Spiteful (The Infected Book 3)

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Spiteful (The Infected Book 3) Page 8

by Justin Gowland

  We lay there for a while just holding each other. The heat coming from her body was slowly sending me off to sleep. I felt my eyes slowly closing and thanked her for not making an issue of our prisoner problem. I smiled into the darkness and fell asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  You know, I am beginning to hate the fact that every time I wake up after sleeping with Amy in one form or another she has disappeared in the morning. I did find a female on the bed next to me, though. Spirit had decided to climb up and keep me company. So when I woke up her fur was right in my face.

  “Aww, come on, Spirit, get out of my face.” I said, pushing her away from me.

  There was a soft woof and she jumped down from the bed. Sitting up, I looked around and wondered when Amy had left. Was it this morning or late during the night? I would have to ask her the next time we were in bed together. Climbing out of bed I went and had a shower before putting on some black BDU’s and my tactical harness and rifle. I wanted to get some practice in on the range today in preparation for tonight. Heading to the range I saw a lot more activity in the bunker today than I did yesterday. People were moving around the hallways with brushes and carrying bags and other items. Shaking my head, I entered the range and saw Chris and Mike firing at the targets.

  “Morning, gents.” I shouted out loud.

  They both stopped and made their rifles safe and turned to look at me.

  “Hey, Marc.” Chris said.

  “Do either of you know what’s happening outside?” I asked.

  “You mean out in the hallways?” Mike asked.


  “You know how you set Ruby in charge of keeping the bunker running?” Mike said.

  I nodded.

  “Well, she had this big meeting with everyone last night and there is a rota now set up and everyone has a job to do.” Mike said.

  “That’s why there are people cleaning and carrying stuff left, right and centre.” I said.

  To tell the truth, I didn’t think that she would have any of this sorted by now.

  “The best news is they have taken over part of the dining room and made it into a school for the little kids.” He said, smiling.

  “Who the hell is teaching them?” I asked.

  “One of our survivors was a teacher and she is over the moon to be teaching again. In fact, you know her, she was the wife of the bloke that got infected back at the school.” He said.

  I remembered that day and there were times during the day when my mind would stray back to the moment when I helped him die.

  “I remember.” I said quietly.

  I moved to the range and placed my rifle on the bench in front of me. It was then that I realized that David and Tessa weren’t in the range with us.

  “Where is Tessa, Amy and David?” I asked.

  “David is having a little me time with Jennie. Amy and Tessa are doing a little unarmed combat in the gym. I thought it best if Mike spend some more time on his shooting rather than unarmed combat.” Chris said.

  “Fair enough.” I said, raising the rifle and racking the bolt and fired off a few shots before seeing my spread.

  As usual, all my shots were on target; a little widely spaced but on target. I needed to get on the range more. My shooting was starting to become sloppy and that would be dangerous outside. I ran through my stoppage drills and even did some crouched shots. Checking my rounds I ran through my last magazine on full auto and ripped the target from its holder. Placing the rifle back on the bench I leaned out and saw Chris leaning against the wall watching Mike shoot.

  “You’re not getting any better, Marc!” He shouted above the sound of Mikes shots.

  “And you, mate, can get fucked!” I shouted back, laughing. Nothing like a little man to man shooting weapons.

  Pulling out my cleaning kit I stripped and cleaned my rifle before I left Mike and Chris to their practice. Hanging my rifle on my harness I headed to the gym. Opening the door I heard a grunt and then something hitting the mats on the floor. Looking up, I saw Amy helping Tessa up off the floor. They were both in black BDU’s but were only wearing the trousers and a black T-shirt. I leaned against the wall as Amy pointed out throwing techniques to Tessa. I watched as they faced each other and Tessa managed to flip Amy over her hip and onto the mats. I started to clap as Amy was trying to get up off the floor. They both looked up and smiled. I stood as Amy crossed over the mats with Tessa following her.

  “How are you doing this morning?” Tessa asked.

