Maggie's Wolves, Part Five: A BBW Shifter Romance (Red Mountain Pack Book 5)

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Maggie's Wolves, Part Five: A BBW Shifter Romance (Red Mountain Pack Book 5) Page 7

by Cara Morgan

  She looked at him. Wolflight burned bright in his eyes. She could feel his wolf, hungry and possessive. But the smile he gave her was all Case.

  “You’re okay?”

  She was so much better than okay. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close, welcoming him into her body. He sank into her with a sigh.

  “Christ, you feel good. You’re still tight as a fist.”

  Her sex was as plump and swollen as her lips, but she didn’t hurt. She felt well-loved. The drag of Case’s cock on her sensitive flesh felt perfectly right. She wanted his seed too. She was hungry for it.

  His lean body flexed as he pressed deeper into her and then withdrew. His next thrust was deeper yet and she gasped as he filled her. He went still, thinking he’d hurt her. She dug her nails into his back.

  “No,” she said. “It just surprised me. Don’t stop.”

  He looked down at her, eyes searching. “You’re sure?”

  “So sure. I need you. All of you. Please, don’t hold back. Not this time.”

  He claimed her mouth in a searing kiss. His arm wrapped tight around her waist and he let go.

  She felt the surge of his wolf. The surface of his skin shivered, blending with hers. She could feel Case. His lust hit her like a shockwave and she moaned into his mouth. The drumbeat of his cock pounding into her pussy became her whole world. Her mind went blank. Her vision blurred. Every cell in her body seemed to swell with awareness of Case.

  For the first time, he truly let her feel his power, the strength that made the others look to him as alpha. Her wolf bared her throat in response and Case’s hand wrapped around her neck. His strong hold pleased her wolf.

  No wonder he always held himself back.

  She hadn’t realized… He could have used his power to force her to submit to him and anyone else he chose. Maybe it wouldn’t have been a true mating but with as little as she’d known about shifters, she never would have suspected the difference. He could have flattened her with his strength. But he hadn’t done that. Case would never abuse his power like that.

  He hadn’t even showed her that it was a possibility until now.

  His thumb pressed under her chin forcing her head back. He slid his teeth along the side of her throat, letting her feel her vulnerability. He lifted her hips into every thrust, forcing her to meet him.

  And when he told her to come, there was no question of disobeying the command in his voice. She screamed her release, her body locking down in a spasm around his cock. Case continued to push into her as he came, the heat of him splashing against her womb and spreading. The warmth expanded inside her, catching her in soft hands as she came back to herself. Her body trembled uncontrollably, so close to the shift she could almost feel her bones melting.

  She closed her eyes, trying to pull herself together. Still lodged inside her, Case rolled onto his side. He stroked her back, murmuring soft words against her skin.

  Gradually, the shaking in her limbs eased as her hunger faded, leaving behind a bone-deep sense of peace and exhaustion.

  Her eyes fluttered open to find Case staring down at her. There was a touch of uncertainty in his expression that told her he was worried he’d pushed her too far. She touched his cheek. “I never imagined it could be like this. Thank you for taking care of me.”

  He closed his eyes and turned to kiss her fingers. “Pack means we’re there for each other however and whenever we’re needed. You call and we come running. You would do the same for any of us.”

  She would. Any one of them. Without pausing to consider the consequences. Eli stretched out on one side of them and Declan lay down on the other. Carson and Jack curled up at the end of the big bed. They were hers. Her mates. Her pack.

  Case kissed her gently and tucked her into his arms. “Now sleep. You need to rest while you can.”

  It wasn’t a command exactly, but her body responded to his words as if he’d put all the dominant strength of his wolf behind them. She closed her eyes, and she slept.

  Chapter Seven

  A wet nose on her cheek brought Maggie groggily awake. She opened her eyes and recoiled from the wolf bright eyes only a few inches from her face. The wolf sat and cocked his head slightly to the side. It was Jack, and the wolf at his side would be Carson. She remembered seeing them coiled at the bottom of the bed last night before she fell asleep. She looked toward the window. It was early. The weak light coming through the curtains told her the sun probably wasn’t even up yet. They’d slept and fucked through an entire day and night.

