Double The Alpha

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Double The Alpha Page 10

by Amira Rain

  Reading this part of the letter, I felt slightly embarrassed, because I really hadn’t made any kind of a real “sacrifice” at all. In fact, my “sacrifice” had led to me being the happiest I’d ever been in my life, having fallen deeply in love with my two alpha wolf lovers. They’d now both fallen deeply in love with me too, to the point that they’d both brought up the idea of marriage at different times, seeming to just want to feel me out about it.

  Of course, this wouldn’t be any kind of state-sanctioned marriage, because “the state” didn’t even exist anymore. However, in Silverfield, when a couple or a trio wanted to make things “official,” a formal ceremony was held, followed by a party, just like in times before the Chaos. Beginning to really like the idea of making things “official,” I’d hinted to Ryan and Eric that I maybe wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of some sort of a “surprise” proposal within the next month or two.

  I’d been living in Silverfield for exactly four weeks when my happiness bubble more or less burst one evening. It at least slowly deflated when Ryan and Eric got home from patrol one evening.

  I was sitting up to the island, writing a letter to Norm, the third one I’d written to him since arriving in Silverfield, when the sound of the front door being slammed shut startled me. This was followed by the sound of raised voices, and I flew off my barstool, alarmed, realizing that Eric and Ryan were arguing.

  Wondering what the problem was, since I’d never heard them argue before, I dashed out to the foyer and asked what was wrong. They both looked surprised to see me, and Ryan said he thought that I’d still be over at Jessie’s, helping her make apple butter for the community supply pantry.

  I said that we’d finished up early. “So, I decided to come back here to get dinner started and write Norm a letter. Which is what I was just doing when I heard the two of you arguing.”

  Moving a hand to massage the back of his neck, Eric said that they hadn’t been arguing. “We’re both just a little stressed about the Creeper problems lately, and I guess our discussion about the possible solutions just got a little heated.”

  Ryan agreed. “That’s all it was. Just an intense discussion after a very long day.”

  Dubious, I looked from his face to Eric’s, not exactly seeing the clear honesty in their eyes that I hoped for. In my gut, I just felt like something was wrong, and that something was beyond mere Creeper trouble, not that that was a small issue by any means. As of late, they’d been damaging small sections of wall almost daily, and I knew Ryan and Eric had both become extremely concerned about a total breach of the wall at some point, with Creepers streaming into the community by the hundreds or even thousands.

  The fact of the matter was that although they’d been positioning guards around the outside of the walls at all times, the Creeper swarms were getting larger for some reason, maybe because they were communicating with each other somehow, formulating plans to increase their strength by way of numbers. No one really knew if this was actually the case, because no one really knew how Creepers communicated with each other. At any rate, their attacks were clearly escalating, and I knew that even in the midst of our happy weeks together, this had been causing Ryan and Eric some pretty extreme stress.

  Because of this, while still looking at them both, I eventually decided to just accept their explanation as to why they’d been arguing. I still didn’t one hundred percent buy it for some reason, but at the same time, I didn’t one hundred percent not buy it. Besides, I knew they were both probably tired, starving, and eager to eat, and not eager to be questioned about a subject that they both clearly wanted to just drop.

  In response to their explanations, I said okay. “Maybe the two of you will be able to resume your discussion in a less heated way after a good dinner. I’ve got a chicken-parmesan-spaghetti-squash casserole-type thing in the oven right now, and it’ll be done in about a half-hour. I’ve made homemade rolls and salad to go with it too.”

  Eric said that sounded great. “I’m just going to go up and grab a shower first.”

  With his face and clothes streaked with mud, probably from repairing sections of the fence in the rain, which had basically turned the entire village into a mud pit that day, Ryan said the same. “I’ll take the hallway bathroom shower.”

