278 days...and counting (The Montgomery Brothers)

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278 days...and counting (The Montgomery Brothers) Page 3

by Aya Mai

  His grip on her hips loosened as he shifted himself, pulling himself off her. He offered her a hand and helped her off the desk.

  ‘’Damn, you’re beautiful,’’ Grayson muttered, his eyes studying her chest. Ava playfully slapped his shoulder. She knew he liked her assets. She didn’t like to compliment herself, but she knew she had a nice, curvy body.

  ‘’You’re not so bad yourself,’’ Ava responded, licking her lips as her eyes traveled over his muscular chest that was currently bouncing due to his laughter.

  Before Ava knew what was happening, Grayson bent his legs so they were at eye level, and then, he kissed her. It was soft and gentle. The sweet kiss made Ava feel exposed. She smoothed down her skirt and corrected her blouse, buttoning it back up. She tried to smooth out her hair and makeup so it didn’t look like she had just been having office sex.

  When she was done, she watched Grayson correct his wrinkled suit. He gave her a wink that made her smile. She liked the time they spent together when they didn’t argue. In these rare moments, she didn’t hate Grayson Montgomery as much.

  ‘’I’m surprised you like Osteria dei Mascalzoni. I wouldn't have picked you in a setting like that,’’ Ava said.

  ‘’Why not? Because it's romantic?’’

  ‘’Because it’s not a five-star restaurant that serves you a miniature steak and calls it the main course. Also, I didn’t think Italian food would go well with your physique.’’

  Ava nibbled at her lower lip. Grayson moved toward her, bracing an arm on each side of her body, capturing her against the desk.

  ‘’And what’s wrong with my physique?’’

  ‘’Nothing’s wrong,’’ Ava exclaimed. ‘’Quite the opposite actually. Your physique is ridiculously perfect.’’

  ‘’Thank you, sweetheart. That’s one of the nicest things you’ve ever said to me.’’ Grayson stole a kiss and left Ava standing there with big, round eyes. ‘’By the way, Osteria dei Mascalzoni means tavern of scoundrels or something like that.’’

  ‘’Well, that explains your attraction to the place then,’’ Ava quipped.

  Grayson placed a hand on his chest, faking hurt, making Ava laugh.

  ‘’You wound me, Miss Campbell. I’m not a scoundrel, at least, not all the time. For instance, may I have the honor and pleasure of escorting the lady to her car?’’

  Ava grinned at his antics but took his offered hand, ignoring the voice that was screaming at her that one simply couldn't give their hand to Grayson Montgomery without him not taking the whole damn arm.

  Chapter 3 - Grayson

  Grayson dragged his hand through his hair and placed his phone on his desk. He had just gotten off the phone with a potential new author. Her name was Amber Dawson. They had agreed for her to stop by the office tomorrow morning. He looked forward to it. Amber Dawson was a young woman, but she had written one hell of a romance novel. It contained all the right elements - love, drama, and war.

  Grayson traced his hands along the edge of his desk, reveling in the hard texture beneath his fingertips. It hadn’t been more than twelve hours since he had fucked Ava senseless in this spot. He smiled at the memory of her spread out on his desk. He could practically feel the testosterone run through his body as he thought of having her on his desk.

  He let out a heavy sigh, dragging his hands through his locks once again. His member was starting to wake up, and now was not the time. He couldn't get Ava alone, and she was way too professional to let him have his wicked way with her during office hours. It wasn’t until the office was empty and they were the only two people left that she let her hair down and pushed her skirt up.

  Control yourself, Grayson admonished himself, rearranging his package. He had to see her. It was a horrible idea, but he had to see her. He quickly stood up and made his way to his door, throwing it open, ready to head straight for Ava’s office. He was surprised to see her standing outside her office, conversion with several employees. Someone said something that made her place her hand on her chest as she bent over laughing. Fuck, she was beautiful.

  Grayson instantly hated the person that had made her laugh. The only thing he liked more than to rile Ava up was to see and hear her laugh. She sounded like a goddamn angel.

  How did a guy like Grayson Montgomery ever stand a chance with a woman like Ava Campbell? The answer was that he didn’t, but Grayson didn’t give a shit. He wanted her.

