Moonlight's Gift (Moonlight Series Book 2)

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Moonlight's Gift (Moonlight Series Book 2) Page 5

by Ashlynn Monroe

  “Are we in danger?”

  “The moment the moon touched your daughter, and she was reborn you were both in danger. When will you ask Law to bite you?”


  Law pounded on Ethan’s door. The place remained dark and quiet. Law banged harder. “Ethan!” A light flipped on. Law watched through the beveled glass as a figure moved inside.

  Ethan opened the door. “Law?”

  “I have an important job for you.”

  “Fuck you. I’m going back to bed unless you plan to beat the shit out of me again?” Ethan started to shut the door.

  “Sabrina Johnson.”

  Ethan froze. “What about her?”

  “She’s here in the common house. Rogues attacked, and she learned about what we are, but she doesn’t seem to remember. Kane will kill her if we don’t do this right. I need someone I trust with her.”

  Ethan snorted. “Why me? I shot your woman.”

  “Because I’ve seen the way you look at Sabrina.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure a lot of guys look at her, she’s hot.”

  “You aren’t most guys. I’ve known you our whole lives.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “By giving her your protection and telling her the truth—carefully.”

  Ethan took a step back. “You’ve got to be kidding. I thought midnight pranks ended when we were fourteen?”

  “I’m serious. I’ll never forgive your idiot mistake, but I know you weren’t trying to kill my mate. If you ever put Bianca’s life in danger again I will kill you, but you love this pack, and that makes me trust you to do the right thing.”

  “Just because you were stupid enough to mate a human doesn’t make it any more acceptable. My mother would kill me.”

  “You’re going to let your mother decide if Sabrina lives or dies? You’re going to let her pick your mate?”

  “Find another way to keep her alive.” Ethan tried to shut the door in Law’s face.

  Law used his foot to avoid the shutout. “Kane has made it clear that she dies if she’s a threat. I’m surprised he hasn’t already demanded she die. He’s been a bit different, but I know he won’t overlook a risk like this. He needs to know she has a vested interest in keeping the secret.”

  Ethan ran his hand through his shaggy, dark-blond hair. “You fucking owe me.”

  Law nodded, unsure of what else to say at this point. He turned to walk back to the house as the fall chill made him regret not grabbing a jacket. The seasons were changing, and so was his pack. When Law opened the door, Nik was waiting for him in the Kitchen.

  “You fucking owe me,” Nik said. Seems to be a lot of that going around today. Nik’s eyes narrowed, but then he sighed. “The urge to go to Joy is getting harder for me to resist. Did you know it would be like this, that I’d suffer, when you told me I couldn’t let her know I’d claimed her?” There was a pleading quality in the way Nik asked the question. Guilt stabbed Law in the heart.

  Law shook his head. How do I tell him I knew exactly how bad abstaining from her would be? Time to change the subject. “I need you to look for Bianca.”

  Nik’s eyes glowed green as he frowned. His lips twisted as anger radiated from him so strongly Law felt the emotion with their pack bond. “You’re depriving me of my mate, but you want me to help you find yours? Why should I?”

  “Giving Joy space is for her own good.” Law ran his hand through his hair. “And for yours. She’s been through a lot.”

  Nik growled. “Don’t you think I know that? Since I claimed her, I’ve been in sync with her, and I feel her pain. She’s not stupid; she’ll figure it out.”

  Law put his hands out in front of him and sighed. “Let’s just give her more time to adjust to being home. Please. If you genuinely care for her, don’t push her.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Nik wasn’t concealing his stubborn side. “Yeah, but keeping the fact I gave her my protection so Kane wouldn’t kill her from Joy might not be best. She wasn’t part of Tobias’ rogue pack by choice. Kort knew they kidnapped her and he never said anything.”

  Law’s fists clenched so hard his arms shook at his sides. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Get in line. We can’t change what happened, but we can work to help her now. She has a right to know. I need to claim her, completely.”

  Law’s brows drew together, and his lips compressed tightly as his nostrils flared. He saw red. “No, you don’t. As your alpha I demand you keep your hands off my sister.”