  “Not too bad. How are you two doing?” I asked them.

  “I’ve been giving Tessa a few pointers. She was a little worried about an infected grabbing hold of her whilst we are out tonight.” Amy said.

  “It’s good to be prepared for anything.” I said.

  “What have you done to prepare?” Tessa asked.

  “Spent some time on the range with your dad and Chris.” I said.

  “Is that all?” Amy said, smiling.

  I shrugged and just smiled back.

  “So when are we leaving?” Tessa asked.

  “Probably after supper. I don’t want to leave until after that.” I said.

  Amy looked at me and asked “So what are you going to be doing between now and then?”

  “I haven’t got a clue. But I might have a nap.” I said.

  “A nap. What are you, eighty years old?” Tessa laughed.

  “Funny.” I said, turning to leave.

  Amy grabbed my arm and stopped me. I turned round and she leaned in for a small kiss.

  “I’ll catch up with you later.” She said smiling.

  Tessa and Amy then turned and headed back on the mats both whispering and giggling like two school girls. I just smiled and walked out into the hallway and headed for the lifts. Coming out of the lift on the fourth floor I headed to my room. I opened the door and there was Spirit sitting waiting for me. I scratched between her ears as I walked past and over to the bed. I lay down and closed my eyes. Feeling a weight land on the bed beside me I opened one eye and saw Spirit beside me. The funny thing was, she was in between me and the door and I had the feeling she was on guard duty. Closing my eyes I drifted off until a low growl beside me woke me up. Opening my eyes I could see the door to my room open, but there was no one else but Spirit and me in the room. I sat up and looked round everything was as I left it and just thought maybe I hadn’t closed my door properly. Either way, there was nothing to be concerned about.

  Sliding off the other side of the bed so that I didn’t have to push Spirit out of the way I got up, went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. Walking back into the room I headed over and closed the door. Sitting down in the chair I lifted my rifle onto the table and stripped it. I know I had already cleaned it after my time on the range, but I wanted to make sure everything was working as it should. It didn’t take me long to have it stripped and then reassembled.

  Once I had finished with my rifle I headed over to the kitchenette and grabbed two bottles of water out of the cupboard. One I opened and poured into a small bowl for Spirit and the other I opened and drank. Spirit jumped down from the bed and padded her way over the bowl and had drank it dry before I could finish the bottle in my hand. Pouring the last of my water into her bowl she drank that as well. I stretched out and did a few limbering exercises.

  Picking up my gear, I headed for the door and Spirit followed me.

  “Spirit, there is no way you’re coming tonight.” I said to her.

  She just sat by the door with a look on her face that said ‘How are you going to stop me?’

  Opening the door, she shot past me so fast all I saw was her tail disappear through the gap.

  “Fine, but if you get yourself killed don’t come crying to me.” I shouted in the hallway.

  Chris opened the door to his room and stuck his head out.

  “What?” He said, all bleary eyed.

  “Bloody dog wants to come with us tonight.” I said.

��Eh?” He said looking up the hallway toward Spirit.

  “Nothing, mate, just go back to sleep.” I said.

  He closed his door and I headed after my pigheaded dog. She was sitting looking at the lifts waiting for me. I pressed the button and waited. Spirit took advantage of my dangling hand to give it a lick.

  “No use apologizing now.” I said, looking down at her.

  She just whined and licked my fingers.

  The doors opened and Tom stepped out.

  “Oh, hey, Marc.” He said.

  “Hi, Tom, how are things?” I said, as the lift doors closed.

  “Not bad. Did Amy tell you that Rosa and I are back together?” He asked.

  “Rosa did mention something the other day.” I said.

  “Yeah, she has turned over a new leaf. She’s even helping out in the kitchen with Jennie.” He said, bending down to give Spirit a rub between her ears.

  “I didn’t know about the kitchen, but it's good news.” I said.

