Hook, Wine and Tinker

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Hook, Wine and Tinker Page 11

by Mardi Ballou

  “Come here, Al Capone,” she hissed, beckoning him with a finger wet with her fluids.

  “Finish what you’ve started,” he barked, his hand on his cock.

  She looked at him coyly. “Myself? I don’t think so. Not when I’ve got my big gorgeous Al Capone stud waiting in front of me with his big gorgeous cock.”

  He quickly gave up his brief resistance and came over to her. “Are you sure this is what you want now when you were doing such a good job yourself?”

  She winked at him. “Oh, yeah. I’m so sure.”

  He growled, then removed her panties and ran his hand slowly across her burning slit, quickly followed by his tongue. She melted into him, her pussy nearly bursting with the pleasure of his touch. She rode him, her legs locked around his head, her fingers fisted in his hair. God, she wanted him to stay right where he was forever, licking her, making her throb with sensation. But he gently moved her legs apart and pulled away from her cunt, and she sighed—wanting him to stay, not secure enough to hold him where he was. But then he kissed her mouth hungrily, and she grew eager to see where he was going next. Dominic withdrew slightly from her then took the pearls into his own mouth. Looking at her, he sucked the pearls, then pulled them out one by one and held them out to her.

  “I want to put these in you,” he said, displaying the pearls. “May I?” he asked, holding one up to the opening of her cunt.

  She looked at him, dizzy with having to answer him. A frisson of hesitation snaked its way up her spine. “All of them?”

  Her question seemed to surprise him. He answered with another. “Have you ever had pearls inside your treasure trove?”

  “No,” she said, drawing back slightly.

  He stroked her pussy lips, bringing her to a higher level of anticipation. “You’ll like it,” he murmured. “Let me try just one pearl.”

  “Just one,” she said, more unsure now than she’d felt about anything they’d done all night.

  Watching him intently, Gwyn leaned back against the pillows and opened her legs, a bit cautiously at first. He stroked her gently with those magic hands. She lay back further and closed her eyes, rubbing herself against his fingers. He formed a fist and slid his knuckles along her folds, up to her throbbing nub. After he dipped his fingers into her moistness, he stroked her inner thighs bringing her juices outward. Gwyn melted, so relaxed that she nearly forgot about the pearls. Amazed that she could be so wet and that he could take her higher and higher with his touch, she opened her legs wider to him. And then she felt him slide one pearl into her, and she wondered why she’d been so hesitant. The hard smoothness of the beautiful gem lit a fire inside her, a whole new sensation she’d never known before. Wanting more, she slid toward Dominic with the pearl in her, and she licked her lips. “Another,” she said. “Put another one in me,” she ordered hoarsely.

  He chuckled dryly. “Whatever you wish, my delicious oyster,” he said, inserting a second pearl.

  Twice as nice, she thought, but she still wanted to feel more and she told him so., With infinite slowness, he pushed in a third, then a fourth pearl. She closed her legs around the pearls and his hands. As he fingered her, he pulled slowly on the string of pearls, creating a heavenly friction inside her that left her gasping.

  She was so on the edge, she fully expected to be screaming out an orgasm that would rock the yacht off its moorings and into orbit. She could swear Dominic knew just when she was going to let go, and he kept pulling her back from that edge, leading her higher and higher than she’d ever imagined possible.

  “Al Capone, gangster man,” she said, her voice drawing out his name. “I want…”

  “What, my darling flapper, what do you want?” he asked, playing those pearls in her like a musical instrument.

  She wanted the pleasure to last forever—and she wanted to come. She could feel her legs twitching in search of the satisfaction that had been building in her forever.

  Dominic slowly pulled the pearls from her cunt and had her shivering in need and desire. Then he popped those pearls, now saturated with her moistness and her flavor, back in his mouth, his eyes closed as if he were feasting on the rarest of gourmet delights. Gwyn glowed in the realization that the pearls she’d had inside her were now filling his mouth with the taste of her excitement.

