiled. “Yes ma’am and thank you. I’m a little nervous.”

  “Oh don’t you worry honey, we’ll watch after you. Things won’t start getting rough until after nine so you’ll be safe and we will get your ass out of here by then unless you change your mind and want to stay.”

  Mrs. leaned over and pressed her cheek to Mina’s as she wrapped her in a hug.

  “I’m glad to have you honey. Ink is precious to me and since you are his family that just sort of overlaps you too. I hope we see more of you. He loves you like a sister.” She pulled back. “Did you know that honey? He really does. Last Christmas he grumbled like a bear and Angel told me it was because he was gloomy because you couldn’t come up to share it with him. Family matters girly.”

  Mina didn’t know what to say. She loved Ink too, but he was several years older than she and he had always been so quiet and brooding when they all lived with his parents, then it had just been the two of them after the accident that took his family. He had been in the army and had been in the Persian Gulf for months. He’d been home on leave when the officer came to the door. Ink had stayed home with Mina so his parents could go out on a date. They hadn’t wanted to leave him, but he insisted and even made his dad let him pay for the meal. He’d told them he would be there for two weeks and they would have plenty of time to catch up. He’d been wrong.

  After the accident Ink was able to get discharged to take care of her. She felt terrible, but he insisted that it was the right thing for him to do.

  They had moved to the city with the money Ink’s parents had left to him. The house had been rented and the cars both went back since the payments were too high to pay. That had left the two of them with only a beat up old Harley and little else.

  Ink enrolled in a technical school that was about an hour’s drive from the town where his parents had lived. He and Mina had decided it made more sense to move there since it would be easier to find work and go to school in the larger town. They called it the city because it was bigger than the one stoplight town they grew up in, but really it was just a small town. It was just a bigger small town than what they were used to. She didn’t think she’d be able to live in a big city and was grateful she didn’t have to. She was also grateful that Ink had decided to take her in. She was too young to be on her own and he was her only family.

  He seemed haunted at times and Mina didn’t know how to reach him, but he always made sure there was some kind of food and they had a place to live. She had no idea how he had managed it, but he had worked almost constantly to make sure she had what she needed and had as much comfort as possible. All while going to school too.

  The school helped Ink get a job with a tattoo studio after he finished and Mina waited tables. Ink insisted on helping her through school as soon as he was out and making good money. It was almost two years before he met a man who wanted to buy that old motorcycle. Ink had refused, but the man hung around and haggled for months. Ink became obsessed with bikers and the lifestyle they led after that. The thought of that sort of freedom seemed to call to him after being shackled with so much responsibility.

  Mina hadn’t understood any of it and it frightened her if she were honest. She hated it when some of Ink’s new friends came to the apartment late at night. She had started moving her dresser in front of her door before going to bed, but Ink always made it clear that she was off limits in that quiet way of his that tended to scare the shit out of men.

  The men were in and out of town regularly and it wasn’t long until they had Ink convinced to move to Cool Creek.

  There just happened to be an opening in the tattoo parlor the club used and the job was his if he would make the move. He had asked Mina to tag along, but she had seen that he didn’t want her to, he wanted to spread his wings and fly for the first time in his life and she cut him loose. He had done so much for her and she wouldn’t hold him back. She had stayed in the little apartment and finished school. When she graduated she found a job, with the help of the technical school she had attended and she started trying to put down roots, but she had never really been good at it.

  Ink had gotten married about a year after that and she had seen very little of him. Sure he called on her birthday and from time to time just to say hello, but Mina felt detached from the only family she had left and it saddened her.

  Hearing Mrs.’s words made something bubble inside her and when the woman hugged her again Mina almost cried. How pathetic was that?

  She pasted on a bright smile and followed the two women inside where the other women were getting everything ready. There was a skeleton wearing a grim reaper’s robe standing by the door and pumpkins sitting on the ground.

  “There will be pumpkin carving later so I hope you aren’t squeamish about pulling the guts out.” Mrs. said, pointing to the pumpkins.

  “I’m a dental assistant… very little bothers me.”

  “Oh good lord how can you do that? People’s mouths are so gross!”

  Mina laughed at the woman and shook her head. “You get used to it after a while.”

  This woman was tough as nails, if what Mina had been told was true, and yet here she was making Mina feel better. Preacherman might be the backbone of the club, but this woman was the nervous system.

  Mina saw Angel with her hands on her hips, blasting some woman with a mop of red hair and Candy laughed.

  “Wonder what Mace did to piss Angel off. It’s about time somebody tore into her though.”

  Mina was surprised. She had never heard Candy take that tone about anyone before.

  “I have a right to be here!”

  “No you fucking don’t.”

  “I’m his mother! I should be able to at least see him.” Mace argued.

  “No, you are the whore who pushed him out into this world. His mother will be with him tonight and she will not want to see your shank ass so no.”

  “You can’t keep me from my kid.”

  Mrs. stepped up to join in the conversation. She didn’t raise her voice or even look angry. “You have no right to that boy. You signed him away like he was nothing.”

