Eviscerating the Snake - The Complete Trilogy

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Eviscerating the Snake - The Complete Trilogy Page 55

by Ashley Fontainne

  Did I want to return to work at Winscott? I had finally achieved what I always wanted, which was to be the head of a successful company. However, if I really contemplated the entire circumstances surrounding it, I didn’t get that title by working my way to it. I yanked it from the hands of the monsters at Winscott, and ruined countless lives in the process. For months, I tried to bandage the bleeding wounds, yet it was like putting a piece of toilet paper on a gaping cut. After everything that happened, going back seemed like a morbid joke. Winscott was barely hanging on by a thin thread before, and I didn’t dare even imagine how far it had sunk since all the negative publicity in the last week. Honestly, I really didn’t want to stay in control for too long anyway. It was more about exposing the snakes I worked with, holding them accountable for their deeds.

  Guess I learned the lesson that “you should be careful what you wish for” because it seemed the grass was only greener on the other side because underneath it was a huge pile of manure.

  What direction did I want my life to go? Coming so close to it being over, the only thing I knew for certain was that I loved Steve. Listening to him as he slept by my side—and his glorious scent surrounding me—I couldn’t imagine leaving and going back to Phoenix alone. Our lives were fully entwined, and I guess I just answered my own question—I didn’t want to live in a world without him.

  I felt a great weight leave my chest as I made the decision to call Carl in a few hours and tell him that I wanted out. Out of all the partners anyway, Carl was the only one that had any moral fortitude and perhaps could turn Winscott into the firm it should be, not what it currently was. He and Nicole could have it all, as far as I as concerned. My departure wouldn’t be a monetary burden on them either. I had no desire to be “bought out” since the money that “bought” me in was blood money anyway. So, Summerset it was. After all, people had taxes and financial issues that needed attending to, so I could stay and offer my services as Mrs. Audra Ronson.

  I just needed to make the phone call to Carl and Nicole and then break the news to my parents. I could just envision my father’s response when he heard I planned on living in such a small town and had given up my title as managing partner. He would never understand, but I really didn’t care anymore. He had never understood why I shunned the medical profession, and after I did, I was just another body he passed in the hall on the way to the bathroom. If he came around, great, but if he didn’t, that was his choice.

  Fully awake, I realized when my stomach growled that I was hungry again. Good grief, getting shot and being in a coma magically made me an eating machine. If I didn’t know any better, I would think I was pregnant since that was the last time I had such an appetite. Easing the covers back, I stifled my moan of pain as the muscles in my side contracted, making my wound throb. Even though I felt the pain, I still couldn’t really grasp the fact that a metal projectile ripped through my body after a former colleague tried to kill me. Out of all the people I could have envisioned resorting to violence, Kevin was at the bottom of that list.

  I stopped by the bathroom first, then crept into the kitchen and began rummaging through the fridge. I inhaled the delicious chicken that Steve had fixed yesterday like a ravenous dog.

  “Well, I’m glad to see that you enjoy my cooking,” Steve said from the doorway, his wavy hair mussed from going to bed with it damp, as I was sure mine was. “Watching you eat with such enthusiasm does this ol’ boy’s heart good.”

  “I didn’t mean to wake you. I promise I tried to be quiet,” I said, smiling as he sauntered over to me in nothing but a white towel resting on his waist. God, but the man was built. I couldn’t wait until I was completely pain free so I could reciprocate the pleasure he gave me last night. He bent down behind me and nuzzled my neck, the light stubble on his chin sending shivers down my back.

  “You didn’t,” he said, leaving my neck wanting more after he moved over the counter and began fixing some coffee. “I normally am up around this time anyway. You spoiled my plans though.”

  “Oh, and what plans were those?” I said, swallowing the last bite of the chicken.

  “Why, to surprise you with a feast in bed, of course. My plot to win you over through food won’t work if you keep beating me into the kitchen.”

  I laughed, and it surprised even my own ears when I recognized the giddy school-girl pitch. “I believe you have that backwards. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, not the other way around.”

  Coffee fixed and brewing, he was standing next to me, his eyes playful.

  “Oh, so tell me, what course do I need to take to win over this woman’s heart?” His fingertips barely touched my skin as he placed his hand over my heart.

  “You should know the answer to that question since it’s already yours.”

  The depth of love that sprang into his eyes left me breathless, but he quickly followed that mesmerizing glance with a playful twinkle once again.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. You said last night you would marry me. No backing out now.”

  He kissed me long and deep, his fingers gently toying with the ring on my left finger.

  “Let’s go see if we can work off that chicken so I can fix you a real breakfast.”

  AN hour later, I sat in the kitchen, all aglow from another romp in the shower, and watched him whiz around like a master chef. The brilliant red glow from the sun lit up the entire room through the large picture glass windows. It gave the whole house an ethereal feel to it. Steve flipped the sizzling bacon, walked over to the table with a fresh carafe of coffee, and refilled my mug.

  “So, my love, what’s on the agenda for today?”

  Pausing to take a sip of the fresh nectar, I waited until he walked back over to the stove before I answered.