  He never stopped holding her, touching her, bringing her along for the ride he’d been plotting. “I want to try something else,” Dominic said, his voice low. “Something you’ve maybe never done before.”

  Gwyn knew that, even after all they’d done tonight, there was an awful lot she’d never done before. She’d been thrilled with everything else he’d introduced her to so far tonight. But the night was getting later, his voice lower, and her own sense of need and possibility sharper. Earlier he’d said he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t agree to…but maybe things were going to change now, as he realized how powerless she was to say no to him. Maybe he’d been hiding his true colors and now he was going to try to get her to do something that she wouldn’t normally go along with. She summoned on what strength she still felt and pulled back a bit.

  “Did you enjoy the pearls in your pussy?” His voice fell on her ears like warm honey.

  She nodded slightly, definitely holding back from enthusiastic commitment on this one because she couldn’t imagine where he was going.

  “Let’s try them now in your rear opening,” he said softly, running his fingers and the pearls along her hip.

  She stiffened, closing her lips in a moue of distaste. That particular request sobered her up faster than a full-body splash of ice water. “I don’t think so,” she said, repulsed at the thought of anyone putting anything in there.

  He looked at her with his Captain Hook eyes, alternately gentle and challenging. “How about if I put just one in there, gently, just to see if you like it?” He held up the pearls now glistening with the mingled wetness from both of them.

  Gwyn’s heart was pounding with nervousness and also a tingle of possibility. He sounded so reasonable. Only one pearl. So small. They’d felt so good in her pussy. But her butt opening was also small, not to mention it smelled bad and was disgusting—even though she’d just had a thorough bath that included his washing her there. And the voice of excitement deep inside her kept reminding her that it would be okay, that he’d promised to stop at any time she wanted. Just one little pearl. The pearls had felt great inside her cunt.

  He kept watching her, his eyes so big with his own desire.

  “Okay,” she said warily. “Just one. As long as you do everything slowly and promise you’ll stop the moment I tell you to.”

  He inclined his head slightly in one of the positions he’d used as her slave. “Of course,” he said, fingering her anus in a way she felt disturbingly delicious. Despite herself, she pressed back slightly against his questing finger.

  “Are you ready?” he asked softly, his breath warm against her ear.

  “Yes,” she sighed. She rolled over on her side so that her tush was facing him.

  He took the pearls in his mouth again and then ran them along the crack between her cheeks, which felt damn good. “I’m going to come in to you now,” he said. She stiffened slightly, and he massaged her back there so she began to relax. Then he held a well-lubricated pearl at her anus, rolled it back and forth, and slowly began to probe inside the hole. She startled with the strange sensation, then, to her amazement, quickly grew to enjoy it. He let her stay with just the one pearl in her for several moments. She breathed slowly and deeply, getting used to it and to the idea of him touching her there. Then he asked, “Another, my love?”

  She sighed. “Yes, all right. One more.” He once again moved with great precision and slowness, sliding the string of small wet pearls up and down along the crack between her cheeks. The gentle tug on the pearl already in her had Gwyn twitching for more. By the time he inserted the second pearl, she was more than ready.

  Dominic repeated the process with infinite patience.
Hyper aware each step of the way, she agreed to having six of the perfect round white pearls up her anus. And then he tugged gently on the string of pearls within her, and she moaned her need for release.

  “Now, my love,” he said, covering her mouth with his in a deep searing kiss. Then he traveled down her body, trailing hot kisses. Every time she shifted to respond to his kiss, he gave a slight pull to the string of pearls, heightening her sensations so that she knew she’d die if she didn’t come soon.

  “Dominic,” she moaned, as his warm lips and tongue began a new voyage into her deepest core. With his fingers he played with the pearls while he tongued her clit and the moist pink folds of her cunt. She tightened her legs around his head, riding his face, accelerating up to a pleasure peak that had her quaking. And when she began to come, she called out his name in a shriek. And Dominic slowly drew the string of pearls from her anus, one at a time, each one heightening her level of pleasure so that her screams did indeed rock his yacht…and him.

