Keeping Lily: A Dark Romance

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Keeping Lily: A Dark Romance Page 11

by Izzy Sweet

  Whenever I’m in Lucifer’s presence, it’s so much harder to remember that I hate him. So much harder to remember that I resent him for stripping me of my freedom.

  I should hate and resent him, shouldn’t I? I shouldn’t just accept this…

  He should respect me as a person. He should consider that I have feelings, and desires, and dreams. That I’m not just something he can keep locked away in his house. I’m not some toy he can refuse to share with the world.

  This is no way to live.

  Is it?

  But each day it’s getting harder to remember why I’m harboring such anger for him. I’m adjusting to my situation, adapting to the unusual circumstances.

  And so are the children.

  Adam, I’ve never seen him so happy or so relaxed. The tenseness he’s always carried around in his little shoulders is gone. I didn’t realize it before, but I think being ‘the man of the house’ all those days Marshall was off fucking his mistresses put a lot of pressure on him.

  I feel like the shittiest of mothers for allowing him to suffer that. Now that Lucifer is around I can tell Adam looks up to him. He trusts him with the burden of responsibility he took on his little self.

  And Evelyn, she’s as bubbly as ever. Even more so now that she has so many people around to give her their time and attention. If it’s one thing in the world she loves it’s attention.

  Should I even try to take them away from this? It truly seems like Lucifer has given them more than he has taken.

  I suppose it’s all a matter of ethics and morality. Where do I draw the line? How far am I willing to push my own principles for my family’s benefit?

  After all, I’m still technically a married woman. No papers have been drawn up, no lawyers have been contacted as far as I know. Lucifer has never mentioned it.

  I worry that he’s doing this all out of revenge.

  When he’s done, when’s he rubbed it in all the appropriate faces, will he drop us like a bad habit?

  Why am I even worried about it? Why? I should look forward to it, dammit. I shouldn’t be afraid of losing him…

  Speaking of revenge, is there such a thing as revenge shopping? Because if there is then I’ve been doing a lot of it. I’ve done more frivolous shopping in the past two weeks than I’ve done in the past two years combined. I have so many new dresses and shoes, I’m starting to push Lucifer out of his own closet.

  And he doesn’t seem to care. It’s infuriating, but I suppose it’s to be expected. Very little seems to affect him. The only time I see him get worked up is right before he’s yanking down his pants and thrusting inside me. That’s when I get to watch the mask slip to the side to reveal the real man.

  The man that hungers, the man that’s possessive.

  The man that’s weak to me, who has to remind me not to leave him…

  When I get the call that he wants to take me out tonight, my pathetic little heart jumps in excitement.

  Is he taking me out on a date? Perhaps he’s going to court me in the proper fashion?

  I spend the rest of the day trying on my new dresses, and doing my hair and makeup. I change my mind at least a dozen times and go through dress after dress before finally settling on a classic—a little black cocktail dress that’s so short it’s almost indecent. The dress hits me above my mid-thigh and the flared skirt flashes a bit of my panties if I bend over. Paired with stiletto heels and a sequined clutch, I feel beautiful and elegant.

  I can’t even remember the last time I dressed up like this, and I’m hoping I’m not overdressed. I’m hoping he takes me out to somewhere fancy and elegant.

  When the car pulls up to the house, it’s an exercise of self-control to keep myself from running up to it in excitement. I force myself to wait patiently for Simon to open the back door for me but I can’t keep my lips from smiling.

  Climbing into the backseat takes some more care than usual. I have to be careful not to flash my panties to world. But once I’m seated next to Lucifer, his reaction makes it all worth it. His eyes light up with heat before the door is even closed and he reaches over, pulling me onto his lap.

  “You look beautiful,” he purrs and nuzzles his face into my neck.

  “Thank you, but please don’t mess up my hair. I’ve spent all day curling it and pinning it.”

