Claiming More (Tiger Nip)

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Claiming More (Tiger Nip) Page 13

by Walker, Brandy


  Sam leaned against one of the large trees surrounding the Gathering field, arms folded across his chest, and what his sister considered a constant scowl on his face. He looked out over the Tigers and humans mingling about, wondering for the millionth time if he was doing the right thing. It had been two weeks since MJ moved up to Garden, but for him it felt like forever.

  Part of him wanted to leave and wait for a time when there weren’t too many people around to witness his possible rejection. He should have left after the first day when he finally saw her again.

  His heart leapt in his chest, his breathing stopped and his Tiger roared within. It was like time hadn’t passed at all, and his urge to mate with and claim her surged through his body. It wasn’t going to just go away like she had suggested. Like she hoped. She was his mate…that was all there was to it.

  That first day, she walked within twenty feet of him hanging onto Devon’s arm and never acknowledged his presence. Devon nodded his head in Sam’s direction, but they never stopped.

  Anger and disappointed filled his gut again at the memory. He needed her so bad it hurt.

  Movement to his right, at the designated exit from the woods, caught his attention. His sister and Jett emerged from the area, both dressed in robes. They must have been on a run.

  He looked behind them, wondering where their constant companion Mary Jane was. A rustling in the trees brought his attention back to the place he was looking before. Devon emerged from the tree line behind Jett, followed closely by MJ, her face tilted down, eyes fixed on the ground. The man had her hand in his, and Sam couldn’t help the growl that escaped his lips.

  Sam was still trying to comprehend how she picked Devon Andersen over him. How is the option of tying yourself to a man that openly admits he will never love you better than picking the man who not only loves you, but also wants to devote his life to making you happy? He’d listened to her reasoning, all of it some line of bullshit she believed, thanks to her parent’s need to protect her. A part of him started to doubt what he felt for her because she refused to believe him. She believed she was a broken woman. A misfit in a community of full-bloods. She was wrong on so many levels, and Sam planned on proving it.

  Devon tugged on Mary Jane’s arm. Her head shot up and she said something. Suddenly, her eyes grew large and she zeroed in on where he stood. Sam pushed off the tree before he thought better of it. Stalking over to the group to rip the guy a new one for touching MJ. He didn’t give a shit if Devon was basically royalty. Jett was a member of a founding family, and he didn’t act like an overbearing ass dragging Corrine around.

  Jett caught his attention. When Sam didn’t slow down or wipe away the look of murder on his face, Jett stepped in front of Devon, blocking him from Sam’s wrath. “Hey Sam. Nice day for a run, isn’t it?”

  Sam growled low in his throat. He had no patience for making nice.

  Jett reached out and grabbed his hand like he was going to shake it, then drew him into a bear hug. Jett’s Blood Legacy leaked from him, enveloping Sam. He flinched as the heat surrounded him, but he refused to back down. Jett hissed in his ear. “Damn it! Get yourself together. You don’t want to fuck this up too, and I’m damn tired of having to use my power on you.”

  Startled, Sam jerked back. What the hell does he mean—too? Breaking free of the man he thought of as his best friend, he cleared his throat before he spoke. “Hey. Just thought I’d come over and see how your run went. Any good places to lounge in the sun?” His gaze skittered over to MJ, who was staring at him, her brows furrowed and mouth drawn down in disapproval.

  He knew that look. She didn’t believe him for a minute. He focused his attention back on Jett before noticing Corrine smirking at him.

  Rolling his eyes, he addressed his sister. “What?”

  “Oh nothing,” she said breezily.

  “Whatever. Thank the heavens we don’t have that twin connection.”

  She snickered at him, and he had to resist the urge to tweak her nose like he did when they were younger.

  “We better get back to the lodge and get cleaned up before dinner, Mary Jane,” Devon said. Sam’s hackles rose hearing him call her by her full name. It still didn’t sit well with him that another man thought he could take the special place in MJ’s mind that Sam liked to think only he could fill.

