The Good Sister: Part One

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The Good Sister: Part One Page 13

by London Saint James

  “You have a beautiful, melodic voice,” he replied. I bowed my head, tried to smile prettily. “Might you reveal more? By the accent in which you speak, you are American, correct?”

  “Yes, my lord,” I replied. I used how Jacqueline spoke to him as my point of reference.

  He reached out and placed the pad of his thumb to the corner of my mouth. I was unsure of what to do, but he obviously felt the need to touch me. “You need not call me my lord. My given name is Ashton.”

  “You would like me to call you Ashton?”

  “Yes, my dove.”

  “Ashton,” I said. “I like your name.” I paused. “Please know I do not think of you as a devil. I could not speak freely when we met, but you need to know I—”

  Ashton’s brow rose in what seemed pleasant surprise. “I am blessed then.”


  “Yes, my dove. You looked at me as though I frightened you, as if you thought me to be some sort of devil. I am blessed you think not.”

  “No, but in all honesty your eyes shock me. I have never seen such eyes before,” I admitted then wondered at my boldness.

  “And may I say the same? I have never seen such eyes before. Your eyes, my dove, are infused with the color of emeralds,” he said before he removed his thumb from the corner of my mouth.

  I felt the urge to look down, tuck my chin from his piercing gaze, but I did not. I held my gaze, clearly unwilling to look away from him. The color changed from white to blue. His pupils pulsed. I shivered.

  “Are you cold?” he asked. Without waiting for my response he gallantly removed his suit coat and placed it around my shoulders. His coat engulfed my small body.

  It took everything within me to hold back from lifting his coat to my nose. He smelled of sweetness and spice. I wasn’t sure, but the sent was one of some sort of exotic mixture of cologne. It was musk, infused with a kick of hot spice along with sweetness found in caramel and ginger. Whatever it was smelled wonderful.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  His eyes seemed to touch me, even though nothing but his coat was touching me. Maybe he was some sort of devil and his eyes were filled with mystic power?

  “How old are you, my dove?” He hesitated then added, “If I may be so bold as to inquire?”

  “I will be nineteen, next Friday.”

  My answer pleased him. The corners of his mouth turned up. Ashton tilted his head.

  “How old are you?” I asked then realized this was probably not a proper question to ask of him.

  Ashton let out a low laugh. I’d amused him.

  “I am twenty-seven, my dove. Do I appear ancient in your eyes?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Very good.”

  Unable to stop myself, I watched as he moved his arm. Intrigued at how the material of his dark dress shirt tightened, then relaxed across his chest. In truth I had never noticed any other man in any other way besides Reid until him.

  “Are you from England, my lord?”

  “Yes, however I spend a great deal of my time in France.”

  There was something about his voice separate from the British accent. He spoke with a cadence, a smoothness that lulled me into a sense of security. This was strange, unfamiliar territory for me. Lord Archer had the kind of voice that could entice me to wrap up into the cradle of his arms, place my head against his chest, and sleep without the appearance of bad dreams.

  Maybe he was an angel after all?

  I crossed my leg. With a quick glance down, I realized the side slit in my dress was showing more leg than I felt comfortable. I tried to pull the dress together.

  “No,” Ashton said, stopping my hand with his, “you have no idea how spectacular you are. Please, do not become self-conscious.”

  I stopped, and for some reason I could not comprehend, I gave him what he asked for. I allowed the dress to fall as it may, exposing my bare leg for his view. He moved his hand back. With his movement I noticed a ring on his pinky finger. It was gold encrusted with some sort of crest.

  “Will you tell me your name?” he asked. “I promise it shall stay with me and no one else shall know of it.”

  “Trinity,” I answered.


  “Fitting?” I asked.

  “You are the holy Trinity. You, my dove, are beauty, elegance, and grace,” he said as he brushed his fingers along the back of my hand in an erotic motion. “My dove, will you allow me to see you, your face?”

  I had no idea why I was doing this, but I wanted him to see me. I didn’t want anything hidden between us, I wanted … what?

  “Yes,” I said.