  “She still has the odd hissy fit, but she has started to realize that she can’t have everything she wants. Anyway, going for a shower before supper. I’ll catch you later.” He said, standing and walking off down the hallway.

  I pressed the button again and took the lift up to the first floor. I headed for the dining room and headed for the counter and poured myself a coffee from the flasks and headed over to one of the tables. Sitting down, Spirit crept underneath and lay down at my feet. I fished out the map we had been using the night before and sat studying it. A shadow fell across the table and I looked up. Maddie, David’s daughter stood looking down.

  “Hi, Maddie, what can I do for you?” I asked.

  “Is my dad going with you tonight?” She asked.

  “As far as I am aware. Why?” I said.

  “Can you please look after him?” She asked.

  “Of course I’ll look after him. I’ll tell you what, I’ll even have someone special help look after him.” I said.

  She looked at me like I was touched and I smiled.

  “Spirit!” I said.

  My shadow appeared from under the table and sat with her tail wagging and stupid grin on her face. Maddie gasped.

  “Maddie, meet Spirit, and, Spirit, meet Maddie.” I said.

  Maddie crouched down and stroked Spirit on the head. Spirit raised her head and gave Maddie’s face a clean with her tongue. Maddie fell backwards, giggling. Which gave Spirit the opening to give Maddie a thorough cleaning. I sat smiling as Maddie lost the battle and just ended up getting a ton of dog slobber on her.

  When I thought that was enough I said “Okay, Spirit, that’s enough.”

  Spirit turned to look at me and gave a low woof before lying down under the table.

  “I'll have Spirit help keep an eye on your dad, okay?” I said.

  Climbing off the floor, Maddie smiled and said “Yes.”

  She headed back to the kitchen where I saw Jennie standing at the hatch. She smiled and waved. Smiling, I gave her a wave in return before going back to looking at the map.

  Chapter Twelve

  I had finished my fist cup of coffee and had headed over to get a second when David walked in with Mike. Both saw me and headed over to the counter. Pouring my own coffee and two others we headed back to my table. Sitting down there was a yelp followed quickly by a deep growl. Mike shot out of his seat and moved away from the table. Spirit followed him with her teeth bared.

  “Spirit!” I said in as firm a voice as I could.

  She looked over her shoulder at me then back at Mike. She then gave one quick bark and trotted over to sit beside me.

  Smiling, David said “Nice you named her.”

  “Well, I couldn’t keep calling her dog, could I?” I replied.

  Mike edged his way back and sat down. Spirit walked slowly round the table and stood looking at him.

  “Is she going to bite me?” Mike said.

  “No, she just wants you to say sorry for stepping on her.” David said.

  “Erm…I’m sorry for stepping on you.” Mike said, looking sacred.

  Spirit looked at me and then back at Mike. Taking three steps forward she placed her head on his lap. Mike slowly lifted his hand and rubbed between her ears. Satisfied, Spirit moved back under the table and after a little while we heard soft snoring.

  “Where in hell's name did you get it?” Mike asked.

  “She followed Marc and Amy through your village. She seems to have adopted Marc as her owner.” David said.

  “Shit, she frightens the shit out of me.” Mike said.

  “Spirit is fine once she gets to know you. The only thing that pisses me off is that fact she always wants to ride shotgun.” I said.

  “I like the name, Marc. It suits her.” David said.

  “It does, doesn’t it?” I said, smiling.

  Maddie came out of the kitchen carrying a large plate covered with sandwiches and put them down in the middle of the table before standing beside her dad.

  “Daddy, did Marc tell you?” She asked.

  “Tell me what, sweetheart?” David asked looking at me.

  “He has someone else to look after you tonight.” She said.

  “Who would that be?” He asked.

  “His dog, Spirit, is going to.” She said smiling.

  “That’s good.” He said kissing her on the cheek.

  “I have to go help mom.” She said, heading back to the kitchen.

  David watched her go before turning to look at me.

  “She was worried about you so I said Spirit will be your bodyguard tonight.” I said to him.