  Sam looked over at MJ and watched as her head dipped slightly in submission. “Of course, Devon.”

  It pained him to see her act that way. She was vibrant and feisty. She would never bow to him the way she did Devon. She acted like she’d resigned herself to the fate her parents dealt her.

  Fucking arranged marriages. All because they didn’t think she would ever find a true mate. He was her damn mate. He just needed a chance to prove it. Make her believe it as strongly as he did. He thought he had a way to do it too. He just needed a few minutes alone with her. Now was apparently not the time.

  Devon stepped away, still gripping Mary Jane’s hand like she was a child trying to escape. So focused on their joined hands, Sam didn’t realize Devon was speaking to him. “…see you later, Sampson.” Devon did a half nod before turning away, dragging MJ behind him.

  As they were walking away, she turned her head back in his direction. “It was good seeing you, Sam. I hope things are better than the last time I saw you.” The sadness he glimpsed in her eyes almost knocked him to the ground.

  Taking a deep breath, he shut his eyes and tipped his head back. The feel of his sister’s arms wrapping around him pulled him back to earth.

  “You still love her, don’t you, Sam?” She asked quietly.

  Rather than answer, he dropped a kiss on the top of her head and moved her away from him. He could feel her gaze searching his face for the answer. The next time he said he loved MJ, it would be to her and she would be saying it right back.

  Doing his damnedest not to give Corrine a clue, he blanked his emotions. “What was he saying about seeing me later? I wasn’t really paying attention.”

  Jett spoke. “Yeah. I could see that. Devon said he would see us later at dinner. I think he’s going to let his intentions be known that he’s picking MJ as his new replacement mate. I mean…companion. Shit, whatever the hell they’re calling that non-relationship.”

  The blood drained from Sam’s face, as shock hit his system. His knees quivered for a second before he was able to pull himself together. Devon couldn’t be doing it already. There were still two more days before the official Claiming Ceremony.

  Anger rode hard and fast after the shock wore off. “Like hell he is. She’s my fucking mate. I’ll be the one stating my intentions and claiming her.”

  Whirling away, he marched back to the lodge; knowing he had to stop this fiasco before it went any further. He needed a plan to see Mary Jane alone and he needed it quick.

  MJ took one last look in the mirror. The idiot that thought she should wear a skirt should be shot. She looked ridiculous.

  But considering the person who convinced her to wear it was her mother, she guessed that wouldn’t be a good idea; for whatever reason, her dad was partial to the woman.

  Ever since she showed up at her parents’ house and agreed to become Devon’s wife, her mother had taken great pleasure in making her over. In telling her how proud she was for doing the right thing.

  No more jeans and t-shirts. No more sloppy ponytails or flour-covered aprons, unless she was baking for her new family. Her mother even convinced her to stop arguing so much and to act in deference to Devon’s wishes. She became the submissive woman her mother told her Devon liked. Just like his deceased mate.

  Her mom had no doubt that Devon would declare his intentions to take her as his companion during the Gathering. She wanted MJ to always look her best and to be ready for the moment, whenever it may happen, and act with grace and dignity. She would be taking a big step into the spotlight, as Devon and his family were prominent in the community. Something that MJ liked to let sli
p her mind. She was not a spotlight kind of girl. She liked to just hang back and take everything in.

  Now she was poised to be the highly sought after doctor’s mate. “No, companion,” she grunted in a very unladylike way, “not a mate, because after you lose your true mate and take another, that was what it was called. I’ll never be anyone’s mate.” But you could have been if you hadn’t been so scared and stupid, she chided herself.

  She peered into the mirror again, taking in her look from head to toe. This was not who she was at all. She did not do tight, flirty clothing. She did not do submissive or let someone tell her how to act either. But she was doing it. For her parents to no longer feel like they owed anyone. For Devon and his children, so there was someone there to take care of them all. And for Sam. So he could move on and find his real mate.

