Fireflies From Heaven

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Fireflies From Heaven Page 19

by Lauren, Rebecca

  Isabelle shot a look at Cora, and I almost laughed at their familiar bickering.

  “I know I’ve been down lately and I’m sorry for worrying everyone. Isabelle, I promise I’ll make it up to the kids.”

  Isabelle’s expression softened. “I didn’t say that so you’d feel bad, and there’s nothing to make up. You’re dad showed up at the hospital, and Izzy and the Sheriff are a hit. Ellie, you’re always there for everyone and we want to do the same for you.”

  I had to take a few sips of coffee. My dad had been at the hospital with Isabelle. That was interesting. I wondered if he knew about my recent bout with depression.

  “He knows about Ellie?” Cora asked for me.

  “I didn’t mention anything that would upset him,” Isabelle assured me.

  My shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank you.”

  “I wanted to tell him,” she admitted, catching her bottom lip with her pearly white teeth. “Maybe he could help you.”

  “No. His job is stressful enough. He doesn’t need to be thinking about me when he should be catching the bad guys. I promise I’ll get better. ”

  “Ellie, you can’t make that promise unless you work through your problem.”

  I turned to Cora, startled by her uncharacteristic seriousness and realized how worried she was about me to have forgone the sarcastic remarks. She was right, of course. I couldn’t go on like this. I was down but not defeated, I knew that, but to everyone else it probably seemed as if I was broken.

  “You’re right,” I admitted, not quite sure how to begin fixing my mess.

  “Mrs. Brown called three times yesterday, but you haven’t been answering your phone.”

  This caught my attention. “I didn’t know.” Slipping a piece of hair behind my ear, I frowned realizing that I wasn’t even sure where my phone was.

  “I put it on charge,” Cora said, reading my mind. “You can call her today. About Reed…”

  Isabelle seemed troubled. “Amber was helping him with something, but he isn’t sleeping with her, not for any lack of trying on her part. Still, I don’t think it’s Amber you need to worry about.”

  I didn’t understand what she meant.

  “Reed has been going out a lot lately. He and Jase have a harem of women surrounding them anytime they show up at Shooters,” Cora said irritably.

  “I can’t make him want me.” I’d thought the words and hadn’t meant to say them aloud, but they came out anyway and wedged their way into the conversation like the elephant in the room.

  “Ellie, you broke up with him. Guys don’t like you stomping on their egos. If you want him back, you’re going to have to be the one to make the first move.”

  “I made dozens of moves, Isabelle. He never returned a single call.”

  “Don’t be mad,” Isabelle said, holding up her hands. “I mentioned to Reed that I thought you had called him, and he insisted he’d gotten no calls from you. He even showed me his phone.”

  “What?” I was surprised.

  “I think you should call him again, or better yet go see him. It’s Friday night. We can all go to Shooters.”

  “Okay. We’ll go out tonight,” I agreed, thinking that seeing Reed surrounded by a bunch of women wasn’t going to improve my disposition, but it seemed to make Cora and Isabelle happy. They were both beaming with excitement.

  “Wear something sexy,” Isabelle said, and for once Cora agreed with her.

  I could not believe what I was hearing.

  Mrs. Brown’s last message asked me to report to work Monday morning. It was Thanksgiving week and everyone was working overtime, Mrs. Brown explained ending with how much they needed me next week. Immediately, I picked up the phone and called her.

  “Ellie, thank goodness you called. I was afraid you’d found another position.”

  “No, Mrs. Brown,” I replied hesitantly. “I don’t understand. I thought you fired me.”

  “Well, yes but that was before Sergeant Bentley explained everything. I’m sorry, I thought he would have spoken to you.”

  “No. I haven’t talked with him.”

  “He was very upset that we’d let you go, and he has sworn that nothing untoward happened between the two of you while you were his nurse.”

  “Mrs. Brown,” I began uncertainly, thinking of how I’d admitted the opposite to her the last time we’d seen each other. “Are you sure?”

