Bridging the Distance_A Kindred Tales Novel

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Bridging the Distance_A Kindred Tales Novel Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

  Lorelei smiled up at him but she couldn’t answer. For some reason despite her joy, she was feeling decidedly strange. Almost…empty inside.

  “Seeing the two of you back together is all the thanks I need,” she said, trying to smile. “Although, I…Oh!” she gasped and doubled over—or would have if Torn and Bound hadn’t caught her. For the empty feeling inside her had become a sharp, biting pain.

  “What is it, My Lady—what’s wrong?” the Light Twin asked anxiously and Torn said urgently, “Are you hurt?”

  “I…don’t know,” she said answering both questions at once. “I…don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just suddenly feel so…so empty inside. Like I need to be filled.”

  “Filled?” Torn frowned. “Filled with what? Filled where? Talk to us, Lorelei!”

  “Here…” She managed to gesture weakly between her legs. “I don’t know what’s happening to me but it…it hurts. I know that sounds strange but…”

  “It’s not strange if you ate some bonding fruit.” Bound studied her closely. “That’s one of the first symptoms. But you wouldn’t have done that, would you? I’m certain you didn’t come here intending to bond with us tonight. You didn’t even know if I would ever get my memory back or not.”

  “I thought…thought we would just cuddle,” Lorelei said. “But I ate some just in case. Kat left me some and told me to be careful not to waste it so—”

  “Just in case?” Torn raised his black eyebrows. “You don’t eat bonding fruit ‘just in case.’ A female is only supposed to eat it if she’s certain she’ll be boding with her male or males that night.”

  “What? Really?” Lorelei couldn’t believe it but both twins nodded.

  “It’s extremely potent,” Bound told her seriously. “And it acts as an aphrodisiac as well as allowing a female to open for her males.”

  “So that’s what Kat meant when she told me to be careful,” Lorelei groaned. “I thought she meant it was precious and she didn’t want me to waste it.”

  “It’s actually pretty common here on the Mother Ship,” Bound told her. “Because females who bond with Twin Kindred aren’t the only ones who use it.”

  “They’re not?” Lorelei asked. “But I thought…”

  “You little Earth females are so small many of you need a dose of bonding fruit to open for a Kindred’s shaft,” Torn rumbled. “Listen, Lorelei—how many did you eat?”

  “Well…three.” Lorelei looked up at the two of them uncertainly. “Was…was that too much?”

  “Three? Gods!” Torn ran a hand over his hair. “No—not too much if you want to be filled with both our shafts tonight, all night long. Otherwise I’m afraid we’re going to have a hard time satisfying you.”

  “You mean…” Lorelei bit her lip. “You mean have…have bonding sex? The three of us?”

  “That is exactly what my brother means,” Bound murmured. He stroked Lorelei’s cheek and looked into her eyes. “Would you bond with us tonight, My Lady? I know we have not known each other very long…”

  “And it seems like one or the other of us is always out of his fucking mind,” Torn added wryly.

  “But we’re back now—and we love you.” Bound framed her face with his hands and kissed her gently on the lips. “Oh, My Lady—we love you so much.”

  “He’s right.” As soon as Bound finished kissing her, Torn took over with a much more aggressive, passionate kiss that took her breath away. When he pulled back, he looked her in the eyes. “We love you and we need you between us forever, Lorelei. Bond with us—be with us always. Please.”

  Lorelei felt a swell of love in her heart for both the Light Twin and the Dark. It was true she hadn’t known the two of them for long and not that long ago, she’d been frightened by the idea of being with two such big males at once. But all her fear seemed to have melted away in the heat of her love for them.

  This feels right, she thought. This is how it’s supposed to be—the three of us together, forever.

  “Yes,” she whispered, putting her arms around them both. “And I’m not just saying that because I apparently overdosed on bonding fruit. I feel like this is right—we were meant to be togeth—” but her words ended in a low moan as she sagged weakly in their arms. God, she felt so empty it hurt. “Please,” she gasped. “Please, I need…”

  She couldn’t go on but her men seemed to know exactly what she meant.