  Her long blond hair was down, just like her mother insisted she wear it. Parting it on the side, MJ put in a small blue sapphire hair clip that matched her eyes. The one nod to her real self buried inside the frill and nonsense. MJ even removed the cute nose stud she’d had since she was sixteen. Her mother claimed it was not something a doctor’s wife would ever have.

  Her short-sleeved, light blue cashmere sweater with the sweetheart neckline only served to emphasize how large her breasts were. The soft material molded to her every curve.

  The black skirt she wore flared out from her hips, hitting her right above her knees. One wrong spin and it would show off more than lily-white legs. Her light blue lace panties would be on display for anyone looking. The tiny scrap of material would probably shock most of the uptight older citizens in attendance.

  A knock at the door had her spinning away, proving what she feared. The skirt flared up and out, with a quick glance behind to the mirror, the blue lace made its appearance.


  “MJ, you okay in there?” The muffled voice asked through the door.

  “Yeah, hold on.” She knew she sounded grumpy, but she just couldn’t help it. Ever since she came home, she had been miserable. And it had only been two weeks! She couldn’t imagine what living in Garden so close to her parents for the rest of her life would be like.

  She smoothed her hands down her sides, took a calming breath and strode the rest of the way across her room. Pulling the door open, she found Corrine on the other side.

  Corrine whistled long and low. “Damn girlfriend, you look hot.” Corrine reached out and engulfed her in a much-needed hug.

  “I look ridiculous,” she grumbled into Corrine’s hair before hugging her back.

  Corrine pushed away from her and held her at arms length. “No. You look gorgeous. Why didn’t you ever wear skirts and dresses at home?”

  “Why would I? Last I checked, I didn’t need to impress you with my fabulous looks. Or did you finally switch sides and not tell me?”

  Corrine rolled her eyes and laughed. Just like MJ hoped. “No. You know for a fact I haven’t.”

  “Ugh. Don’t remind me. All that lovey-dovey stuff every time I turned around. It was sickening. I was afraid I would walk in on you two doing more than just making out.”

  “Well, there was a time or two.” Corrine let her words trail off.

  “Don’t even go there. Seeing you two that one time when Sam burst into the spare bedroom and discovered you and Jett was one time too many. I have a difficult enough time looking at the man now without picturing him all naked.”

  Corrine laughed. “You see him naked right before we shift.”

  “Honey, I am not looking at that man or anyone else when we shift. I’m concentrating on getting undressed and shifted as fast as possible so people don’t see me naked.” MJ gave the door a light shove, shutting it before moving back to the mirror. “You really think I look okay?” She chewed her bottom lip as nerves attacked her again.

  When Corrine didn’t answer, MJ peeled her eyes off her image in the mirror and sought out Corrine in the reflection. The woman did not look happy. “What?” she asked warily.

  “Why do you always do this?”

  “Do what? Ask if my outfit is okay? I don’t think I’ve ever done that more than a handful of times.”

  “No. Why do you question your appeal? You’re gorgeous, MJ. Always have been.”

  “You’re only saying that because you have to. You’re my best friend. It’s in the girl code handbook.”

  Corrine crossed her arms over her chest and frowned.

  MJ turned around and faced her friend. “We are still best friends, right?” Her lip started to quiver and she felt tears start to form. She was too emotional these days. It needed to stop. Blinking rapidly, she chanted I will not cry over and over in her head as she waited for Corrine to say something.

  Corrine’s arms fell to her sides and she rushed over to her, enveloping her in warm arms. “Of course we’re still best friends. We’ll always be best friends.”

  MJ sniffled into Corrine’s hair. “Even though I picked Devon over Sam.” One of the hot tears she was trying to hold back escaped and rolled down her cheek.

  Corrine sighed. “Yes, even though you didn’t pick my brother, who is madly in love with you, by the way. But MJ, I still don’t understand. Why would you pick Devon over Sam? Sam swears you’re his mate.”