  Nik’s eyes widened. “She’s my mate. My right is greater than yours.”

  “I’m alpha.”

  Nik slammed his hand down on the kitchen table. “Deal with Bianca yourself. I’m done with you and your bullshit until you let me have my woman. Find another beta wolf.”

  They glared at each other. He’s my best friend I can’t believe it’s come to this, but I failed my sister once, and I owe it to her to protect her now. Nik stomped out the mudroom door, slamming it.


  “He wouldn’t bite me,” Bianca said.

  Pearl’s brow furrowed. “I like you. I’d hate to see the day dawn when the wrong person doesn’t. Your daughter needs you, especially now.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Bianca’s eyebrow rose.

  “Of course not, but I don’t think you comprehend your humanity can get you killed.”

  Bianca clucked her tongue, and the left corner of her mouth dipped down. She shook her head. “No one is immortal.”

  “You’d be surprised.” Pearl’s dry tone caused Bianca’s eyes to widen.

  Bianca scowled “What does that mean?”

  “You’re not ready to know any more than you do.”

  Pearl was right. Bianca’s mind whirled, so she didn’t press the question further. “I don’t think becoming a werewolf is my destiny.”

  “Destiny is a heavy word to throw around.” Pearl shrugged. “Don’t worry about offending me. It’s been wonderful talking to you. I’ve never spoken to a human about our world. I also don’t get a chance to talk to other women very often.”

  “I’ll have to come by to visit again once I’ve figured out how to help Chessa,” Bianca said.

  “She’s doesn’t need help; she needs understanding.”

  Bianca frowned. “I want to understand.”

  “I know you do. It’s passed our bedtime. I’ll bring you in a nightgown; we look to be about the same size. Do you take a twelve?”

  “Yes, good guess.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Pearl left, and Bianca’s gaze traveled around the dim room. A slightly musty scent told her this room didn’t see a lot of use. The slightest waft of lilac perfume lingered here too. Bianca rubbed her arms as goose bumps prickled on her skin. There were a lot of pictures on one wall, pictures of what appeared to be a young Kane growing up. Lace doilies graced the dark, antique furniture. She stood and walked over to one of the pictures. Her mother, Joslyn couldn’t have been older than fourteen, stood next to young Kane and a pretty young woman.

  “That was your mother with Kane and Barbara. Barbara was Kane’s mother. This was her room.”

  Bianca jumped at the sound of Pearl’s voice. “You scared me.” She put her hand over her racing heart.

  “Don’t look so terrified. She didn’t die in this room her last years were spent in the nursing home up on the hill. Kane loved his mother very much. Her death was hard on him.”

  “Why did he want me in her room?”

  Pearl shrugged. “I’m as surprised as you are. Barbara was a very tough woman. She worked very hard to support her husband’s ruthless rule. Kane learned a lot from her.”

  Bianca shivered. “It’s hard to believe my mother lived with werewolves. I feel like the teenager in this picture is a stranger.”

  Pearl sighed. “Barbara told me she reached out to your mother several times after you were born. She wanted to know you, and she missed your mother. Barbara
always lamented the fact she didn’t have a granddaughter. She would have spoiled you if she’d had the chance.”

  Bianca sat down on the bed. Exhaustion and pain sapped her strength, but her mind was full of questions, so sleep wasn’t an option. “Didn’t my mother like her?”

  “Your mother loved her, but everything changed after she married your—Travis.”

  Bianca looked away; she didn’t want Pearl to see the pain flooding her as she was reminded of the lies she’d lived. “I wish my mom was alive to tell me why she hid the truth.”

  “Our world is dangerous, especially for a human. If you’d known about us would you have wanted to raise Chessa in our world?”

  Bianca imagined the alternative reality where Joslyn had confessed her sins to her daughter instead of her husband as she died. Would I have run out to look for the man who’d contributed to my DNA? “I’d have run away. I’d have taken Chessa somewhere she’d have been safe from a bite.”

  “Exactly. Knowing Jossy, that’s probably what she was thinking. You remind me of her.”

