Dragon's Christmas Captive_BBW / Dragon Shifter Romance

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Dragon's Christmas Captive_BBW / Dragon Shifter Romance Page 6

by Isadora Montrose

  The ring wasn’t in any of her dragon’s hiding places. It wasn’t on the floor. Perhaps it was in the bed, guarded by that great sleeping oaf. It was. Theo, who had refused her hand in marriage, had placed her ring on his hand – as if he fully intended to be her husband. The impertinence of it was beyond galling. She had to discipline this recalcitrant and obdurate dragon. She was not going to live with someone who disregarded all her wishes and was rude into the bargain – to say nothing of being a poisoner.

  Lexi was out of breath and temper when she finally removed the ring from Theo’s finger. It was time to teach him an important lesson. With a wave of her hand she returned the ring to her slave. Now it encircled his thick neck. Her work here was done. She was going to go and forage. In the future, Theo was going to have to provide delicacies for her unbidden. It was unseemly for a princess to have to wait on herself.

  After a long hunt, she found the kitchen. In the years since she had been exiled, kitchens had changed a great deal. This one scarcely seemed like one at all. It had no fireplace. And precious little food. She finally found a bowl of fresh fruit. Dragon magic undoubtedly. Whoever heard of fruit that grew when there was snow on the ground?

  She tried several spells before she got the fruit in a form that she could eat. It was sweet, juicy and delicious. The peel was the same color as Theo’s swimming livery. It was quite delicious, and she resolved to eat it every day. Or at least as long as the magic held. When she had eaten, she returned to Theo. He was lying on his back breathing sonorously.

  She had hoped to make her dragon love her. Well, he had had his chance. Tonight he would learn to serve her. He was altogether too arrogant, too self-centered, and too inclined to laugh at her. Well, he wouldn’t be laughing when she was done with him.

  Lexi contemplated making him smaller. But it took a great deal of power to effect such a spell. She was by no means sure that after being poisoned she was up to so much magic. And in fact, it hardly seemed worthwhile unless she could be sure of a permanent result. She had never heard of such enchantments working indefinitely.

  Theo had pulled his blanket up over his shoulders. With a wave of her hand, she revealed him. He lay before her quite naked. She was growing used to him, she thought, as she surveyed him from the air. His legs were lightly covered in golden curls, both calves and thighs. And his third leg was completely hairless. It stood up like a spike. A tall, red-capped spike. Its cover was curled back and wrinkled like the shed skin of a snake.

  She landed on his groin and cupped it with both hands, and gave it the smallest of tastes. It jerked around, and she remembered how it had gone off without warning before. Better to leave it well alone. Besides, tonight Theo was going to learn to please her. Almost she wished that she had put the ring of Hrothgar on his third leg. It was a most entertaining thought to think of his cock wearing a slave collar.

  Beneath the curling hair on his legs a spiral of raw, red blotches circled both limbs. That sea serpent had wounded her champion. It was good to have confirmation that her dragon was valorous and brave. She muttered an incantation and was pleased to see the discoloration fade. She moved her spell upward to the marks on his arms and his face. The serpent had even pulled out part of his beard. She soothed the red marks with the tenderest of charms.

  She climbed onto his belly and waded through the curls on his stomach and chest right up to his beard. It was warm – pleasantly so. She ran her hands through the curls, enjoying the crisp softness of it, and the firm chin underneath. She made a discovery. Her dragon had a dent in his chin the size of her fist.

  She set her hands on either side of the ring around his neck, although it was a stretch. She recited the words of power. She looked down at herself and sighed. Even using the power of the ring, she was no bigger than before. She had no idea how she was going to transform herself into a Valkyrie. He was just going to have to lump her size.

  Lexi bent her head and pressed her lips against his. His beard tickled her mouth and she jerked back. “Wake up, Slave,” she commanded. She was surprised at the hoarseness of her voice. Undoubtedly, the poison she had drunk had seared her vocal cords.

  Theo’s blue eyes opened and his hands reached for her waist and hoisted her overhead. He looked delighted. “You’re back,” he said to her in the manner of dreamers. He lowered her so they lay skin to skin, facing each other. But his hands stayed at her waist. He kissed her closed mouth softly and raised her again. “Don’t you want to kiss, Lexi?” His voice echoed in her head.

