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Cherished Page 2

by Sara York

  Scotty’s stomach sunk. A fucking dare, that’s all I’m worth? “So now you’ve asked me out, you don’t have to do the embarrassing thing.”

  Wesley looked up at him, his gaze pleading. “But will you go?”

  “Whose idea was it to ask me out?” Scotty didn’t want to hear that he was the butt of some senior college joke. Sure, he was a Dom and he’d had multiple subs begging to bend to his will, but this was different. Wesley had caught his attention long ago. In the beginning, he’d thought the boy too young and ignored the desire he’d felt toward the kid. Now that he knew Wesley wasn’t a kid, his desire had built, leaving him wanting the man more than he should.

  Wesley’s blush deepened and he glanced down. Again, Scotty touched Wesley’s chin, but this time Wesley’s head came up all on his own. He licked his lips and cleared his throat.

  “Mine. I’ve wanted to—I’ve had this—Well, I would really like to go out with you. Had Dustin not dared me, I never would have asked.”

  Scotty wanted this young man, wanted to possess him, but he couldn’t stomach a relationship, not an emotional one. The last time had wrecked him, leaving him at his worst, so lost he almost didn’t find his way back. If he went out with this kid and treated him the way Wesley most likely expected him to, Scotty would have a puppy dog following him around for a long time. He didn’t want that. No, he’d push and see just how far Wesley would go. He didn’t intend on hurting the young man, he just wanted his true reaction to the reality that was Scotty’s sex life. Then he could judge if Wesley was worth the time, because in the end, if Wesley wasn’t game to play, he wasn’t useful to Scotty.

  “Wesley, I’m glad you asked. Are you free tomorrow night?”

  “Yes,” Wesley hissed. His eyes went wide, and the smile on his face was bright enough to melt a bit of the ice surrounding Scotty’s heart.

  The warm sensation sent warnings through Scotty, telling him to stop this nonsense and send Wesley packing. Instead of telling the guy to take a hike, Scotty continued on his path that would surely lead to misery.

  “Are you up for something different?”

  Wesley nodded, and Scotty arched an eyebrow, shaking his head. “Use your words, please.”

  “Yes, I want to go out with you. If you want to make the decision on what we do, I’m fine with that.”

  Scotty smiled down at Wesley, liking this kid more and more with each passing second. Tomorrow at Barringers would be perfect. It might just be his lucky day if he’d found a young man he could train. If Wesley could stand Barringers and roll with the scene, he might be the most perfect sub yet. Of course, it could all go to hell, but what did he have to lose? He hadn’t found a perfect partner in the months since his ex had betrayed him. Maybe this young man would do.

  “Wesley, I will take you out, but there are a few rules you must follow.”

  Wesley nodded and licked his lips. Scotty imagined those lips on him, and he shuddered. This young man, even if he subbed for Scotty, he wouldn't have sex with him, not yet. Sex would open too many emotions. A pang of guilt filled Scotty. He shouldn’t take the boy to the club on their first date, he should take him to The River House or The Sapphire Grill, but taking him to Barringers would establish Scotty’s expectations right off, leaving no doubt in Wesley’s mind about what type of relationship they would have.

  “First, you must wear blue jeans and a white T-shirt. All white, no logos at all. Are you okay with that?”

  Wesley nodded, his eyes as round as saucers. “Yes.”

  “You may not wear any underwear. And if—never mind.”

  “No, tell me. I want to do what you ask.”

  Oh shit. Scotty bit his tongue. He’d almost said that out loud, revealing his true desperation for the young man. Scotty cleared his throat. “Very well, if you are going to go out with me, you may want to—um, how should I say this? You may want to shave…everywhere. Do you understand?”

  “Yes—” Wesley swallowed hard and looked down, then back up, like he wanted to say something else. He opened his mouth and closed it, then nodded once. “Sir.”

  Scotty smiled and touched Wesley on his shoulder. “I’ll remember that later, when it really matters. And Wesley, if you are going to go out with me, that type of thing will matter. Give me your address, and I’ll pick you up promptly tomorrow night at eight.”

  Wesley stuttered off a street name and number located downtown close to the SCAD campus. Scotty made note of it in his phone before turning.