  “I had no choice and you know it!!”

  The sound of the slap Mrs. delivered rang in the room and had heads turning. “You don’t get to talk to me. I talk, you listen. If you want to talk to me, you can tell Rena and she can let me know if it is worth me hearing it, which is doubtful. Now then. You will not show up tonight until eleven or you will be out of a job. Give me anymore lip and you will be banned from the part and I’m sure that will put a dent in your plans for what you will earn tonight from my boys.”

  Mace’s face turned so red Mina thought she might catch fire.

  “Now then, Angel darling, that is how you handle the shanks around here. No need to get your feathers ruffled, they aren’t worth the blood pressure spike.”

  Mina watched the redhead stomp out of the room and Angel turned with a huff, “Fucking skank thinks she can hang around during family time just because her fucking kid is gonna be here. Over my dead body.”

  “Kid? Mace has a kid? How did I not know that?” Candy’s eyes were wide.

  “I don’t know how you didn’t know it sweet cheeks, but she got knocked up a few years ago and the daddy decided to take the kid since his old lady couldn’t have any.” Angel shrugged. “She didn’t even put up a fight. What kind of woman just gives her kid away? He’s about eight now, maybe nine. Cutest little guy. Lives in Phoenix. His daddy transferred out once the kid was born. Didn’t set well with his old lady having his whore this close. I can see how that might be hard to swallow.” She sighed. “Anyway, Mace thought she should
be able to hang out and pretend to be a decent person for a night, but all she really wants is a chance at one of the brothers.”

  “Damn, I can’t believe I didn’t know.”

  “Candy, I love you and you know it, but you had your head up your ass for a while back then so you may have missed a thing or two.”

  Candy laughed and bumped Angel’s hip with her own. “You are sort of a bitch Angel.”

  “Sort of? I need to try harder.” She winked at Mina to show she was just kidding. “I need to get dressed! Take over and I will be right back, I hung my costume in daddy’s office.”

  “You go on and get dolled up honey, we can handle this.” Mrs. said as she surveyed the excitement.

  Mina was beginning to feel the energy in the room as it bled into her. This was going to be a night to remember. Mina never did anything like this and she was determined to have enough fun to last a while.

  A few of the brothers were milling around. Some helped, some held plates of food and all were watching the women. Mina felt sexy and a little reckless and the party hadn’t even started yet. Candy pointed out a few of the brothers and prospects and made sure Mina knew which ones to stay away from. She saw Sniper and grinned at the shameless wink he sent her as he walked her way.

  “Hey there gorgeous.”

  “Hey yourself. Good to see you recovered from watching after me.”

  “Watching you is no trouble at all.” He flirted.

  “SO that’s how it is huh? You get to flirt now?”

  “Yes ma’am. All bets are off tonight and I plan on showing you what you’re missing out on if you go back to that tool you’re dating.”

  Mina laughed. “Tool?”

  He grinned and nodded. “You look hot. I won’t be the only one looking tonight so be careful. You know you can trust me so feel free to come grab me if you feel uncomfortable. I won’t mind.”

  She looked into his face and saw sincerity there. He really wouldn’t mind.

  “I promised your neighbor I’d look after you. I keep my promises.”

  “You’re a good man Sniper.”

  “No Mina, I’m not, but I am a good friend so you’re covered there.”

  “Thank you. I am a little nervous about tonight.”

  “You’ll be fine. Just don’t stay too late.”

  He winked again and walked away from her. It did feel good to have a friend. Between him, Ink, and the girls Mina would be fine.


  “Tommy we made it and from the looks of things, just in time too.” Jack looked down at his watch and grinned. “It’s good to be home.”

  Tommy nodded and let the familiar sounds of a club party fill his head. It was after nine, but there were still a few kids running around outside, probably because their parents were too busy to take them home. In another hour though the place would be a different story. There would be nothing here for kids. This was a man’s party and he was a man who needed a distraction. Mrs. had been planning this party for a month and she liked her parties wild and well attended. Tommy hoped that meant she had made sure fresh pussy would arrive about the time the kiddies left.

  Willa had been haunting his thoughts for the last two hundred miles and he needed to get balls deep in a woman pretty quick so he could clear his head enough to think. He had to get things straight in his head before he could deal with anything.

  He was waiting for a report on Hannah. The brothers wanted to move on her tonight while the party was in full swing. That gave them all alibies and covered their asses. He doubted anyone would miss her, but no one could connect the club with her disappearance. He would be free after tonight and he would go after Willa. He still didn’t know whether or not he wanted to kill Willa or fuck her, but it was time he figured it out.

  He knew she was around tonight, but he had been assured she would be sequestered after nine and he couldn’t go anywhere near her until he got himself under control. Tonight though, after he’d fucked her out of his head and knew Hannah was taken care of, he would go after her. He needed time with her and he needed to be able to think.

  “Dat woman gon’ be da death of you Tommy boy.” Gator observed as he stretched out his back and made for the front of the clubhouse.