  Fortunately, we were lucky enough to have two full bathrooms on the upper floor, one in the master bathroom of my room, which was really our room now, shared by all three of us, and then a second full bathroom down the hallway. This made things much more convenient when all three of us were trying to shower in the morning at the same time, although sometimes all three of us just piled into one shower anyway. Those showers weren’t so much for really getting clean, though, but instead, for getting a little dirty.

  After each giving me a kiss, Ryan and Eric soon headed upstairs. I watched them go, unable to shake the feeling that some kind of trouble was brewing that had nothing to do with Creepers.


  Ryan ended up being the first of my alpha lovers to come downstairs from showering, entering the kitchen bare-chested, wearing jeans that hung low on his slim hips. Around his neck, he’d hung a plain white t-shirt, and when I first looked up and saw him, he was reaching up to grab it, presumably to put it on.

  However, not wanting him to put it on quite so fast, I set down a stack of napkins I’d been about to put on the table, dashed over to him, and grabbed the t-shirt right out of his hand. “No, please don’t put it on. Not quite yet. Just let me look at your chest for a second first. I haven’t seen it in almost twenty hours or something, which means that I’ve been a little deprived.”

  Still sleeping when he and Eric had left the house that morning, I hadn’t gotten to study their nearly-nude forms in the first light of dawn how I often liked to.

  “Just let me take a good look at you and touch your chest for a second.”

  With his green eyes glinting and his mouth curving just slightly, Ryan moved a little closer to me. “All right…but only if I get to do the same to you.”

  Feasting my eyes on his chiseled pecs and washboard abs, I agreed and soon began to run my hands over his bare skin, reveling in the feel of so much warmth and hardness beneath my fingertips.

  However, Ryan didn’t give me too awfully long to explore the magnificence of his chest before he peeled off my sweatshirt, flung it to the side, and then undid my bra clasp with his breathing accelerating. With a low growl rumbling deep within his chest, he actually removed my bra with his teeth, one strap after the other, and then flung it to the side using his teeth as well.

  These actions, if done by another man, might have been clumsy or come off as rehearsed; however, this wasn’t the case at all with Ryan. Having some definite animalistic, wolf-like tendencies even while in his human form, he always acted as if removing a bra with one’s teeth was the normal way to remove a bra, like other ways were for more refined men who didn’t daily battle Creepers while in the form of an enormous silver wolf.

  After raking his gaze over my chest like I’d done to him, he cupped my full breasts in his hands and began gently, slowly, circling my nipples with his thumbs, quickly making them stiffen. This was what always surprised me about Ryan. Not his definite animalistic, wolf-like tendencies, and his tendency to be a bit rough during times when I clearly liked it. It was how gentle and tender his touch could be sometimes that always surprised me.

  Soon, he was kissing me with his mouth firm and warm, and with his thumbs still slowly circling my nipples with just the right balance of gentleness and firmness. After just a little while, though, his strong, long-fingered hands began wandering lower, with one going to grip my rear, pulling me closer to him, and the other going down the front of my yoga pants, fingers roaming. When one of them connected with my clit, I moaned into Ryan’s mouth without breaking our kiss.

  However, just a short while later, when he slid two curved fingers into my pussy and began pulling them in and out with exquisite deliberation and slowness, I pulled my lips
from his with an even louder moan, then told him not to stop. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Please.”

  With his fingers slightly curved how they were, he was hitting some indefinable spot inside of me, some spot that, when stroked, made me feel such intense pleasure that I could hardly keep my eyes from rolling back in my head. Ryan’s fresh-from-the-shower scent, which was woodsy, clean, and masculine, was intensifying my pleasure, as was the sight of his impossibly handsome face, which I was taking a few peeks at. He had a way of studying my face during moments of passion, a way of looking at me intently, that always turned me on even more than I already was.

  He’d been working his fingers in and out of my extremely wet pussy for a short time when Eric entered the kitchen. His eyes widened a bit when he saw Ryan and me, both shirtless, and with Ryan’s hand down the front of my pants. Clearly wanting to make our twosome a threesome, Eric came around behind me, put his hands on my shoulders, and began kissing the side of my neck, an act that never failed to make me curl my toes, and this time was no exception.

