Dirty Rescue

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by Sadie May

  Dirty Rescue

  Sadie May

  Copyright © 2018 by Sadie May

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  1. Cristina

  2. Cade

  3. Cristina

  4. Jay

  5. Cristina

  6. Cristina

  7. Jay

  8. Cristina

  9. Cade

  10. Cristina


  Dirty Ride


  I’m sitting at Antonio’s Pizzeria, eating a shitty slice of pizza, with one eye looking out the window. My roommate, Pam, is alternately complaining about the food and expounding on her latest crush from gross anatomy class.

  “Cristina, why do you want to keep coming here?” She gripes as she takes another bite of her veggie calzone. “Did I tell you that Zach asked me to be his lab partner?”

  “Sexy,” I roll my eyes giving her a grin. At least he made some kind of move. The guys I have been crushing on, don’t even know I exist. And yep, I just said guys.

  I know that is crazy. But I saw them in a bar one night. I don’t know their names. One is a golden god, all toned with blond hair and blue eyes. The other is just as tall and equally broad but he’s all darkly handsome.

  Anyway, there was this completely trashy girl between them. You know the type, super tight mini skirt and boobs hanging out of her tank top. Her hair was all teased up and her eye makeup smoky black. But the blond guy was kissing the front of her neck and the dark haired one was pressed against her back like she was the peanut butter in their sandwich.

  Jesus, since that night, I have this recurring fantasy that they do the same to me.

  They strip off my clothes, and the blond god is kissing my mouth while my dark haired man of mystery is kissing a trail down my spine. When he gets between my legs, he spreads me wide and licks from one end to the other. I can’t help it, I bend over to give him more access and when I do, a thick juicy cock, surrounded by golden curls is too close to my mouth and I simply have to take a lick. Then a suck, and next thing I know, I am giving my blond god head while my brunette makes me so wet, I am about to come all over his face. That is the exact moment he stops. I want to protest but my mouth is full of another cock and as I pull off of it, to turn around and beg for him to lick me again, I feel his fat head part my seam and push inside me. I am so full, I want I moan around the cock still in my mouth and my blond god, twines his fingers through my hair to push me all the way back down his thick rod.

  I am going to come and when I do, they are going to cum too. Filling me with their hot liquid till I can’t take another drop.

  I nearly moan around my slice of pizza, my eyes still glued to the window, when I see them. My fantasy guys.

  They step out of the blue pickup truck they always arrive at the fire station in and head for the side entrance.

  You see, after that night in the club, I drank away my despair. I wanted them but they were with somebody else and I would probably never see them again. Hung over and in need of sustenance, Pam convinced me to try this new pizza place. It was awful but as we sat by the window, I saw them, go into the station. So I keep dragging her back here to get my fix.

  “Are you listening to me?” Pam demands.

  I nod, my eyes watching them till I can’t see them anymore.

  I haven’t told her about my crush for a bunch of reasons. One… it’s two guys. The other, I don’t even know they’re names. Third, she would try to convince me to do something about it and I already know that isn’t going to happen. I don’t have much experience and even if I did, I look like the sweet innocent girl next door. I don’t have that whole slutty vibe that they obviously like.

  But two hot firefighters totally get my engine running. Looks like it will be me and the shower head again tonight. After I study, of course. Pam and I are both physical therapy majors in our grad program. There are never enough hours in the day for studying, especially with finals right around the corner.


  The thing about being a firefighter is that I never sleep fitfully anymore. My body is always waiting for the alarm. It used to be just at the firehouse, but now, fuck, it’s all the time.

  It was actually worse at home because at the station, I knew there were other guys there that had my back, you know?

  So I ended up moving in with my buddy, Jason. We work together and now we live together, because I sleep better knowing that another fireman has got my back if shit goes down.

  Which is why I am sleeping like a baby when the alarm goes off. My eyes pop open and Jay is already there, his face an inch from my face. “You awake, man?”

  ‘Yeah, I’m good.” I reply, as he backs up to give me room to get out of my bunk. I’m only in my boxers but it isn’t like everyone at the house hasn’t seen my junk. That’s the thing about being at a station like this together all the time, you get real used to each other.

  Jay and I take that to a whole different level, though. And it maybe isn’t something that everybody understands. You save each other’s life a couple of times, and your bonded in a way I can’t fuckin’ explain. So when we were at a bar a year ago and some chick said she wanted to do us both, we were game. We share everything else in life, why not a woman?

  It’s gotten to the point, where we hardly hook up with girls on our own. We just share. The ladies are cool with it, probably because we’re the perfect complement, I’m a blond haired and blue eyed all American type while he’s all dark and mysterious or some shit like that. I don’t know. I don’t really know how girls classify dudes as hot. But they seem to think we are, so we go with it.

  And just like sleep, being with a woman together, well it takes some of the pressure off. Whatever I’m not giving her, he will and vice versa.

  My gear is all on now, and I take my position, next to Jay, on the truck. “It’s a bad one man.” He yells to me over the engine and the sound of the sirens blaring through the dark streets. “It’s in those row houses, over on the ABC streets.”

