Project X

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Project X Page 8

by Watkins, TM

  Blake casually hobbled his way over to us, joining us in our forbidden misbehavior and somehow the conversation went from where we had gotten our little stash from to sex. Amber wasn't the slightest bit interested in jocks, she preferred to debate with the debate team as she put it. So that was why she was more than happy to stand guard at the entrance while I fumbled my way through a gross and sticky experience. There was no pleasure for this little outcast, no the captain of the football team was out for his own pleasure, his dirty and dark secret that no one would ever know about. Except Amber who I knew would keep the secret forever, taking it to her grave.

  So that was it, that was my sex life in a nutshell. Showing my newly formed breasts to a little pervert and jerking a guy at a sporting event. Understandably, I was becoming increasingly nervous with Dorian and his hand. Do I blurt it out and say, hey I've never done this before? Before I could even say a word his hand slipped away and reached for my jaw, caressing it. I could feel the other one toying with the necklace. I knew what was coming, I feared it. Oh yes, that other thing I hadn't done? Kissed a boy. Okay, so I kissed Amber once. She had this whole, 'I'm curious and can you help your gal pal out?' thing a few years back so we kissed. Yeah, it was good and yes we both enjoyed it but it wasn't a path that either of us were interested in as a permanent thing. We both agreed that it wasn't for us but maybe we might revisit it again, if we were drunk enough. That hadn't happened.

  I was so engrossed in thinking about my past dalliances that I hadn't noticed how much closer Dorian had gotten. Change of career for KC? Oh yeah, she was letting her game slip. My head was turned and his lips were on mine and suddenly I was grateful for Amber's curiosity. At least I wouldn't look like a complete idiot. The kiss was soft and gentle, almost like he could feel the anxiety I held because of my inexperience. With each second that passed I was gaining more confidence, slowly opening to his demands.

  It was a shock at first when I felt his tongue dart in but mercifully I did not flinch. I was a great actor, I was keeping my cool even though my mind was screaming and my heart was hammering. Slowly he pulled out of the kiss, dragging his lips over my bottom lip with a little tug. It left me breathless and desperate for another one. Screw the mission, I wanted nothing more than another kiss. Hell, what was wrong with me? My father would be furious if I dropped the mission.

  “Your heart.” Dorian grinned as he pressed his hand flat against my sternum. “My, my Miss Ryan, how hard you beat for this man.”

  The rattle of glass ended our moment, Dorian turned to the servers who had arrived. My body felt bereft of his touch, no longer wrapped in his embrace all I had was his body next to mine and I wanted to sulk. One little kiss and I was a mess. God help me if we ever took this further.

  I looked at the table with dismay, there was a platter of fruits to dip into the chocolate fondue, two little glass bowls that were filled with chocolate mousse and a three tiered platter that was filled with bonbons and other assorted chocolates, biscuits that were either covered in or filled with chocolate and the tiniest chocolate muffins I had ever seen. I was going to be sick for sure. Another server arrived, this time with our drinks. They were in martini glasses, a thick brown substance with a strawberry impaled on a plastic stick and sitting artfully over the glass.

  “Please let us know when you require more refreshments.”

  Dorian nodded and Crystal quietly departed. I looked upon the spread the covered the entire table and wondered why Dorian thought that we would be able to consume all of this. Sure, I liked food but hell, not this much. Not so much of one thing that I might actually be sick. The name was right, Death by Chocolate indeed.

  Chapter 16: Front door shenanigans

  I wasn't dead but I was sure going to hell. Being drunk with my boss wasn't ideal, but I was too full of chocolate and some kind of alcoholic chocolate drink to care. When Dorian had his fill and had consumed far too much of the mystery brown goo, his arm was behind me again. The other hand was yet to make an appearance but I figured the octopus wasn't too far away. The back of the seat for the booth was at the right height for him to comfortably place his arm along it.

  I hadn't noticed its appearance at first, he had been subtle in his movements again. When his hand finally reached skin I jumped with a gasp, earning myself a little chuckle. Once he had made skin to skin contact, he was more obvious with his movements. His fingers would trail along the exposed shoulder, it would toy with the knot of the dress and on occasion the necklace would move. It was rare at first, I figured he preferred the contact of bare skin but once he realized it was jiggling the other end, he was doing it more often. Why? Well that was because the other end was sitting in between my breasts and he took great delight in watching it move.

  When I stated that I couldn't stand the sight of chocolate and was far too drunk to stand up properly, Dorian settled the account and we staggered our way to the waiting car. Thank the stars for rich men and their drivers. The drive to the club had been quick or at least I thought it was quick because the drive home was the longest I had ever suffered. And yes it was that bad. I was filled with too much chocolate but that wasn't my concern. My concern was the amorous Dorian who had forgone safety in favor of pulling me onto his lap. I of course was too drunk to protest, couple that with the fact that I actually wanted more from him and well, I guess we can understand the sufferance. His hands were under my skirt and on my backside, pressing me hard against him as I straddled him. I was lavished with more of his incredible kisses, so much so that I thought that I might pass out from a lack of oxygen. That is of course if the chocolate poisoning didn’t get me first.