  It wasn’t long before I felt his hard cock pressing against my hip, near the small of my back, and this gave me an idea. I wanted him to make love to me from behind, while we were standing, if possible, while Ryan continued giving attention to my front, stroking my clit. However, I just didn't know if this was possible. With me being only five-foot-four, and with Eric and Ryan both being a bit over six feet, I just wasn’t sure if what I was thinking of could actually work. Determined not to let any feelings of bashfulness get in the way of our shared pleasure, though, I spoke right up and told my two incredibly handsome alphas what I wanted, and they acted like my request was completely doable.

  Over my shoulder, glassy-eyed, Ryan looked at Eric and spoke in a husky voice. “We can use her little stepstool.”

  The stepstool he was speaking of was a black-and-gray tempered plastic one maybe six inches tall that I kept in the kitchen. Being that I was on the shorter side, it served as a perfect handy little booster for when I needed to reach something on a high shelf just beyond my fingertips. Now, it seemed that Ryan thought the stepstool could give me the little height boost I needed to make something else possible too.

  Within seconds, Eric had grabbed the stepstool, helped me step up onto it, and had lost his jeans and underwear. Then, tipping me forward just a bit, into Ryan’s arms, he positioned the head of his already-rock-hard cock at my slick entrance from behind, making me whimper with desire. Right as he began sliding into my pussy, Ryan, around my front, began stroking my now-throbbing clit, turning my whimper into something much more like an outright cry.

  The sensation of being stroked and filled at the same time was almost more than I could take, although in the best possible sort of way. I only lasted a minute or two before reaching a climax, burying my face in Ryan’s shoulder, moaning, while he continued stroking my clit, and while Eric began growling out his own release behind me.

  Having grown accustomed to at least two climaxes per lovemaking session, I soon told Ryan that I was ready for more, and he and Eric switched positions, with Ryan thrusting into me from behind, gripping my hips, and Eric giving me some very focused, intimate attention around my front.

  A while later, once again displaying his animalistic side, Ryan wrapped my long hair around his fist, tugging it a little, before groaning with a powerful release, filling me with his hot seed. This sensation was all I needed to tumble right over the edge of ecstasy along with him, moaning with my face buried in Eric’s muscular shoulder.

  Afterward, the two of them just held me in a kind of post-passion sandwich, with one of them in front of me and one in back, while our breathing returned to normal. With their strong arms feeling so incredibly good around me, I might have been content to let them hold me for several minutes. However, before long, the smell of something burning made me lift my face from Ryan’s chest.

  “Oh, no. The little herb rolls I made. I just meant to reheat them but forgot to set a timer. They’ve probably been in the oven twenty minutes too long by now.”

  Underscoring this unfortunate fact, the acrid scent floating through the kitchen quickly intensified. And by the time I’d thrown my clothes on and had pulled the tray of rolls from the smoky oven, the tops of them were burned so badly they were nearly black.

  Feeling more than a bit guilty about ruining good food when it was so hard to come by in the new post-Chaos world, I set the tray on the range with a sigh. “Well, live and learn. I guess we’ll just have to make do with salad for a side with our casserole.”

  Getting dressed, Eric said that was just fine with him, and Ryan grunted in agreement.

  Once we’d all washed our hands, we brought the chicken parmesan casserole and the salad to the table, which I’d set with tall red taper candles and an autumn centerpiece I’d made with vibrant orange leaves and miniature pumpkins.

  Upon having a seat at the circular table, Ryan pulled me into his arms. “Come here, you beautiful thing. You’re eating on my lap tonight.”

  What ensued was a happy, raucous sort of dinner, with Ryan and Eric teasing me about different things, including burning food, me laughing, and the two of them taking turns pulling me onto their laps.