  Ashton reached out and untied the mask. Slowly, he revealed my face to him. The ribbon on the mask loosened. I closed my eyes and hoped he would not be disappointed in what he found beneath. I held my breath. The right side of the mask moved, lifted, but nothing about the removal was done in haste…

  The moment the mask was gone, he reached out and touched my face, palming my cheek. He touched me like I was precious, fragile, as if I would shatter like glass. I opened my eyes to see Lord Archer’s white eyes as they shifted into molten silver.

  “Trinity, my dove,” he whispered into my ear. The warmth of his breath gusted across my bare neck. “In all of my life I have never looked upon such flawless beauty. I assure you, if I were to die in this moment, I would know what heaven was by gazing upon your perfection.”

  I never imagined such words being spoken of me, to me. I was drawn to him, his eyes, his voice, and his words. I gazed up. Ashton’s face, his mouth, lingered scant inches from my mouth. He stroked my cheek, plucking sensations I’d never known from my skin. His thumb moved to the swell of my lips, his body shifted in closer to me.

  God, I wanted to feel his mouth upon mine.

  The parlor room doors rattled. Someone was coming in. I pulled my body back, stiffly, then reached to tug the mask from Ashton’s hand. Without any hesitation, I placed it back to my face. I turned my back to the doors quickly, tying the silk string, securing the mask in place.

  “Ah, Mr. Addison,” he said with a sour tone of displeasure. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  Reid’s voice encased me. “I wondered where you had gone, Archer. I wanted to meet the woman whom you stole away.”

  Keeping my back to the door, to Reid, I leaned over toward Ashton. I whispered into Ashton’s ear, “I cannot meet him or speak with him. He cannot see me or know who I am.”

  Ashton gave an evil grin.

  “I am sorry, but my dove is not interested in meeting you,” he informed while turning back to see Reid who was standing a little bit closer.

  “Is that what she said?” Reid inquired, his voice not quite polite.

  Lord Archer lifted a brow, incredulous. “Yes. Pray tell, why would I lie?”

  “Is this what you truly wish?” Reid asked of me. He moved closer to the back of the loveseat.

  I turned. Gazed at Reid. I saw the harsh planes to his face along with the set of his jaw. The line of his brow started to turn into that angry v. I knew he was trying hard to hold in his rage. I shook my head, indicating yes. Reid stared at me for a moment. I turned quickly, giving Reid a view of my back.

  “I believe my dove has made her wishes known, Mr. Addison,” Lord Archer said.

  “Yes,” Reid said in a short clipped tone that sounded almost confused or conflicted. “I have my answer.”

  I heard the fall of his steps followed by the subsequent opening then closing of the door behind me before I moved. Ashton stared at me.

  “You know him.” It was not a question.

  I shook my head in agreement, keeping quiet.

  “And all of this,” he said, touching the mask on my face, “was for his benefit?”


  “And you are here because of him?”

  “Yes. Everything I have ever done has been because of him,” I confessed.

  “Tell me, my dove.”

p; I removed the mask once again.

  “I am not what you see here, tonight. This is an illusion, for I am a ghost.”

  “You care for Addison.”

  “I am in love with Reid Addison. I have been in love with him for so long I know of nothing else but my wanting of him. But I was never the kind of girl that could capture his attention. So I set out to become someone else, someone he would notice, someone like you see here tonight.”

  “My dove, what do you mean when you say you are a ghost?”

  “I mean just that. I lived within the peripherals of his life and even my own…”

  For the second time I confessed my life to a complete stranger. I spoke of everything from my beginnings, my near death, my anxiety and fears then talked about my trip to France and how I had come to be in this place. Ashton listened intently. I spilled my every thought, and every intimate wish to this man, a virtual stranger.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, and stared at the floor, “I’m sure this was more than you bargained for. You wanted mystery, not insanity.”

  Warm hands stroked the length of my neck before they turned my shoulders.

  “Look at me, my dove.” I allowed my gaze to lift at his request. Ashton smiled tenderly. “I think Reid Addison is completely blind. In fact, I believe he is the most insufferable self-centered ass I have ever met.” Ashton traced his finger along my shoulder. “And I firmly believe it is he who suffers from insanity by allowing you to get away.”

