Witch's Canyon

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Witch's Canyon Page 16

by Jeff Mariotte

  He seemed pretty certain of his statements. And he had been at multiple scenes, which indicated a better understanding of the attackers than most people had. But they had to make sure.

  So they were standing in the woods. Tall pines blocked the morning sun, which was only now beginning to burn through the clouds. A breeze from the north carried a chill and the threat of more bad weather. Dean carried the pump-action Remington, Sam the sawed-off. Both wore sidearms as well, and had stuffed their pockets with rock salt shells and extra bullets.

  With the sawed-off tucked under his left arm, Sam held an infrared thermal scanner. He trained the double green laserlike beams this way and that, and they spiked off on separate paths into the trees. As he moved it around, he watched the device’s small screen for any indication of paranormal activity.

  “Anything?” Dean asked.

  “Nothing.” They might as well have been hunting deer, except if they had, they probably would have found something by now. As it was, Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that they were wasting time. Baird said they came out of the woods, but there were a lot of woods around here, so even if he was right, they might simply have been in the wrong spot. Then again, Baird was also ninety-one years old, and the fact that he sounded mostly coherent didn’t mean that he wasn’t suffering dementia of some kind. “Maybe there’s somewhere else we should try, Mr. Baird?” he asked. People could be dying while they froze their asses off in the forest.

  “Plenty of places, yeah, boy,” Baird said, that weird spaced-out smile he sometimes wore flashing across his face. “But one’s as good as the next. Can’t know where they’re comin’, or when, so you just have to guess. Guess and hope, that’s what it is. Guess and hope.”

  “I’m getting a little tired of hoping,” Dean said. “I want to shoot something.”

  “You’ll get your chance, young one. Believe that, yessir. You’ll get your chance, ’fore too much longer.”

  How can you be so sure, Sam wanted to ask, if you don’t know where or when they’ll show up? He had already learned that it was hard to get straight answers out of Baird most of the time, so he didn’t bother asking. Baird knew what he knew, it seemed, and didn’t worry about the rest of it. Same could be said of anyone, Sam supposed. Maybe Baird’s conviction was something like religious faith. Sam believed in a higher power, and Dean didn’t. Sam didn’t have any special knowledge that Dean lacked, hadn’t seen or heard or met God. He just felt like there had to be something more than science could describe, because so many of the things they had seen and fought also seemed to exist outside of scientific understanding. So, without Dad’s much-vaunted verification, he believed.

  As Baird seemed to believe that killing spirits would materialize in these woods.

  Sam was about to switch off the ITS device when one of the green beams flickered, becoming as jagged as a bolt of lightning for a second. The machine gave a soft beeping sound. He couldn’t see anything that would have disrupted the beam, but disrupted it was. “Dean.”

  “Gotcha,” Dean said softly. He raised his shotgun. Sam clicked off the device, shoved it into a deep coat pocket, and readied the sawed-off.

  Harmon Baird grinned like a loon.

  Where the beam had flickered, a deer stood, looking at them with its big, empty brown eyes.

  It hadn’t been there a second ago. Then it was. Then it bounded away, like a deer would.

  They followed. Sam lost it behind a tree for a second, and when he had it in sight again—

  —well, what might have been it—

  —it was a rangy coyote, shaggy coated, with ferocious looking fangs it showed when it snarled at them.

  “Shapeshifter,” Dean said.

  Baird raised his rifle to his shoulder, eyeing down its length at the coyote. “Hold on,” Dean told him. “Give it a minute.”

  Baird looked confused, but moved his finger away from the trigger.

  The coyote blinked from sight, flashed black, reappeared. Repeated the sequence. Like a TV set just before you get up off the couch and smack it one, Sam thought.

  It stared at them, still snarling, like it might lunge. All three put their fingers inside their trigger guards, ready to fire.

  Instead of attacking, it turned and sprinted away.

  The three men gave chase. Dean let out a whoop as he hurtled a bush, following the coyote’s course. Baird cackled like a madman.

  The animal went around a pine and disappeared behind an outcropping of big granite boulders, green and orange lichen coating their shadowed lower surfaces like corrosion on an old battery. Sam cut left, pushing ahead of Dean, and went behind the rocks. Up ahead he saw a flash of the coyote’s dun pelt and switching tail, cutting through the brush.

  But he didn’t see where it went, because a man reared up from the rocks and swung a downed tree limb right into his face. Sam saw flashing lights, and went down among the rocks.


  When he opened his eyes again, the light seemed way too bright. It hurt. He shut them tightly, and that hurt too. Eyes still closed, he touched his face.

  His hand came away wet, tacky with blood. He risked opening them again and saw the red on his fingers.

  “Good. You are alive,” Dean said.

  “I’m still trying to decide if that’s good or not,” Sam answered. “So far it’s a toss-up.”

  “He whacked you good,” Dean said.

  “Glad his form was so impressive,” Sam said. “Who was it?”

  “Just some guy,” Dean said. “Might have been a cowboy or a logger or something, hard to tell. He had one of those flannel shirts, suspenders, heavy beard.”