  “Fuck,” I groan out. Those places should just be torn down. They’re the nineteen twenties version of balloon construction. Built straight up, no fire stops. They go like up like a bonfire when they light. No one survives that shit.

  He claps me on the shoulder. “We’ll get ‘em out if we can.”

  But I don’t respond because the see the flames lighting the night sky as smoke rises in a stack from the building.

  As we round the corner, I can see that the whole block is in danger of going up. One house is already torched another is burning to the ground and a third is lit.

  Jumping off the truck, we spring into action. Two other guys start hitting the blaze with water, to try and stop the spread as Jay and I rush to the bystanders.

  A woman is standing outside the second place, she looks at me with frantic eyes and I know the look, someone is still in these houses. “My place is cleared out,” she points to the second house, “But Cristina and Pam are still in there.” Her fingers moves to the house that has just started burning.

  As if on cue, the door to the third unit, bursts open and a young woman runs out in a t-shirt and short shorts followed by a clean cut college type. “Help,” she screams, her eyes finding mine. “Christina, her foot is caught, I couldn’t get her.”

  “Where?” I yell, sprinting towards her.

  “Hallway,” she gasps as an EMT rushes to her side.

  Jay is right behind me as I push throug
h the entryway and into the hallway that must lead to the kitchen. I’m not two steps down the hall, when I see her. Her foot has gone through the flooring and she frantically pulling to get it out.

  Dropping to my knees, I wrap my arms around her and say through my mask. “It’s alright, stay calm. We’ll get you out.”

  Her face turns to mine and it hits me like a fucking punch in the gut. She is so beautiful and vulnerable all at the same time, I can barely breathe. Big eyes meet mine, wide with fear. Her hands grab at my arms as her lips make an O. Ripping of my oxygen mask, I place it over her face to give her some clean air as Jay comes around me to look at her foot. I’m just gonna hold her close and keep her calm so he can free her.

  Within seconds he rips a couple of boards away and her foot frees from the tangle of wood. She’s climbing up me then, like she never wants me to let her go. So I pull her close and start sprinting for the door.

  Just as I am about to leave, a streak of grey fur goes by me and she points down at it, mouthing the word please.

  But Jay sees it too and before I can assure her, we’ll get the cat, he is scooping it up in his arms.

  Cristina buries her head in the crook of my neck. I can’t hear her, but I feel her sobs, her little body pressed to mine. She’s in a little nightgown that barely covers her so that the length of her toned legs are exposed to my view.

  For some reason, I don’t want the other guys seeing what I’m seeing so I turn to Jay. “Get me a blanket.” I don’t have time to think about the why, but I hold her closer.

  Jay comes back with the cat still gripped in one arm and a blanket in the other. I see his eyes sweep down the length of her as he shakes out the blanket and drapes it around her. I quick tuck it over her body so she’s covered.

  The other girl comes racing over and I give her a quick sweep. She’s more our usual type. Dark hair, good rack, but I don’t feel anything as I pull Cristina closer. The other’s girl’s boyfriend is right behind her as her frantic eyes search out the petite blond in my arms. “Is she okay?”

  Lifting the oxygen mask off her face, I look down at the dark sweep of lashes that are spread across her soot covered cheek. “Hey Sweetheart,” I murmur. “You all right?”

  Her eyes open and hazel green eyes, connect with mine. Her hand reaches up and touched the column of my neck right at the base, fingers on my only exposed skin. I swear my pulse starts to race and she can feel it.

  “I’m okay,” she whispers. Her sweet lips puckering in a little frown. “I can’t believe this is how we met.” And then her eyes close again. What the fuck?


  I wake to the sound of beeping. It’s a steady beep beep beep that is almost like a heartbeat. As I open my eyes, I see a monitor and realize that it is, in fact, the sound of my own heart.

  Blinking, I try to remember where I am but my foggy brain just won’t work. Then I hear a voice. “Sweetheart, are you awake?” A thumb brushes down the inside of my wrist.

  Turning, I see my blond god sitting on the edge of my bed. What is happening? Is this a dream?

  I try to sit up to ask the question, but another hand gently pushes against my chest. Then it slides under my back and slowly lifts me upright. I look over to see my dark knight on the other side of my bed. I must be dreaming. That is the only explanation.

  “I’m Cade,” the blonde says with a warm tone that pulls my gaze back to him. His hand comes up and brushes my hair away from my face. “And this is my buddy, Jason, but everyone calls him Jay.”

  “It’s nice to meet you?” I say for a lack of anything better. My brain is still fuzzy but details of the fire start trickling in. “Pam, is she hurt?”

  “Nope,” Jay answers. “She’s totally fine and so is Zach. They left not too long ago.” He is tucking the covers tighter around my body, as though I were a child or perhaps just precious.

  “And Bing?” I ask next. My gaze slides from one to the other at their looks of confusion. Terror starts to claw at my insides until I realize they might just not know his name. “The cat.”