  “You may begin with kissing, Slave,” she instructed him.

  “Slave?” He chuckled.

  “You may start with kissing.”

  Before the words were out of her mouth, he had swung her sideways and covered her entire body with his. When that great, weighty body settled on her, she felt a moment of panic. But his hardness pressed into her softness in a most appealing way.

  “I’m too heavy for you, sweetheart.” He pushed himself up onto his elbows. “Kisses, eh? You want kisses?” His lips were just above the corner of her mouth. She could feel the warmth of his breath tickling her softly. His fingers played with her hair. His voice crooned in her head.

  “I wish to be kissed.” She pursed her lips and waited with her eyes closed.

  A puff of air on her eyelids disturbed her. “Open up,” he said. “Haven’t you been kissed before, Lexi?”

  Certainly she had. Jörmungandr the Cursed had kissed her. Twice. Not that she had cared for the pirate’s kisses, but she had been kissed. “Of course, I have,” she snapped.

  Theo’s chest shook with suppressed laughter. His beard caressed the edge of her jaw, and his lips pressed gently on the sensitive spot beside her ear. She quivered and he moved his lips to the lobe. He nibbled and when she squirmed, he licked it and blew gently. Shivers shot all through her body. Her breasts tingled, and lightning flashed between her legs. He was working dragon magic on her! She had better be on her guard.

  “I said kissing,” she reminded him sternly. “I didn’t give you permission to lick me.”

  “No?” His drawl was lazy and self-satisfied. “I think kissing has changed a little since you left the Land of the Elves.”

  Was that true? Lexi tried to think, but the devil moved his head to her neck and between the tickling of his beard and the tender edge of his teeth on the tendon that ran from her shoulder to behind her ear, she had no capacity for thought. Her whole being was consumed with sensation. Delight sizzled in her veins. Lightning flashes sparked through her breasts and between her legs until she was humming.

  She was bereft when he moved his mouth away and left her neck cold and forlorn. But then his lips claimed hers. She pressed back against his mouth. He chuckled again, but he was learning. He said nothing. He bit her lower lip gently and when she gasped, he sucked lightly on it. She was going to reproach him. This wasn’t kissing. But then she realized that it was better. Perhaps she should allow him free rein with his magic?

  His lips moved slowly from one side of her lip to the other, as if he had all day to learn its shape and taste. She could taste him now. While she had been blissfully enjoying her slave’s attentions, her tongue had sneaked out to savor his lips. He tasted of dragon and male and authority. She had better be careful. But the slow slide of her tongue made his big body stiffen and jerk. So that was good. Perhaps this magic worked both ways?

  * * *

  If this was a dream, it was the best one Theo had ever had. His exasperating pixie seemed to be life-sized all of a sudden. But just as demanding and deluded as she was when she was minute. If she wanted to play, he was willing. Morality wasn’t a factor in dreams. She acted so knowing, and yet was so ignorant and innocent. Of course, this was his dream. He could do what he liked with his dream maiden.

  She wanted to kiss, did she? Except that she didn’t seem to know how. Which didn’t stop his little bossy boots from issuing orders. He liked kissing. He liked it very much. He liked it when it was hot and open mout
hed. And when it was tender and teasing. But this little maiden wasn’t ready for soul kisses, she was hardly ready for kissing at all.

  On the other hand, she was very responsive. Those sweet little apples of hers were firm and the tender tips poked through his chest hair when he lowered his torso to envelop her. He had to remember not to crush her, even though another part of his brain insisted that he couldn’t crush a dream woman. He let his beard pleasure the soft and sensitive skin of her neck before he tried to teach her to kiss properly.

  It took patience to explore the tender, plump curve of that lower lip. She wanted to kiss as his little nephew did, with hard pursed lips. Although she insisted that she knew what she was doing. As if. He suckled her lower lip until he coaxed her shy tongue out. It swept across his parted lips and she jumped as if he had stuck her fingers in the electrical outlet. Excellent.