  “Yeah, well, he hits like Paul Bunyan.” Sam realized he was lying on his back, and tried to sit up against one of the granite rocks. The motion sent a wave of nausea through him. “Oh, that was a bad idea.”

  Dean helped him to a sitting position, but none too gently. “You’ll be okay. Nice goose egg on your forehead, though. It should be a good shade of purple by tomorrow.”

  Sam touched his forehead again. His hair was glued to the wound. “Glad one of us is getting some pleasure out of this, Dean. What happened to the lumberjack?”

  “I shot him,” Dean said.


  “And it happened just like the other one this morning. Splattered him all over the forest, and then he vanished. Back where he came from. I grabbed the ITS out of your pocket and scanned, but it didn’t show any activity anymore.”

  “What about that coyote?”

  “Harmon’s following it.”

  “You let him go by himself?”

  “He was doing okay before we found him. Maybe better than us. I didn’t want to leave you alone in the woods playing Rip Van Winkle, and I sure didn’t want to drag your ass around with me. You might want to look where you’re running next time.”

  “He wasn’t there, and then he…he just appeared. How long was I out?”

  “A minute, maybe two. That’s all.”

  Sam tried to push off the rock, to get his feet under him. “Help me up. We should go after him.”

  Dean hooked his hands under Sam’s arms and yanked him to his feet. “You’re right.”

  Sam swayed, unsteady. His knees wobbled and he thought he’d fall, but he managed to remain upright.

  “Wow,” Dean said with a grin. “That green face looks really good with the purple. You just might start a new trend.”

  “Which way?” Sam asked, ignoring the comment. The swat to the head had taken a lot out of him, but he didn’t want to let Baird and the coyote get too far away. If he kept standing around he might fall over again, but he thought that if he were in motion he would be able to keep going, at least he might be able to fall in a helpful direction.

  Dean pointed through the trees, back toward town.

  “Makes sense.” Sam tried walking, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t impossible. “You coming?”

  Juliet was making toast w
hen the power went off. One minute the inside of the toaster glowed, red-hot, and the familiar toast smell filled the kitchen. Then there was a click and the sudden quiet that accompanies a power failure, and all the things she didn’t ordinarily think of as making noise—the low rumble of her refrigerator, the faint hum of lightbulbs—abruptly went silent.

  The wolf, she thought. She knew it wasn’t a power line or a breaker. Down at the neighbor’s place—assuming it hadn’t targeted them as well—the power would still be on. It was just her, and the canine had done it.

  She popped the toast out manually, put it on a plate, and spread margarine over it. She already had hot water in the teapot, so the animal hadn’t completely succeeded in ruining her breakfast. And since she hadn’t eaten any dinner last night, she was famished.

  Before she dug in, though, just in case, she found a flashlight in the kitchen drawer where she kept batteries and spare bulbs and went into the laundry room. There, she opened the breaker box and scanned the switches, but they all looked fine. She tested each one in turn, wiggling it to see if it was loose. None of them had been tripped.

  So, like the phone service, the wolf had somehow cut the line from the pole into the house. She closed the box and headed back to the kitchen to get her breakfast.

  But then another thought came to her. How would a wolf cut a power line? By biting it, most likely. But if it bit through a high voltage line, it would surely electrocute itself!

  She bypassed the kitchen and went upstairs again. From the spare bedroom, the one that Ross had claimed as his home office, she believed she’d be able to see the pole. If there was a crispy canine at its base, she would dance on its corpse.

  She hadn’t gone into Ross’s office much since his death. His desk, computer, various certificates and diplomas, and even the stupid power tool calendar with photos of nubile young things in skimpy outfits, holding tools they could barely lift, still filled the room. She had donated most of his clothes except his long underwear—she kept thinking, impossibly, that if he came home he might be cold and would need his long johns—and his little bit of jewelry, some of his books, and all the magazines he’d always insisted on saving. She had taken over the dresser they once shared, and spread her things out to use up most of the closet, but left this room virtually intact.

  She crossed it now, glancing at the calendar, two years out of date (a gag gift from a stockbroker buddy—much as Ross admired young nubiles and power tools, he hadn’t been very skilled with either), and went straight to the window.

  She was correct; the pole was there, just to the right a little. By standing on her tiptoes she could see its base. And there was a heavy cable, drooping from the pole, its end—obviously torn off—lying on the ground.

  Shouldn’t it be sparking? she wondered. Isn’t that what live wires do? They spark and jump around and people have to be careful about getting near them.

  This one looked absolutely lifeless, though. A dead wire.

  Juliet didn’t know how the beast had accomplished that—not only breaking it, but somehow making sure that no charge came through the cable that could have threatened it.

  Then again, she had already decided that her persecutor was no ordinary wolf. The things it had done were far from instinctual in the animal world.

  She was turning away from the window when motion in the distance caught her attention. A light, she thought, then she realized it was the sun glinting off glass. She watched as it came into sharper focus. A windshield threw sunlight toward her.

  She opened the window just a crack and listened. Through the morning stillness she could hear the rumble of an engine, getting closer every moment.

