Misfit Witchcraft (Misfits Book 2)

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Misfit Witchcraft (Misfits Book 2) Page 1

by Niall Teasdale

  Misfit Witchcraft

  The Second Misfits Novel

  By Niall Teasdale

  Copyright 2017 Niall Teasdale

  Amazon Kindle Edition



  Part One: What We Do for Love

  Part Two: Home Is Where the Nunnery Is

  Part Three: The Tangleroots Witch



  Once upon a time, the world of Draconia was a place of bitter conflict. The wars lasted for over two hundred years until the Crown of Harmony was forged by a family who understood magic better than anyone else. Under the influence of the crown and the diplomacy of the family who made it, the dragons of Draconia lived in peace for eighteen centuries.

  Such times of wonder cannot last, however, and the family of harmony changed over the centuries. It came to pass that one of their number sought to gain absolute power and corrupted the crown. It became a weapon of control and the family used it to increase their personal power, ignoring the peace they had held in such high regard. And it seemed that they would succeed, taking control of Draconia and every dragon on it.

  The other royal families refused to bow before them, however. They came together to defeat their oppressors. The Nightsky family made spells to resist the magic of the crown. The Scarlin family amassed a huge army to march on the stronghold of the great family turned dark. The walls of the stronghold were torn down, and the family was brought low, slaughtered to the last dragon. And the Crown of Harmony was lost, as so many great artefacts have gone missing throughout Draconian history.

  Vowing that the loss of the crown would not see a return of the conflict which had caused such harm in ages past, the remaining royals came together in the city of Concord. They made treaties, bound them into law, and said that they would never fight among themselves ever again. And, for a thousand years, the treaties have held and disputes have been settled in the Palace of Concordance instead of on the field of battle.

  And, of course, all the dragons lived happily ever after.

  Or so the story goes…

  Part One: What We Do for Love

  Concord City, Concordance, 9th Day of Snowfall, 1000.

  The Celestina School of Magic sat under a dark sky, thick cloud masking the sun with occasional light rain adding to the general gloom. Despite that, Krystal Ward was in a good mood as she walked from the refectory kitchens to Nightsky Hall where she lived. The cooks were not really supposed to give the students food outside of term, but they had been a little generous with the girls staying on the top floor of Nightsky: the girls who had saved the school the month before.

  In fact, Krystal and her friends had saved the entire city from a horde of possessed schoolgirls, but there had not been too much said about the matter. That was fine by Krystal, who preferred to stay out of official notice. The best news she had received recently had been that no one involved in the incident remembered much about it. Specifically, none of them remembered seeing Krystal’s royal dracoform, which she was very determined to keep a secret.

  The other cheerful thing about the school today was that the place was coming back to life with the return of its students for the spring term. The first of them had started to move back into halls the day before, more were moving in now, but the majority would, of course, leave it to the last minute. Jesse and Xanthe, for example, were not expected back in Concord City until tomorrow, Yellowday. Krystal was expecting Trudy to move back in later that afternoon, though she had been visiting on and off all through the holiday, staying overnight on several occasions. Krystal had plans to hide in the room she shared with Trudy for more or less all of Yellowday, emerging after the chaos subsided.

  Right now, there were girls moving in, but not in huge numbers, and Krystal had no trouble getting up the stairs with her bag of bread, butter, and cheese from the kitchen. The top floor was, as usual, quiet. Charlotte was almost certainly out flying. Felicia was probably going over her notes from the previous term since she had been less than happy with her performance in the end-of-term exams. Krystal was not expecting to see the door of Xanthe’s room open, so she stopped and looked in, expecting to see the young, yellow dragon even if Xanthe was not due until tomorrow…

  ‘Xan, I thought you were coming back to– Oh!’ Krystal stopped at the sight of the room’s occupant, who was definitely not Xanthe.