  “Quickly,” Torn growled. “Our Lady needs us.”

  “We must join to fill her,” Bound agreed. “Come, My Lady—lay on your side facing me. My brother and I must fuse together to fill you with our shafts.”

  Lorelei felt them ease her gently onto her side and tried not to moan as the emptiness got worse. God, she felt like she was going to die if they didn’t fill her soon.

  “Please,” she gasped. “Please hurry…”

  “Yes, My Lady,” Bound murmured soothingly.

  Lorelei was dimly aware that he and Torn were pressing together, and was she wrong or were their two shafts actually merging to become one? She could barely believe it but it seemed to be true. Before her eyes they seemed to fuse together to create one long shaft, thicker than anything she’d ever seen before.

  The sight should have filled her with fear but all she could feel was longing and the emptiness that threatened to drown her.

  I need them inside me, she realized. Both of them at the same time.

  As if in answer to her thoughts, Bound and Torn were getting into position. As they settled her between them with her top leg thrown over Bound’s hip, Lorelei thought she had never felt more open—and probably never needed to be more open before.

  “Gently now, My Lady,” Bound murmured, kissing her tenderly on the forehead. Then she felt the broad head of their merged shaft caressing the heated inner folds of her pussy.

  “Please,” she gasped. “Please—in me. Now!”

  “Take it easy, Little Mistress,” Torn rumbled behind her. “Even with the bonding fruit a fused shaft can be hard to take the first time. Just open your sweet pussy and let Bound and I slide into you slowly.”

  Lorelei didn’t want to go slow—she wanted to be filled at once! But there was nothing she could do but try to relax and be open as the twins’ thick shaft slowly penetrated her pussy and began sliding deep into her channel.

  “God!” she whispered, panting a little. Torn had been right—even with the bonding fruit in her system, she could feel herself stretching to take them both at once. They were already so big to start with and putting two of them together was almost more than she could take.

  But there was no pain with the stretching—only the delicious feeling of being opened by her men—and the overflowing love she felt for both of them as they worked to get deep inside her body without hurting her.

  At last they reached the end of her channel, pressing hard against the mouth of her womb.

  Lorelei moaned in inexpressible relief. Finally she was filled!

  “Does that feel good, Little Mistress?” Torn growled in her ear. “You like to feel Bound and me all the way inside your sweet little pussy?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, admitting it to herself as well as them. “Yes, it feels so good…so right. But…I still need something more.”

  “You need us to move within you, My Lady,” Bound murmured. “You need to feel us thrusting in your pussy until you come for us.”

  “And then we’ll come—shooting our seed deep inside you,” Torn rumbled. “That’s what forms the bond. So are you ready, Little Mistress? Ready to let us fuck you?”

  “Yes,” Lorelei moaned. “God, yes, please! Fuck me—fill me, both of you! Please, I need you so much.”

  “You heard our lady, Brother,” Bound said. “She is in need.”

  “Let’s give her what she needs then,” Torn growled. And then all four of their hands gripped her and they began to thrust inside her with long, slow strokes Lorelei thought would drive her crazy.

  “Oh!” she moaned as t
hey bottomed out inside her again and again. “Oh God, yes…yes!”

  The feeling was almost overwhelming and though she would have said she couldn’t come again—not after the intense orgasm Bound had given her while he was tasting her—she felt her pleasure rising once more. Oh God, she was going to come…going to come so hard when it finally happened. The wave of need was growing in her as four large male hands gripped her hips and roved restlessly over her body.

  Someone was pinching her nipples again and someone else was touching between her thighs, stroking her clit with a talented fingertip. Lorelei wasn’t sure anymore whose hands were whose—all she knew was with every touch—with every stroke of the twins’ massive shaft inside her—she got closer and closer to the edge.

  At last she couldn’t stand it any more—she could feel herself beginning to crest.

  “Bound,” she moaned. “Torn…I’m close…getting so close…”

  “Come for us then,” the Dark Twin commanded, his deep voice harsh in her ear. “Come on our cocks, Lorelei. We want to feel you spasming all around us so we can fill your sweet pussy with our seed.”