  “Sergeant Bentley is a hero. The VNT has the highest respect for him and would never doubt his word. Your job is safe and waiting for you,” she assured me warmly.

  I was speechless. “Thank you,” I said finally, humbled and keenly grateful.

  “We’ll see you Monday, Ellie. You’ve been missed around here.”

  I couldn’t believe what had just happened, and I owed it all to Reed. He’d said that he would fix things, but I hadn’t really thought he would be able to do it. Feeling considerably lighter, I smiled. Maybe everything would work out after all.

  Sitting with Isabelle and Cora at Shooters a few hours later, I couldn’t stop searching the bar for Reed and I wondered if he might not show up tonight after all.

  “He’ll be here,” Isabelle assured me. “You look hot. Reed won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.”

  “Thanks.” I was wearing a short denim skirt with a black sequined tank top and my cowboy boots. Cora had painstakingly used the curling iron to bend my locks into perfect curls that fell delicately down my back.

  “So is Jase coming tonight?” I asked Cora.

  “How would I know?” she responded with a shrug.

  “The same way Ellie knows that Reed will be here,” Isabelle said with a small smile to Cora.

  “And the same way you know that Ellie’s dad is coming,” Cora shot back.

  “What?” I asked before I could stop myself. “It’s okay that’s he’s coming,” I added quickly.

  “Forget she said that,” Isabelle instructed. “Cora gets touchy when you mention Jase, and she thinks it’s funny to imply that I’ve got a thing for Captain McAllister, which is crazy.”

  “Right. Crazy.” Cora and I shared a look before I touched Isabelle’s arm. “It’s okay if you and my dad are… friends. I just don’t want him to know what’s going on with Reed and I.”

  “I understand,” Isabelle told me. “I doubt he’s even going to be here tonight.”

  I heard the disappointment in her voice but it was fascinating that Isabelle seemed so flustered at the mention of my dad.

  My skin suddenly tingled with awareness, and I sucked in a ragged breath, knowing Reed was here even before I turned to see him set a longneck on a table beside Jase and two gorgeous women dressed in super short skirts and tiny tops that revealed the best boobs money could buy.

  “Oh good, they’ve only brought two tonight.” Cora turned to me with an odd expression on her face, and I could tell she hadn’t meant to say that aloud.

  “There’s usually more?”

  “Like I said, they’ve got a harem. It’s like they’re rock stars. You wouldn’t believe how many women have soldier fetishes.”

  “You shouldn’t hold that against them,” Isabelle said, defending her brother and his best friend. “Guys hit on us all the time. We can’t help it.”

  “We don’t go home with all of them,” Cora countered irritably.

  “You don’t know that Jase went home with Bambi,” Isabelle explained patiently.

  “She was dressed like a hooker and her name was Bambi.” Cora spoke each word slowly and deliberately as if she were speaking to a child.

  I kept my expression stoic, careful not to give in to the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

  “You’ve got to get rid of the chip, I mean boulder, on your shoulder.” Isabelle smirked.

  Cora said something to Isabelle, but I’d turned my attention to Reed. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Wearing a black button down shirt, faded jeans and boots he looked like he’d stepped of the cover of magazine because he
was just that movie star gorgeous. Unfortunately, I was not the only woman that noticed.

  At first I was encouraged that he wasn’t with Amber, but as the night crept on I realized that the two women who’d attached themselves to Reed and Jase had staked their claim and had no intention of giving other women a chance to steal their men.

  They reminded me of those women that chased rodeo cowboys around and tried to seduce them. Buckle Bunnies is what they were called. I started thinking of the dark haired beauty hanging all over Reed as Bunny.

  Occasionally other women would saunter up to Reed and Jase to join the party, but none stayed too long. Cora’s attention kept wandering to Jase and the blonde who couldn’t keep her hands off of him. Finally, after seeing enough Cora said yes to the next guy that asked her to dance and told me I should do the same.