  Gwyn came so hard, she amazed herself by bursting into tears. Tears? She never cried. What was this all about? She didn’t want Dominic to think she was some weepy wimp who just turned on the water works. Far from being turned off, he became amazingly tender, kissing her tears away.

  As she lay shuddering in his arms in the aftermath of her orgasm and the outburst of tears, he stroked her and petted her and murmured words of caring and praise and affection. While he crooned to her, she understood from him that he’d been thrilled to share in her earth-shaking come. How beautiful she was to at him at this moment—every part of her.

  Gwyn was still horrified at her tears. She began to apologize for crying. “Don’t say you’re sorry for letting go so thoroughly,” he said, tracing the track of her tears with the tip of his finger.

  “Is that what those tears are?” she asked.

  “What else?” he asked, cupping her chin in his hand. “Do you think they’re tears of sadness or being hurt?”

  She laughed dryly, trying to gather the shards of her self around her. “The only sadness it could be is that I’ve never before had such an amazing experience,” she said. “I feel sad for all the wasted years. But mostly I’m so happy and thrilled at what I just felt tonight.” She needed to pull back from the intimacy of how much of herself she’d exposed to him, make it sound like all that had happened between them was just a really terrific form of sex.

  He kissed her. “Such complex feelings.”

  “You’re right,” she said, kissing him back. She could get seriously hung up on this man, with whom she’d experienced so much in a few short hours. It was getting harder and harder to hold onto her emotions and keep anything of herself back from him. She’d probably be shedding rivers of tears about him afterwards, so she wasn’t going to waste any more of tonight weeping. Even though it felt so amazing when he kissed away her tears. But she still had some of the night left, so she wasn’t going to use up any more of it thinking of future regrets.

  And first things first. The gorgeous man holding her in his arms had a massive erection. He’d had the same massive erection for ages. From what she knew about male anatomy, he could be in imminent danger of a major case of blue balls if they didn’t do something soon. And she’d come so many times—way more than he had. It was time to even up that score.

  She wet her finger with the tip of her tongue and softly stroked the head of his cock, which throbbed at the first slight pressure. He shuddered at her merest touch. His moan told her he was past ready for her attention.

  “Your turn,” she said. “And your fantasy.”

  “I was waiting for you to ask,” he exhaled.

  Chapter Six

  He smiled at her, skimming his finger down her side, raising shivers. Then he sat up. “I’m still Al Capone,” he growled. “And you’re my little chantoosie floozy.”

  She rubbed his leg with her still stockinged foot, feeling his erection press harder against her. “I can’t sing a note,” she admitted.

  He laughed. “You don’t have to,” he said, nuzzling her.

  “That’s a relief.” She propped herself up on her elbow. “So Mr. Capone, now that we know I can’t sing, what is it you want me to do for my big bad bandit king?”

  “Big bad bandit king?” he asked, his eyebrow raised. “I like that.”

  “I like this,” she said, running her fingers lightly up and down his eager cock.

  “And it’s all for you, my pet,” he said, easing away from her. He rose and crossed to his cabinets, took something out, and returned to the bed. He put down whatever he’d gotten before Gwyn had a chance to see it clearly. “Remember when I was your slave?”

  “Very well,” she said, “though I’d have thought you’d want me to forget, seeing as you’re now a master criminal.”

  “Now that I have risen in the world, I want to give you pleasure the way you pleasured me before.”

  She leered at him, looking as if she remembered very distinctly how it felt to give and receive when she’d been the one free from restraints. And realizing that the moment when he’d want to turn those tables had probably arrived. “What do you have in mind?” she asked with a slight quaver in her voice.

  “Simply this.” He paused as if carefully choosing his next words. “I’d like to have you below me in very special bonds, so you can experience what I did. If that’s acceptable to you. If it’s not, please know you can tell me.”