  At first, he had thought he could get rid of whatever fascination he had with Ava by fucking her a couple of times, but a couple of times had turned into months. Now, he didn’t want her out of his system. He wanted Ava. But how was he going to get her when she had made it clear over and over again that she wasn’t even interested in going out on a date with him. He needed a plan. As he saw her laugh again, Grayson made up his course of action.

  With steady steps, he walked toward Ava and the small group of people she was standing with.

  ‘’Ava, can I have a word with you?’’ Grayson asked, ignoring the group as he walked into her office, not waiting for her to respond. It was a shitty move, but he was tired of watching Dick make her laugh.

  Grayson noticed Ava rolling her eyes at him before closing the door behind her, finally leaving them alone, the first time since last night.

  ‘’What was it that you wanted, Grayson?’’ Ava crossed her arms under her chest, which accidentally made her attributes look even better. Grayson salivated at the sight, but he shook his head, he needed to focus if his plan was going to work.

  ‘’I have a favor to ask of you if your done laughing at Dick’s stupid jokes,’’ he responded, sitting down in Ava’s black office chair, gripping on to the edge of her desk.

  ‘’Dick?’’ Ava asked confused. ‘’You mean Luke? You know what? It doesn't matter. I know you know Luke’s name.’’

  ‘’Whatever,’’ Grayson muttered.

  ‘’A favor, you said? That sounds dangerous.’’

  ‘’Don’t be ridiculous, what could be dangerous about a favor?’’

  ‘’Pardon me for thinking that doing a favor for the devil himself would be dangerous and unwise.’’

  Grayson gave her the purest smile he could muster while gripping her desk tighter, watching as Ava reluctantly sat down in one of the chairs positioned in front of her desk.

  ‘’So, what is it? What do you want me to do for you?’’ Ava asked. Grayson’s smile turned wicked. He was thrilled that Ava still wasn’t able to say no to him, hopefully, that would never change.

  ‘’I just got off the phone with a potential new author. Her name is Amber Dawson. She has written this amazing love story. I want for us to sign her and publish her book.’’

  ‘’What has that got to do with me? You’re always more than capable of getting female authors to sign with CPH, or is she playing hard to get? Do you need me to be you wing-woman?’’ Ava said, her voice lowering with each word leaving her mouth, her hands twisting together in her lap. Suddenly, she looked small and fragile and nothing like the woman that usually was more than happy to give him a tongue-lashing.

  ‘’Don’t be absurd. I don’t need a wing-woman. I’ve never needed a wing-woman in my life,’’ Grayson muttered. The idea of him needing someone to help him getting laid was preposterous.

  ‘’Then what? What do you want from me?’’

  Ava looked up at him, her face open and almost welcoming. The sight almost made him say that he wanted everything from her, but he wasn’t some pussy-whipped loser. Yet. He stayed quiet for a small moment before continuing with his plan. He may want Ava, but he wanted her to want him even more.

  ‘’Well, the thing is that Miss Dawson arrives tonight, but I’m worried she might have another offer for the book on hand, so I was wondering if you could join me in my meeting with her?’’

  ‘’Why do you want her so badly?’’ Ava asked, looking down on the hands in her lap again. ‘’Her book, I mean. Why do you want her book?’’

  ‘’It’s goin
g to be a bestseller. It’s purely business. You know I wouldn't ask you for your help unless I felt I needed it. I do believe you could make a change. I think you’d be the last thing that would make her sign with us.’’

  ‘’Why do you think that?’’

  ‘’Are you fishing for compliments, Miss Campbell?’’ Grayson leaned his head to the side, grinning at her.

  ‘’Stop trying to be charming. I’m serious, Grayson. What difference could I possibly make? If she’s going to say no to you, I’m sure there’s nothing I could do or say to change her mind.’’

  ‘’I think you’re wrong. I think her meeting with the both of us would show her how serious CPH is about her book. Like it or not, we do make a helluva team.’’

  Ava’s pale skin flushed bright head. Grayson could practically read the dirty thoughts going through her mind.

  ‘’So, will you please help me land her...as an author...for CPH, of course?’’ Grayson held his breath. He had nothing to lose, but he really needed her to say yes.

