Claiming More (Tiger Nip)

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Claiming More (Tiger Nip) Page 2

by Walker, Brandy

  Both men stared at her, waiting for a response she couldn’t come up with.

  “MJ?” Her father’s deep voice carried an undertone that said she was doing something wrong…again. “What do you say?”

  Unconsciously, MJ took a step to the side, away from Devon, bumping into Sam. He slid his arm around her waist. The act calmed her as well as raised her awareness of him. Tingles shot through her where his hand clutched her possessively, traveling down to her clit. How embarrassing to be in front of your parents and the guy who decided he was going to marry you whether you wanted to marry him or not, and all you could think about was the other guy standing behind you turning you on. Wondering if all of those years of lust would finally be answered.

  “Um, thank you, I guess.” Her gaze bounced between her parents and Devon again. Shit, I need a way out.

  Like a gift from the Goddesses, Corrine’s mom, Violet, burst into the group. “Oh my goodness. There you two are. Your father and I have been looking for you everywhere, Sampson. Come on, we have pictures to take. That little photographer is threatening to leave if we don’t get a move on and your father wants to snap his neck.”

  Before anyone could say anything, Violet grabbed MJ’s hand and pulled her out of the cluster between her parents and Devon. Sam followed suit, never removing his hand from her back.

  “Dash,” Violet yelled across the grassy expanse. “Found them. Round up the other kids.”

  MJ looked back at Sam who had a smile tipping the corners of his lips up. She couldn’t help her own grin in response. “Your mom really knows how to bust up a crappy time. Remind me to bake her those scones she loves so much.”

  “Sure thing, Mary Jane.” Sam winked and MJ went weak in the knees. So that was what it was like to be on the receiving end of that killer smile. Too bad she didn’t have the photographer there to capture the moment. The second she giggled and winked back, Sam’s smile faded and a look she didn’t recognize passed over his face.


  He shook his head and ignored her question. “Hey Mom, there’s Pop.” He increased the pressure on her back and guided her to a short brick wall where the rest of the bridal party was milling about.

  Jett, Corrine, Corrine’s dad Dashel, Jett’s two younger sisters, Jessie and Jamie, and Sam and Jett’s buddies, Bodie and Soren, were all lining up for the photograph session.

  The photographer huffed out a breath as Violet pushed MJ and Sam into place. “It’s about time,” the little man grumbled.

  MJ felt bad for the guy. No one liked having to herd cats, even if they were in human form. “Sorry. Got waylaid by Devon and my parents.”

  Sam mumbled from the other side of Jett. “More like ambushed.”

  Corrine turned toward her. “Shit, sorry MJ, I forgot he was going to be here. I thought your parents would have told you.”

  The photographer growled and everyone turned his or her head toward him. “Please people. Let’s get the photos done, then you can gossip all you want. I have a schedule to keep.”

  Corrine and MJ spoke at the same time. “Sorry.” They giggled a few seconds before the photographer huffed out another aggravated breath. MJ saw a smile light up Corrine’s face as she looked at her husband. She sighed, plastered on a smile and pretended she wasn’t feeling the sharp sting of jealousy.


  What felt like a thousand pictures later, the bridal group broke apart, heading to the reception area following a flower-laden path to white outdoor tents. Sam stood in the back taking in the scenery. He had to admit, Garden, Wyoming was still beautiful. It had been quite a few years since he’d been back to his hometown. His previous job as a travelling Personal Fitness Instructor and Fitness Business Analyst kept him on the road day and night, away from family and friends the majority of the last three years.

  Garden was an hour southwest of Laramie and the home of the Mountain Guild. The ruling body for all shifters in the Mountain Time Zone. It was tucked away in the central area of the Medicine Bow Mountains near Evans Creek and Miller Lake. There was lush grass, flowers, and trees for as far as the eye could see. It was tranquil, soothing him in a way he hadn’t felt in a long ass time.