  Cade gives me a wink. “He’s hanging out under my bed. We didn’t want to send him to the shelter so we figured he could stay with us while you get sorted.”

  “Thank you,” I breathe, relief sweeping over me. “If I lost him, I don’t know what…” I trail off. I shouldn’t have even started down that road.

  “You’re tight with the cat?” Jay prompts as he grabs a Styrofoam cup from the side table and holds the straw to my lips. The cool liquid feels amazing against my parched throat.

  I nod. I suppose I owe them the truth after they saved my life. “He was my mom’s cat. When she died, he became mine. He’s all I have left, you know?”

  I hear their intake of breath. Shit. I don’t want them to feel sorry for me. Here I am, damsel in distress, two hot firefighters—and they’re going to throw me a pity party instead of the sex party I wish we could have.

  Jesus, I mentally lecture myself. You’re in a hospital bed. Stop thinking about sex.

  It’s at that moment that a nurse pops her head in the room. “You’re awake.” She gives me a grin. “I’ll have the doctor on duty come do a full exam.”

  I nod and both of my firefighters stand. Disappointment stabs through me, until Cade pushes something into my hand. It’s a cell phone. “It’s mine,” he gives me a little wink. “Use it to call Jay if you need anything today. His number is in there. Otherwise, we’ll be back over after lunch.”

  Jay gives my other hand a squeeze. “We’re just going to check on Bing and catch a few Z’s. Some pretty lady kept us up all night.”

  I wrinkle my brow, jealousy ripping through me, which is ridiculous. I have no claim over these guys other than in my fantasies. Until Cade leans over and presses a little kiss to my brow. “We were worried about you.”

  Oh, I’m the pretty lady who kept them up all night. I blush as they wave and head out the door.

  It isn’t till they are gone, and my eyes swing back to the nurse that I realize she was following them with her gaze too. “You are luuu-uu-cky,” she murmurs as her head tilts to the side to catch a last glimpse of Jay’s ass. Spoiler, it’s amazing. Firm in his tight jeans. I actually want to bite it. Which is crazy. The one guy I’ve slept with, my boyfriend from freshman year, the sex was super vanilla. I orgasmed occasionally and he seemed kind of embarrassed when I did. But we never strayed from missionary and there was no oral and the one time I tried to convince him, he actually got pissed.

  Pam swears that he was just insecure because he knew he wasn’t good in bed. But I think he’s a prude. He’s married now, to a very religious girl, who only believes in sex for procreation. Not even kidding. I hope he’s happy, because I wouldn’t have been if I’d stayed with him.

  Not that I’m getting any more action now. I definitely want to do a lot more in the bedroom. I’m totally ready for all of it. I just don’t want to sleep around, you know? I want to find the right guy or guys and try it all with them.

  Is that weird?

  Anyway, the doctor comes in and clears me to go. I’m super relieved because I only have school provided health insurance. I do take a shower, which makes me feel loads better, but then I realize a couple of things. One, I have no real clothes. They are literally gone. And two, I have no place to go. I don’t even have my phone to call Pam. Shit, I am screwed.


  I am driving the truck back to our place and trying to figure out what the fuck I say to Cade. Cause this shit is messed up. Okay, we’ve gotten into this habit of sharing hookups. We live together, work together, it seemed natural to fuck together. I know it’s different, but it works for us. These girls aren’t serious, they’re just a way to relieve the pressure valve from the stress of the job.

  But one look at Cristina and I know it’s going to be different. One glance at her in that little nightie and I was a goner. I mean that girl is a ten in the body with the face of an angel. Big eyes, pleading with you to keep h
er safe.

  The thing is, I could tell by the way Cade held her, covered her, stayed by her side that he felt it too. But this is so different from a hookup. I just don’t know if this is the type of thing you share. The guy is like my brother, but could we share love?

  “I think we need to talk,” Cade says from next to me and I know he’s thinking the same shit I am.

  “Agreed.” I pull into our driveway and he grabs the bag of cat food we bought at Target on the way here. We also picked up some clothes for Cristina. Just leggings, long shirts, fake Uggs and some personals that honestly made my dick hard.

  We head into the house and Cade opens the cat food, dumping some in a bowl, and then heads to his room to leave it for the cat. I break open the cat litter and dump some into the tray and follow him into his room. Bing is still under the bed but he gives a little meow at the sight of the food.

  Cade sits on his bed and I lean against the dresser. “I saw the way you touched her.” Cade runs his hand through his blond hair.

  I’m not gonna deny it. Best just to get to the heart of it. “Yeah, I don’t know what it is about her. She’s gorgeous and vulnerable.” I take a breath. “I want to fuck her and protect her all at the same time.”

  Cade nods. “Did you hear her say her mom died? She’s fucking alone.” He shakes his head. “And the roommate. Chief says she went back to try to collect their books. It’s almost finals and they need them to study.”

  “Did he say what?” I stand then, because I realize I can probably add smart to the list of attributes.

  “Physical therapy, man. She’s a grad student.” Cade flops back on the bed. “You know what I would give to have a woman like that?”


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