  She smelled like rain and woods and oranges. Imagine that. As he continued his love play, he remembered the previous night’s dream when his lover had declared that she was doing it right. Was his pixie conducting some sort of experiment with him? He wasn’t sure if he liked that idea. But then her skin dampened and the sweet, salty, musky taste of her skin suffused him with rampant desire.

  When he met her green eyes, they were big and the pupils were dilated. She cupped his face with both hands and stroked his beard until she got to his chin. She tugged gently and brought his mouth back to hers. This time her lips were open, and he slipped inside to taste and tease. Her startled tongue retreated and then met his in a slow, joyful glide. They twirled and played together until her fragrance increased and her breath came in gasps. His own chest was rising and falling in the same desperate rhythm.

  And then she spoiled everything. She pulled her head away from his, twined her fingers in his hair and yanked. “Theodor Son of Lind,” she cried. “Are you going to be my husband?”

  Even in his dream, he couldn’t lie. “No, Princess,” he said regretfully. “That isn’t possible.” How could he marry a phantasm?

  Suddenly he was aware of a vise around his throat. He fell back on the bed fighting for air. His hands found a collar the width of his wrist fastened around his neck. It did not give when he pulled on it. Her voice was anguished and cross.

  “Then you must sleep alone, Slave.” His warm and comfortable bedmate vanished. But he could at least breathe. “Sleep,” commanded Princess Alexandra.


  Pounding on the bedroom door woke her dragon. Theo opened his eyes as if the lids were heavy and sticky. Possibly they were. She didn’t actually know how that sleeping spell worked. But it was good to know it hadn’t lost any potency.

  Theo stretched as if he was stiff. She hoped he ached all over – as her head did. The door opened and the little brother came in. He was bouncing with excitement. But his nose started twitching. Lexi sat cross-legged on Theo’s mantelpiece watching. It was as good as a play.

  “Theo, Theo,” Gunnar called. “We’re all waiting for you. It’s lunchtime.” His voice trailed away when his brother responded with a gurgle.

  Lexi smiled. Theodor Lindorm was going to have to learn that he now did nothing without her permission. Her big golden dragon sat up in bed and his hands went to his throat. She saw the moment he realized why he couldn’t speak.

  “Lexi. “His voice was a roar inside her head.

  “Yes, Slave,” she simpered.

  “What the fuck have you done to me?” Theo demanded silently.

  “I’ve put a collar on you. Just to remind you that you are now my chattel.”

  “A collar!”

  “Would you like permission to speak?” she asked. “Because the young one is beginning to think there is something wrong with you.”

  “Princess, will you let me speak to my brother?”

  “Certainly, Slave,” she said.

  “Are you okay, Theo?” Gunnar asked anxiously. His blue eyes were round and he looked about the room as if he couldn’t believe what he saw. Or maybe what he smelled.

  Lexi’s own nose twitched. The room reeked of dragon sweat and Theo’s poisoned potion. Apparently this young dragon disapproved of this. Well, that was hardly her problem. Let Theo get himself out of this situation. It would be good discipline.

  “I’m coming, Gunnar,” Theo said. “I’m fine. I was up late and I overslept. Tell Mamma I’ll be along shortly.”

  The door banged as Gunnar ran off.

  Theo’s eyes searched the room for her. It was a while before he spotted her.

  “What did you do to me, Princess?” he roared. He stuck a large finger between his Adam’s apple and the gold torque she had sealed around his neck. “What the hell is this?”

  “My seal of ownership.” Lexi shrugged. “It’s your own fault. As you will recall, I offered you marriage. Twice. Well, you didn’t want to marry me. I’ve made you my slave instead.” She vanished to leave her sex slave to think over his position.

  With a smothered bellow, Theo sprang up and searched for her hot-eyed. She didn’t want any part of this enraged male. Her spell could not keep her invisible long, so Lexi crept behind the box on the mantel. Despite her hiding place, he found her almost at once and pounced. She was so surprised and alarmed that she froze.

  “What are you up to, you absurd little elf?” he blazed at her. Quite literally. There was smoke coming from his nostrils.

  “Let me go, you brute,” she said pushing at his hand and muttering a releasing spell.