  His gaze drifted to the one other thing, well person, which soothed his soul whenever he could get near her. MJ was up ahead of him talking to Jett’s younger sisters. Jessie and Jamie each wore pink silk dresses much like the one Mary Jane wore. The women laughed as they went to the head table, weaving back and forth to avoid the other wedding guests finding their places. Once at the front, MJ gazed around the enclosure, seeming to look for someone. Her brow furrowed and she pursed her lips in irritation. He knew it was irritation; he had been on the receiving end of it enough in the past ten years to know.

  Sam followed her gaze and found she was staring at Devon, who stood talking with her parents. Deep inside, Sam knew her parents thought they were doing what was right by her but it still pissed him off. A low growl escaped his lips, startling a couple walking past him.

  After a mumbled apology, he made his way to the head table, ensuring he walked behind MJ, who was now seated. Placing his hands on her bare shoulders, he fought the zing that whipped through him exciting every nerve in his body. Leaning down so his lips would brush her ear he whispered, “Stare at him much longer and I’ll think you’re interested, or hoping he’ll burst into flames and disappear.”

  She gasped and jumped beneath his hands, he kept her seated with a little pressure. He wasn’t ready to give up this moment of skin on skin pleasure no matter how innocent it was. He would love to slide his hands down onto her breasts, feel their weight as he laid kisses along her neck. Pinch her nipples, arousing her until she begged for more. That wasn’t going to happen though.

  She turned her head in his direction, their lips mere millimeters apart. “Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Last I checked, though, Ligers didn’t have the power to incinerate.”

  “You mean all of that practice on me and you still can’t do it? I would have thought you had figured it out by now as many heated, death glares you have sent my way.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Always the smart-ass.”

  “You know it babe.” He placed an impromptu kiss on her lips. Just a light smacking before he stood up and took the seat a couple of chairs over.

  He didn’t know what made him do it. Having her so close along with the feel of her skin beneath his fingers perhaps. Her sweet breath as it fanned across his lips. All he knew was that he needed a quick taste. It was a tease to what he really wanted. Pure, basic torture for him but the beast within wanted her attention and seeing it focused on another guy was not helping.

  Before MJ could say anything, he scanned the tent entrance for his dad. When he finally got his attention, his dad gave him the thumbs up.

  MJ was too shocked to speak. The need to make a comment burned in her brain but nothing came out.

  Holy shit! Sam actually kissed me. Well, if you call that a kiss.

  Really it was a peck on the lips but the second of contact, lord it made her panties melt. She seriously needed to get him to do that again.

  Jamie nudged her with her foot. “Did Sam just kiss you in front of everyone?”

  Slowly MJ turned her head toward the woman. “It really wasn’t a kiss and it wasn’t in front of everyone. People are still getting seated.”

  Jamie smirked. “Honey, I hate to tell you but everyone is seated. The bride and groom are about to walk through the doors. People have been looking up here the past few minutes waiting for the music cue. From Sam.”

  “Oh shit!”

  Her head snapped back toward Sam. He had a cocky grin on his face as he twirled his finger in the air. Seconds later music started.

  She groaned and tried to focus on the bride and groom, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Devon. He wasn’t looking at Corrine and Jett. He was staring at her. His jaw clenched, nostrils flaring and his eyebrow was arched. The man was not happy.
/>   “Well fuck me in the morning,” she said under her breath.

  Jessie giggled and leaned into her. “I’m sure either one of those men would do it. Let me know which one you don’t want. I’d be happy to pick up the slack. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to play.”

  MJ’s mouth dropped open as she swung her attention back to Jessie, who laughed and winked. “Just saying. I’m great at grief counseling.”

  MJ couldn’t help but study the woman next to her. Though she didn’t know too much about Jessie, she did know they were around the same age; twenty-four. Jessie was a slim, tall woman with waist length brown wavy hair. Light cocoa skin and the same golden-flecked nut-brown eyes as her older brother. She was friendly to everyone and very comfortable in her skin.

