Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld

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Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld Page 3

by Shakir Rashaan

  After touring the finished house, I took inventory of the how the rest of the buildings would be laid out: none of the houses would be more than two floors in height, and lavishly constructed with a common area and five to seven rooms on the ground floor, and ten more rooms on the second floor per building.

  In all, Ramesses had gotten permits for thirteen houses, about 200-plus rooms on the grounds in total.

  This resembled more and more a compound than an estate, and I wondered if it was what Ramesses had in mind when he began these projects. He said before that he was thinking big, but I had no idea. But, this was his baby, his business venture, and I was content he was moving in the proper direction.

  We finally got to the main building, and I was relieved to see that it had remained unscathed. There were no scaffolds around it or anything. I was relieved that Ramesses had no intentions of making any changes. We got out of the car and began to walk around the buildings closest to the main building.

  “So, what do You think?” He stood with me in front of the completed housing, gauging my response to his question.

  “I’m speechless,” I admitted. The grounds were absolutely gorgeous. “Can any of the buildings be seen from the street?”

  “No, I made sure they were strategically placed within the landscaping and the woods as well. The only way someone will be able to see anything would be by helicopter.” He stroked his beard for a moment, snapping out of it when he realized he had one last thing on his mind. “The only thing the place needs is a new name.”

  “What name did You have in mind?” I asked him. “I’m assuming it’s got a meaning, knowing You.”

  “NEBU.” The name rolled off his tongue, and he had this smirk on his face, anticipating my confusion.

  “Where did the name ‘NEBU’ come from?”

  “It represents the Palace of Gold from the ancient Kingdom,” he said. “I want to present the new compound in its splendor.”

  “I like the name, it works for Me. Have You told sajira and Damian about it?” I asked.

  “No, not yet, but I think it would be nice for them to see it as well, considering they will be helping with the hosting duties and such. Actually, I want to bring sajira on to the payroll full time, now that I think about it.” He grinned at the possibilities ahead. “I know she would love to be able to set her own hours for a change, work with some larger figures and P&L’s.”

  I couldn’t get too excited, well, actually I could, but it was more of excitement for sajira than for Damian. sajira was a collared submissive of the House now, so she would be involved in the operations of NEBU. I was happy about that. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to bring Damian along, though. He had yet to prove himself to the other members of the House.

  “I don’t mind sajira seeing this, but Damian’s another issue, baby,” I told my husband. “He’s become more slut than submissive, and he hasn’t shown any signs of trying to come out of that phase.”

  “So, the question I have for You is, what do You want to do with him?” Ramesses asked. “You and I both know he is of no use to Me if he isn’t at least a service slave.”

  I honestly wanted to hold out hope Damian would work out, but every conversation we had as of recent was revolving around his foot fetishes. That was fine for a day or so in the beginning, but ultimately, his purpose was and would always be to please me as I saw fit, and I was no one’s Pro Domme.

  “I may have to put him to the test, to see if he is truly ready to be a part of this House, baby,” I finally stated.

  “Good, because I know at least five slaves at NEBU who have been dying for You to acquire them.” Ramesses chuckled, seeming to be amused at the whole situation. I wasn’t amused by his chiding. I wanted his support in dealing with Damian, the same as I did with our former submissives, jamii and nuru.

  Whatever…I have no problems working this out to my benefit. I’d show him he wasn’t the only one who could train.

  “Changing the subject, I think it’s time we give our little one a proper ceremony, don’t You think?” Ramesses asked me. “I mean, it’s only a matter of completing the circle, such as it is.”

  He was right, and I was already a step ahead of him this time. “I’ve already made the arrangements with Altar for two weeks from now. I’m assuming You can have this compound presentable by then, Beloved?”

  He flinched for a minute, like he needed to contemplate some figures and dates in his head. I always hated when he did that. I always had to write down dates and details to make sure

  I didn’t forget, while he simply relied on his photographic memory.