  “Jossy? I’ve never heard anyone call my mother anything but Joslyn.”

  “That’s what the Wolfes’ called her. Your parents took you all over the world. I think they were trying to find a nice place to raise you that felt like home, but they always came back here. Something gets in your blood after living in this town. Maybe it’s in the water.”

  “It drew Lucas back, and he died.”

  “Like I said, this isn’t a safe place for a human. Straddling our world never ends well. Consider that if Mr. Foster offers you the bite.”

  “Law would never hurt me.”

  “A mated male is protective. Your safety is always on his mind. Making you stronger will tempt your man and given your recent injury, I wouldn’t be surprised if he offers you the bite when he sees you again.”

  The nape of Bianca’s neck tingled. Like I wasn’t worried enough about seeing him after telling him I loved him for the first time?

  Pearl turned to leave, but Bianca grabbed her hand. Pearl looked down with her sad brown eyes. “Thank you for talking about my mother. It’s as if I’m just starting to get to know her, and you’ve given me a gift tonight.”

  Pearl nodded. “You come and see me again. I’ll tell you more stories about Jossy—Joslyn.”

  “Thank you, Pearl. That means a lot to me.”

  “You rest now. We eat breakfast with the boys before they go to school, but you rest. I’ll save you some if you sleep in. Goodnight.”

  Bianca noticed a folded nightgown sitting on the dresser as Pearl shut the door. She stood up and put the sleepwear on, leaving her clothing in a pile. Her eye caught the picture of her mother. She took it off the wall and shut off the light as she made her way to the bed. Bianca lay on her uninjured side, looking at the picture. Her mother appeared so young and happy. She’d only seen one other picture of her mother as a teenager, and that one was a professional portrait. This picture captured her mother far better.

  Young Joslyn wore flowers in her hair, stood grinning barefoot. Her adorable sundress fit her personality well. Young Kane scowled, serious, and maybe a little grumpy to be in the picture. Barbara Wolfe didn’t appear ruthless, but looks could be deceiving.

  “Mom, why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve handled it,” Bianca said to the picture. Feeling foolish, she yawned. Her gaze didn’t leave her mother’s young face until her eyes fluttered shut from exhaustion.


  Ethan went upstairs. I hate the way Law makes us treat humans equally. Still, here I am doing his bidding. Sabrina wasn’t just any human. Ethan stood by the door, his hand in the air, poised to knock. What am I going to say? Clenching his jaw, he let go of a long, deep breath; Ethan rapped his knuckles against the wood.

  “Who’s there?”

  The sound of her heart beating too fast bothered him. “Ethan Dupree.”

  As her heart slowed a little he grinned for some inexplicable reason; her response pleased him. “Ethan? Come in,” Sabrina called.

  He opened the door. She sat on the bed. The corners of her lips tilted up a bit. “I’m so glad to see a friendly face.”

  “You’ve had some adventure, huh? I heard some punks vandalized the community center. What do you remember?” Ethan rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs. Can she tell how nervous I am?

  “It’s really fuzzy. I need someone to take me to the emergency room, no offense, but I want a real doctor.”

  “I understand. I’ll take you into town, but I’d like to stay with you.”

  “Are you kidding?” Sabrina’s horrified expression was not helping him do what he was about to do.

  “I’m serious. You shouldn’t go home alone with a head injury.”

  “How do you know I live alone?” The defensive quality in her tone made him chuckle.

  Ethan shook his head. “This is a hell of a small town. Unless the gossip mill is slower than usual, you still live alone.”

  Sabrina’s body sagged, and the tension left her shoulders. She let out an annoyed huff. Ethan gazed at her. I feel like an idiot. She’s so beautiful. It’s like I’m a kid with my first crush.

  Sabrina frowned. “Maybe I’ll just call Bianca. My memory is jumbled I feel like I called her, maybe? Holy cow, did anyone grab my purse?”

  “As far as I know they only brought you. I’m sure Law will replace anything that’s been stolen. You let him know, and he’ll make it right.”