  “Thank you. Are you sure you want to bring Spirit with us tonight?” He asked.

  “Don’t have a fucking choice. She won’t let me leave her behind. She’s like the mother-in-law you never wanted.” I said, smiling.

  Mike and David started laughing. Over their shoulders I saw the door open and Amy came in followed by Tessa. Both had their gear on. They saw us and headed over to the table.

  Amy was about to sit next to me when Mike said “Be careful, his dog’s under the table.”

  Amy looked under the table and was greeted with a low woof. Smiling, she lowered herself on to the seat and carefully placed her feet.

  Tessa glanced under the table and gasped.

  “What do you call it?” Tessa asked.

  “She is called Spirit.” I said.

  “She is beautiful.” She said, sitting down next to her father.

  Grabbing sandwiches, we all started to eat and I finished of my second cup of coffee. We were just waiting on Chris now. It was too long before my large friend made his appearance. He headed for the counter first, but instead of a cup or mug of coffee he picked up the flask and carried it over to our table.

  “No point in all of us getting up every time for a drink.” He said, putting it on the table next to us before sitting down.

  “So has everyone had time to rest up?” He asked.

  We all just nodded and carried on eating. Standing, I went to the flask and poured myself another coffee. I might have to take a piss later but the caffeine would help keep me alert. I had just finished pouring when the door to the dining room banged open. Turning round, I saw Jake rushing over.

  “Marc!” He said, coming to a halt.

  “Hey, Jake. Calm down and take a deep breath.” I said.

  Standing with his hands on his hips taking huge gulps of air Jake slowly calmed down.

  “Okay. Now what’s the matter?” I asked.

  “There was a message on the radio.” He said, still struggling for breath.

  “And?” I heard Chris ask.

  “It was for Marc. Some doctor was broadcasting on all the channels. She said that the ship she was on had been overrun with infected and that if you were still alive could you save her.” He said.

  My mind was now rushing in fourteen different ways and it still came back to the thought that Jane needed my help.

  “Did she give you
any ideas to where she might be?” I asked.

  “She was docked at Hull when the infected got on board. So it stand to reason that ship is still docked there.” Jake said.

  Even though I wanted to go and save her, I still had to deal with Tracy and her goon squad.

  “We have Tracy and her group to deal with first then we can see about saving Jane and her ship.” I said.

  “That’s if it isn’t a trap. Didn’t her bosses want to use you as a guinea pig or something?” Chris said.

  That was something that I hadn’t thought about. What if it was a trap, but could I leave her to die if it wasn’t?

  “Did you speak with her?” I asked Jake.

  “No, thought it better to came and speak with you first.” He said.

  “Okay, go back, try to get in contact and get as much information as you can, but do not give her any information about this place or that I am alive. Just say that I was alive the last time you saw me and that you might be able to get a message to me.” I said.

  Jake nodded and turned to leave.

  “Jake, remember don’t say a thing about the bunker.” Chris said.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not that dumb.” He said heading to the door.

  I sat down and put my head in my hands. I felt Amy’s hand on my back. What the hell. If it wasn’t one thing it was another.

  “What do you want to do?” Amy asked.

  “Nothing we can do at the moment. We have a danger on our doorstep that we have to deal with first. We’ll deal with anything else after that.” I said.

  “Okay then. Let’s get ready for our little walk in the dark.” Chris said, standing and adjusting his gear.

  One by one we all stood up and headed for the lifts and the outside.

  Stepping out into the night we all took large breaths of the chilled fresh air. Although we had air circulating round the bunker there was nothing like having fresh air in your lungs. Stretching my body, I adjusted my webbing and harness.

  “Let’s check the radios.” I said.

  After doing that, I bent down to Spirit and said “I want you to follow David, girl. You got that? David.” I said pointing at him.

  She wagged her tail and went over to stand by him.

  We set off down the track leading to the main road. Our route took us across the road and into the small tree line on the other side. From there it was a hike over the fields to the village.


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