  MJ backed away from Corrine. She knew her friend was hurt by her decision. She could feel it crackle throughout the room. She never did explain why she did what she did either. Corrine didn’t know about things in her past. She was encouraged not to talk about it all. Maybe it was time Corrine knew. It would help her see the situation clearly. Maybe.

  “Why don’t you take a seat?”


  MJ waited while Corrine got comfortable in the room’s only chair. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Seeing you and Jett together, working out your problems and falling in love made me realize I want that too. I want someone to love me and to want to be my mate.”

  Corrine didn’t waste anytime jumping right in. “Why are you with Devon then? He makes you miserable.”

  “He doesn’t make me miserable.”

  “That’s not what it looked like earlier today. You looked sad. Until you saw Sam.”

  A flare of heat shot out from MJ’s core at the mention of seeing Sam. She had been sad but when she saw Sam, everything in her lit up. “I was just surprised when I saw him. Nothing more.”

  “Whatever. You still haven’t explained. You’re stalling.”

  MJ huffed out a breath. Hell yeah she was stalling, but she wasn’t going to admit it. “I am not stalling.”


  “Well, because unlike you, there is no mate for me. Without a mate I don’t see another way to get all of the things I wished for as a girl growing up. Things like a husband and children to call my own, or the house and white picket fence. Though, I will admit, Devon doesn’t have the white picket fence. It’s more of an eight-foot privacy fortress masquerading as a fence that surrounds his backyard, but that’s beside the point. Choosing Devon was the only way I could get those things. Who cares that I’m giving up on love and devotion and the idea of having an actual mate? Right?”

  “You should care.” Corrine whispered, the words striking a blow to her childhood dreams.

  MJ looked away and out the window. Her gaze fixed on the swaying branches of the tree just outside. It helped her relax and steady the feelings and emotions pinging around. “I do care but what does it matter? I can’t have those things. Not now.”

  “You’re wrong, MJ. You can too have those things.”

  “No I can’t. I’m a hybrid that no one wants. I am my parents worst nightmare.”

  Corrine jumped up from the chair, knocking it over, startling them both. “That’s not true! Sam wants you.”

  MJ rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t count.”

  Corrine’s brow rose at those words. Yeah, she probably should have left that unspoken. They may be friends, but Corrine and Sam were blood. Blood always trumped friendship.

  “And why doesn’t he count?” Corrine crossed her arms in front of her and her foot started tapping. That was not a good sign.

  “I…” she broke off. She didn’t have a reason. She spent a lot of the past two weeks convincing herself Sam was just going through a phase, and the only reason he slept with her was because there wasn’t anyone else around. Then she hit Dewasa—that combined with the overwhelming hormones racing through his system and bam, he thought they were mates.

  “You can’t even come up with a good excuse, can you?”

  “Yes I can. I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “Oh please!” Corrine let out an exasperated noise.

  “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. He was just horny and needed a good fuck buddy. I was the closest one handy. You know how much Dewasa was messing with his head. He complained about it enough.”

  “You honestly think my brother would fuck my best friend because she’s handy?” Corrine shook her head and waved her hands around in the air like she was shooing a fly away. “Okay, hold up! That is not a picture I want in my head.”

  MJ couldn’t help the snort that came out. She was really going to have to work on that if she planned on being the proper lady her mother expected. “Told ya.”

  Corrine planted her hands on her hips. “As I was saying. You really think my brother would,” she paused and screwed up her face. “Yeah, I can’t go there. Just…if he wanted to get his jollies, don’t you think he would have picked up one of the women hitting on him at the gym? There are plenty of them walking through that door that would do it. He wouldn’t pick the one woman that means the world to me and mess up our friendship just for a roll in the hay.”

  MJ didn’t want to think about Sam being with any other women, so she focused on the one thing that made her giggle. “Seriously? His jollies?”

  “Ugh, you know what I mean. I can’t think of him having sex, let alone doing it with you. It’ll haunt me for life.”


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