  She inhaled sharply. Just moments before, he’d convinced her that having pearls up her anus would enhance her sensations. And he’d been more than right. But now he was urging her along to something new, something she’d formed previous opinions about. Earlier she’d admitted her long fascination with the implements they’d used together before. Though she now believed she preferred to be the one who wasn’t restrained by those implements, it seemed only fair to give him a chance to cuff her. But some aspect of doing that scared the hell out of her.

  Still, so far he’d lived up to his word in everything they’d done together—and he’d spent the night showing her she could trust him. There was no reason except for the warning flags her gut was sending up for her to start doubting him now.

  “What do you mean to bind me with?” she asked, not completely able to suppress a slight trembling of her voice. She was sure he heard it too. She fully expected him to pull forth some highly polished metal implements.

  “These are the first bindings,” he said, sliding the silk hose off her legs. She shivered as he uncovered the flesh, both from the cool air and from the gentle pressure of his fingertips. Amazing that she’d remained even slightly dressed through all their lovemaking in this role play. Moving with quick deliberation, he divested her of her dress and her remaining undergarments. Now as naked as he was, she lay back against the pillows. He took one of the stockings and secured her right hand to the bedpost. “Is this all right?” he asked huskily.

  She pulled her hand toward her, surprised at how the stocking became tighter around her wrist as she pulled, though the silk continued to caress her skin. “Yes,” she said.

  “May I also bind your left hand?” he asked, holding the stocking up.

  She nodded her assent.

  “Are those too tight?” he asked.

  She wasn’t sure. “How come the knots get stronger whenever I pull against them?”

  He shrugged. “The nature of the knots. Do you want me to loosen them?”

  “Not yet,” she said, wanting to wait to see exactly how his fantasy would play out. “But maybe soon.”

  “Just say the word,” he said. “Or maybe you’d like to have a signal to tell me to stop or to change something.”

  “Maybe a code word,” she said, returning to the underlying playfulness of their interaction. “How about if I say the word Michigan?”

  “Michigan?” he asked, pausing for a moment as he looked for something in a drawer. “Why Michigan?”

  She shrugged. “I figured that’s one word I can probabl
y be sure I won’t say tonight. Unless it’s intentional.”

  “Michigan it is,” he said, his eyes momentarily serious. He came over to her with two lengths of red silk streaming from his hands. “These are the binds for your feet. Do you want to touch them before I tie you down?”

  She stroked the soft silk, nodded her approval before he wound them around her ankles, then attached them to the foot posts.

  * * * * *

  Once he had her where he wanted her, Dominic feasted his eyes on Gwyn, extended in a delicious vulnerable spread-eagle pose on his bed, waiting for him. She was such a mix of innocent and adventurer. He loved knowing she had yet to taste so many experiences—and he’d be the one to introduce her to them. He thought of the way she’d responded to his use of the pearls. She’d had some hesitation, but she’d listened to his words, considered, then given her assent. And then she’d exploded with such ecstasy—and shared all her most intimate reactions with him.

  Each moment with her, each different thing they did together, convinced him even more that Gwyn was the woman of his dreams. All those years when he’d been alone, constructing a fantasy world for others in his head and on his computer, she’d been the one he’d imagined at his side to share it with him.

  Now he’d come to a decision: he would invite her to leave with him tomorrow. Dominic could just taste her enjoyment of all the new sights and sounds of the big wide world they’d wander together. Hell, just taking her around to his resorts would help him see them with new, fresh eyes.

  Of course he knew she had a life already. There’d be stuff to deal with—her home, her work. He doubted that her involvement with Payne was anything serious. Dominic was absolutely sure it would take little time for her to wind up whatever obligations and commitments her simple life included. She had some job with a travel agency. Heck, he could buy her out of any contract, have his people make whatever arrangements were needed as far as her housing went.


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