  “Yes, My Lady—come for us,” Bound urged, his blue eyes filled with need. “Come for us now!’

  With a low, broken moan, Lorelei complied. The orgasm was so intense she felt as though her entire body was breaking apart—all her muscles seemed to be clenching and tensing at once as the overwhelming pleasure broke over her like a massive tidal wave that washed through her and threatened to drag her out to sea.

  “Too…too much,” she gasped. “Oh God, too much.”

  “It’s all right, My Lady,” Bound murmured, holding her tight. “Bonding sex is supposed to be intense. Just hold on to us and let yourself go—Torn and I will see you safely home again, I swear it.”

  “As soon as we bond her to us,” Torn groaned. “Brother, I can’t hold back anymore. I can feel her sweet pussy sucking all around us.”

  “It’s time,” Bound agreed. “Time to fill Our Lady with our seed and bond her to us forever.”

  The two of them pulled almost all the way out of Lorelei’s clenching pussy and then, with a deep, hard thrust, they bottomed out at the end of her channel and she felt something hot and wet bathing the mouth of her womb.

  Coming, they’re coming inside me…filling me up…making me theirs, she thought deliriously.

  The idea brought only pleasure. The fact that the three of them would be together forever was sweet and wonderful and as they came, she felt the twin’s pleasure fill her like water fills a cup.

  I can feel them, she thought, surprised. I can feel them enjoying this—loving the way my body holds them tight—the soft, silky sucking of my pussy against their shafts. Is this a normal Kindred thing once you bond—this feeling the other person’s pleasure?

  “Actually, it’s not,” murmured a voice in her head.

  “Must be another side effect of the fucking nanites,” growled another mental voice. “Have to say, this one’s not bad—double the pleasure. Or triple, I guess. Though it’s fucking weird to feel how good it is to be stretched open and fucked by a big, hard cock.”

  “Torn…Bound?” She looked back and forth between them, though she had to crane her neck around to look at the Dark Twin. “Is that…the two of you in my head?”

  “It is, My Lady.” Bound grinned at her. “We are bonded. Here—try speaking to us as well using your mental voice.”

  “I love you,” Lorelei sent. Suddenly she felt tears pricking her eyelids and her breath was hitching in her throat. “Love you both so much!”

  “We love you too, My Lady,” Bound murmured.

  “We’ll love you forever,” Torn added. “But…why are you crying? Did we do something wrong?”

  “No.” Half-laughing, half-crying, Lorelei drew them both close. “I’m crying because I’m happy and because…because that was so intense.”

  “Bonding sex is supposed to be intense,” Torn growled softly. “It’s all right, Lorelei—cry if you need to.”

  “Let it out, My Lady,” Bound murmured. “Torn and I are here for you.”

  Here for me now and forever, Lorelei thought. She had never felt so safe and protected and warm—so cared for and surrounded by love and now that she and Torn and Bound were bonded, she knew she would always have that feeling. She had been the bridge that spanned the distance between them and now the three of them could never be separated.


  “I’m so glad you’re going to stay aboard the Mother Ship!” Kat grinned at Lorelei.

  Kat and Liv and Sophie and Lorelei were all sitting around in Kat’s living area having a girl day and eating Grieza worms—a delicacy from Twin Moons which looked awful, (it was basically live worms you killed with a kind of sauce,) but tasted just like dark chocolate.

  “I am too and so are Torn and Bound.” Lorelei smiled. “I don’t think they liked the idea of going to Earth—too hard to get bonding fruit there.”

  “About that…” Kat looked contrite. “I’m really sorry about what happened with the bonding fruit I left you—I should have written out more explicit directions.” She sighed. “I guess I’m just so used to everyone around here knowing what effect it has on a girl that I forget someone might not have a clue.”

  “Kat’s practically got bonding fruit juice instead of blood flowing through her veins,” Sophie said, laughing. “She loves that stuff.”

  “I don’t just eat it for the flavor,” Kat said dryly. “Some of us need to be stretchy when it comes to sexy time, you know.”