  ‘’Fine, I’ll help you, but you owe me,’’ Ava said, giving him a firm stare, holding up her index finger, pointing it threateningly at him.

  He had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep him from laughing. He so badly wanted to kiss her, but now wasn’t the time nor the place.

  ‘’Great! That’s a deal then,’’ Grayson exclaimed, pushing the chair back, making his way toward the door. ‘’Miss Dawson is coming to town tonight. I’ll pick you at your house at seven, wear something pretty, maybe something red.’’

  Grayson hurried out of her office before Ava had the chance to ask any further questions. He headed back to his own office and picked up his phone. He couldn't believe Ava had agreed to help him. He instantly made reservations at his favorite restaurant. Grayson just hoped Ava wouldn't be too mad when she realized he was a lying scoundrel.


  Grayson was sweating. His heartbeat was beating faster than anything he had ever experienced before. He stood in front of a white door, his one hand hovering in front of it, ready to knock while the other was clenching a big bouquet of red roses. It was cliché, but he had no idea what kind of flowers Ava liked, but he would make damn sure to figure it out before the night was over.

  Grayson knew what he was feeling. He was nervous. He couldn't remember the last time he had been nervous. Like shaking in his pants nervous. He was Grayson fucking Montgomery; he didn’t get nervous; he made other people nervous. He never got hit by anxiety, at least, that was until now...until Ava.

  When he finally gathered the courage to knock on the door, it opened almost instantly as if she had been standing right on the other side of it, waiting for him to gather his wits. The sight that greeted him blew him away.

  ‘’What? Is something wrong? Is the dress too unprofessional?’’ Ava asked, fidgeting with her dress.

  Grayson gulped and licked his dry lips.

  ‘’No, you’re good. Amazing actually. You look stunning. The dress is very…’’

  ‘’Red. You told me to wear something red, so it was either this or lingerie. I mean, of course, I wouldn't wear lingerie to a work dinner. Maybe I should go change. I didn’t even know why I put this thing on in the first place.’’

  ‘’No!’’ Grayson exclaimed, grabbing hold of Ava’s wrist before she could disappear. ‘’Don't change. You’re perfect, Ava.’’

  The smile he received from her made him an addict right there and then. He would do anything to be the reason for that smile to appear.

  ‘’Here.’’ Grayson handed her the bouquet that he had squeezed too hard. One of the flowers was bent and hanging down. He squared his jaw and shrugged apologetically. He was embarrassed, which was another new and strange emotion. He didn’t like it one bit.

  ‘’Roses? For me? Why?’’

  ‘’I saw them, and they reminded me of you.’’

  ‘’Their beauty or their thorns?’’

  ‘’Both,’’ Grayson quipped, sharing a smile with Ava. He loved their banter. Ava always gave as good as she got. ‘’I thought I’d do something nice for you. I have after all laid possession on your evening.’’

  ‘’I never thought I’d say this to you, but thank you. Give me a minute, and I’ll go put them in some water.’’

  ‘’You should spray them with some hairspray,’’ Grayson called out.


  ‘’Yeah, that way they won’t wither as quickly.’’

  ‘’Erhm...Okay…I’m sorry, but how do you know that?’’

  Grayson looked sheepishly. ‘’The lady at the store told me?’’

  ‘’And now try with the truth.’’

  ‘’I saw it in one of those five-minute crafts films on Facebook. You know what? Forget I said anything, I’m not sure that shit even works.’’

  Ava bent over laughing at him. If Grayson hadn’t loved the sound of her laugh, he would have been even more mortified than he already was. Could he have sounded any more unmanly?

  Ava kept her word, she wasn’t gone for more than a minute. Grayson guided her to his car with his hand placed politely on her lower back. He opened the car door for her, acting like the perfect gentleman.

  The ride to the restaurant was quiet and felt long despite the fact it only took twenty minutes. Grayson had so many questions he wanted to ask Ava, but he was so nervous he couldn’t put enough words together to form an actual sentence. Ava gazed out of the window, her hands laid calmly in her lap, the slit in her long, red dress tempting him.