  Ramesses stroked his goatee the way he normally did when he had come to a conclusion about something, and then he finally answered, “So shall it be done, Beloved. Do we have the normal guest lists prepared?”


  “Then I believe it is time to inform our little one of what she needs to be prepared for then, yes?”

  “Oh yes, definitely. I believe she is ready, and it is a wonderful time to do something like this, baby.” After all, it was the beginning of the year, and it was time for the local community to take notice of the House of Kemet-Ka once again. Call me arrogant if you want, but even when Amenhotep was there, we still set the standard when it came to stability, especially in the age of “Internet BDSM” and “Velcro collars.” The last year might not have proven as such, but a statement must be made again.

  We took a final spot check around the grounds before we got back in the truck to head away from NEBU. There was much to plan, phone calls to make, including a special invitation via satellite phone to the Virgin Islands.

  “Oh, that reminds Me, I have to fly out in a couple of days,” Ramesses said. He anticipated the look on my face, putting his hands up in mock defense. “I have a couple of places I have to go, but I promise I won’t be gone longer than about four days.”

  Here we were with the secrecy and innuendo again. If I didn’t know him the way I did, I would have been immediately suspicious of the reason to go on a trip without me. I wanted to ask him a few more questions, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t get the answers I wanted to get. At least, I wouldn’t get them from him. I knew who I needed to ask, and thankfully, I would be able to pick His brain while asking Him and His newlywed bride to come and see what’s going on.

  “Okay, Beloved, I’ll make sure I call Amenhotep to make sure of a few things.” I’d trusted him, even though his “need to know” mantra got on my nerves. But, knowing him, I would find out everything I would need to know when I needed to know it.

  Who was I kidding? I didn’t have that type of patience.

  He raised an eyebrow, recognizing my body language. “Beloved, trust Me on this one. You know I would never keep anything from You without good reason.”

  In my heart, I trusted what he was saying to me, but it was my mind that needed convincing. The way I saw it, I would have to keep myself busy while he was away, and I had something in mind to accomplish that.

  We headed home, with the first thing on my to-do list the moment he took off in the morning being a phone call that might turn into a few revelations, if I had my way…and I would have my way.


  “That’s right. I want to duplicate what I’m planning down in ATL.”

  I was in Las Vegas chatting with Master Osiris and Lady Hatshepsut, two very longtime friends of Amenhotep and Elders in the Las Vegas BDSM community, laying down the ground work for trying to do a Vegas version of NEBU together out there. They had known Him for the better part of thirty years, since the Society of Janus days when they were all in San Francisco together before Amenhotep moved to the East Coast, and the two of them settled into the desert.

  “So, what’s exactly the plan down in Atlanta, now that Your Mentor has decided to semi-retire?” Osiris asked, stroking his long beard. He had a very unassuming presence, until he stood up. There’s something to be said about men who could change the energy flow of a r
oom the moment they stepped into it, and he was one of those men. “I’m hearing the home He left You to renovate to Your style is coming along nicely.”

  “Yes, Sir, things are going along according to plan. We are obeying the zoning ordinances as we should, and thank goodness the acreage helps with keeping the neighbors out of our hair. I’m also utilizing a KAP lawyer to handle the other sensitive details for membership and the handling of the rules of the ranches,” I told him, matching his intense stare as I was taught when I was an apprentice Dominant and I first was introduced to Master Osiris. He was impressed with my usage of a KAP, or kink-aware professional, which the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom established years ago. I had a feeling a non-KAP lawyer wouldn’t quite “get” what we were trying to accomplish and might have a few problems…and questions.

  Lady Hatshepsut crossed her legs, stroking her pet senmut’s head as she waited for us to finish that portion of the conversation. “Where did You plan on placing the Vegas version of NEBU, My dear? For that matter, what did You have in mind for the name of it here?”

