Web of Deception

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Web of Deception Page 6

by Blake, Nina

  She nodded, breathlessly. Clearly, words had escaped her.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Because I had something more in mind.”

  Her chest heaved, the pale skin of her neck glowing, and he knew she wanted this every bit as much as he did.

  Looking down at the blond locks tumbling around her face, he saw her eyes were filled with longing. For him.

  She had a boyfriend and he should stop himself but he didn’t care what was right and what was wrong.

  Just this once, he didn’t care.

  “There’s something I have to tell you.” Her voice was so small.

  “Tell me later.”

  His mouth was on her neck as he peppered it with little kisses. She felt so small in his arms, her body so soft and lush, and he wasn’t going to wait.

  “I’m not going out with anyone else,” she said. “Mark and I broke up.”

  All the better for him, Daniel thought. He’d hoped to take her away the following weekend and now he knew nothing could get in the way.

  She was such a strange creature. She could have told him sooner. It wasn’t as though he minded.

  He covered her mouth with his. A few moments ago he hadn’t cared about her relationship with Mark, and he certainly didn’t care now.

  Her lips were pliant under his as he slipped one hand down to undo one of the little mother of pearl buttons on her shirt. She didn’t flinch, didn’t move away. He undid another button, enjoying the quiet anticipation of the moment.

  Suddenly, he felt her hand pressing against his, but she didn’t push him away. She clasped his hand in hers for a moment, then slid her fingers down the front of her top to undo all of the little buttons.

  Then, there was no doubt. No indecision.

  Daniel slid her blouse open, running his fingertips over the fine fabric of her bra and down over the taut skin of her waist.

  He wasn’t sure exactly what he’d been expecting – sensible black cotton, perhaps – but the sight of her breasts encased in the deep fuchsia silk and lace of her bra sent the blood running through his body.

  There was no padding. This was all Kate. All woman.

  He ran his hand back up over her breast, then slid his fingers easily beneath the pink lace, cupping the fullness of her breast in his hand. She gasped as he massaged the soft, ripe flesh.

  “Look at me.” He waited until she lifted her gaze to meet his.

  Her lips were parted, ready to meet his, as he moulded his mouth against hers. He slid his tongue slid inside, dropping the two of them into a kiss that felt bottomless. She returned his passion, her tongue filling the space where his had been. No turning back.

  Without breaking the kiss, Daniel cupped his hand around Kate’s breast, massaging the supple flesh. How he’d longed to get his hands on her. How he’d imagined the softness and roundness of her breasts. Yet he hadn’t thought they’d be quite this full. Hadn’t guessed the pleasure he’d get from her moans as she writhed against his palm.

  Suddenly he felt her hands pressing against his chest. “The bedroom.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

  He eased off, allowing her enough room to take to her feet. Her tiny hand reached out to him and he took it in both of his, standing up beside her. She tugged at his arms, motioning towards the bedroom.

  It made him smile. Kate was so petite, so svelte, and she thought she could order him around.

  In one fell swoop, Daniel swept her up into his arms. A tiny cry of surprise escaped her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Seconds later, he was at the bedroom door, kicking it open, and a moment after that, he laid her carefully on the bed.

  Hovering over her, he trailed little kisses along her neck, slowly making his way down to the hollow between her breasts. One hand slid over the dip of her waist and the curve of her hips. He wanted to ravish her, see all of her.

  He fumbled towards the bedside table, trying to reach for the light with his other hand when he felt Kate’s tiny little hand on his arm.

  “The light,” he explained. “I want to see you.”

  She pushed him off and he sat on the edge of the bed as she switched on the bedside lamp, filling the room with a soft, diffuse light.

  “No,” she said. “I want to see you.”

  Pushing his legs apart, Kate slid down between them so she was on her knees looking up at him. Her shirt was open, her breasts so full they seemed to be reaching out to him, her nipples outlined through the lace of her bra.

  Tilting her head, Kate pressed her lips against his gently, then flicked her tongue along his lower lip. Daniel lunged forward, taking her in his arms for yet another deep, intoxicating kiss.

  Without releasing her lips from his, Kate undid one of the buttons on his shirt. Then another. Pulling back from the kiss, she slid her hands under the collar of his shirt and her mouth down along his neck. His skin sizzled at her touch.

  Leaning back a little further, she wrapped her hands around each side of his shirtfront and ripped it apart. She slid the fabric off his shoulders and tossed it onto the floor.

  Her lips curled to a wicked smile. “I said I wanted to look at you.”

  He felt her drinking him in with her eyes and he, too, smiled. She could look all she wanted. He didn’t mind one little bit.

  Once again, her lips were on his neck, his chest, and back up to his mouth, tongues frantically intertwined.

  Kate’s hands slipped down to the waistband of his trousers as she undid the button and lowered the zip, sliding her hand into his pants and over his hardness. Her hand felt so little against his erection, her touch sending more blood pumping through his body. She stroked him gently through his boxers, then slid her hand beneath them, the soft skin of her fingers running along the bare skin of his length. God, it felt so good.

  He ached for her. He wanted her now.