  Eli’s heavy arm was wrapped around her waist, but both Case and Declan were gone. Easing out from beneath Eli’s arm, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up.

  “If you wake me up this early,” she said to the wolf. “You should bring breakfast.”

  Declan stepped out of the bathroom, nude and completely at ease. He let her look her fill and when her gaze reached his face, he smirked. “Ready for more?”

  “I don’t want you.”

  He tsked and shook his head. “Not nice, little wolf. We do have to work on your manners.”

  She laid a hand on her belly. Her womb was quiet, calm. The heat was gone. “Is it really over?”

  Declan crossed the room and sat beside her on the bed. He covered her hand with his. “Depends on what you mean by over,” he said. “You’re mated to the pack, carrying our child. I’d call that a beginning, not an end.”

  Tears came to her eyes. Jack licked her knee, and Eli stirred behind her.

  “Already making her cry, Dec?” Eli asked in a sleep-raspy voice. “Couldn’t you wait a few hours? It’s too early to kick your ass.”

  Declan smiled. “There will never be a good time of day for you to try and kick my ass.”

  Maggie lifted her head at the sound of a light tread in the hallway. She smelled hot chocolate a second before Case came into the room carrying a steaming mug. With an arch look at Jack and Carson, she took the mug gratefully from Case’s hands. She blew through the steam, took a deep sip, and almost immediately felt more awake.

  She smiled at Case. “I didn’t earn breakfast in bed last night?”

  He leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb and nodded at the wolves. “We thought you might like to catch your own.”

  She paused with the mug half-raised to her mouth. “You mean run?”

  Case nodded. “You can see the rest of the property.”

  She almost leapt to her feet. The hot chocolate was the only thing that stopped her. “It won’t hurt the…”

  Case’s expression softened. “The baby? No. He’s a shifter. The change won’t hurt him.”

  “Or her,” she put in, wanting to cover the bases.

  “Or her,” Case agreed. “Maybe both.”

  “Are you sure I’m really pregnant? I don’t feel different except that the heat is gone.”

  Declan rubbed her belly. “You smell different. Like pack, though I suppose that’s not surprising. The scent of heat still clings to your skin though it’s fainter now.” He pressed is nose to her arm. “You smell like you’re breeding. I can’t explain it better than that. The wolves know. Does yours?”

  Her wolf did know. She was curled up in the corner of Maggie’s mind, smugly content.

  Maggie reached over to put her mug on the end table and stood. “Let’s go.”

  Jack and Carson took off ahead of everyone. Declan went with them to manage the doors. Maggie walked downstairs with Case while Eli used the bathroom.

  “No doggie door?” she asked Case.

  He gave her a dark look. “You’re kidding.”

  “It would be practical. I think we should consider installing one at the new house.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “The one we’re building by your cabin?”

  Her heart fluttered. “Are you planning on buying the land there?”

  “If you want us to,” Case said. “The property adjoins yours. It’s a lot of territory.”

  But she wo
uldn’t have to give up her home, her only connection to her parents. “I would like that very much.”

  They reached the bottom of the stairs and Case cupped the back of her neck to pull her closer. He kissed her forehead. “Then it’s decided.”

  Eli clambered down the stairs behind them and together they headed to the back door. Case turned to her. “You first. I can shift outside.”

  She raised her brows. “And the door?”

  He opened it, letting in a gust of snow. He tugged on a short rope pull attached to the door knob, thick enough to be gripped by inhuman teeth.

  She smiled up at Case. “Very clever.”

  He lifted his chin. “Go on. You’re starting to shiver.”