  He spun back, letting his eyes travel up and down Wesley’s body. “Wesley, is it just Wesley, or do you have a last name you care to tell me?”

  Red shot from Wesley’s pretty blond hair down to his neck. “Reese, my name is Wesley Reese,” he stammered.

  Scotty smiled and walked off, leaving Wesley staring after him. He felt the heat of the young man’s gaze on his backside, but he didn’t turn to look. The upper hand was his to lose, and he didn’t intend on losing it.

  Chapter Two

  Wesley was still shaking as Scotty walked away. What the fuck have I gotten myself into? Dictating what I wear? Wesley stared after Scotty Fuller, watching his every move until he rounded the corner, stepping out of Wesley’s sight. Part of him wanted to rush after the man and watch him more, but he didn’t want to look too desperate. Fuck, it was obvious he was desperate—agreeing to wear jeans and a white T-shirt and no underwear. Oh boy, he’d really stepped into it.

  He made his way back to the study table where he and Dustin had set up, positioning themselves where they could observe Scotty but where he would have a hard time seeing them.

  Wesley glanced up to look at Scotty and heat filled his face. They’d have to find a new place to study. They’d only started coming here when one of their friends started talking about some super sexy guy who worked the desk. Wesley had seen the guy his friend was talking about, but all of his attention had been directed at Scotty. The man was amazing, much more in control than the cute desk guy they’d come to see.

  “So, when are you going out with him? You were gone for a long time. What did you do with him?”

  His gaze swung back to Scotty, who was watching him intently. So much for the secret watching spot. The guy was on to him. “Um, can we talk about this later?”

  “Shit, did you two have sex?” Dustin hissed.

  Heat washed over Wesley, his whole body boiling to an almost painful level. “No, now be quiet. I’ll tell you later.”

  Wesley grabbed his books and bag, glancing back once more at Scotty, glad to see that the man still watched him but afraid of how much the man’s gaze affected him. His balls were tight and his dick twitched. He didn’t want to wait another night to go out with him. Maybe he could talk Scotty into taking him out tonight, but somehow, he didn’t think Scotty was the type to be pressured into doing anything.

  The next day, Wesley rushed home from work and tore the tags off the white T-shirt that he’d bought. He pulled off his work shirt, sniffing his pits, deciding that a swipe of deodorant would keep him fresh enough. Scotty would be here in fifteen minutes—make that five, and he didn’t have time to shower. Being late wasn’t an option.

  Before work, he’d shaved around the base of his dick and his balls. He’d been so careful, and it had taken longer than he thought. Now, he was running late. His boss had been pissed when he’d walked in ten minutes late for his shift and forced him to stay after, cleaning up the stockroom.

  He kept his jeans on and pulled his shirt over his head, then scrubbed his teeth clean. There was a knock on his door, sending his heart racing. “Oh God.”

  Wesley forced himself to remain calm as he walked to the entryway, forgetting to unlock the bolt as he tried to open the door. The knob popped out of his hands and made a loud noise. His cheeks heated as he gave the door another try after turning the lock. He swung the door open to reveal Scotty, dressed in black jeans and a black T-shirt. Wesley’s gaze traveled slowly up Scotty’s body, from his black boots to
the bulge in his pants and up over the tight T-shirt that made the man look amazing. He’d felt a bit of those muscles so gloriously displayed when he’d run into the man at the library.

  “Are you ready to go?” Scotty asked.

  “Yes.” Wesley’s hand shook as he stepped out the door and moved to close it. Scotty stepped forward, his hand blocking the door from shutting. Wesley’s gaze flicked to Scotty’s deep blue eyes, and he sucked in a breath.

  Scotty smiled and nodded toward the door. “Your keys?”

  Wesley reached for his pocket, realizing his gaff immediately. “Thank you for reminding me.”

  Scotty continued to smile, his eyes filled with kindness. Any fear Wesley had about going out with Scotty fled. Everything would be okay. He didn’t need to worry about anything, and there was nothing to fear. Last night, he’d almost talked himself out of going with the man, but he was too afraid to call off the date, knowing that if he did, he’d never get another chance.