  Isabelle had gone to the bar to get us another kamikaze shot. I’d had two already and I was feeling good, but I wasn’t buzzed enough that I didn’t notice the show that Reed and Bunny were putting on. Actually, it was more her pawing him, kissing his neck and rubbing her hands over his chest. I felt sick and was thankful our table was in a back corner so that no one was witnessing me glare at Reed and his date. Just when I thought I’d had enough, Bunny pulled him onto the dance floor and he took her into his arms, her hands sliding down his back to squeeze his ass.

  “Drink this,” Isabelle ordered, setting down three shots and handing me one. “It won’t leave as bitter a taste in your mouth as watching her grope him. I swear I don’t know what’s the matter with my brother.”

  “I shouldn’t have come tonight,” I replied miserably.

  “You’re not leaving. I doubt Reed even knows your here. Maybe it’s time to make sure he knows,” Isabelle said encouragingly.

  I picked up the plastic shot and downed it in one swallow.

  “That’s my girl. A little liquid courage can make a big difference.”

  “Isabelle, you were so sure that Reed belonged with Amber. What’s changed?”

  I watched her dark eyes fill with regret. “I’m sorry I hurt you. If I’d known that Reed was in love with you I’d never had pushed Amber on him.”

  “I know that,” I assured her, not wanting to make her feel bad. “You can tell me the truth. Don’t say what you think I want to hear. Please. Do you still think they belong together?”

  She smiled, pushing a strand of hair from my face. “I’d give anything to have someone look at me the way Reed looks at you. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen two people more in love. You and Reed belong together.”

  It liked hearing her say it, but I my eyes kept drifting toward Reed and Bunny. “I don’t think he’d agree with you now.”

  “I think you’re wrong,” Isabelle disagreed as she downed a shot and handed me another. “Maybe it’s time to find out.”

  I drank the kamikaze shot, and relished the feel of the liquid fire as it burned a soothing trail inside of me. “What are you going to do?” I asked her.

  “I’ll entertain myself until Cora gets back, and then I’ll give her the same speech I gave you except I’ll say ‘Jase’ instead of ‘Reed’.”

  I smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Go get ‘em,” Isabelle urged, lifting her shot to me in a salute.

  As soon as I got up, I discovered that I wasn’t unaffected by the four shots I’d had. My head was light and my steps were crooked, but the warm buzz I had going on made up for the rest. I stepped carefully through the crowd, occasionally bumping into people, who didn’t seem to mind my clumsiness.

  “Wanna dance Angel?”

  I looked up at the guy, whose foot I think I stepped on, and I smiled. “Maybe later,” I said, knowing he’d forget all about me as soon as he set eyes on the next girl.

  “You’re loss,” he answered easily, shaking his head.

  Several more steps brought me face-to-face with Reed, who’d just left the dance floor with Bunny wrapped around his waist and her expensive boobs shoved against his chest.

  His shocked expression would have been comical if I’d been in the mood to laugh, which I was not. Clearly, he hadn’t thought I’d be at Shooters or maybe it was just that he didn’t think I’d confront him while he had Bunny as back up. I was furious at him, and it didn’t matter that we were broken up, but something in his eyes, it could have been relief, soothed my temper slightly.

  “Hi Reed.” I spoke loud enough to be heard over the music since we weren’t standing that close.

  “Ellie,” Reed said, acknowledging me.

  Bunny’s eyes narrowed and zipped down me, as if trying to determine if I’d be a threat to her. Surprisingly, she frowned and shimmied her body seductively against Reed, roping her arms around his neck in a gesture that clearly stated, ‘he’s mine’. Only this time when she touched him, Reed stepped back, taking her arms and setting her away from him. Bunny pouted. Leaning down, he said something in her ear, which made her smile up at him and reluctantly flounce away.

  I did not miss the warning look she shot at me before leaving. “Don’t get rid of your date on my account,” I called to him, thinking Reed would be embarrassed or at least regretful that I’d seen him with Bunny.

  Instead, he seemed irritated. His boots ate the distance between us, bringing him to my side, and I felt his hand settle firmly in the small of my back. I stepped out of his reach and watched the surprise play on his features. He also seemed hurt, but I wouldn’t allow myself to think of that.

