The Dom's Virgin: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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The Dom's Virgin: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 22

by Penelope Bloom

  I didn’t think he could hold any more heat in those fiery eyes of his, but they seem to blaze now as he looks down at me, fresh hunger rising in him. He eases himself down on top of me, letting the shaft of his cock rest against my engorged clit. He rocks his cock against me and crashes his mouth down on mine. He pulls his hips back, letting the tip of his cock slide down my valley and press against my entrance.

  God. He’s so big. How’s it going to fit? He doesn’t show any hesitation and plunges into me. I cry out this time, biting his shoulder to stifle the sound. Pain and pleasure swirl together until they are indistinguishable. My world is a blinding white hot ecstasy of smooth skin rubbing together and calloused hands roaming my flesh. I dig my fingers into him, unable to stop myself, every crease and bulge of muscle making me ravenously hungry for more. I pull myself up against his chest, using him as leverage to grind my hips deeper into him, taking an impossible amount of his cock inside me until I can feel my walls stretching.

  I fall back to the couch, letting my head tilt back and moaning when he bends to kiss my neck, sucking hard, marking me as his.

  “,” I gasp.

  “That’s how you know it’s right,” he growls, taking me by the hips and pumping himself into me in a rhythm that has my nerves on fire with pleasure.

  My eyes roll back and I bite my lip so hard it hurts, cupping my tits and squeezing.

  He leans down, hips still driving into me as he whispers in my ear, voice so strong and seductive that it moves through me, caressing my body as if it has hands of its own. “When I’m...done with you,” he says, words punctuated by the slap of his cock plunging into me, “you’ll be ruined. You’ll only ever be able to...cum on my...fucking cock. You’re going to...crave a fucking drug.”

  I dig my fingers into his back gasping when the floodgates of pleasure open, blasting me with blinding pleasure. My toes curl and I press my head back into the armrest, gasping. He doesn’t stop his pace, relentlessly fucking me like he could go on this way for hours. I marvel at him. He’s the way I imagine ancient warriors would have looked mounting their women, proud and strong, fierce in their desire and purely constructed. He has a body so perfectly crafted for sex and violence that it couldn’t even be dreamed up. He’s utterly irresistible and terrifying, and I’ve fallen deep into his trap.

  I see a change come over his face. He increases his pace, eyes closing and lips parting. He’s about to cum. I need to tell him to pull out, just in case, but the words might as well be lodged in my throat. I’m still squirming with pleasure from my orgasm and feeling the strong hints of another quickly approaching, and I haven’t been able to think straight since he walked in the room. He’s going to cum inside you and you haven’t taken the pill every day. Say something!


  He rams himself in me to the root, surprising me when his cock goes even deeper than before. I cry out as a second orgasm explodes from my core and floods my system with utter bliss. I feel his length pulse inside me and the warmth of his cum. It feels so good, but I know it was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. If I get pregnant, I just ruined my life.



  I watch her dress as I button what’s left of my shirt together. She really did a number on it, and I don’t think even my old tailor could fix this. Fuck it though. I’d trash a three thousand dollar suit for five minutes with her. She is acting strange though. Cold. Like she’s about to kick me out and say she never wants to see me again. That’s normally my line. I’m the one who says when it’s over and when we stop, not the other way around. For some reason, she hasn’t gotten the memo.

  “I think we went over our time,” I say.

  She blushes, stepping into her skirt and lifting it. She has her hands on the zipper and I’m buckling my belt when the door swings open. The douchebag in the dress shirt and slacks bursts in the room. “Hey, you have a client wa—” His eyes widen and his mouth drops open as he takes in what just happened. My jacket still lays on the ground with her wet panties on top of it. Her hair’s a mess and her cheeks are flushed. I still have a hard-on the size of a mag-light.

  “You…” he starts, face turning red.

  I grab him by the collar with one hand, slam the door behind him, and press him into the wall. “Breathe a word of this to anyone and you’re dead. I’ll come to your fucking house in the middle of the night and ram a knife in your fucking heart. Do you understand me?”

  “Y-you can’t talk to me like that. I’ll press charges.”

  “Go ahead, if you think the police can stop me from getting to you.”

  The red drains from his face until he’s pale white. “You can’t—”

  “You keep saying that,” I say, leaning closer and lowering my voice. “There’s not a thing in this fucking world I can’t and won’t do to you if you cross me.” I slam him into the wall by his shirt, making his head whip back and bang into the door. He winces in pain, reaching to grab the back of his head. I open the door and shove him through so roughly that he stumbles and falls on his face. He scrambles to his feet and rushes out of my view.

  “Leave,” says Julia. Her eyes are watering, but her face is as hard and cold as stone.

  “Leave?” I ask.

  “As in get the fuck out,” she says, coming toward me and pushing me by the chest.

  I look down at her small hands and her legs as she struggles to move me and smirk. “I’ll leave, under one condition.”

  “Fuck your conditions,” she snaps. “Do you know who that was? That was Ted Mulberry, my boss. He’s probably calling the ethics board right now to get my license revoked.” She stands up straight, fuming when she can’t force me out of the door and gives me a hard shove. “And because you decided to fucking seduce me, I just threw away eight years of schooling, and for what? So I could have your cum dripping down my leg and a five minute memory?”