  “Law is a weird guy.”

  Ethan laughed and relaxed a bit. We’re having a conversation, and she hasn’t run screaming from the room. Maybe I can do this. “Yeah, you have no idea, but just let him know what to replace.”

  “Joy said you guys are into natural medicine. What kind of religion or whatever, do you all practice out here? I’ve been curious ever since I moved to town.”

  Fuckityfuckery. Ethan ran his hand through his hair and looked away. “Um, not a religion, it’s not like we’re a cult. Our grandparents had some similar values and wanted to be self-sufficient. I grew up here. It’s a good life.”

  She nodded. “That’s still strange, but it’s nice to have family around.”

  “Do you have a family somewhere? Not too many people move to Wild Rose Valley unless they have a biological connection to someone here.”

  She nibbled on her lip. She’s stalling. Must be a good story. “I got the job at the community center. It’s nice to put my human services degree to good use.”

  Ethan narrowed his eyes, and his head tilted to the side. Wolves hearing was so much better than human hearing. The change in her heartbeat and breathing made it clear she lied, or at the least withheld part of her reason. I guess we’re all entitled to our secrets. How can I trust her with mine if she won’t trust me with hers?

  “You and Bianca keep that center running against some tough odds. I’ve seen all the fundraising you’ve done. I’m sure I’m not the only person around here who respect your efforts.”

  “I just wish Mayor Wolfe saw things your way. I can’t believe how people let him dictate every little detail around here. There is a lot of nutty stuff about the town, but I still like it here. Speaking of crazy, can I get that ride to a real doctor? I feel sick to my stomach. I might have a concussion.” She tried to stand but wobbled. Ethan lunged forward and caught her elbow before she tipped over. Sabrina blinked up at him and her mahogany gaze held him in wonderment. She smells like vanilla and sunshine.

  His breathing quickened. “I give you my protection.” The words were out before he realized what he was saying.


  Law followed Nik outside. He trusted his best friend, and if anyone was going to be in charge while he looked for Bianca, it was Nik. Joy is right. I have to find my woman. “Wait,” Law called. Nik turned, standing next to the common house. “I understand why you’re mad. I do. Give Joy a week. Then if she’s managing, tell her.”

  Nik frowned. “It’s wrong for you to ask me to wait. She�
�s alive because of my claim.”

  “You’re a good man; you have to see the wisdom in waiting. I know how hard it is when you have to keep your wolf from acting. It hasn’t been easy with Bianca, but she’s still with me and didn’t run. She’s accepting our bond because I took it easy.”

  Nik crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve never had your will power.”

  “I know, and so does Joy. When you finally tell her, she’ll see how much you love her.”


  “Since you were old enough to have an interest in girls you’ve had your eyes on my sister. If I’d known Clint wasn’t her choice, I’d have brought her home years ago. I’m pissed at myself for not trusting my gut.”

  Nik nodded. “Do you think I’m not? I can feel her pain. Damn it! We shouldn’t have let your dad convince us to let her go.”

  Law leaned against the porch. He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re a man I’d trust with her, but you have to take it slow. I also trust you with the pack, and I need to find Bianca.”

  Nik sighed. He ran his hand through his dark, shaggy hair. “Fine. Fuck me, but fine.”

  “You’ll be thanking me, you’ll see, but right now I need to thank you. I know you love my sister, and she deserves to be loved.”

  Nik shrugged. “I guess I can be patient—for Joy’s sake. Find your mate. Bianca is one of us now, human or not. Have you tried to call her phone?”

  Law grimaced. “We skipped the number exchange phase and went right to lifelong commitment.”

  “There’s a lot of that going around.”

  Law grinned and shook his head slowly. “You have no idea.” Nik’s eyebrow cocked up. Law uncrossed his arms and moved away from the wall. “Ethan is handling Sabrina.”

  “Ethan!” Nik growled low in his throat as he glared at Law. “How can you trust something like this to that jackass?”

  “Because he’s giving her his protection.”

  Nik’s mouth fell open. His brows drew together, and he whistled. “You sure?”


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