  “Isn’t one date enough for you?” I shot at him.

  His dark brows rose. “You think she’s my date?” He sounded incredulous.

  “Okay, your hookup,” I corrected, but Reed didn’t seem to like that term either.

  He took a cautious step toward me. “We need to talk.”

  I shrugged, acting as if it didn’t matter that he wanted to talk with me, and Reed took my hand, leading me through the crowd. Where he was taking me I wasn’t sure, and I’d have to wait to find out because he turned and pulled me into his arms when we reached the dance floor.

  “We haven’t done this in a long time,” he told me, and I knew he was thinking of that night two years ago.

  I was thinking about it too.

  I loved how I felt in his arms, one of his hands on my waist and the other holding mine. My body was pressed against his as we moved to the slow beat of the music. Every sense seemed magnified, my breasts grazing his chest, the button of his jeans against my stomach and the feel of my bare legs rubbing his jeans. Reed always smelled so good. I leaned against his shoulder, feeling safe, as if I’d finally come home.

  When the song ended, Reed led me off the dance floor. Missing a step, I stumbled and his arm caught me around the waist, and he glanced down at me. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “I few shots. Where are we going?”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  When I didn’t answer right away, he led me outside onto the covered patio where a couple was making out, others were just chilling, and a few were smoking. He gestured toward a picnic table and in a smooth move lifted me onto the top of it, facing him.

  My eyes flew to his leg, and I suddenly realized that Reed wasn’t limping. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed it before, but I’d been too upset watching him with Bunny to see what should have been obvious.

  “You’re not limping.”

  His eyes caught mine. “Does that make a difference?”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant. Taking a deep breath, I tried to focus, which was much a harder than I expected. “Of course it makes a difference.”

  He nodded, solemnly, and I wondered if I’d missed something. “Isabelle said you called me.”

  “I called a dozen times and sent texts. I can understand your not wanting to talk to me, but it still hurts.”

  Something flashed in his eyes. “If I’d have gotten any calls or texts from you, I would have returned them. The only reason I haven’t called you is because I thought y
ou needed some time to figure things out.”

  “It seems like it’s you that needs to figure things out,” I told him, thinking of Bunny.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “The last two times I’ve seen you, you’ve been with two different women. What happened with Amber?”

  He blinked as if surprised I’d even brought her up. “Nothing happened with Amber, just like I told you it wouldn’t.”

  “I don’t understand how you don’t notice how she feels about you.” My voice was edged with frustration and disbelief.

  “I’ve never lied to you, Ellie. Nothing is going on with Amber. You didn’t need to try and scare her off.”

  I frowned.

  “You let her think I hit you.” I heard the accusation in his voice, and I was taken aback. “Reed got a little rough with me during sex last night. ‘I like it when he spanks me but some of the other things he’s into are scary.”

  “You heard that?” I asked, surprised. Luckily, I was able to keep a straight face.

  “No. Amber told me that,” he replied slowly. I couldn’t tell if he was amused or pissed or maybe a little of both.

  I was definitely angry. “I’ll bet she wouldn’t mind having rough sex with you.” Just thinking about Reed doing anything sexual with any other woman caused a deep pain in my gut.

  Stepping closer, Reed leaned into me so that he was close, but not touching me. “I don’t mind a little rough sex, but I don’t hurt women.” His eyes burned into me. “Although I’ve never met a woman that needed a spanking as much as you.”

  My breath caught, and I said breathlessly, “I’m sure Bunny would let you spank her.”

  “Bunny?” He cocked a brow.

  “Your hook up,” I reminded him, forgetting her name wasn’t actually Bunny.

  The look on this face would have been funny if I hadn’t been overwhelmed with jealousy.

  “Is that her name?” he asked.

  “You don’t know her name?” I shot back with disbelief.

  “No. She and her friend caught us on the way in, and we haven’t done that much talking.”

  “You’ve had your hands all over each other.” I heard the hurt and jealously in my voice, and was sure he recognized it as well.


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