  From her colouring, this was a red dragon: her skin held a reddish tan, her hair was a rich, dark red, and her eyes were red flecked with yellow which gave an impression of fire. She was a hand shorter than Krystal, at a guess, but more heavily built. Muscle showed on her legs and torso; her arms were hidden by the red leather jacket she was wearing, but Krystal could guess that there was muscle there too. Her face was rounded, though her hairstyle tended to narrow the appearance of her skull: the sides of her head were shaved to a thin fuzz of red, but a band of hair ran back over the top of her skull until it joined up with a fountain of long, slightly messy hair fixed into a high ponytail. Her choice of clothes seemed as odd as her hairstyle: the jacket sat over a one-piece garment with high hips and a low neckline which showed off firm breasts, and there was a short black leather skirt wrapped around her hips and high-heeled peep-toe ankle boots in red. She was definitely not Xanthe.

  The red looked up at Krystal and flashed a smile. ‘Sorry, not her. I’m Ramona. Ramona Rose. New transfer from Scarlin Cantervale. They put me in here with, uh, Xanthe Wild. Is she nice?’

  Ramona spoke fast. Krystal blinked a couple of times, trying to gather in all the information. ‘You transferred in in the middle of the year?’ Krystal finally said.

  ‘Uh, yeah. There was… Well, it was decided I’d benefit from coming here. I want to get my meta-magic skills up a little and this place is supposed to be the best as far as magic schools for girls is concerned.’

  Krystal gave a wry grin. ‘It’s the only as far as magic schools for girls is concerned. But it is very good. I’m taking the magic corpus classes, so is Felicia. Oh! How rude of me. Sorry. I’m Krystal Ward.’ She stepped forward carefully to avoid the boxes Ramona currently had cluttering the floor and held out her hand.

  Ramona had quite a fierce grip. Reds were noted for their strength, though greys were actually stronger on average, but Krystal got the feeling that most of Ramona’s finger-crushing handshake was down to enthusiasm. ‘You, uh, didn’t say whether Xanthe Wild was nice?’ Ramona said.

  ‘Oh, she is…’


  ‘But, um, she’s from Tangleroots and she’s used to her own space. I’m… not entirely sure how she’s going to take having a roommate. Uh, you might want to take the bed nearest the door. I think she was using the other one.’

  ‘Okay,’ Ramona said, nodding and pursing her lips in consideration. ‘Well, I get along with most people. And if she needs space, well, I’m sure I can be getting along with someone else for a while to give her some.’

  ‘Good attitude. I’m sure it’ll be okay. Have you been in the city long?’

  ‘Just got here, more or less.’

  ‘Well, my roommate, Trudy, will be moving back in later. She’s a local so she can help you get acclimatised. We’re in fifty-nine, end of the corridor.’

  ‘Right.’ Ramona’s eyes lit up, if eyes that were already alive with the impression of flames could light up more. ‘Oh, hey, if she’s got stuff to carry up the stairs, give me a yell. I’m a red, you know? Plenty of muscle for lifting things.’

  Krystal smiled. ‘She won’t have much and Trudy’s a grey so she’s got plenty of muscle herself, but you can come meet her when she arrives.’

  Now Ramona’s eyes widened. ‘
She’s grey and she’s studying here?’

  ‘Uh-huh. Trudy’s not your average grey dragon…’


  Trudy was perfectly happy to let Ramona carry a bag up the stairs for her, if a little surprised when the red turned up in the hall’s lobby with Krystal.

  ‘I’m strong, but not stupid,’ Trudy said as they climbed the stairs. ‘You’re from Scarlin Cantervale? That’s one of the cities in Greenland, right?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Ramona replied. ‘Scarlin Cantervale is west of Concordance, and south, obviously.’ Her tone took on a slightly chanting tone as though reciting something from school. ‘The seven cities of Scarlin, jewels of the Greenland coast, and Scarlin Cantervale shines brightest. Go, Cantervale Cowboys!’ She blushed a little and grinned. ‘Uh, all the other cities think they’re the brightest too.’

  ‘I assume the Cantervale Cowboys are a sports team of some sort?’ Krystal asked.

  ‘Uh-huh. You don’t have scrumball here?’

  ‘I probably wouldn’t know if we did. Not a big sports fan, really.’

  ‘There are a couple of teams in a few places,’ Trudy said. ‘None in Concord City and we’ve no league.’

  ‘Oh well, there goes my cheerleading career,’ Ramona said wistfully. ‘Not that I really had a cheerleading career. Not after the pyramid incident.’