  I finally had a moment to think, his lips were kissing their way down my neck and though I don't remember it, his hand had ventured out from under my skirt. As his hand pressed against the material that sat over my breast and slowly pulled it aside, my hazy mind thought about it. I was screwing my way to the top, did I care? No. Why? Because I wasn't going to hang around for long enough to care. I had to remember my mission, I had to remember that I wanted to prove my worth within the team, I had to remember that my bastard of a father thought that I couldn't succeed. I was prepared to do anything to prove him wrong and if that meant losing my virginity to a man that may end up wanting me dead, then so be it. I just had to get the information and do it in a way that Dorian would never know.

  The car slowed and I almost fell forward, caught only by Dorian's swift grip. I stared down into those bright green eyes that were filled with drunken hope.

  “I uh, I have a confession. One that you might want to know before you decide what happens for the rest of the night.”

  His eyebrow raised slightly and it was likely that he had suddenly sobered.

  “What's that?” He said softly.

  “Well I haven't ever…. You know.” I shrugged.


  I shook my head, biting my lip with worry.

  “Don't do that Kasey.”

  His soft touch pulled my lip free, gently trailing over my chin. Dorian's eyes darted to the fast moving presence of his driver. I climbed off his lap and waited for the door to open and for Dorian to decide what he wanted to do. Nothing was said as the door swung open, Dorian got out and held his hand again, being the gentleman he always was regardless of how drunk he was or wasn't. I staggered as gracefully as I could, finding my keys in my bag and thankfully not dropping them. A shadow loomed over me as I sank the key into the lock.

  “What do you want to happen Kasey?”

  His voice was edgy but I couldn't help but detect the rawness of it. Like he craved for more but was wary of hurting me. I turned to look at him, his stature was dominating and darkened by the shadows. I shrugged unsure of what I really wanted. Sure, I wanted more with him but I fretted for the mission. It was a delicate balancing act and I wasn't sure how well I was balancing it at the moment. It was likely that I was tipping to one side.

  “What do you want?”

�� He whispered huskily. “But I don't want to force you or hurt you because we're both too drunk.”

  Dorian trailed his fingers over the necklace and then to the skin of my breast. I giggled slightly when it tickled, feeling lost when he moved to the fabric of the dress.

  “How is it that someone as beautiful as you, isn’t in a solid relationship?”

  Hmm, shall we take our pick of the choices? Unstable home life, daddy issues, mommy issues, brother issues, sister issues, insecurity and self-loathing, being labelled as weird because of my choice of friends, engrossed in trying to prove my worth within the spy company that you have no clue about. It was true, I had a few issues. I said nothing and just shrugged.

  “How about I stay but we take it easy or maybe not at all?”

  “Sure.” I whispered.

  Dorian waived the driver off, when he was gone he turned back to me.

  “So before tonight, how much?”

  “Not much at all.”

  “Kasey.” He chided with a frown.

  “Okay.” I rolled my eyes. “The boy next door got a peep show when I first got breasts and I jerked the captain of the football team under the bleachers at a game, happy?”

  I pushed through the door, angrier at myself than him. Of course Dorian didn't see it that way and murmured his apology after following me in. He pulled my arm to stop me, tugging me back to him.

  “Is your friend here?”

  “She went to her parents.”

  With a blur of movement mostly because I was still drunk, Dorian pulled me to his body and then turned us to the door. I was crushed between it and his body, the weight of him was pushing against my stomach, to my relief he pulled my legs around his waist and eased the pressure. His kiss was heavy and needy and all I could do was squeak in shock and then fold into his demanding kiss. Slowly he unraveled the knot and pulled the material down, exposing me to his soft caress.

  “We aren't going to tonight.” He whispered against my lips. “But we will certainly go exploring.”

  I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks, wondering what kind of exploring he wanted to do. My head swirled with the haze of alcohol and his attention, his lips slowly moving over my chest. I gasped when he drew me into his mouth, darting his tongue over me. When he retreated to my mouth again I slowly dragged my hands over his firm shoulders and to his shirt, unbuttoning and feeling the warmth below. Blake had never allowed such movement, just into his pants and fulfil his need. I could feel how much need Dorian had, it was pressed firmly in between my legs and the feeling of it was incredible. He lifted me off the door and carried me into my bedroom, letting my legs down when he had flicked away the shoes. The dress was shimmied down my body leaving me in a tiny pair of black underpants.

  “Incredible.” He whispered.

  I said nothing feeling too shy to offer thanks or even be embarrassed. Dorian shrugged off his jacket and tossed it to the chair that was nestled in the corner. I couldn't help but stare at him, even with the limited view of the chest below, I could see he was toned. He waited patiently with a smirk that was far cuter than I had ever seen. I pulled the shirt from his pants and undid the remaining buttons, pulling the shirt from his body. I was right, he was toned and it was stunning to look at. Dorian took my hands and pulled me closer again, putting them on the belt buckle. I could feel a shake building in my hands but I moved quickly and prayed that he didn't see it. The zip ran down, my fingers brushed against the fabric and he let out a soft guttural groan. His pants fell freely to the floor and even though I didn't want to be a tease, I couldn't help but touch the soft fabric of his shorts.