  Finally, after what felt like hours, the restaurant was in sight. He parked the car and hurried to Ava’s door to open it for her.

  ‘’Is our work dinner really taking place at the Osteria dei Mascalzoni? I thought you said it was too much of a date restaurant and not a work dinner place.’’


  Grayson gently pushed Ava toward the entrance where they were greeted by Carlos and Maria, the two owners. Ava had looked mildly shocked to see Grayson converse with his two old friends.

  They were quickly seated at their table located in a small, private corner. When they were left alone with the menus, a horrible silence overtook the otherwise romantic atmosphere.

  ‘’What is this, Grayson? Why is the table only set for two people? When will Amber Dawson arrive?’’ Ava asked with a sour frown. Grayson flinched. He was in deep shit and he knew it. Ava was going to be pissed, but it was too late to change anything now.

  ‘’She’ll be in the office tomorrow bright and early for our morning meeting. The meeting I asked you to join, remember?’’

  ‘’No, I didn’t. I mean, I did, but not tomorrow morning, I thought you meant tonight. I thought this was a working dinner.’’

  ‘’I’ve never said that. I specifically asked if you wanted to do me a favor and join me in the meeting I've set up with Miss Dawson, which you agreed to. And then I told you that Miss Dawson was coming to town tonight, which she is. She’s staying at a lovely hotel. After that, I said that I would pick you up at your house at seven and for you to wear something red. The meeting and this dinner are two completely different things.’’

  Grayson held his breath. He was ready for an epic tongue-lashing or for Ava to make a scene. Maybe she'd throw her water in his face and storm out. A classic move. But it didn’t happen. She remained quiet until she suddenly burst out laughing. Her happy face made Grayson’s heart overflow with joy.

  ‘’You’re not mad?’’ Grayson stuttered.

  ‘’Oh, I’m mad alright. I’m furious,’’ Ava said in between laughs. ‘’You are a fucking...scoundrel.’’

  ‘’Are you going to storm off?’’ Grayson asked, fearing the prospect of her wanting to leave.

  ‘’Where to? You’re my ride, remember?’’

  ‘’I know I kind of tricked you into coming, but I won’t force you to stay. I just wanted dinner...with you,’’ Grayson muttered dejectedly. He had fucked up by forcing the date tha
t wasn’t really a date on her.

  ‘’You’re lucky, Grayson. You’re saved, not by the bell, but by the food,’’ Ava responded, placing her napkin in her lap, readying herself for the meal Carlos was placing on their table.

  Ava dug in, not seeming too worried about Grayson’s ulterior motives. He watched her as she let out a satisfying moan, complimenting the food. The sight of her took his breath away. He badly wanted to lean over and kiss her red lips and taste the pasta sauce on her mouth.

  Grayson grinned for himself. Maybe just maybe this night wasn’t going to blow up in his face after all.

  ‘’So...tell me something about yourself, Miss Campbell,’’ Grayson asked seductively, casually testing the waters. ‘’What’s your favorite music?’’

  Ava shrugged. ‘’I don’t have any.’’

  ‘’What about movies then? You must do something else than read books all the time?’’

  ‘’Would you be offended if I said no? Books are my life.’’

  ‘’Of course not. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.’’

  ‘’It’s fine. I know what people think of me - the little, conservative, dull church mouse.’’ Ava stabbed the food on her plate with more force than necessary, her smile drawn down into a frown.

  ‘’People don’t think that.’’

  Ava gave Grayson a look that screamed that she knew he was lying.

  ‘’All right, you may give some people that impression, but that is not what I see when I look at you.’’

  ‘’What do you see?’’

  ‘’I see a stubborn, sexy woman who is intelligent and an amazing boss. You are a tiny bit quiet, but that’s just because you’re an amazing listener who doesn’t constantly need to hear the sound of your own voice. You’re definitely not a church mouse with the way you curse at me or with the way you leave marks on my body when I fuck you senseless.’’

  Ava gasped at his straightforwardness. Grayson smirked as she gulped, her tongue coming out to wet her dry lips.

  ‘’When you fuck me senseless, you say? Maybe it’s the other way around? When I fuck you senseless.’’


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