  “Well, at precisely eight o’clock, I plan on having a conference call with Carl and Nicole to tell them I am stepping down as managing partner and officially resigning from Winscott.”

  He almost dropped his spatula. He recovered it just before it hit the ground, then set it on the counter and in a flash, was sitting next to me.

  “Say that again.”

  “Still have water in your ears, baby? I said I was calling Carl and Nicole…”

  “No, not that part. The part about you stepping down.”

  I smiled at his astonishment. He wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding his excitement.

  “Earlier, I had a lot of time to think while I watched you sleep. You know that song by Aerosmith, “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing”? It kept playing in my mind while I cuddled against you and, well, I realized I don’t. I don’t want to miss another morning of waking up without you.”

  Tears sprang into his eyes, which immediately made my own appear. The look of relief that spread across his face was genuine. He reached up and cupped my face in his rough hands that smelled faintly of bacon and coffee, his touch gentle as he pulled me closer for a tender kiss.

  I pulled away first, afraid that if I didn’t, we would wind up rolling around on the table or even the floor, and I knew my wound would give me fits.

  “So, I take it from your response that you have no problem marrying a woman that doesn’t have a job?”

  He threw his head back and laughed, then stood up quickly when the smell of burning bacon hit us both.

  “Honey, I would work 24/7 if it meant you didn’t step foot back in that hellhole. I actually prayed on several occasions for the right words to convince you not to go back. Seems my prayers were answered without me having to utter a word.”

  “Fortunately, that will not be necessary. I have plenty of money. I didn’t spend too much of my income during the past five years. I was too busy doing other things.”

  We chatted a little longer over breakfast about my decision, our upcoming nuptials, and where we should go on our honeymoon. I was surprised when he said he had always wanted to visit Tahiti—which was top on my list of places to see before I died—and decided we would have a destination wed
ding there. In a one of those little bungalows that sat above the water. It was the perfect morning.

  Steve rose and began to clear the dishes.

  “It’s almost eight, my dear. Do you want me to bring you my phone, or would you prefer some privacy? I can carry you to the living room or back to the bedroom.”

  I snorted, splashing coffee on the table.

  “Carry me? My legs aren’t broken, nor are any other bones. I just have a nice little hole in my side, which isn’t enough to render me immobile.”

  Even through his heavy tan, I could see a creeping of crimson flush into his cheeks.

  “Sorry. I know, I know…I’m overfretting, aren’t I?”

  “Um, yes. But I love you for it,” I said, standing up and stretching on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. “I think I will sit and gaze out at the fabulous sunrise while I make the call.”

  While he finished cleaning up the enormous pile of dishes from the yummy breakfast, I settled on the couch with the phone. Even though I had no doubt that I was doing the right thing, I still felt antsy while I dialed the number.

  “Winscott and Associates…how may I direct your call?”

  “Good morning, Denise.”

  I had to hold the phone away from my ear at Denise’s loud response.

  “Ms. Tanner! Oh, wow, I can’t believe it’s you! How are you? Where are you? We miss you terribly!”

  “Denise, you can calm down now. I’m fine, really. Just resting up here in Summerset. I would love to visit, and I promise to do so later, but right now, I need you to tell me if Nicole and Carl have made it in yet?”

  “Oh, please do! We have all been so worried. It’s all we can talk about here.”

  I cleared my throat, which seemed to steer her back to my question.

  “Carl and Nicole are both here. Which one do you want to speak to first?”

  “Actually, I was hoping that you could conference them both in, please.”

  “Sure thing, Ms. Tanner. But, before I do, I just want to tell you how sorry we all are for what happened. And to tell you that all of us gals here at the office think you are great.”

  “How very kind of you, Denise. Please pass along my thanks to all the ‘gals.’”

  “I certainly will! Hang on and let me connect you.”

  It only took a few seconds before all three of us were on the line.

  “Audra! Dear, how are you feeling?” Nicole said.

  “I’m fine. Still a little sore, but fine. Dare I ask how things are there?”

  Carl responded to that question. “Well, let’s just say interesting and leave it at that. You don’t need to concern yourself with this place anyway. You should be concentrating on getting better so you can come back. The office isn’t the same without you.”

  “Well, actually, that’s why I called this morning…to discuss…”

  Nicole cut me off. “Please don’t say that you will be back at work tomorrow or some asinine comment about putting the firm before your health. We can manage just fine until you are fully ready to return.”

  No way to break it easy, so I just decided to drop the bomb.

  “What I was going to say is that I don’t plan on coming back. Ever. Steve has asked me to marry him, and I said yes. This call is to advise you both that I am officially resigning as managing partner and quitting, and that I will support whichever one of you steps up to the task.”

  There was a long period of silence before either one of them spoke. Carl was the first one to speak.

  “Audra, first of all, congratulations on your engagement. I wish you both the best. Secondly, I can’t speak for Nicole, but as for me, I don’t blame you one at all for not wanting to come back. I have been thinking about an extended vacation in Hawaii myself. Things are so out of control here….” He stopped, his voice betraying his emotions.