  I thought about it for a moment, and to be honest, I really didn’t expect to get to this point of the conversation. Considering that the Power Exchange was already in the area, I wasn’t sure there would be a market for a second major dungeon project. But, it didn’t take long for me to come up with the perfect name for the project in Vegas.

  “The Temples of Deshret,” I responded. I remembered from the ancient Kingdom the name was utilized by the ancient Egyptians to refer to the desert that bordered the country from the west. Deshret means “the Red Land” in Egyptian as well, which also gave me the idea of the color scheme for the project. “That is what I had in mind for the project, m’Lady.”

  “Brother Amenhotep has taught You well, youngster,” Osiris commented. I guess to the Elders I will always be the youngster they helped “raise.” I chuckled to myself at that remark, but I was fine with it. In my mind, it was a sign of respect from an Elder to an “offspring.” “I wonder how He might react to seeing the renovations to His former home.”

  I wasn’t worried about the renovations. Like I told Neferterri, I sent Him every detail by fax and email through paka, since she was more adept at dealing in the technology age than her husband. Each and every time, the renovations were returned with the customary, “go ahead to get it done.”

  I wasn’t sure if He would be all that pleased with the underground marketing campaign I had planned to wage within the Internet boards and such.

  “You shouldn’t worry about such things, Master Osiris,” I reassured. I took it upon myself to throw the vanity card out there for the two of them to consider. “Besides, I was hoping You would be able to assist Me in the operations here in Vegas with the Deshret project? I would want You and m’Lady to, of course. I know Master Amenhotep would trust no one more than the two of You to have the vision to look after one of His business ventures?”

  Yeah, I was laying it on thick, but I also knew without the Elders. I’d be better off trying to get the Clarke County Council to approve this project within the Vegas city limits, and I would probably have more success.

  “I have already staked out a spot near Mountain Springs, off Route 160,” I dropped into business mode with my next statement. “It will be close enough to the airport, and the transportation to and from the compound wouldn’t be too much to worry over, especially with the clientele who will be willing to participate in a more discreet location. L.A., San Fran, the folks coming up from Arizona and Central Texas as well. The possibilities would be wonderful to imagine.”

  That seemed to do the trick, because Lady Hatshepsut spoke up. “We would be delighted to help in this endeavor. You’ve seemed to have done Your due diligence in getting this project together. What do You need from Us?”

  The information flowed out of me with the smoothness of a river. “I know between the two of You, there should be enough people for Me to contact and be willing to put this thing together: legal counsel, security, accounting, the works.”

  “We’re talking high-powered clientele, correct, Ramesses?” Master Osiris asked, no doubt wondering if it would be open to those who had a bit more at stake in the interest of keeping a discretionary profile.

  “Affirmative, Sir. Which reminds Me, would You both like to witness Our sajira’s collaring ceremony in a couple of weeks? I would imagine You would have a lot of the answers to some lingering questions in Your minds, once You have seen NEBU for Yourselves.” I wanted to ensure this wasn’t some fly-by-night affair and everything had come to fruition in my home location. There was no point in going out there to pitch the idea if I didn’t already have something for them to see.

  “That would be wonderful! Is it the one Amenhotep has been raving about, this sajira of Yours?” Lady Hatshepsut asked me.

  “Yes, Ma’am, We are quite proud of her indeed.”

  “We would be delighted. I’ll have My boi make the arrangements for our arrival right away.”

  Just like that, the conversations regarding the birth of The Temples of Deshret began. I wondered if the other leg of my travel itinerary would go this smoothly, especially considering the next person I would have to convince would not be as easy as this had been.

  Not only would I have the compound to pitch, but I also would need to broach another subject which could cause the whole plan to fall apart before it all began. Whether it would work out or not was anyone’s guess, but nothing beat a try but a failure.

  I approached Osiris when we had a chance to speak. “Sir, I might need Your assistance in a matter of the utmost importance.”