  “Mmm,” he rumbles and his warm palm touches down on my thigh. Slowly he drags his hand up, and I fight the urge to spread for him. “I like that. You’ve spent all day making yourself beautiful for me.”

  His teeth graze down my neck, nipping at my shoulder.

  I shiver, little goosebumps breaking out across my skin. “Yes, I’ve spent all day getting ready. I’ve really been looking forward to this.”

  “So have I,” he growls and his fingers push between my thighs, forcing me to open for him. “I’ve been thinking about your legs all day. Thinking about doing this...”

  Just as his hand pushes up my skirt and his fingers are pushing aside my panties the car comes to a stop.

  “Are we here?” Lucifer asks Simon gruffly.

  He curses when Simon responds, “Yes.”

  I sigh with disappointment as he pulls his hand out and smooths down my skirt. I was really looking forward to him getting me off, it would make getting through dinner so much easier.

  Simon’s door opens and shuts. A moment later our backdoor is being opened. I feel Lucifer’s hand against my ass as I climb out of the car, and then he’s behind me, pulling down my skirt.

  Straightening, I give myself a once over and decide to adjust my dress a bit. Lucifer’s hand touches the small of my back and he’s leading me forward before I even have a chance to look at the place.

  Dress back in place, I glance up and then frown in confusion. The building is ugly, made of dark stone and windowless. There’s a single steel security door serving as the side entrance and a beefy, security guard stands in front of it.

  Above the door is a neon pink sign that reads: Lucky’s Tails.

  What kind of restaurant is this?

  “Evening, boss,” the security guard nods at Lucifer and doesn’t even look at me, keeping his eyes purposely averted. He steps to the side as we approach, allowing us to pass.

  As soon as we step inside and the door slams behind us, I dig in my stiletto heels and turn on Lucifer.

  “You brought me to a strip club?!” I hiss in indignation above the fading chorus of Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me.



  The entrance we are entering may not be the front one, but there is enough people around to see the commotion she is causing.

  “Yes, dear, a strip club. I have a business meeting here tonight and it’s our newest purchase. I want to see the changes that have been made.”

  She growls out to me through gritted teeth. “I thought you were taking me somewhere special!”

  “I am.”

  Simon comes up from behind me and he nudges my shoulder. “They sent Marco Romano and his two associates.”

  Turning my gaze away from Lilith to the three men sitting in the middle of the club, I resist the urge to grin.

  They sent a high-level shot caller to meet with me. He’s not exactly the top tier in their organization, but he’s there to show that they want to hear what I have to offer. This guy will be able to make a snap decision or call someone who can right away.

  Snapping my fingers at Simon, I say, “Ensure they have anything they want before I get to the table. Anything they want is to come from the top shelf.”

  “Got it.”

  Pulling Lilith to the side of the entrance, I look down into her eyes. Those fucking emerald chips are staring daggers at me.

  “The men we are about to sit with are here for a very serious matter, it doesn’t matter where the fuck the location is. Do not embarrass me, this is our life, Lilith.”

  I look around the club, then pushing us further into the corner I grab her chin so that I can hold her eyes.r />
  She wants to say something but I don’t give her the chance. Leaning down I kiss her lips hard. Pushing my tongue into her mouth, I feel her instant reaction to fight me, but I don’t give up. Moments go by as she tries to resist me, but in the end her hands are clutching at my shirt. Her breath comes out in hitches as I pull back. My cock is ready to go right this moment but I will it down.

  “We can’t keep our guests waiting.”

  Tugging her hand lightly, I lead us into the club proper. The lights are low and the music is pumping through the speakers. As the last song fades away, White Zombie’s More Human Than Human comes on.

  Approaching the table, a tall buxom redhead stands in my way. Tall, with breasts as fake as her cherry red hair. She’s the most popular stripper in every club she works. “Cherry Bomb, thanks for taking over the new venture.”

  She stalks up to me and I can’t help but smile. This vixen is the absolute definition of sin.