  “Maybe so, but I plan on finding out tonight.”

  “Ah, da boy has it all planned out. Careful with da plans.”

  “I really don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do.” Tommy let out an exasperated laugh.

  “Den it will all fall into place.” Gator winked as he opened the door and music poured out into the night. Gator was right. He had never been able to predict anything about Willa. She had always thrown him for a loop.

  He couldn’t help the grin that split his face when he saw the jack o lanterns glowing near the front door.

  Mrs. was good for the club. She was making memories with the club kids that would stick with them. They would know they had a strong foundation under their feet. Mrs. made sure they all knew it. Even grown men needed to be reminded of that sometimes. She understood the needs of a man. Tommy had never seen Preach do more than look at a woman and maybe smack an ass or two, but he knew that Mrs. took care of her man and she took care of the men in the club too. Men needed fresh pussy and they needed blowjobs. Didn’t fucking matter if they had a woman at home or not. A man had needs. She took care to keep the families separated from the wilder side of the men and that balance kept everyone happy.

  She didn’t hold to a man making his woman feel like she came second in his life and if the man had a whore on the side it was to stay on the side and not be an embarrassment to his old lady. More than one mouthy whore had found herself shipped out to other charters for disrespect and that was all Mrs. She made sure the women were happy and the men too. If the women weren’t happy then the men suffered and Mrs. didn’t like her boys to suffer. Everyone knew that it was one thing for the brothers to get a little pussy on the side, but they also knew that if Preach wanted something on the side he’d better go way out of town or Mrs. would cut his balls off. They had an understanding and they stuck to it. If he fucked around then she could too and Preach was a jealous man. He wouldn’t risk his woman in another man’s arms over any whore. Tommy respected them both more than he had ever respected anyone. Mrs. showed the girls how to stand up to their men and that it was alright if they fought as long as they made up with more energy. That was the kind of woman Tommy wanted. He wanted a woman who had a backbone and wouldn’t let him walk all over her the way his father had done with his mother.

  He took a deep breath and shook his head. Tonight was a party and he couldn’t let memories of the past upset him.

  Tommy stepped into the clubhouse and grinned. Mrs. had done good tonight.

  He grabbed the first woman he came across and turned her toward him without even looking at her. She wasn’t wearing a cut and that meant she wasn’t claimed. Every club woman would have on a cut by this time of night and that meant this one was all his. He crushed her mouth to his and felt his dick go hard as her tits smashed against his chest. She smelled of vanilla and fresh baked cookies and woman. Damn she tasted good.

  Tommy grabbed her ass and rubbed his erection against her soft belly and she moaned, not the fake shit the usual girls did, but this was real.

  He jerked back as something familiar wiggled its way into his brain and then he felt his blood boil.

  “Hello Willa.”

  Her face paled and she tried to step back, but Tommy still had both hands gripping her ass. She pushed at his chest, but he just pulled her closer and ground his dick against her in a punishing rhythm.

  “What the fuck are you doing here Willa? You turned whore all the sudden?” He was angry that she was there and unprotected. He was angry that any of the brothers could have done the same thing he’d just done and he was angry that she’d made him so hard he hurt without even knowing it was her.

  The sting of her palm meeting his face only made the blood pound in his head harder. />
  “You just grab any woman and grope her? Let me go Tommy. You’re a pig!”

  “You can’t fucking tell me what to do Willa. I think it’s time we had a little talk. Don’t you?”

  “No. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “No. You don’t like to talk, do you? You like it best when I just grab you and fuck you. Remember how good that felt Willa? We need to go somewhere. I will fuck you all you want, but I want some fucking answers too.”

  She was shaking her head, her long dark curls falling around her shoulders in tendrils that reached her breasts. He wanted to wrap that hair around his fist and shove his dick down her throat. He had always wanted Willa. She was the only woman he had ever had in his head and it drove him a little crazy. She had denied him at every turn and then she had betrayed him when he had finally given in and turned to another to protect her. They had been kids back then, but she had taken her revenge and ruined his life. She had never believed in him. Now she would let him fuck her in secret, but she wouldn’t even talk to him while anyone was around. He wasn’t her dirty little secret.

  “Let me go! I’m not your whore! I’ll never let you hurt me again.”

  He saw the panic in her eyes as her voice rose and he loved it. He knew he was a sick bastard, but he got harder watching her. She knew he wanted to hurt her, but she should know he never could, no matter how much he wanted to. That was what haunted him most. He would do anything to protect her, even make her hate him.

  “Take your fucking hands off her Tommy.” Ink stepped in and wrenched Tommy’s hands off Mina. “You touch my family and I will kill you Tommy. She is my fucking blood you little punk. I told you once, now twice, the next time I’ll talk with something that brings blood.”

  “Back the fuck off Ink. I didn’t even know who the fuck she was. The Willa I knew wouldn’t be caught dead dressing like a whore and sucking dick at one of our parties. You must be real proud.”


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