  “Ashton, haven’t you heard anything I said tonight? I’m not what you see,” I protested.

  “You are so much more than I see, Trinity. You are so much more than anyone can see, including yourself.”

  Fire blazed upon my skin as Ashton’s hand brushed back a curl from my cheek. He twined his finger within the golden strand.

  “I would like to visit you again, Trinity. Do you think my request would be possible?”

  “I would very much enjoy visiting with you again.”

  “Very good. It is settled then,” he replied, taking ahold of the mask, placing it back onto my face, and securing it. “I shall escort you back to Jacqueline.”

  I took a hold of Ashton’s arm and walked with him. As we walked his hand wrapped over my hand. He secured my hand onto his arm with a possession. When we entered into the large parlor we found everyone gone except Alec and Jacqueline. Both Alec and Jacqueline looked content. They were perched on a bolstered divan covered in a deep purple-colored crushed velvet material of sorts. Alec rubbed Jacqueline’s bare feet as she sipped at a glass of wine.

  “My lord. You have returned with my petit,” Jacqueline said.

  “I have, my dearest. However, we have decided we shall be seeing each other again.”

  Jacqueline smiled, transforming her face into a glowing beauty. “And when should I arrange for the next meeting?”

  “I would love for my dove to visit my home.” Lord Archer looked at me. “Shall we meet next weekend, Friday?”

  I shook my head in acknowledgement.

  “Very well,” Jacqueline acquiesced. “Alec will escort her.”

  Lord Archer turned, allowing me to let loose of his arm. To my shock he leaned down and kissed softly over the nape of my neck, breathing me in before moving his mouth to my ear. His breath whispered across my skin. I chilled.

  “Until then, my dove.”

  I bowed my head in agreement before I removed his suit coat and handed it back to him.

  “Thank you for the use of your coat, my lord.”

  Lord Archer nodded. “My pleasure,” he said before taking his leave.

  “You did very well tonight, my petit.”

  I had only thought of one thing since Lord Archer had gone.

  “Jacqueline, is Reid still here?”


  The air left my lungs. I knew he was with someone. Mustering up the courage to ask, I turned my full attention to Jacqueline’s face. “Who is he with?”

  “Are you sure you want to know the answer to that question?”

  “Yes, Jacqueline. I need to know.”

  “He is with Breeze.”

  I closed my eyes in a poor attempt to block the reality of Jacqueline’s words. Jacqueline reached out and took ahold of my hand. I forced myself to open my eyes, look at Jacqueline.

  “And Lord Archer, tell me, why did you introduce us?” I asked.

  “For many reasons.”

  “Such as?”

  Jacqueline led me to a cozy sitting area by the fire, urging me to take a seat. “My petit, Lord Archer is a strong, passionate, and deeply caring man. He has a lot to offer, and could teach you much.”

  “Teach me what?’

  “He could not only teach you how to pleasure a man, but how to see yourself as beautiful and worth more than just the pleasure you can give to a man.” Jacqueline took a seat beside me and continued. “It was also beneficial for Reid.”


  “Reid needed to know there was competition for your attentions, and tonight he felt a sting which will soon turn into a burn.”

  “Do you intend for me to sleep with Lord Archer?”

  “I intend you to do what you wish with Lord Archer, but if you decide to let him love your body then you will learn much from him.”

  “And will he pay you for my time?”


  “So this chateau is—”

  “What you have been seeking, my petit.”

  “And Reid’s arrangement with you?”

  “Pleasure. He seeks a specific kind of pleasure.”

  “Jacqueline, don’t hold back the truth from me. I want and need to hear it.”

  “His friend John Paul is an artist. He pays for the time of your sisters for his paintings.” Jacqueline pointed to a large oil painting that hung over the fireplace. It was of scantily clad beauties, none of which showed their faces, being obscured in shadow, but I recognized at least three of the women. “John Paul also pays for the pleasure of their bodies,” Jacqueline continued. “John Paul introduced Reid to some of your sisters.”