  “Ten minutes. I think it was at least ten,” I say.

  Her nostrils flare and her lips press into a thin line. I think she’s actually about to take a swing at me and I have to stop myself from laughing. “Leave. Now!”

  “Only if you give me a kiss goodbye,” I say, sliding my arm around her waist and kissing her hard on the mouth. She resists at first, but I feel her soften at my touch, relaxing into me. Her tongue flicks against mine, and then I pull back. As I look at her standing there, hair in disarray and life in tatters because of me, I feel like shit. I really do, but I’m sure she’ll land on her feet. Hell, she’ll probably thank me in a few years for getting her fired. I’d hate working for that asshole.

  Still, I don’t feel good leaving like this. The thought is foreign to me, but I can’t help thinking she deserved better than the way I treated her.

  “I hate you,” she whispers as I leave.



  I’m curled on my couch with a thick blanket, feeling confused and angry. It was only five hours ago that Leo came into my life and left it in tatters. I canceled my appointments for the rest of the day, went home, tried to wash the shame from my body, and called Callie in tears. She has been my closest friend, even if she lives hours away in New York, I still talk to her over the phone several times a week. I’ve never been the type to unload my problems on people. I haven’t even told her about my mom and her cancer because I know she would offer to help me with the money, but I can’t do that to her. It’s only because of her charity that I was able to afford my last year of undergrad and get into grad school in the first place. I already owe her so much more than I can repay, but I didn’t know who else to talk to about this. I could have talked to Lauren, but she just started working at the same office as me recently and I don’t want to scare her away with a story like this.

  “Leo Citrione?” asks Callie. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive,” I say.

  “Holy shit. I think that’s Damian’s cousin. I thought he was in prison for… well, I probably shouldn’t sa

  “Shit,” I say. “I’m a hell of a lot more worried about getting pregnant now. Apparently, the sperm count is really high in the Citrione men.” I guess I’ll have to go out and get a morning after pill later. I blush just thinking about how embarrassing that purchase will be.

  Tears well in my eyes. I have no idea what I’m going to do if I lose my license because of this, but I’ll figure something out. I’m not the type to dwell on feeling sorry for myself. I’ll pick up the pieces wherever they fall and make a new plan, even if it kills me. I made a mistake, and I’m going to live with it.

  “I think even if you miss a few days on the pill it still works,” says Callie.

  I shake my head. “No guarantees. Even missing one dose can throw the whole thing off. I’m going to have to remember to get a morning after pill.”

  “Well, most people try for years and never manage to get pregnant. What are the chances?”

  I glare at her. “About as good as getting pregnant the first and only time a guy fucks you on the hood of his car in a thunderstorm.”

  She winces. “I was hoping you had forgotten about that.”

  “Nope. That was a pretty memorable story.”

  “I’m honestly surprised I haven’t heard anything yet about my license being revoked,” I say, changing the subject.

  “Who says he actually called anyone? If Leo was as intimidating as you say, maybe Ted chickened out.”

  “I don’t know. Ted isn’t the type to let someone humiliate him like that and get away with it. I can’t believe he would just drop it. Hell, he has been punishing me for years now because I wouldn’t go out with him in grad school. I don’t think he’s ever going to let that go.”

  “Yeah, well, I said it then and I’ll say it again. Good choice. I learned the hard way to stay away from the rich, pampered types. Whatever happens though, you know I’m here for you. Damian and I both adore you. We’d never let anything happen to you.”



  Marco Bianchi hugs me tightly and claps me on the back. He smells like cigarettes and booze, but I probably still smell like Julia’s pussy, so I give him a pass. I left prison with the clothes I walked in with and that was it, but a quick trip to the bank fixes that. I’ve been the best at what I do for as long as I’ve done it, and in my world, guys like me cost a premium. My own family doesn’t have much use for muscle anymore ever since Vince started steering them toward the straight and narrow, but I could’ve found a way to make myself useful if I had wanted.

  My little brother Angelo is an ambitious hot-head though, and he stormed off to join the most fucked up, bloodthirsty family he could find. That’s how I ended up working for the Bianchis. I hate their guts, but I love my little brother, and I need to be around to keep an eye on him. So like it or not, I headed to the Bianchis after my session with Julia and got back to work.

  We’re in the smoke-filled basement of Marco’s place where most of the higher-ups hang out. My little brother Angelo is over in the corner talking in low tones with Carlito. I wish Angelo wasn’t so fucking ambitious. All I really want to do is keep him out of trouble, but it seems like the only thing he wants to do is find it. I guess I can’t blame him. If I didn’t have him to worry about, I probably would’ve wound up in prison a long time ago for a lot longer stint by now.

  I force myself to smile as I grease palms with the top guys of the Bianchi family. They’re all ancient, and you’d never guess how bloodthirsty they are by appearance. I appreciate a good fight and a cold stack of cash as much as the next guy, but I don’t ever confuse money for power like they do. Power is in the man, it’s in his core. It’s not in how you can throw your money around and get other people to do your dirty work. I have no respect for these men.