  It was only when the three of us had finished eating that the table briefly fell quiet, with the sound of the rain still pouring down outside being the only noise, and I suddenly recalled that they’d been arguing when they’d come home. Unbelievably, or maybe not, their making love to me and then our shared merriment and laughter had driven all thoughts of their argument right out of my mind.

  However, now that I’d remembered it, I just had to know right then what exactly had caused it, because I still had the feeling that it hadn’t just been a disagreement about how to deal with the Creepers. Part of me even wondered if it had been about me.


  Now that Eric and Ryan were both well-fed and also well-satisfied sexually, not to mention that they’d both enjoyed a little whiskey with dinner, I thought this was may be a good time to make a further inquiry as to what their pre-dinner argument had been about. If nothing else, I thought, maybe they would adequately convince me that it really had just been about Creepers, so I could finally stop thinking about it.

  “So….” I began, while sitting on Eric’s lap with my arms around his shoulders.

  However, this was as far as I got, unfortunately. This was because just then, loud pounding sounded from the front door. Thoroughly used to this kind of interruption by now, I had to work hard not to roll my eyes in irritation, because I knew who the knocker would be. It would be one of Eric and Ryan’s men, telling them that they were needed urgently because of some Creeper problem or new breach in the walls.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t understand. I did. In fact, I’d come to accept that being mated to two alphas meant that I was just going to have to deal with these kinds of urgent interruptions indefinitely. It was just that the interruptions always seemed to come at the worst possible times. Once, Ryan and Eric had been called away while we’d all been in bed together, naked, engaged in some pretty involved sorts of activities. To be precise, Eric’s face had been between my legs at the time, and Ryan’s mouth had been covering one of my nipples while he lightly flicked his tongue across the stiffened point. That interruption had been a little hard for me to take.

  In the present, I didn’t even protest, knowing that a discussion about Eric and Ryan’s argument could definitely wait until later. After each of them had given me a hasty kiss, they both quickly flew out the door.

  I’d just finished cleaning up from dinner when there was another knock on the front door, although this one was much quieter, indicating that it was one of my friends. They didn’t tend to pound on the door like wolf shifters needing to urgently summon their alphas did.

  When I answered the door, I found Alicia in a raincoat, holding a smallish cardboard box.

  She held it up to me with a little smile. “Care for a slice of vanill
a cake with buttercream frosting?”

  I said I’d love one and ushered her inside to the kitchen, where we were soon sitting up to the island with slices of cake and mugs of hot apple cider.

  While warming her hands on her mug, Alicia explained that she always made a cake on her mom’s birthday, and had been doing so for years. “Maybe it’s weird to make a cake for someone who’s deceased and can’t enjoy it, but…I don’t know. I always just think it’s a nice way to remember my mom and celebrate her life.”

  I said I didn’t think it was weird at all, and that I thought it was a wonderful way to remember someone and celebrate their life. “In fact, I should start making cakes on my parents’ birthdays too.”

  Nearly everyone in the community had lost one or both parents during the Chaos, and it was usually both; however, Alicia and I were unique in that we’d lost our parents long before the Chaos, with Alicia’s dad having died in a construction accident when she was just a baby, and her mom dying from breast cancer when she was twenty. As for my parents, they’d both died in a car accident just days after my twenty-first birthday. Once while trying to lighten the mood after we’d had an in-depth discussion about our pasts, Alicia had called us “members of the experienced orphans’ club,” which we truly were, unfortunately. Neither of us had even had grandparents before the Chaos, having already lost them to various illnesses during our childhoods.

  While we ate our cake, Alicia said she’d come over reasonably sure that I’d be alone and up for a visit, since Mark had just been called away to help with whatever Creeper problem was currently going on, so she figured Eric and Ryan had been too.

  I said yes, they’d been called away right after dinner. “Right at the moment that I was about to ask them something of semi-importance too. I was just going to ask them about a little disagreement they were having when they came home today…except, honestly, it was a little more heated than a ‘disagreement.’ It was maybe even a borderline verbal fight, with raised voices almost to the level of shouting at each other.”


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