  “Lucifer, my only love…” She purrs as she literally wraps her body around me. She is not one for family hugs, no she makes sure her pussy mound is press firmly against me. “Where have you been? I miss you.”

  Pulling my hand from Lilith’s, I untangle myself from Cherry as I push her to a more comfortable distance from me. I have a personal bubble that should never be breached… She doesn’t give one shit. If I let her, she would be weaving between my legs like a cat marking her territory.

  Grabbing Lilith’s hand, I pull her forward to stand beside me. “How are the new girls and the old girls working out?”

  Standing up straight, she switches from sex kitten to instant business mode. She is a certified CPA business school graduate, but this is, as she says, a much more interesting line of work. “Good. I’ve fired two of the old staff today during the mandatory meeting. They showed up late.”

  Nodding my head, I ask, “How’s the bartender?”

  “He’s skimming two dollars for every ten.”

  “Have the police here at the end of the night. Make sure the new cameras catch him in the act.”

  “Will do. Anything else?” she asks.

  “How are you enjoying managing the new club?”

  “It’s going to be one of the top earners.”

  Grinning, I nod, “Make sure it is.”

  Looking to Lilith, her face is inscrutable to me as she stares from Cherry to me and then back. “This is Lilith, be a good kitten and fetch us drinks, Cherry.”

  Just as quick as she as she went into business mode, Cherry’s whole demeanor switches back to the sexual devil act. She nods as she brushes up against me, her cheek rubbing against my shoulder then she all but rubs herself against Lilith who just stands there, opened mouthed.

  Poor girl has never met the likes of Cherry, I bet.

  Walking us to the table where Marco sits, I smile to him as he tears his eyes from the pale girl on the main stage. The dancer on stage is swirling around the pole, her head tilted way back as her pink dreads fly behind her.

  Nodding to the girl, I grin at Romano.

  He stands up from the table and his retinue is quick to follow. “Lucifer! Man is it good to see you have taken this place over. I wish we could have snapped it up ourselves!”

  I reach out to shake his hand. “It was one of those perfect timing things, Marco. It’s good seeing you again. Let me introduce Lilith.”

  Looking from me, to where Lilith and I hold hands, he offers her a warm smile. “It’s good to meet you Lilith.”

  Bowing his head low to her for a moment, Marco looks up and introduces his two me. “This is Anthony and Gio.”

  Shaking hands with everyone, we sit down as Simon comes up and grudgingly sits down with us. Raising my glass, I say “To new ventures!”

  “New ventures!” Marco grins at me.

  Yeah, the fucker knows I am looking to work with him.

  Settling down in our chairs, Marco leans forward as he frowns at me. “Lucifer, let me first say before anything else is said, what happened in Ohio has my family very upset, but we don’t have ties to anything that happened to you or your money. We know this could hurt our relationship with you, but…”

  He lifts his shoulders in a ‘what can I do’ gesture.

  It figures they would feel that way, and truthfully they have no dog in the fight. Nodding my head, I say, “I know Marco, but I had to make sure I had the story before I made any judgements.”

  Nodding his head, he says, “It’s a clusterfuck up there right now. There is an interim head for now… But we will see what happens. The fucking Irish, though, are bringing in some fucking crazy bastard from Ireland in to make things settle down… it’s going to be interesting to say the least.”

  That’s news on both fronts of what’s happening in the Midwest region. I don’t know whether he is intentionally dropping information for me or it’s an accident but it’s giving me an inside look.

  “Now that that’s been said, let me ask? How the fuck do I fall into such a good joint like this?”

  Laughing, I smile at him. “Next time I find a club that looks like a good buy I’ll call you. Let you have first dibs, sound good?”


  Smiling, I say, “So let’s talk about you and the Yakuza.”

  Frowning, he says, “The scum sucking bastards. They have been pushing further and further into our streets. Each day we see their little fucking wrappers they have their heroin wrapped in. Littering the fucking streets, trash everywhere. Half the time their shit isn’t cut right and it’s killing people off.”