  I interrupt Angelo and Carlito by clapping my little brother on the back. “The fuck are you two talking about over here?”

  Angelo licks his lips, glancing at Carlito for approval. “We got wind of an opportunity, and we were thinking with you out of prison, we could actually pull it off on the side, without…” he glances toward the Bianchis. “You know.”

  I discreetly make sure we’re out of earshot and signal for him to go on.

  “The Morettis are getting involved in some big shit. They are sending shipments of weapons to cartels in Mexico, and it’s bringing in boatloads of cash.”

  “And you want to get in on some of that cash?” I ask.

  Angelo and Carlito nod, smiling. Angelo has my dark hair, but his features and body are softer. He’s never been as strong as me, and I think that always made him overcompensate by trying to do the craziest shit he can think of. Carlito is a young guy, maybe twenty, like Angelo. I can’t help seeing how bad they need me to look out for them when they smile up at me. How the fuck did they survive while I was in prison? The answer is they probably played it cool for a while, but they think with me behind them, they can pull off anything.

  “How do you plan to keep the Bianchis from finding out?” I ask.

  Angelo looks down. “We don’t have all the details worked out, but you can help us with that. You’re always good with that kind of thing.”

  I smirk. It’s a stupid plan. It’s reckless, and if the Bianchis even catch the slightest whiff of it, they will be after our blood right beside the Morettis. But stupid plans have always been the most fun.

  I wait in the parking lot outside Julia’s office, leaning on her car. I saw the keys to an Acura on her desk and there are only four cars in the lot, one of which happens to be an Acura, the same one I saw in the lot the day I met her. I thought I would be able to put her from my mind and move on after I got a taste of her pussy, but it has been two days and I’m still thinking about her constantly. Seeing her car here means she must not have lost her job after all. I’m surprised by how much that relieves me. I normally couldn’t care less. I get what I want from a woman and move on, even if I’ve left their life in chaos. This time…it feels different. I don’t think I realized it until now, but part of the reason I’ve been thinking so much about her is because I know I made her risk her career. I wanted to make sure she was still doing okay.

  Seeing her car here means she’s fine. I could just leave and be done with it, but that’s not true. There’s still something hanging between she and I, something I can’t put my finger on. I want her.

  I distract myself a little while I wait by thinking about Angelo’s plan. I did a little digging and found out that he’s right. The Morettis are being reckless as hell. They are driving unarmored cars from Texas to New Jersey with up to a hundred thousand cash, and they’re doing it on a regular, predictable basis. They’re practically begging to get ripped off. The only wrinkles are how to spend the cash without drawing their eye, and how to keep the Bianchis from finding out we were behind the robbery, because the Morettis will definitely point the finger at the Bianchis before any other family. It could be an easy payday, or it could be a bloodbath. But I like our odds.

  She finally leaves the office almost an hour after I arrive. I straighten the wrinkles from my clothing. I’m wearing a white undershirt and a new Brione suit. I run a hand through my hair and smile at her. But she looks pissed to see me standing here. Her lips press angrily into a single, thin line and her eyebrows draw down as she approaches.

  “You’ve done enough damage. Can’t you just leave me alone?” she says, trying to push past me to get into her car.

  I put my hand on her waist, turning her so her back is against the car and our faces are inches apart. “I’ll leave you alone. As soon as I’ve got what I want.”

  Her eyes roam my face, lips parting. I fucking love how quickly I can break through her anger, how badly she wants me even when she knows with every fiber of her being that she should stay away. “What do you want?” she breathes.

  “I want to get to know you.”

  She frowns in confusion, pushing me back a little. “No. No. Out of the question.”

  “Then I’m n
ot leaving you alone.”

  “I had to scrape and beg to keep my job, and now Ted is holding what he saw against my career like a loaded gun. I make one wrong move and he can ruin my life. I’m not risking that again for you.”

  I’m surprised by how much her words sting. Since when have women been able to say anything that bothered me? It’s always been so easy, so simple. I fuck them and forget them. No strings. No problems. Why can’t I just forget her?

  “Give me one more chance. Dinner. I’m not your patient anymore. It’s not risking your job to have dinner with me.”

  She looks at me for a long time before grabbing her keys, opening the door, and sitting behind the wheel. I move inside the door, keeping her from closing it while I write my number on a gum wrapper from my pocket. I hold it out to her. “Call me when you change your mind,” I say.



  It’s been a week since he gave me his number, a week and a few days since he sauntered into my life and left it in shambles. But every time I look at the stupid gum wrapper with his cramped handwriting on it, I can’t make myself throw it away. I can’t throw him away, even though I should. I think about him all day. I’m addicted to him and I keep waiting for the withdrawal to fade, but it only gets worse. My skin burns and aches for his touch again. I’m ashamed by how many times I’ve pleasured myself thinking about him since that day.


  I pour myself a cup of coffee and move to the kitchen table, idly tapping through my phone to read my newsfeed on Facebook.


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