  MJ didn’t doubt the other woman’s ability to pick up either Sam or Devon. Problem was, she didn’t know what she wanted to do. Accept Devon; fulfill her parents’ wish and the promise that Devon would take care of her for the rest of her life—the safe bet. Or take a chance on Sam and hope things worked out to a forever kind of love.

  Her heart screamed to take a chance while her head said it was too risky. If things didn’t go well with Sam, she would be heartbroken and would probably lose her best friend in the process. Plus, she felt she owed Devon, or at least his family for their kindness so many years ago.

  Something about her dilemma must have shown through. Jessie put her hand on MJ’s arm. “Are you okay honey? I was just joking.”

  Jessie’s concern felt nice, felt genuine. MJ smiled and patted her hand. “I’m fine. Just need to figure a few things out.”

  “If you need to talk, I’m around.” MJ saw Jessie’s gaze slide past her to where Sam sat. When MJ turned her head it wasn’t Sam looking back, it was Bodie. He blew a kiss in their direction and winked.

  MJ’s head swiveled back to Jessie, who clenched her teeth and, through barely moving lips, whispered cocky asshole. It looked like she had her own man problems to deal with.

  “Thanks.” It was sweet of her to offer; though, she didn’t think she would take the woman up on it. Aside from Bodie being a possible thorn in Jessie’s side, MJ didn’t need her problems getting back to Jett, who would in turn either tell Corrine or worse yet, Sam. This was one thing she didn’t want to discuss, let alone have it come back to her friends.

  When she thought of a life with Sam, she thought of wedding bells, the house with the white picket fence and babies. She didn’t even know if she could have babies. Would her Lioness genes mark her children as freaks? Would mating with a full-blooded Tiger mean her children would be three-quarters Tiger? Was that even right? Stupid math!

  When she thought of a life with Devon, she knew it would be without love. He would care for her. Provide a home and hearth for her, and she would have children to raise and love. Granted they wouldn’t be her biological children but she would treat them as her own. Devon showed her pictures of his three kids; Marcus who just recently turned six, Tabitha who was four, and little two-year-old Sebastian. They all looked like Devon except for their bright green eyes, which they most likely got from their mother.

  Devon offered to introduce his kids to her but she declined. She didn’t want to meet them until she knew what her decision would be. It was cruel to let children get attached to someone then have that person leave their life. Often times they thought it was their fault and she in no way ever wanted to hurt those small children even more than they already had been. She knew too well how it felt to be taken away from people you loved. Who she thought loved her.

  Devon’s wife’s death had been traumatic enough for their children. Killed by a drunk driver on her way to Marcus’s kindergarten graduation, MJ wondered if the little boy thought it was his fault. It had only been by the grace of the Goddesses she didn’t have the other two children with her. In an odd twist to their daily lives, Devon picked the younger ones up from their caregiver, saying it would be easier since he was closer and his wife was coming back from a trip to Laramie. They were to meet at the elementary school and go for ice cream afterwards. She never made it though.

  Just remembering the story made MJ’s heart hurt, not just for the kids but for Devon as well. He had truly loved his mate and was looking forward to a long life with her. Deep inside she knew he wasn’t a bad guy. He was just looking for someone he got along with to help ease his lonely heart and to help him take care of his family. He swore he would never fall in love again. He made sure she understood that quite bluntly. The sting of hearing I’ll never fall in love with you destroying any thoughts she had that maybe after time he would. It was silly to think it in the first place. She didn’t want Devon to fall in love with her because she was never going to fall in love with him.

  Which brought her right back around to the problem at hand. Sam or Devon? Quite frankly, that kiss from Sam didn’t help steer her in either direction. He could have just been messing with her again.

  She sighed and was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice it was time for her to toast her friends. Jamie nudged her foot again and slid the flute of champagne closer to her.

  MJ looked at Corrine who was smiling at her, picked her up glass and gave the best toast a girl could give her best friend in the entire universe, all while feeling the sharp pains of envy course through her bones once again.