  She felt a moment’s anxiety as she reached for her wolf but it disappeared as soon as the wolf rose to answer her. Her skin shivered with the change and then that shiver of sensation went deeper, unbuilding her molecule by molecule and reforming her body into a new shape. She gave herself over to the change. Her wolf swept over her, their spirits blurring into one, sharpening Maggie’s awareness of the mating bonds that tied her to the rest of the pack, of the new life growing in her womb, of Case standing above her and staring down at her with a tender smile on his face.

  “White as the snow.” He knelt down to sink his hands into her fur. “You’re beautiful.” He grinned. “And you’re going to be nearly impossible to find out there if you don’t want to be found.”

  He stood and threw open the door. Three wolves waited for her outside, pacing. Eli had shifted with her and nudged her flank with his nose. Maggie looked up at Case. He raised his hand. “Go on. I’ll be right behind you. Run.”

  She ran.

  The pack closed around her, letting her take the lead, moving with her like her own personal sharp-toothed bodyguard. They ran through the thick patch of forest and around a frozen pond she hadn’t even known existed. Eli cut her off when she reached the edge of the pack’s territory and she slowed, following her nose to pace the edge of their border. In one spot, she scented an oddly familiar smell—wolf and not-wolf—and she knew that it was the scent of Case’s sister. Margot.

  Maggie felt a pang of pity for the woman who’d given up her wolf for the cold blandness of the human world. But then she shrugged it aside. Margot didn’t deserve her pity. She’d made that choice. She felt even less sympathy for Margot when Declan lifted his leg to pee on the spot.

  Eli moved closer and Maggie bumped into his flank throwing him off step. He snapped at her playfully. She raced ahead, nipping at Carson’s leg as she passed him and jumping onto Case’s back before bounding through the shoulder high snow. She didn’t expect to make it far after that, but she managed a dozen feet before Case ploughed into her. They rolled in a flurry of fur and snow for several feet before Case pinned her down. He was on her back, his teeth locked at her nape. He growled and she went limp in his hold, displaying her submission.

  Case nipped at her lightly and removed his weight. Declan buried his nose in the snow and then tossed it in her face. She shook her head and stood. Shaking the snow from her fur, she butted Declan’s chin with the top of her head and looked back the way they’d come.

  They’d run for several miles and she couldn’t see the house anymore. This property was big. Their new territory would be even bigger. Her mountain was more remote and would be safer for the little pups to run and explore. Her children would grow up knowing the same woods she’d known as a child. She hoped they’d be as happy there as she’d been growing up.

  No. She hoped they’d be happier. Their happiness wouldn’t be broken by a car crash. Her children would never be left alone to try and fit into a world they didn’t belong in. Her mates were strong, kind, and generous men, and there were five of them.

  She would never be alone again.

  As if he sensed her mood, Case came to her and rested his head on her back. Eli sat back on his haunches and tilted his head questioningly. She could feel all of her mates through the bonds. Declan, Carson, Jack, Eli and Case. She loved them all, and they loved her too, each in their own way. It was so much more than she’d ever expected to find in her life. Not one mate, but five of them

  She started off again, the pack falling in beside her as she turned toward the house. The sun crested over the pine trees, blindingly bright on the fresh snow. She ran, her wolf reveling in the cold wind in her face and the swift strength of her animal body.

  Maggie was ready to be human. She wanted to make love to her mates again without the heat pushing her on. She wanted to read all the books in Case’s library and go skinny-dipping in the hot springs with Jack. She wanted Carson to teach her how to rock climb and to sleep at night with Eli’s heavy arm locked around her waist. She wanted to see Case lose control of his wolf while he was buried so deeply inside her she could feel his heartbeat like it was her own. She wanted Declan to show her how to be more connected to her wolf. They had a new house to build and a baby to plan for.

  She was ready to start her new life.

  About the Author

  I’ve always been a big fan of the supernatural—vampires, shifters, magic—anything with a touch of the unknown and maybe the occasional dash of horror. I’m also a big fan of sexy romance, as you can probably guess from my writing. Maggie’s Wolves is the story I’ve always wanted to write, and I hope you enjoy it!

  If you’d like to contact me, you can reach me at: [email protected].

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