  “Talk to Me, dude, what can I help with?” Osiris asked.

  “Well, Sir, it concerns Your brother, Seti.” I broached the subject, realizing it needed to be discussed sooner rather than later. “I planned on heading to Virginia in the next couple of days, and I wanted Your counsel on how to deal with Him.”

  Osiris rubbed the back of his head. I couldn’t find a good time to bring up the subject of his brother, but I had to do something, considering I would be on the East Coast in the next forty-eight hours. “I assume there’s no one else who could head up this particular project in the area?”

  I understood his frustration, but as much as I would have loved to talk to someone else, there was no one else who had the influence and power that Seti had. His circle of friends spanned some of the more well-to-do in the DMV, or the DC/Maryland/Virginia area,

  “No, Sir, there’s no one else.” My options were limited, and I had to make him aware of that fact. As much as I wanted to use someone else, no one had as much influence in the area. “The minute He finds out You’re involved in this project, He could pull out completely. I’m sure You know from talking to Amenhotep how important it is not to have that happen.”

  Osiris clapped his hand on my shoulder, a reassuring smile spread across his face. “Well, youngster, maybe ol’ Seti might have softened up a little bit over the past decade. We still talk on occasion, as long as that subject doesn’t come up. Maybe You might be the one who might be able to work Him over and get Him back within the circle.”

  Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t…but there was only one way to find out.


  “What’s gotten into you, babe? This isn’t the man that I married. What is Sin doing to you?”

  I didn’t know what to think anymore. Ever since my husband started taking his submission and consideration period with Sinsual more seriously, I’d noticed a change in him, and it wasn’t for the better, either.

  He wasn’t as aggressive in bed as he used to be. I almost had to rape him nowadays. Hell, it’s the other part of the reason why I took the part-time phone-sex gig. He’d become meek, almost unsure of himself when he’s around any other woman except for his Mistress. I tried to figure out exactly what happened because it had really putting a strain on things.

  “Nothing’s wrong with me; I’ve actually never felt more secure with m
yself.” He basked in the afterglow of his orgasmic bliss, giving me a look like he could use a cigarette or two. I wished I could have joined in with him, but he decided the lift off without me. Unfortunately, like the last couple of months since we had gotten back from Dubai, we simply hadn’t been in sync sexually.

  “So, it’s not bothering you that you haven’t made me come in a couple of months then, huh?” I retorted. I folded my arms across my naked breasts, glaring at him while he looked at me like I had some nerve even saying something to him. I was wet as hell and ready to fuck my husband again, because he truly still turned me on, but a woman could only take so much.

  Ice finally saw the look on my face and realized I was serious, but that didn’t change his demeanor. He actually matched my incredulous look with one of his own, like I should have gotten mine while he was getting his.

  This shit wasn’t cute.

  “It never took you this long to come before,” he had the nerve to say. “I guess your orgasm control training must be having its effect on you after all.”

  Low blow, bastard…but that’s okay, two can play that game.

  “And I see Sin letting you out of your chastity belt to satisfy your wife hasn’t worked, either. Maybe I need to have Her put it back on you, since you’re not doing anything good with it.” Since he wanted to play rough, I had no choice but to hit him where it hurt. With a stone-cold freak like my husband, it meant taking his libido away, which his Domina had seemed to become adept at taking from him, except when he was commanded to fuck her…well.

  “Now that’s fucked up. I worked hard to get that damn thing removed, and now you wanna go and punish me like that?” Ice protested. I should have known bringing his Domina up would have gotten his attention. He’d been more focused on his needs more than mine as of recently. “I’ll do whatever it takes, baby.”

  He tried to get me revved up again, kissing on my neck and shoulders, which he knew always got me going, but my mind wasn’t into it, which meant my body wouldn’t betray me this time as it had done in years past whenever I was mad at him. After about five minutes of me not responding to his rushed advances, Ice finally stopped and lay on his side of the bed.


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