  Daniel grabbed her forearms. She stopped stroking him but refused to acquiesce to his touch, as she slowly took to her feet.

  Kate looked down on him with those clear grey eyes and a look that smouldered with passion. And something else perhaps. Power. He wasn’t sure.

  She took a step back and whirled around, allowing her blouse to slip down her shoulders. When she turned to face him, her arms were crossed in front of her, pushing her breasts up.

  Lowering her eyelids, she said, “I want you to look at me, too.”

  She opened up her arms and as her blouse slipped further, she allowed the fine fabric to fall to the floor. Kate slid her hands to the sides of her breasts, pushing them together, then slipped her fingers down the bare skin of her waist and over her hips.

  Her hips were undulating as her hands made their way to the back of her skirt and he heard the zipper slide down. She lowered the skirt slowly, exposing her flat tummy and the deep pink of her panties.

  The skirt fell into a pool at her feet. Kate was only in her underwear, the scraps of fabric doing nothing to hide that amazing body.

  He trailed his eyes over the full breasts, the dip of her waist, the curve of her hips, the slender, toned thighs. She was wearing lace-topped stockings, the kind that stayed up on their own. They weren’t in his way. They could stay on.

  But he wanted the rest of her clothes off.


  A low moan escaped his lips as he reached towards her. She slapped both his wrists and he wondered what was going on.

  “You can look.” Kate shot him a look to tell him who was in charge. “That’s all.”

  Yet she wasn’t pushing him away. She was going to take her remaining clothes off herself. For him. His own personal striptease. At least he thought that’s what was coming. He hoped.

  One hand on her waist, she slid her other hand over her hip, turning slowly as she moved her hips in a circular motion. Now that she was side-on to him, she pushed her bottom out and what a shapely backside it was. She didn’t need to turn around completely for him to know she was wearing a G-string.

  Once again facing him, she undulated her h
ips and ran her hands up her body, crossing over her breasts. Daniel’s eyes were riveted as she pushed one shoulder forward and slid her fingers beneath the fine pink strap of her bra, lifting it off her shoulder to fall onto her arm. Then she pushed her other shoulder forward and repeated the motion.

  She slid her hands down along her arms and leaned forward so her breasts were spilling out of her bra. He saw a hint of pink areola. He was sure of it.

  Before he could drink her all in, she spun around, unclasped her bra at the back and slid it off completely. Glancing back at him seductively, she twirled the pink fabric into the air and tossed it aside.

  Now the only thing in his way was that skimpy G-string which showed off the curve and shape of her bottom. As she turned slowly towards him, he didn’t know where to look first. He wanted to drink all of her in.

  Dear God, what a body. His eyes followed a line starting from the tips of her shoulders, going over the luscious roundness of her breasts, the skin so pale, her nipples so rosy as they reached towards him.

  His gaze fell along the lush curves of her figure, along her slender legs and back up to the sheer fabric that hid her sex. Only just.

  She looked too good for words and he wanted her.

  All of her.

  Pushing her hips out, she hooked a thumb under the band of her G-string and pulled at the elastic. How he hoped it would snap. She inched closer to him and reached for his hands, placing them on her hips.

  “The last part is for you to remove,” she said. “If you want to.”

  As if there could be any question about that. He slid off the scrap of fabric. She slipped out of her heels at the same time.

  Unable to control himself any longer, he lunged at her breasts with both hands, then wrapped his mouth around those tight nipples. Kate gasped with pleasure.

  Still, he couldn’t get enough of her, his hands sliding along her body to the brown curls that covered her mound. She was magnificent and he wanted all of her.

  He stood up and ripped off the rest of his clothes. Seeing Kate’s hands drop to the tops of her stockings, he covered her hands with his.

  “No,” he told her. “The stockings stay on.”

  She was too damn sexy for her own good.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he lifted her up and lowered her on to the bed. She was so light, so pliant and she would mould herself against him.

  His mouth dropped over one succulent nipple, her gasp audible as he suckled on the rosy peak. His hands slid over her curves, then lower, her legs parting at his touch. She writhed against his fingers and he enjoyed every gasp, every moan, every little sound that came from her lips.

  Her breaths grew more rapid. She must be ready to come at any time.

  Suddenly, her hands were upon him, her fingers running along his hardness, caressing him gently. As she wrapped her little hands around him and stroked his erection, he groaned. It was almost too much for him as she slid her hands up and down his length.

  But it wasn’t her hands he wanted around him.

  Repositioning himself over her, he slid his knees between hers. Now the hands that had been caressing him guided him into her hot interior. He plunged inside her and gasped. Then gasped again.

  Dear God, it felt so good. There was nothing else in the world. Just the hot ache in his pelvis and the woman who was with him.

  “Yes…yes…” Kate moaned.

  He wanted to slow down but couldn’t. He tried to hold back, tried to give her time, but his body was burning and there was only so much he could do.

  Her breath quickened and a little moan got stuck in her throat. She gasped. Then called out his name, her body curling around his, the ultimate sexual pleasure surging through her body.

  A moment later, the waves of his own orgasm thundered through him, intense sexual relief radiating out from his groin through his whole body.

  Yet he didn’t want to pull out of her.