  Scotty took the keys from Wesley’s hand and locked the door for him, checking to make sure it was secure before handing the keys back to Wesley. He took Wesley’s hand in his, squeezing twice as they took off down the walk. Wesley was mesmerized as he followed after Scotty. All of the other guys he’d ever dated had been younger than Scotty and just as unsure of themselves as he’d been, but Scotty didn’t falter, nor did he question anything about what he was doing. The guy was totally in command, which turned Wesley on.

  They drove south to the Midtown district and took a few back alleys, twisting and turning down roads Wesley had never seen. He was lost. After a few more minutes, they pulled up in front of a large blue Victorian house with blacked-out windows. Tall hedges and trees surrounded the house, blocking out the noise from the city and the lights from the neighbors. It seemed that they were all alone in a private enclave, separated from civilization.

  Scotty cut the engine before taking Wesley’s hand. “I told you there would be rules tonight, right?”

  Wesley gasped when Scotty lifted his hand and began kissing the tip of each finger. “Um, yes,” he whispered as excitement pinged through him. Scotty lifted one eyebrow, and Wesley swallowed hard, racking his brain, trying to figure out why Scotty was looking at him that way. Then it hit him. “Sir.”

  “That’s better.”

  Wesley breathed out a sigh of relief. Scotty smiled, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a long, thin strip of leather. Wesley stared at that strip of leather, wondering what the hell Scotty intended to do.

  “There are other rules that you must follow once we walk through those doors. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re doing very well.” Scotty skimmed his fingers over Wesley’s face, leaving a trail of tingles over his skin. “You may not speak unless I speak to you. What is the first rule, Wesley?”

  The lump in his throat was almost painful to swallow over. “I may not speak unless you speak to me.”

  “That’s right. The next one is you may not leave my side. You keep up with me at all times. No one is to touch you. If you feel someone touching you, you get close and grab my hand or my arm, or touch my back, anything to get my attention—except for speaking. Unless someone pulls you away from me, then you scream and fight like a wild cat. Do you understand?”

  A wave of fear rolled over Wesley and he shivered. His breath had gone shallow, and he panted as he stared, openmouthed, at Scotty.

  “Wesley, do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” he squeaked out.

  “The next is the simplest. You must wear this collar at all times. Understand that I am not collaring you to signify ownership, I’m doing this to protect you. When we walk through those doors, you will be acknowledged as fresh meat. The white T-shirt should keep them away from you. It signifies that you’re a virgin to the club. The collar will let the others know that you’re not up for taking outside offers. But you’re very beautiful and are bound to attract attention.” Scotty leaned forward, his lips brushing over Wesley’s cheek. “So very beautiful,” he whispered as his hand rested on Wesley’s knee, then slid up his thigh to Wesley’s hip. “If you get overwhelmed, grab onto my belt loops.”

  Scotty placed the leather strip around his neck, not too tight, but Wesley felt it, leaving him shaking. A bit as fear wound its way through him. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

  “Oh, and this.” Scotty reached his hand behind Wesley’s neck and drew him close, his lips covering Wesley’s as he delivered an incredibly sweet kiss that made Wesley's heart race.

  * * * *

  Scotty pulled out of the kiss with Wesley, his body shaking with desire. He opened his door and stood, adjusting his jeans as he walked around the car to the passenger side. Scotty glanced in at Wesley, a smile quick on his lips as he observed Wesley still touching his mouth with his fingers. The kid was hooked, and that left Scotty feeling so powerful, he didn’t think anything could bring him down tonight.

  He opened the door and helped Wesley out, taking him by the hand and leading him to the entry. This was show time, either Wesley would accept the situation or he would freak out and demand to leave. Scotty hoped Wesley was intrigued enough to want to stay.

  “Make sure to walk a bit behind me once we pass through the doors,” he said in a low voice that only Wesley could hear.

  “Scotty Fuller, it’s good to see you back again. And oh my goodness, will you look at that?” Bill Westford stepped out of the porch shadows and walked around them, his gaze on Scotty’s date. Wesley slid closer to Scotty, his fingers tightening around Scotty’s.