  His fist tightened. Not enough to hurt, but just enough to prevent her escape. “Lexi, what have you done?”

  “I clasped the ring of Hrothgar around your neck,” she informed him. Even to her own ears she sounded sulky rather than powerful.

  “The hell you have! Remove it at once.” This time flames flickered around both nose and mouth.

  “You are my slave,” she cried. Why wasn’t he in love with her? Or, at the very least, obedient?

  He set her back on the mantel and put his hands on the collar. She smirked at him. Let him try to remove it. The ring of Hrothgar the Magnificent was potent beyond his imaginings. When his hands had no effect he glowered at her. “Last chance,” he said through stiff lips.

  She folded her arms and glared back at him. Why was he so stubborn?

  In the flicker of an eyelash, her slave morphed. He became a monster. A glittering, sapphire-blue monster with a head as big as – as she didn’t know what. Gigantic. With an enormous collar around its long, muscular, scaly blue neck. Wings like sails sprouted from its back. Lexi swallowed. How had he broken free of her spell?

  The dragon sat back on his enormous haunches and put his forepaws on either side of his neck. Long, curved black talons extended the reach of his forelimbs. He tucked two digits under the collar and pulled. Before her wondering eyes the ring deformed and split apart. He dropped the two halves of the ring onto the carpet and stepped backwards as if they had wounded him. Blood dripped from his digits.

  As neatly as he had taken dragon, Theo returned to his human body. His hands were torn and bleeding.

  “Oh, what have you done to yourself, you foolish dragon?” wailed Lexi.

  He ignored her. He went into his washing room. Lexi crouched on the mantel, too dispirited even to examine the ring. Tears pooled on her fingers. Theo was right. He was not well suited to her. Before he had cut down her tree, she had not wept in centuries. Not since she had been sealed in that tree by her angry father. But now it seemed all she did was cry. She reproached herself, but still the tears flowed.

  He was back. His hands were bandaged. “Why are you crying?” he demanded.

  “You are supposed to be in love with me,” she sobbed.

  “Am I?” All the anger had vanished from his voice. His face was soft again.

  “You are. I have followed all the old ways!”

  “Princess, I don’t think love works that way anymore. If it ever did.” He picked her up and put her on his naked shoulder.

It was distracting. His skin was moist from his bathing, and it smelled potent and masculine. His wet hair dripped on her. But she didn’t fly off. “You hurt your hands,” she accused.

  “Hmm. Lindorms don’t endure bondage.”

  She murmured a few words. “Better?” she asked anxiously.

  “They’ve stopped hurting, if that’s what you mean?”

  “They ought to be healed,” she said.

  She clung to his hair while he cautiously peeled one of the strips away. His skin was smooth and unblemished. At least some of her enchantments still worked. She had to grab his shoulder harder when he bent to retrieve the two halves of the ring from the floor. He plucked her off his shoulder so fast she brought wisps of his hair with her.

  * * *

  Theo set her on the sleeping place and put the two halves around her waist. They melded with a metallic click to form a trim belt.

  “How did you do that?” she gasped.

  Theo shrugged. “Magic.” He winked. He enjoyed the disconcerted expression on his pixie’s face. But she was changing before his eyes. The succubus of his dreams bounced naked on his mattress and gawked at him with frightened green eyes.

  “What have you done, you, you mortal?” she spat.


  What had he done? Theo wasn’t sure. He had put that ring around Lexi’s waist and now she was Theo-sized. It was a distinct improvement. She was still short, of course, but at least she was big enough to gather into his arms. He suited action to desire.

  She clutched at his shoulders and responded satisfactorily. She seemed to be getting more expert at it too. She nuzzled her cheek against his beard and her arms crept around his neck. Her skin had a new fragrance that he couldn’t place, even as he noted it. He angled her so he could taste her better.

  Lexi sighed into his mouth and nestled trustingly against him. He explored the tender recesses of her mouth and rejoiced in her response to his probing. Under her long hair, her breasts swelled and the tips pouted. He was due at the table, and yet he still had much to discuss with her. Reluctantly he pulled away and just cuddled her close.


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