  I can feel his annoyance. I haven’t seen much but I have seen enough of them to know they are starting to feel like they can sell on other people’s turf.

  “How much of the docks have they tried to take over so far?” I ask.

  Raising his eyebrows at me in surprise, he frowns at me. “I didn’t know that was common news yet.”

  “It’s not, Marco. Don’t worry about that. I just am very well informed when it comes to Garden City.”

  “They haven’t got much but they are trying pretty damn hard to buy out all the contracts there.”

  “Do you guys need help with that? I know a few men down there.”

  He pulls back from me as he looks at my face, trying to gauge my intent. I have just put my side next to his without asking for anything. Right now, I bet he is wondering why.

  “Well… Lucifer, I have to be honest. That would go a long way with my people and yours forming a good partnership.”

  He’s right, it would help them. The only reason I have yet to claim the docks is because of the headache it would be taking something that’s so near the Russians. The Italians would be best for both factions if they took it.

  But it could just as easily be the Yakuza.

  I could have offered the same position to the Yakuza, but when someone spits in my face I don’t tend to feel generous.

  “You know I am going to ask why us and not the Japs,” he states after he takes a long drink from his scotch.

  “You didn’t put up airs when I asked for a meeting. You know I am a valuable person to work with.”

  “Fair enough. If you would put the call in we would be very appreciative,” he says, nodding his head as he puts emphasis on appreciative.

  “Good, it’s settled. I’ll make the call tonight.” I snap my fingers at Cherry Bomb who has been waiting off to one side.

  Leaning to me, she puts her ear next to my lips. I take in a breath of her skin as I say, “Have the pink dreaded girl and any others who catch the guys fancy taken to the private rooms.”

  “Yes, sir,” she purrs back to me then walks towards the back as she motions to a few of the girls.

  Cherry has a certain smell about her, it’s a mixture of some heady pheromone she exudes as a perfume. That smell use to affect me in ways I didn’t allow myself to act on. Now? It smells like something annoying.

  Lilith’s scent alone causes me to feel primordial and possessive. It pulls me to her, kee
ping my very being locked on her. Whether she understands it or not, Lilith is mine and just the thought of another woman doing nothing for me is enough for me to know I am hooked on her forever.

  Looking back to Marco, I say, “If you guys need anything tonight let Cherry know, she will make sure you have it.”

  Grinning to me, he nods, but then looks like he has come to a decision. “Because we didn’t want to seem like you owed us anything, I have information on the Yakuza and the man they are using, Marshall.”

  Instantly my interest is peaked. “You said they are using?”

  “Yeah, it looks like he has gone to them for something. We don’t know what but he’s been there for an hour. We just found out right before we got here. My uppers wanted to make sure you knew.”

  Nodding my head, I say, “Thank you, Marco, it’s very appreciated.”

  Smiling, he nods. “My appreciation is much returned friend.”

  Nodding to us both, he says, “And Lilith, forgive me for not asking… You are?”

  “She’s my wife,” I say as I turn to smile at Lilith.

  “Congratulations Lucifer!” he says, lifting his glass to us both.

  Looking to Lilith, there’s a stunned expression on her face, and out of the corner of my eyes I can see Simon shaking his head slightly.

  Lilith turns to speak to me but with a shake of my head she clamps her mouth shut. Now is not the time for us to have this conversation. I think she can tell that when I grip her hand in my own.

  Cherry comes to the table with a group of girls and they start pulling the Italians up from their chairs. Smiling, the Italians wave goodbye to us as they get ushered to the back of the building. Cherry follows them all, my insurance that things will go as expected.

  Turning to Simon, I snap, “Find out what the fuck Marshall is doing with the fucking Yakuza. Now.”

  At first he is taken aback by the information then he nods. “On it.”

  We should have had that damn information.

  He leans down to my ear as he is getting ready to leave. “Do I need to get the paperwork and filings dealt with?”


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