  “Leave him alone, Bill,” Scotty snarled.

  “Is he your property, or are you just here to instruct him?”

  Scotty dropped Wesley’s hand and felt him flinch. He put his arm around the young man and pulled him close against his body, placing a possessive kiss on Wesley. The response was immediate, and Wesley submitted to the assault, tilting his head back and opening his mouth fully, accepting whatever Scotty gave him.

  Scotty tore himself away from Wesley’s inviting mouth and growled, “What do you think?”

  “Okay, I’ll make sure everyone knows that he’s your property, not to be touched or talked to.”

  Scotty led Wesley inside the main entrance, slipping into a private door to the right of the hall. He closed the door and flipped on the light. With one hand, he pressed Wesley up against the wall, studying him. His eyes were wide and darting all over the place. He was shaking a bit, and his lips looked swollen from the punishing kiss Scotty had given him.

  “Are you okay?” Scotty asked.

  Wesley’s gaze shot to his, and Scotty smiled. Wesley calmed, and the corners of his lips curved up, returning Scotty’s smile. He nodded, and Scotty touched Wesley’s mouth with his fingertips.

  “When I ask you a question, I expect a verbal answer.”

  Wesley cut his gaze away before looking back at him. “Yes, sir. I’m fine.”

  “That’s my boy.” He ran his thumb over Wesley’s lips, pleasure rippling through him. “You keep that up, and I’ll reward you. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Stay beside me and I’ll take care of you.”

  Scotty led Wesley into the bar downstairs, ordering a drink for each of them. He could feel the eyes of the other patrons on him. The shot to his ego had him swaggering a bit more than usual. The bartender lifted his eyebrow at Wesley, but Scotty ignored the obvious question. Yes, Wesley was young, probably one of the youngest men in the club, but he was old enough to drink.

  He acknowledged a few people, ignoring the disappointed look from a couple of subs, concentrating on the man at his side. After a few minutes, one of his longtime friends, Fred, stopped by, and they talked for a bit before Scotty moved them to an open table where they could stand and enjoy their drinks.

  * * * *

  Wesley took a sip of the drink, almost choking on the strong alcohol taste. He needed the drin
k to calm his nerves, but it was almost too much. The place was teeming with guys dressed in leather. Other men dressed in jeans, or in one case, nothing, followed them around like puppy dogs, just like he was following Scotty.

  He glanced at Scotty, noticing how good-looking the man really was. Scotty was amazingly fit. His black shirt accentuated his muscled chest. His body tapered down to a V, and his dark hair was clipped short. In control was how Wesley would describe him. Scotty had shaved recently, and his strong, angular jaw made him look even more commanding. His nose had a cute turn at the end that made Wesley smile.

  Scotty glanced at him, catching the smile from Wesley. His gaze heated, and Wesley sucked in a quick breath as his blood warmed. He glanced away, looking at the table, anywhere to hide the blush he knew would be covering his cheeks.

  Scotty ran his hand over Wesley’s back before squeezing his shoulder. The touch warmed his skin, and he felt more confidence than before. Scotty talked to another man who was alone. They were in a deep discussion, and Wesley looked around the room, making eye contact with others. He quickly learned not to make eye contact with the men who seemed to hold the power in the relationship. A few of the others like him sneered, but a couple of the guys gave him warm smiles.

  Another guy came up to talk to Scotty, and the small man following the bigger one scooted close to Wesley and said hi in a quiet whisper.

  “Hello,” Wesley whispered. The other guy ducked his head and moved closer to Wesley.

  “I’m Mark.”

  Wesley glanced nervously at Scotty, who smiled and nodded approvingly. His belly fluttered at the approval. “I’m Wesley,” he whispered.

  “First time?” Mark asked.


  “From what I’ve seen, Scotty is nice. You’ve done well. There are a lot of subs that wanted him after what happened… Well, that’s not mine to tell. But you’re lucky.”

  Wesley glanced back at Scotty, his nerves a little frayed from the environment. He didn’t know what Mark was talking about with Scotty and what had happened, but he didn’t intend to ask. Scotty was amazingly beautiful and so commanding. He did feel lucky and safe next to him.


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