  ‘The, uh, pyramid incident?’ Krystal asked.

  ‘Yeah… Well, see, we perform in scales and when I’m in scales, I’m stronger, but I get… clumsy. So there I was, central support on a five-high pyramid and doing fine until my foot slipped out from under me and, well…’

  ‘You were the central support in a pile of girls?’

  ‘Pretty much. One broken arm, three sprained ankles, a lot of bruises. Oh, and Nadine Goldmane said I was enjoying having her sit on my face far too much, which I did not! She nearly broke my nose!’

  ‘I can imagine,’ Krystal said over Trudy’s giggles. ‘Cheerleading, huh? Does that explain the skimpy… whatever that is you’re wearing under the jacket? I’ve never seen anything quite like it.’ Well, she had, sort of, but Charlotte had been wearing it as nightclothes in a vague attempt to seduce her.

  ‘All the fashion in the Scarlin cities,’ Ramona replied. ‘Which is good because I love them. Summers get hot down there and I… tend to dress for summer a lot of the time. Not that it’s especially cold here.’ Her eyes lit up again as she thought of something. ‘Hey, does it snow here? I’ve never seen snow.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Trudy replied. ‘Unless the Weather Bureau gets something really wrong, it doesn’t snow here either. We get some in the highlands, out to the west, but not here.’

  They had reached the top floor by now and Ramona carried on with Krystal and Trudy to the end of the corridor. ‘Oh. Oh well. Maybe I could go out that way one year. I expect I’ll be here for a while.’

  ‘Quite a move,’ Trudy said. ‘Especially now. The South Sea isn’t quite as bad as the North Sea in winter, but you picked a bad time to move north.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Ramona replied with the kind of quick, clipped tone that suggested she did not really want to discuss the matter.

  ‘Well, uh, we’re a friendly bunch up here in the backend of nowhere, so you shouldn’t have much trouble settling in.’ Trudy glanced at Krystal as the latter opened their door. ‘Are we having a misfits meeting tomorrow night?’

  ‘Hadn’t thought about it,’ Krystal replied. ‘I guess we can get together. We’ll need food tomorrow night. We can go out to the patty place together.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Ramona said, ‘the “misfits?”’

  ‘It’s what Charley started calling us,’ Krystal told her. ‘We’re the girls who don’t quite fit into the other cliques. I’m an orphan, Trudy’s the only grey in school, Charley would really rather be flying, Jesse and Xanthe kind of like their alone time, and Felicia… Well, Flis had some problems last term. We started getting together on Yellowday evenings to go over our weekend assignments. It’s informally called the misfits club.’

  ‘And if you come, we’ll have every colour,’ Trudy added. She flicked a quick glance at Krystal. ‘Uh, except for royal, of course. The only royal on school grounds is Celestina.’

  Ramona raised an eyebrow as she straightened up from putting Trudy’s bag down. ‘You call the school’s founder by her first name?’

  ‘Oh, well, we kind of did something last term and she said… Well, she said we could, in private. She’s nice. And believe me when I say that I never thought I’d say that about a royal.’

  ‘I believe you. I’m not too fond of royals either. I mean, some of them are okay and some of them are… not.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Trudy said, nodding. ‘I used to think they were all useless, selfish bull pizzles, but there are one or two good ones about and Celestina seems to be one of them.’

  ‘I’ve only met Dean Scintilla Rainshadow. She seemed nice. Maybe a little overworked.’

  ‘She’s not fond of administration,’ Krystal said. ‘At this time of year, I’d imagine most of what she does is paperwork.’

  ‘She was doing a lot of that,’ Ramona agreed. ‘Uh, I’ll let you get settled in, Trudy. Don’t want to overstay my welcome. I, uh, tend to do that, by the way. I’m a people dragon. Just kick me out if I’m hanging around too much.’

  ‘Well, you’re not, but okay.’

  Ramona flashed them a grin and then headed out, closing the door behind her.

  ‘She seems nice,’ Trudy said, opening a bag to begin unpacking. ‘Little nervy, but with Jesse around, we should be used to nervy.’

  ‘Uh-huh,’ Krystal replied, sitting down on her bed to watch.

  ‘You know, I think you’d look great in one of those suits she was wearing. Especially in… Well, you know, with the longer legs.’