  “On the bed.”

  I grinned, his voice crackled with heat as he ordered me away from him. When he was divested of the shoes and socks and his pants were neatly stacked with the shirt and jacket, he sauntered his way to me. I had settled on the bed, resting against the metal bars of the headboard. Watching him with his stealth like movements, a predator that was watching his prey. He kneeled in between my legs, lowering to kiss one calf. I giggled when he crawled his way to me, kissing every so often. One finger traced over my underpants making me whimper with the pleasure it created. No sex tonight, just exploring? I really was in hell.

  Part 3: Avoiding temptation

  No matter what I had been told, I always believed

  that there was no one that could not be tempted.

  Everyone had a price. I was yet to see a person

  that could maintain a worthy façade, even under the

  easiest of scrutiny they would falter. All you had to do

  was watch them. With time, everyone would crumble

  to their own sins, but would I suffer such a fate?

  Chapter 17: So that's what the gloves are for

  I woke to a sunny morning, the warmth of it cascading through the window. Dorian was behind me, his arm wrapped over my waist, his breath was warm against my skin. My head was thumping loudly and when I opened my eyes, the sunlight made me wince. Damn you, alcohol! How dare you be so delicious and then be nasty to me afterwards? Dorian had remained the tease last night, giving me ecstasy but never robbing me of my virtue. No, that was for another night when we weren't drunk.

  My bedroom door was open, my assumption that Amber wouldn't return had been wrong. I could hear her potting around in the kitchen, humming softly. That was her way of saying hey, I'm up and so should you be. I knew I had to get up, I had to go to work. Of course I'd rather stay in bed and ride out the hangover but a girl had to work for a living. Or at least steal for a living. The dread of the future was beginning to burden me; I could feel the tight coil of self-hatred for what I was about to do to the man wrapped around me.

  He was awake, the arm that was lazily hanging over me dragged me closer to his body and to the reminder of how far things didn't go last night. Somewhere in the depths of my room I could hear a buzzing noise. I crinkled my nose at the sound, wondering if Amber had purchased herself a special friend and left it on. Dorian huffed and rolled away from me, I turned over to see him searching the pockets of his pants.

  “Yes?” He snapped.

  It was a sight, Dorian almost naked and talking to someone on his phone. I giggled softly and got up to close the door. I leaned on it and watched him dress one handed. It was the pants first and it was a struggle.

  “Alright. Ten minutes and no more.”

  The call ended and the phone was tossed onto the bed, Dorian continued to dress. Me? Well I was still in a little pair of knickers and nothing else.

  “You are a distraction Miss Ryan.”

  His tone was formal yet there was so much heat to it.

  “Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?”

  “I'd rather call in sick, entice the man that spent the night with me to do the same.”

  He chuckled and flicked on his shirt, wandering over to me.

  “He'd like to do that but sadly he has meetings to go to and I'm sure that the mail needs to be delivered.”

  “They can wait.”

  What was I saying? I had to go to work, I had to find the information and yet I was too engrossed in tempting the boss away from work and spending a lazy day in bed with him.

  “I doubt that the investors will appreciate me calling in sick because I want to do dirty things with a pretty woman.”

  His lips hovered over mine, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me tight to his body.

  “Maybe the mail might bring something to enlighten my day.” He whispered seductively.

  “Only if you keep Amy occupied elsewhere.”

  “I'm sure there is something that she needs to do on another floor.”

  Dorian quickly dressed and I wrapped myself in my silk kimono. It was the one thing that I did bring with me that was mine, it was the one thing that I took with me everywhere. In this one garment I could see the only piece of love that my father had ever showered upon me. He had gone to Japan for a meeting and brought it back for me. Tilley was a child at t
he time and she got a little doll, the boys had been given some robot fighting toy that was all the rage but me, I got a garment. It was almost like he recognized that I wasn't a little kid any more after all, I was twelve. The boys were given the same thing and my father could have easily given me the same doll as Tilley but he didn't and I was oddly appreciative of it.

  I was at the door, Dorian was dressed and ready to leave, the driver had just arrived. Dorian had to leave early because he had to go home and freshen up for the new working day. I offered to call in sick for him and therefore he wouldn't have to leave, even my pout didn't work. As he leaned in to kiss me I caressed his jaw, feeling the sharp bite of the stubble.

  With that soft kiss he was gone and I leaned on the door feeling more confused than ever before.

  “KC and Dorian sitting in a tree…” Amber sung as she giggled.

  “Shut up.”

  She smirked and put a bowl of cereal on the breakfast bar for me.

  “So how was losing it for you?”

  “We didn't.”

  Amber looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “So I spent a night of listening to my parents as they argued, lectured and questioned me for what? Nothing? Girl you need to screw that head on right now and get into his pants.”

  “Do you hear yourself?” I mumbled with a mouth full of cereal.

  Out came the magna doodle and seconds later she turned it around.


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