  “And, Reid, he…” I couldn’t say what it was Reid did.

  “Reid joins in this pleasure, seeking out not only the physical pleasure of a woman’s body but the pleasure of dominating a woman.”


  “My petit, Reid can be a harsh lover. I fear for you in this.”

  “Are you telling me Reid would hurt me?”

  “He holds a rage, a pain deep inside. Reid seeks a release for this rage. He also seeks pleasure through the sexual domination of a woman. This type of control, this type of domination, brings together what it is he seeks.”

  “What does he seek?”

  “My petit, he seeks a physical as well as mental outlet for the pain which plagues him.”

  “And Breeze is who he finds this outlet with?”

  “At times,” Jacqueline said. “She seeks pain in her loving. Pain brings her pleasure.”

  “So Reid hurts her?”

  “Breeze is in control, just like every one of your sisters. She would not allow what she herself does not want.”

  “I need to understand, Jacqueline.”

  “If I show you, you may not feel the same about Reid.”

  “Show me,” I replied.

  “Are you sure about this choice?” Jacqueline asked.

  “I am.”

  Jacqueline took my hand and led me out of the parlor, down the hall, and over to a secluded flight of stairs. When we stopped at the second door to my left, I heard someone moaning. Jacqueline placed her index finger to my lips, indicating to be quiet, then opened the door. It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim light of the room. At first, all I saw was the walls adorned in dark fabric. I gazed beyond a curtain toward the sound.

  Breeze was on her knees, hands tied in a black silken rope hooked to the headboard, causing her arms to be secured up above her head. Her body was taught, stretched out. Her eyes were covered
with another black cloth, mouth gagged. Reid was behind her, going at Breeze like an animal.

  I was stricken still, silent, my eyes unsure of what they were seeing. Something inside my mind connected, and told me this was not making love: this was fucking, and fucking in a harsh brutal way. Reid fucked Breeze so hard it threw her smaller body forward, where his hand would stop her by her neck. He was choking her. Breeze moaned, only not in pain but in pleasure. I tried to understand why Breeze would feel pleasure being handled in such a manner, and why Reid wanted to impart pain.

  His voice rang out low and hungry as he thrust deep inside of her. “That’s it, you love it when I fuck you in the ass,” he growled. “You love my cock deep inside that tight ass of yours, filling you up, stretching you.”

  Breeze moaned. He thrust again, violently rocking Breeze’s body forward while his other hand came down with an open palm, slapping her ass with stinging blows. Her backside was berry red. He was marking her pale skin. I could tell he actually liked this, savored it even.

  Jacqueline turned, leaving me to see the truth. And I, so mortified, so horrified, stood there, unable to turn and walk away, watching Reid thrust inside of Breeze over, and over. It was like watching a beast. His muscles were flexing, bulging. His angry body whipped into Breeze’s body with the force of a violent storm. Thrust, choke, slap.

  “Give me your pussy,” he ordered as he pulled out of my body then pressed his hand to the small of my back, arching Breeze. He yanked at her fiery red hair, pulling her head back. Breeze groaned. “Now!” he demanded, slapping her ass.

  Breeze arched even more, lifting her ass for him. Reid plunged two fingers into Breeze’s vagina. It was hard and deep. Then he rammed three fingers, then four. He fingered her, rough. Breeze moaned. Reid slapped her ass again, rapping slap after stinging slap all while ramming his fingers into her.

  “That’s it, come for me,” he said in a ragged voice.

  I gasped. Reid turned his head. He smiled at me while fucking into Breeze with his fingers. His other hand moved from slapping to tightening his grip around Breeze’s neck.

  I was horrified, but transfixed within the darkness, unable to pull myself away. Reid yanked his fingers out of Breeze’s body. He licked them. With a groan, he plunged his penis into her. He spit on his fingers, and plunged three into her ass. Breeze’s body shuddered, her fingers balled into tight fists. She writhed, moaned, and pulled against the restraints. Reid stared at me, fucking Breeze. He pulled his stiff manhood out of Breeze’s body, spilling his cum across Breeze’s rosy red ass with a deep guttural groan of satisfaction.


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