  She shut the window quickly, locking it. This was what she’d been waiting and hoping for with every beat of her heart, every wakeful moment! Someone with an operating vehicle, coming down the long dirt driveway toward the house. She didn’t want to give the wolf a chance to hook a paw inside the open window and force it wide enough to enter. Now that salvation was near, she didn’t want to give it a chance to do anything to get in the way.

  Standing in the window, she watched as the vehicle approached. After another couple of minutes she recognized it. Howard Patrick drove a red Jeep Grand Cherokee, a couple of years old but with power everything and a smooth ride. He spent a lot of time on the road, he’d once explained to her, and liked to ride in comfort. Soon she could even see Howard through the windshield, squinting into the sun as he drove toward the house.

  When he drew inside the barbed-wire fence that defined what she and Ross had always thought of as their “yard,” Juliet turned to leave the window and go downstairs.

  But again, something drew her back. Something that was not as it should have been. At first she didn’t know what, but after a moment’s close observation, she saw it.

  It crept through the tall grass just beyond the fence. Its coat almost blended with the dry grass. The markings on it could have been shadows, but she got a glimpse of its golden eyes and its pink tongue, and she knew. The wolf watched Howard. She had to get him to drive right up in front of the door, across the grassy swath of yard where the snow still melted and Stu’s body lay.

  At least she knew the wolf wasn’t near her window. She threw it open and leaned out. “Howard!” she screamed. “Howard, up here!” She waved her arms. Inside the Jeep, she could see Howard remove the key from the ignition and start to open his door. “No!” she shrieked. “Howard, drive closer!”

  Now he saw her. He gave an awkward wave and smiled. Clearly, he couldn’t hear what she was saying, didn’t have the slightest idea what her arm signals meant. She tried again, making a come-hither motion with her hands. He pointed at her, and she nodded her head vigorously, shouting, “Yes, yes! Come closer!”

  He still couldn’t hear. He cupped his hand to his ear, then reached to lower the car window. But with the key out of the ignition, it wouldn’t go anywhere. He started to put it back. “No!” she shouted. Then she realized that he couldn’t drive forward without turning the key, so she started nodding again. “Yes! Drive up closer!”

  The animal had moved again, bellying under the lowest strand of barbed wire. It was ten feet from the Jeep now, maybe less. From his angle, Howard wouldn’t have been able to see it unless he knew it was there. But she could see it clearly now, the muscles of its shoulders and haunches moving under the sleek fur, the fangs in its partly open mouth.

  “Drive up to the door!” she screamed, and pointed to it.

  Howard followed her pointing hand. She could tell when he spotted Stu’s body because his rich dark skin turned ashen and his mouth fell open.

  Then he opened the car door and stepped out into the driveway.

  “Nooo!” Juliet cried.

  The beast struck. Faster than her eye could follow, it was here, and then it was there, with no apparent in-between. Howard saw it only at the last instant, before its bulk drove into him. He had time to let out a brief scream, and then he was down.

  Mercifully, the Jeep blocked Juliet’s view of most of the carnage. But in front, she could see limbs flopping now and again, like a puppy worrying at a rag doll, and that might have been worse.

  The wolf—she thought it was a female, but refused to acknowledge any gender, to think of it as anything more than a monster—kept Howard there for several long minutes. Juliet stayed by the window, unable to look away. Tears ran down her cheeks, snot bubbled from her nose.

  Finally, the animal emerged from behind the Jeep, its muzzle again slathered in red. It looked up at her in her window, blinked twice. She had the distinct sensation that it was just biding its time, toying with her.

  It knows exactly where I am, she thought.

  It knows…


  The sound of gunfire helped Sam and Dean find Harmon Baird. The coyote had apparently led him on a chase through the forest parallel to the town’s eastern edge, instead of right into Cedar Wells. The animal’s tracks in the hard snow had
been obliterated by the path that Harmon Baird had cut, so they knew which direction to take.

  When they heard the loud cracks of rifle shots echoing toward them, Sam and Dean glanced at each other and picked up the pace. In spite of his injury and the fact that he had sustained it by running headlong through these same woods, Sam raced alongside his brother, the sawed-off once again ready in his hands.

  A few minutes later they spotted Baird himself, prone on the forest floor behind a big fallen tree trunk. He had his rifle propped on the trunk and was sighting down its length when a shot fired from off in the distance spat tree bits all around him. He ducked, belatedly, and swore.

  Sam and Dean threw themselves down behind the tree on either side of him. Another slug chewed into the trunk. Acrid gray smoke hung in the air around them. A shaft of sunlight sliced between the pines onto the fallen log, and tendrils of steam rose where it touched down.

  “Who’s shooting at you?” Dean asked. He put his own shotgun barrel over the tree, looking for someone to aim at. Sam’s wouldn’t be much good unless whoever was shooting at them came a lot closer, but he drew the Glock semiautomatic he carried.

  “That coyote was meeting up with some others,” Baird said. “I saw an Indian and a couple of soldiers. The coyote changed into an eagle and flew around them a few times, then took off toward town. I tried to shoot it on the wing, but I missed and then those others pinned me down here.”

  Sam raised his head to see the attackers, but they must have been watching because he heard a shot and ducked just in time to miss having wood and bark chips fly into his eyes.


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