  ‘I suppose I could look in some of the shops in Westlook. Maybe they have Greenland fashions in. Not that I’ll have much chance to wear it with the longer legs.’

  Trudy flashed a grin. ‘You could wear it for me.’

  Krystal smiled back. ‘For you, Trudy, I’ll wear anything you like.’


  Trudy’s silver claws dug into the scales on Krystal’s scalp and shoulder almost hard enough to break skin. Trudy’s moans were loud enough to be heard in the next room, so it was a good thing that there was no one in it yet. Trudy did not really care who heard, but they usually did their best to hide what they were up to and the walls were not thick. Now, with no one nearby, Trudy let herself give full expression to the effect Krystal’s tongue was having on her body. It was electric. It was a hot, wild energy filling Trudy to the point of bursting. It was magic.

  Trudy let out a shriek and then clamped her mouth shut because, even in the throes of orgasm, that had seemed loud. White light burned behind her eyes. Her back arched. She clutched at her lover as though, somehow, she might float away unless she hung on. Then there was darkness and the slow realisation that she could not see because her eyes were shut. Trudy opened her eyes to find Krystal’s rainbow irises looking at her as Krystal settled down beside her.

  ‘I’ve missed this,’ Trudy said.

  Krystal giggled and brushed her long, rainbow-streaked hair away from her face. ‘You were here last Royalday and we did pretty much the same thing.’ In her dracoform, Krystal’s voice was lower than usual and carried a purr in it that seemed to go straight to the primitive parts of Trudy’s brain.

  ‘But in the morning, I went back to Greystone Ward. Tomorrow morning, I won’t. And the morning after I’ll still be waking up next to you.’

  Krystal smiled and kissed Trudy’s neck, and Trudy let out a little gasp of pleasure. ‘Do you remember the day after we first went to bed together?’ Krystal asked.

  ‘I remember getting drunk to pluck up the courage to do it.’

  ‘Uh-huh. And then you said that we had fun and no one got hurt, like it was just… I don’t know, like we were friends, playing. Nothing special.’

  ‘I suppose I did

  ‘What’s changed?’

  ‘I…’ Trudy paused, thinking. ‘I spent the winter break wishing I was here instead of at home. I don’t know when it happened, but I think it became more than just friends playing. No. I think it started when I couldn’t sleep because you weren’t there, back when you went to Spinyard.’

  ‘Yeah… What does it feel like? I… missed you too and I’m trying to work out what it means.’

  ‘What it means?’ Trudy’s eyebrows rose. Krystal had a habit of being analytical, but this seemed like she was taking it too far.

  ‘Yes, because I’ve got no idea what being in love feels like, a-and I’m trying to work out whether I am.’

  ‘Oh.’ Trudy almost giggled, but that seemed like the wrong thing to do. ‘You’re asking the wrong person. I’ve never been in love with someone either.’

  ‘Oh.’ There was a pause while Krystal considered this. ‘Well, I know I tried to keep you away from the ball because I saw you in danger there and the thought of losing you was… I couldn’t have taken that.’

  ‘Ah, but you might feel the same about a very good friend. I don’t think that’s the kind of love we’re talking about. We’d need more evidence.’

  ‘Yes… Yes, you’re right. That probably would be the case if– Wait a minute, I know that tone. You are playing with me, Trudy Black!’

  Trudy giggled. ‘Does it matter? Do you think you’re in love with me?’


  ‘Then I don’t see why we need to worry over the details. I think I’m in love with you too. Let’s just assume we’re both right and then we don’t need to think about it any more. We can just, um, be it.’

  ‘Okay, so maybe I’ve had several nights on my own to worry over it and maybe I’ve been trying to work it out too hard. I think your solution seems like a reasonable course of action.’

  ‘Good. Can we get back to doing shameless hussy stuff now?’

  It was Krystal’s turn to giggle. ‘You want to go again? I thought we might cuddle a bit and then sleep.’

  ‘Tired?’ Trudy asked. ‘Don’t you worry. You just lie there and let me take care of everything.’ She shifted, lifting up and sliding between Krystal’s legs before she began to slide down, leaving butterfly kisses in her wake.


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