  He felt close to her.

  And he wanted to stay that way.

  * * *

  The following morning, Daniel looked across at the blond hair spread across the pillow beside him, the brown lashes of her eyes pressed closed, the lush lips parted slightly. Still breathing rhythmically, Kate wasn’t awake yet.

  But Daniel was more awake than he’d been in a long time.

  He felt a longing deep inside. Not a sexual ache like he’d felt the night before. No, this was different.

  Kate looked so small, so soft, as if something or someone could crush her with ease. He knew she wasn’t weak but she needed someone to take care of her, look after her.

  It was strange. He’d lived a full life but had never felt this sense of protectiveness before. He’d felt lust and passion and the intense drive that made him want to succeed in business. He had friends and he’d felt love – for his mother in particular – but he’d never felt this same longing before, never felt this deep-seated need to take care of someone.

  Was this tenderness?

  Daniel didn’t know.

  He’d never felt it before.

  And it would probably pass.

  Chapter Seven

  Daniel wondered what Kate had been thinking when she’d suggested a walk along the beach before lunch. She’d said it would help give them an appetite but it was such an unlikely morning. Sydney had wonderful weather, often even in the middle of winter, however this certainly wasn’t one of those days.

  There was a front coming across the ocean so the sky, sea and sand were varying shades of grey. The darkest hue was high above them as black clouds moved quickly overhead.

  In a bright red sweater, a smile on her face, Kate looked like a colourful beacon that had been dropped into the greyness. She’d taken off her shoes and rolled up her jeans, though the sand must be cold beneath her feet. Her hair was flying across her face.

  “You chose an odd day for a walk along the beach,” he said.

  She raised her eyebrows quizzically. “Afraid of a bit of wind, Mr Webb?”

  “Not at all. I just didn’t think you were much of an outdoors person.”

  Kate shrugged. “I’m not really. I just think there’s more than one way of seeing things.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Everyone knows we have beautiful beaches here, all the way along the coast. Crisp blue skies, clear water, white beaches. Whichever way you turn, it looks like a postcard. But this is beautiful too. In its own way.” She pointed out to the ocean. “You wouldn’t see a picture like this in any tourist brochure even though it’s striking. It’s not what most people would consider attractive.”

  Above all, Kate was practical, yet she saw things in a different light from other people. Most would see only a miserable, grey sky but she looked around and saw beauty.

  Perhaps she wasn’t as conventional as Daniel had first thought. Perhaps she’d be interested in doing things a different way. He hadn’t thought of it before but she might be more accommodating than he’d guessed.

  She’d been clear about what she wanted. A husband. A family. Daniel wasn’t planning on being anyone’s husband but if he handled it right, she might alter her goals just slightly. She might come round to a different way of thinking, a different way of looking at things. A way where she might see beauty where others didn’t.

  “It’s going to start pouring soon,” he said.

  “Not yet. We’ve got a bit of time. We can enjoy it.”

  Looking up, he said, “When it starts to rain, it’ll absolutely bucket it down.”

  She shrugged. “Then we’ll get wet.”

  He put his arm around her and pulled her close as they walked. “And when we’re both drenched?”

  She slipped her arm around his waist. “You can keep me warm.”

  “I might not want to hug you when you’re all wet and soggy,” he teased.

  “But you’ll be wet too.”

  Daniel shook his head. “No, I’m not going to get drenched. That front is coming in. It’s time
to get going.” He stopped and faced her, his hands on her waist. Even through the bulk of her jumper, she felt small and shapely. “Come skiing with me next weekend.”

  Kate slid her hands along his arms, resting them on his shoulders. “I wasn’t expecting that. Where did that come from?”

  He knew exactly where that idea had come from. He loved to ski and had a suite booked for the season at the Lords Hotel in Falls Creek. His father had said he’d be there briefly and Daniel wanted to catch him. Quite simple, really.

  But most of all, he wanted more time with Kate.


  Away from the city. Away from other people who might sway her opinion. Somewhere she could free her mind. He could start to put the seed of an idea into her head so she could consider a different way of doing things, a different way of living.

  And he wanted her.

  He didn’t need any more reason than that.

  “My father will be there so it’s a good chance to catch him,” he said. “And I thought you must like the cold since you like it out here so much.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “Don’t you like to ski?”

  “I liked it when I was a teenager. It was great fun. My class went on a skiing trip in high school. That’s the only time I’ve been.”

  “Then you’ll have to go again. I think you’ll like the hotel.”

  She slid her arms more tightly around his neck but her gaze remained fixed on his collar, her expression more thoughtful. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Things are already going so fast. We’re spending so much time together.”

  “That’s a good thing. I like your company and I’m sure you enjoy mine too. There’s a strong attraction between us. Why wouldn’t we want to spend time together?”

  Kate still didn’t look up at him. “Things have already gone much faster than I would have liked. You know what I’m talking about. Last night. Sleeping together. I’ve only just broken up with Mark and suddenly you and I are together. It’s been very rushed.”

  Mark was out of the way and out of her heart so Daniel knew there was nothing standing in his way. She wanted some reassurance. That was all.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he said.


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