  Nicole jumped right in, just as I suspected she would.

  “Snatching up that handsome cowboy, huh? Well, good for you. He sure is a fine young thing and seemed beyond devoted to you while you were at death’s door. But really…you are going to give your career up? Is he that good in bed?”

  “Jesus, Nicole, really?” Carl said, and I had to control myself before I laughed out loud as I envisioned the look of shock that was probably on his face.

  “Oh, you know me, Carl. Not afraid to speak what’s on my mind.”

  “No, that certainly has never been your problem,” Carl shot back.

  I could tell from the tension in their voices that things were about to get heated, so I intervened.

  “Listen, I know this decision is sort of, well, shocking, but I believe it is the right one, not only for me, but both of you and the firm. I don’t have the drive or ambition anymore after everything that has happened. So, I will ask you both again—which one of you wants the keys to the kingdom?”

  “Well, I have never wanted that responsibility in the past, and after the last week, I can assure you that was enough for me. So, Nicole, I nominate you.”

  Nicole sighed heavily before she responded.

  “We have a few little items to address before this decision is solidified. One thing that we have yet to discuss with you, Audra, is the fact that Eric’s back, and as of last night has graciously offered to come out of retirement during the difficult time for the firm and help out. Of course, he is doing so for his own personal reasons, not just to aide us. Carl and I discussed this at length yesterday, and we both feel that his return will help us out. Do you have a problem with Eric returning as an equity partner?”

  I was taken aback at that but recovered quickly. If it meant that another paddler was in the boat helping to sail the ship, then more power to him.

  “Of course not, if that is really what you all agree would be the wisest choice.”

  “We do, Audra, especially since you’re resigning. We will need all the help we can get. So, that’s settled, right? Eric’s officially an equity partner again? He offered last night to divert his stipend back into the firm’s coffers and forego any pay until we turn the corner.”

  Carl and I both replied “Yes” simultaneously.

  “Good. That’s settled. Now, back to you, Audra. I know your memory is somewhat murky right now, but I hope you remember the cash flow issues we had, and still have. It will take us a while to officially buy you out.”

  “I have no interest in that blood money, Nicole. So, consider my resignation tendered without the need for a payout. I am walking away free and clear with no more ties to Winscott.”

  “Audra, are you sure? After everything that has happened, if anyone deserves a huge chunk of cash from this place, it’s you,” Carl said.

  “Believe me, I want no part of it. Besides, I have more than I could ever spend anyway. Consider it my parting gift to you both.”

  Nicole didn’t waste any time, which I counted on. “Deal. So, it’s official: I am the new managing partner.”

  “Well, it’s not quite official until the necessary documents are drawn up and signed, but tentatively, yes,” Carl said, his voice a mixture of relief and sadness.

  “Tomorrow, I will be in town for Gabby’s funeral, so perhaps we could meet up and sign them?” I said, trying to keep my voice steady when I spoke Gabby’s name.

  “My wife and I will be there. What about you, Nicole?”

  “Of course. I still can’t believe she’s dead. But do you really think we should conduct business at a funeral? Seems kind of morbid to me.”

  “I agree. We are having dinner with my parents later tomorrow, so maybe Steve and I could meet one of you on our way out of town?”

  “Why don’t you just come by my house, Audra? It’s closer to the freeway than Carl’s. What time do you think it would be?” Nicole replied.

  “We are to be at my parents by six, so around eight or eight thirty maybe?”

  “Great! Carl, will you take care of drawing the proper forms up and deliver them to me before you leave today? We can sign our parts here…then I
’ll take them home.”

  We hammered out the final particulars of the deal, and then Carl hung up to take another call.

  “Nicole, since it’s just the two of us, I need to have just a few more minutes of your time.”

  “Well of course. What’s up?” she said, the lilt in her voice revealing her excitement about the recent turn of events. Once again, a female was running the testosterone monolith of Winscott after a strange turn of events.

  I cleared my throat and began.

  “The last few days, I have done a lot of soul searching. Things have happened that have forever altered all of our lives. I just wanted you to know that I am sorry that you, and other hapless victims, got drug through the wringer with me. None of this was ever my intent and not something I could have concocted even in my wildest dreams. Had I known that this would be the final act of my ill-formed plan, I would have never put it into motion.” I stopped, feeling my vocal chords tighten at the lump in my throat.

  “Stop right there, my friend. You didn’t do this. Piper and Kevin did. I, unlike you, have no loss of memory, and I recall that it was Kevin that kidnapped us, and he and Piper planned on killing us both. I’m just sorry that I couldn’t wrestle the gun from his hands in time.”

  “Please, don’t be. You grabbing that gun and risking your life to save mine, well, I don’t think I can convey how thankful I am for that. One thing I have learned throughout all of this is to be grateful for each moment since it could be your last. I just, well, I just wanted you to know I am sorry for what happened to you. By the sound of things, though, it seems you will find your happy ending—as I have found mine—now that Eric is back. I hope it’s not too presumptuous of me to assume that you two are, um, back together?”


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