  “Honey, any girl married to a Kindred needs to be stretchy,” Liv said and grinned. She looked at Lorelei. “But Kat is right—I’m glad you guys are staying up here. I know the Kindred High Council has ruled that it’s all right for Kindred warriors to live down on Earth if they want but I just feel like it’s more of a family atmosphere on the Mother Ship.”

  “Everyone here has been so welcoming and kind.” Lorelei smiled. “And I don’t really have anything important I’m leaving behind on Earth. My crappy car was about to be repossessed again and don’t get me started on the awful job I lost right before Bound found me.”

  “Oh, what did you do?” Sophie asked curiously.

  Lorelei made a face. “I worked at Minnie Misses Pretty Petites.”

  “What? Is that place even still open?” Kat demanded. “Aren’t they the ultra-skinny clothing store where they don’t stock anything over a size three?”

  “Ugh—I always feel like such a cow when I go in there,” Liv exclaimed.

  “And you’re not even plus-sized,” Kat pointed out. “You can imagine how we fluffy gals feel when we darken their door.” She looked at Lorelei. “That must have been a little slice of hell.”

  “You have no idea,” Lorelei said feelingly. “And my boss didn’t make it any easier. I’m sure glad I never have to work there again.”

  “I thought Bound came looking for you because you had an advanced degree in AI psychology,” Sophie said.

  “He did and I do.” Lorelei sighed. “But then the World Congress passed the AI Blocking Bill and they invented the Throttle chip which dumbs down AIs so they’re nothing but stupid mechanical servants.” She sighed. “I thought the Kindred might have more sophisticated AI tech but I guess I’m going to have to train for another degree entirely because I haven’t seen any self-aware AIs aboard the Mother Ship.”

  “For a good reason,” Sophie said seriously. “Have you ever heard of the Volt Kindred?”

  Liv frowned. “Baird said something about them to me not long ago—I think he said Sylvan met one?”

  “He did, when he went to meet that awful Mistress Hellenix from Yonnie Six and give her back the E’lo stones they got back when the Hive Master died. The Volt Kindred was her body-slave.”

  “Huh?” Lorelei looked back and forth between them, completely stumped.

  “Never mind about the backstory, doll,” Kat told her. “I think the main thing here is the Volt

  “Exactly,” Sophie said eagerly. “They’re a type of Kindred who can conduct electricity through their skin—it gives them enormous power—but up until recently, we thought they were all extinct.”

  “Extinct?” Lorelei frowned. “How do you kill a whole race of Kindred? Especially if they can act as living conductors—which is pretty amazing, actually.”

  “Well, they made a genetic trade with the people of Uriel Two and were well integrated into their society,” Sophie said. “But according to Sylvan, the Uralieans were extremely technologically advanced and they let these sentient AIs run everything.”

  “So what happened?” Lorelei put a hand on her hip. “Let me guess—the machines rose up and killed all the people and took over the planet like in some cheesy science fiction movie.”

  “Actually, that’s exactly what happened.” Sophie spoke in hushed tones. “According to Sylvan, they killed or enslaved every man, woman, and child they could lay their hands on. Or claws, or whatever it is robots have.” She made a gesture in the air. “Anyway, Uriel Two is still overrun with them, which is too bad because they have some technology which could be really useful to the Kindred, only they can’t get to it. So it’s basically lost to them—just like the entire Volt Kindred race.”

  “Except for that one body-slave, I guess,” Kat said dryly. “I wonder why a warrior who can shoot lightning bolts out of his eyes would let one of those awful Yonnite Mistresses drag him around on the end of a leash?”

  Sophie shrugged. “Sylvan said he told him he had his reasons and not to try and rescue him.”

  “I guess we’ll never know,” Liv murmured.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Kat winked. “You know how everyone tends to get back to the Mother Ship one way or another. We might find out…sometime in the future.”

  “I just hope that Yonnie Six Mistress is being careful with the E’lo transport stone,” Sophie said. “You know they used to be used to make two people switch places instantly, even if they were light years apart? Imagine if the other stone gets found by someone on Earth. What would happen then?”


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