  Sam cut a glance at MJ again. He narrowed his eyes as he watched her down her third glass of champagne. She pushed the food around on her plate some more, still not really eating. He was beginning to get worried.

  Definitely going to have to keep an eye on her tonight. Alcohol and Mary Jane did not mix well. The last and only time he saw her drunk was high school graduation night. Corrine and MJ joined the rest of the senior class out at the lake for the celebratory bonfire. Both women took the opportunity to party as hard as they could. Drinking and flirting. Then there was the skinny-dipping. Sam had been so terrified something would happen to them, he quickly sobered up and followed them around to make sure no one took advantage of them. When they were too drunk to walk a straight line, he ushered them to his car and took them home. It had been hell on his nerves.

  The DJ came over the stereo system, announcing it was time for the newly married couple’s first dance. Jett and Corrine stood and made their way to the floor. At least now Sam had a better view of MJ and would soon be able to have her in his arms again. It was one of the perks of being the Best Man. He got to dance with the Maid of Honor first.

  “I Swear” by All-4-One pumped through the speakers and Sam had to suppress a groan. He had to wonder whose idea it was to play that song, Corrine or Jett? The sappy lyrics reminding him of the night he walked into the condo he shared with Jett and found glowing candles on every surface imaginable, a half eaten dinner for two, and the couple locked in an embrace swaying to the song. He turned tail and stood outside for fifteen minutes arguing with himself whether or not to head out to Corrine’s house and stay there. She told him he was welcome anytime. Problem was, he didn’t know if he would be able to resist marching upstairs to MJ’s room and taking her like he knew they both wanted.

  In the end, he got a hotel room for the night. Calling Jett’s cell before heading home to make sure it was all clear. When Jett asked where he had been all night, Sam told him he had stayed over at a female friend’s house and left it at that.

  The DJ announced that it was now time for the bridal party and the parents of the bride and groom to join them on the dance floor. Sam shoved his seat back and was beside MJ before she had a chance to move.

  Her blue eyes peered up at him, her mouth in the shape of an O. He quite enjoyed the delighted shock on her face as it morphed into a sexy smile.

  “Are you here to escort me, Sampson?” The way his name came out of her mouth all breathy and seductive made his dick hard.

  Jessie stood next to MJ. “Be careful, Sam. This one has had a little too much I think.”

  MJ stood abruptly,
tipping her chair. Sam caught it with one hand and moved it out of the way.

  “I’m fine, Jess. I’m just enjoying myself tonight. That’s what you’re supposed to do at weddings. Drink and be merry.” MJ grabbed onto his arm and dragged him to the dance floor. He didn’t put up much of a fight. He liked it when she got bossy with him. It turned him on.

  Once they were stopped in the middle of the dance floor, she let go and he made his move. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, lacing their free hands together, settling them against his chest.

  His body relaxed as she molded herself to him. Damn she felt good. All of her dips and curves, soft skin and vanilla scent. His dick hardened even more and he could care less if she felt it. Actually, he wanted her to feel how much she turned him on.

  Sam realized, while they were at the head table, that he had been going about things all wrong. He teased her and picked on her when what he really wanted to do was throw her down and mount her. He wanted his scent on every delicious inch of her body, marking her as his. But it was hard breaking old habits. Teasing worked when he was younger. He got a strange satisfaction out of making her blush or getting a rise out of her. Looking back on it now, he could see he was forcing his way into her life. Making his presence known. Never letting a day pass without making her think about him in some way.

  MJ laid her head against his chest and sighed.

  “What was that sigh for?”

  “Just enjoying the moment.”

  That was a shock to hear. He immediately wanted to know specifics. “Which moment would that be? The one where you’re dancing with the hottest guy here, or the moment you molded your body to mine? ‘Cause I have to say, I’m really enjoying having you plastered all over me.”

  She lifted her head slightly, staring up into his face. “Just being in your arms, Sam. It’s something I’ve dreamed about for years.” She sighed and rested her head again. “I don’t want it to end.”


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